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| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 3:00 pm
Jimmer, I still love this show but just like in life people piss me off but I still like them I was pissed at her because she didnt convey any appreciation to what Kevin was giving up to be with her. Honestly, other than moral support what can he do? Like they said the birth isnt the most important day in the child's life. and being there for her that day isnt as important as being there for her and supporting her and the kids their entire life.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 3:17 pm
Well I suspect/know that giving birth is extremely stressful, scary and momentous for many women and they really appreciate their partner's support. So I have a lot of empathy for her feeling alone and wanting him to be with her. Also, she had no one else there (no parent, no friend). I was very impressed with how calm and reasonable she was, given the circumstances. That's also why I thought it was so special for Randall to call her and talk to her like he was doing. LOL anyway I'm glad you're still liking the show. 
Board Administrator
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 3:27 pm
I'll add that Kevin has become such a great person. He's trying so hard to do the positive things his Dad did (putting his family first) and this episode showed more examples of how wonderful he is to people in general and to his fans. Imagine being rescued by a famous celebrity who drives you to the hospital!
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 6:04 pm
I guess I don’t get the “I was pissed at her because she didnt convey any appreciation to what Kevin was giving up to be with her”. She is IN LABOR..early and unsure...and alone. I actually felt she did feel all the love and appreciation for Kevin coming - why does she have to vocally say that in the midst of having twins? I was alone when giving birth, except for my mom who I was more worried about for her health then her being with me. A friend came the next morning and while I genuinely appreciated and loved that, I had no energy or bandwidth to say that in the moment. I understand not everyone likes Madison, but give her a break in this instance...the risk of something going wrong is always there even if the doctor says it’s ok.
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 6:55 pm
you all are making me feel guilty. Now if she dies in childbirth I will really feel shitty
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 6:58 pm
Jimmer, I also feel Kevin always tries to please people. He wants to make people like him. Randall strives to be the best and Kevin strives to be liked. I also loved that Randall and Beth stayed on the phone with her.
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 7:08 pm
(((( Pamy )))) Madison will be okay so you won't be feeling shi**y.
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 8:38 pm
ahhhh Eggie xoxoxoxoo love ya!
| Thursday, February 11, 2021 - 11:02 pm
(((({Pamy, she won't die}}}}, and if she does, it won't be your fault. So I watched the episode last night and thought about it today, and I felt a bit cheated, before coming here and reading others' comments. But I suppose it was the best they could give us, since it was produced during the PANDEMIC. There were no BIG scenes. It was a lot of small scenes pasted together - Kevin by himself receiving and making phone calls, Kevin talking to the producer, and the producer replying, but not necessarily both of them in the same shot. Madison in the hospital on the phone. Lots of phone calls. Come to think of it, perhaps not even Randall and Bethany in the same shot together in the car? I bet somebody online has already analyzed this aspect of it.
| Friday, February 12, 2021 - 4:26 am
Brilliant point, Juju2bigdog. I have been keeping a keen eye on all the shows that were developed post-pandemic and I have noticed a lot of them include people talking to each other, but in separate shots. What I appreciated about this last episode was that they represented Canada well. There was no way that people would be talking to each other without masks on. I'm not surprised that the producer was masked and when he came closer to Kevin he flipped up his face shield. I was impressed with that shot!
| Friday, February 12, 2021 - 4:48 am
Sure, we know Jack’s back story with his dad. And we know how it influenced his parenting style, but young Kevin didn’t. I think the point of Jack opening to Kevin was it gave young Kevin some insight into why his dad acts they way he does.
| Friday, February 12, 2021 - 2:05 pm
I haven't read through this whole thread yet, but I just have to add that when I was in the hospital to have my son, I hadn't even started real labor yet, but my water had broken so there I was. They hooked me up to petocin, and I told my hubby and my mom, "Go get some lunch. This is going to take a while." So off they went. I thought they would go downstairs to the cafeteria, but it was closed, so they went to the Applebee's across town. Meanwhile I started having really bad pains and the baby's heartbeat was dropping during the contractions, so they were starting to talk about a C-section. My mom and hubby were gone to lunch for 2 hours and I couldn't reach them on my cell (bad service in the town where we lived 20 years ago). By the time they got back I was in tears and very upset that they'd been off having a good time, while I was dealing with all the new developments alone. I totally understood what Madison was going through. She wanted Kevin there with her. Even though the babies will not remember the birth, Madison definitely will and it's massively important for Kevin to be there with her. And I loved that Randall and Beth stayed on the phone with her. They understood what she was going through and didn't want her to feel alone. ❤
| Friday, February 12, 2021 - 7:50 pm
on FB someone wrote another big 3 born on the same day and 1 is adopted. I thought that was cool
| Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 5:35 am
Nice show tonight. All good things, no bad. Loved how they intertwined the tech guy’s story into the overall story. Clearly, they wanted the world to understand what went into our ability to communicate these days. Thought it was nicely done.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 8:04 am
I thought it was a wonderful episode. I kept waiting for something bad to happen. Plot twist! Everything was good! I liked the part about the tech guy as well. Nice to see someone like that getting recognition for something that has made so many people happy (and made COVID bearable). I’ll probably watch this one again and enjoy it as much again a second time knowing it’s all good. 
| Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 10:12 am
Happy tears all around.
| Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 7:56 pm
glad she survived! I kept thinking the storyline was about Miguel's parents. Very nice tribute to the man that has connected us all
| Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 12:11 am
I thought that too, I spent most of the show trying to remember Miguel's last name to see if it was Indian. They said the Nasir Ahmed's storyline was from 1963, so one thing I would have liked is if they'd fitted in some sort of back story for the Pearsons for the same time. I guess Jack would have been about 10?? We've seen stories from about that time and it would have been nice to put the time frame more in context.
| Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 4:08 am
It was great to give it that spin. One thing for sure...the writers always surprise us!
| Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 6:33 am
I thought writing Nasir Ahmed and his girlfriend / wife into the storyline was a waste of screen time. Should have been used on anything Pearson related. It was odd and unnecessary. Keep the documentary info at the end.
| Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 9:12 am
I enjoyed the entire ep. No stress, no anxiety. And a clever tribute to the techy genius and his wife.
| Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 2:20 pm
I loved the inclusion of Nasir Ahmed in the episode, even though, like the rest of you, I was desperately searching my brain the whole episode for who he could be. I thought it was so cool that he invented the tech that led to Facetime and Zoom and the other programs that are such a big part of our lives right now. It gave me goosebumps. I went to tell hubby about it right after I watched it, and I got emotional about it (isn't that what "This is Us" is supposed to do??). I started getting teary trying to tell him about the guy who invented Facetime. Very cool! I'm also surprised everything was good this episode. I nearly burst into tears when Kevin opened the door in the hospital (can you tell I'm a cryer?). Everybody came out in one piece and all are happy. I'm worried now that they're saving up all the good will to whammy us in the next episode!
| Thursday, February 18, 2021 - 10:54 pm
Babyjax, same.
| Friday, February 19, 2021 - 9:06 am
Forgot to add in my post above, that during this ep DH wandered into the livingroom on his way to the kitchen, saw me sobbing my guts out, and was very concerned. I said between sniffles, "I'm okay, I'm just watching This Is Us." At which point he rolled his eyes, chuckled and said, "Of course!" Which I have to admit cracked me up. (He knows it's my weekly 'weepy'.)
| Friday, February 19, 2021 - 2:02 pm
Mameblanche, reminds me of when I lived at home with my mom and dad (many, many years ago). I was in the living room watching "Love Story" on TV, and my parents had gone to bed. My mom came out to the kitchen to get something, saw me sobbing on the couch and said, "Are you enjoying yourself?" She knew me. I miss her. 😥