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| Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 6:31 pm
I liked this ep. So many great moments. I want Kevin and Madison together. I used to want him with Sophie but I really hope he ends up with Madison. I hope he doesnt end up with Cassidy!!!!
| Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 6:35 pm
Kooklie, I believe in the future Kevin is shown with a wedding ring and he looks happy.
| Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 6:51 pm
I want Kevin and Madison together too.
| Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 9:42 pm
I don't remember who Cassidy is.
| Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 10:02 pm
She met Nick and Kevin at an AA meeting that time when Nick threw the chair. She's a veteran, divorced with a boy (who lives with the dad because of her drinking and PTSD-like symptoms), and if I'm not mistaken she and Kevin slept together a few times.
| Wednesday, January 19, 2022 - 10:31 pm
Yes, they slept together. She hung out wth a Nicky after Keven went back to CA.
| Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 12:30 am
I didn't realize it was Cassidy. With Kevin going to build that house in PA.. and Nicky back there too, she IS likely to be around them..
| Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 8:20 pm
Thanks, Kitt!! I now remember exactly who she is. Thank you SO much. So maybe Cassidy and NICK get together, and the flight attendant Nicky flirted with is the woman Kevin loved early on. He had some gorgeous girlfriend he messed up his relationship with early in the series.
| Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 9:40 pm
she was Beth's sister, right?
| Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 9:50 pm
It seemed clear to me that the flight attendant that Nicky was flirting with is the same that showed up at the cabin. He called her by the same name.
| Thursday, January 20, 2022 - 9:52 pm
Yes, she was. Her name was Evie. The girl Kevin was with was Beth's sister, Zoe.
| Friday, January 21, 2022 - 5:06 pm
Unlike the rest of you, I found this episode irritating and boring. Where were the heartbreaking tear-inducing scenes? It was sad watching Toby and Kate fall apart, while Kevin and Madison were doing the same. Before I was a mom, I would have felt the same as you about the kids' schedules, Seamonkey, but once you have a kid in your life, you realize that missing an afternoon nap can mean a tired, cranky, crying monster of a child (totally not their fault, cause they're just tired and can't deal), who is overstressed and can no longer go to sleep. It's exhausting for everyone. The other thing I learned about schedules, though, is that once you think you have one figured out, they'll change it on you. Babies sleep when they sleep, and sometimes you just can't control it. You're just kind of along for the ride the first few months and do the best you can. I was glad Beth calmed down and came to her senses about Deja. She was right that Deja and Malik were just like she and Randall were when they first met: in love. Deja is only 16, though, and as hard as it is, there have to be some ground rules.
| Friday, January 21, 2022 - 7:42 pm
Yes, schedules change. We had naps but then my mom determined that I was not needing a nap. My younger brother definitely NEEDED a nap and that went on until he was years older than I was when I stopped. And he could be the ultimate in cranky! And later, when i was caught reading a book with a flashlight under my covers, my parents negotiated a deal that I could have half an hour to read after I went to bed but had to promise no more sneaking. That worked. On the other hand we learned to wait and eat later until my dad was home. All our friends ate earlier than we did and then some would descend upon my house where my mom provided carrot sticks to all as we watched the TV. The other moms liked the respite, I am sure. I do think if one parent breaks the schedule to spend time, hug on or whatever with their kids, the it is there job to get them back to sleep.. I see Kevin doing that. Toby, maybe., Jack, yes,
| Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 11:36 am
That must have been tough to wait for your dad to get home so late for dinner, but God bless your mom for doing that! I also remember family dinners around the table, something we don't do anymore, except on holidays. Every kid is different when it comes to napping. Mine napped until he was 3 or 4. Many of my friends' kids stopped napping much earlier. I always enjoyed the time he was sleeping to do something for myself like read, make a phone call or watch something I'd recorded. Those weren't easy days, but I miss my son being a little guy.
| Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 12:05 pm
I remember, at school we had to take naps. My mother said the teacher told her I was the only one who fell asleep. I thought that is what we were supposed to do.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 1:33 pm
That’s funny Dogdoc! I think that scheduling for children is important but it’s also important to be flexible when special occasions merit it. Thinking back on my own childhood and my DD’s childhood, some of the most special times that we remember with great fondness were the times when we did something different and unscheduled. Nights staying up late to do something with Dad when he’d been away (or seeing Mom when she’d been away). Those are memories that last forever and can’t be replaced. For example, on This is Us, even the trauma of whatever happened with the smoker, didn’t permanently scar Jack in an emotional sense in that he still has the smoker and apparently regards it with great fondness and humour. So while I empathize with Kate, I think she isn’t appreciating how important and special unscheduled “disruptive” things can be.
| Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 4:48 pm
So far I am liking the season. I agree with post above about young Jack's scar having something to do with the smoker but it seemed like it was some significant event in Jack's life rather than a simple accident. Regarding schedules, I remember when my son was two and he was in day care, we were flying to Dublin that night. I told them that under penalty of death that child was not to sleep. I picked him up early, 2:30, went to the airport and did everything in my power to keep that kid awake till our 9pm flight. As soon as that kid hit the seat, he fell asleep. He slept through a layover in Shannon and woke up in Dublin 8:00 am dublin time. No jet lag, the only problem on the trip is that he would not drink the rich milk and I had to go 5 miles every day to find chicken mcnuggets at the only McDonalds in Dublin.
| Saturday, January 22, 2022 - 8:34 pm
I think when my brother was napping, mom probably "relaxed" by ironing, maybe with the tv on. That was a quiet task and when she got an ironing board that could be different heights I remember when her mother visited that she was super impressed that she could sit and iron, so she would claim that job. We never napped at school. I was at the front of the baby boom and our kindergarten was stuffed with all of us, including the Catholic kids, because St Mary did not have kindergarten classes. So we went half day. And we still went half days in first grade because of overcrowding. I would never have been able to sleep at school. Late dinners weren't THAT late and we had breakfast with the whole family and lunch with mom (sometimes at school in later elementary grades). And we had those carrots too. My mom wasn't so flexible as dad was.. like if we had a new car and he wanted to take us for a ride after dinner, she wouldn't leave until the dishes were done, stuff like that. We did get new cars yearly, as he worked for Ford in Detroit and a subsidary of Ford in Newport Beach (CA) and Ford wanted those new models out on the road so they made it more economical to sell last year's car and get a new one, or turn in last year's lease. One year we had a TBird and liked it so much we kept it an extra year. But it was still exciting and merited a test ride.. after dishes were done, though.
| Sunday, January 23, 2022 - 12:14 pm
I remember being in kindergarten (over 60 years ago now!) and having to take naps. The teacher would close the curtains and play soft music, while I'd lie on my little mat, wide awake. I never went to sleep. They don't do that anymore. When my son was in kinder, they were busy, busy, busy from the time they arrived till it was time to go home. He was often exhausted by the time he got home in the afternoon.
| Sunday, January 23, 2022 - 2:20 pm
I was in the first year of the Baby Boom too. Had to bring a rug to kindergarten for napping. Don't think I slept. No napping in years after. Lived only half block from my grade school.
| Sunday, January 23, 2022 - 2:35 pm
I slept during kindergarten naps and I still love an afternoon nap 
| Sunday, January 23, 2022 - 3:02 pm
With only half a day we just did kindergarteny things and then were home for the other half of the day, so plenty of time to nap at home if that was needed (for me, no.. for my brother, pretty sure he was still napping when he was in kindergarten). I started Kindergarten in February and turned 5 in April of that year. Detroit was booming at that time and I guess our school was bursting too. I know they had to add temporary buildings to accomodate everyone. That main building is still standing, but I think now it houses adult school of some sort, I learned from Google street view. Detroit is not booming now, unfortunately.
| Monday, January 24, 2022 - 3:26 pm
I am not terribly interested in an episode with Jack going to his mother's funeral. Although I often like back stories, I want This Is Us to move forward with the few remaining episodes. I am far more interested in what happens to Kevin and even Randall and Kate who have really been annoying. I want to more know about their kids as they grow up, (except Deja who has sucked the life out of the show), besides the little tidbits we see in the season finales of the previous years. These tidbits seem to appear only to whet our appetites and then have nothing on the table. Feed us! Leave Jack dead and gone, let us see Rebecca have a peaceful end how life goes on for the Pearson clan.
| Monday, January 24, 2022 - 3:32 pm
I don't mind Jack stories relevant to what we've seen, but I don't remember Jack's mother or her death being an important part of anything we know about their past. Seems a bit of a time waster. And it will probably be sad, and not in a good way.
Board Administrator
| Monday, January 24, 2022 - 4:02 pm
Jack's mother has always been a very peripheral character, mostly serving as a foil to demonstrate how miserable Jack's father became sometime after Nicky was born. So it is almost like they are introducing a new character at this point and similar to what Sugar said, I'd rather they show us more about what happens in the present and future than in the past. That said, if they don't spend a huge amount of time on it and can tie it into present day and future circumstances then it provides a nice balance between the past, present and future. That is all part of what has made this an excellent, original show. I'm starting to see the fan reaction to this series as similar to How I Met Your Mother, where by the later seasons, the fans were done with all the backstory and just wanted to meet the Mother! Similarly, fans of This is Us want to see it play out.