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| Monday, April 06, 2020 - 9:00 am
William is so cool.... you will love him.
| Monday, April 06, 2020 - 6:34 pm
I agree with Color, Juju must experience this as we did... Juju, I will only say that the first 2 seasons are superior to the last 2, imo
| Monday, April 06, 2020 - 7:27 pm
Not to worry, kids. Everything Seamonkey said was in episode one, including William. Tonight I found out where William disappears to on the bus all day, don't know what the resolution will be. William this morning took over having the youngest daughter use her inhaler.
| Monday, April 06, 2020 - 7:44 pm
ahhhh those were great eps!
| Monday, April 06, 2020 - 10:53 pm
They were! Color, I was trying to be careful.. I went back in archives. Juju, keep posting.. We are reliving this with you.
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, April 07, 2020 - 9:11 am
Great episodes. And like I said, it's great fun to look in the archives of this thread and see the initial reactions and posts that people made about the show here. Here's an example: quote:Sanfranjoshfan Member 09-17-2000 Saturday, September 24, 2016 - 3:52 pm I started wondering what was up when I saw Walter Cronkite on the news in the hospital waiting room. Texannie Member 07-15-2001 Saturday, September 24, 2016 - 4:49 pm Totally missed that too! What a great concept. I can't wait to see where this goes. Jasper Moderator 09-14-2000 Saturday, September 24, 2016 - 9:30 pm As soon as the fireman said he found a baby I thought aha! Then out came the cigarette and the pan out. I noted Kate talking about the lemon story to Kevin as well tying the Doctor's story in. I really enjoyed it and thought the actress who played Kate was pretty brave to put it all out there like that. Seamonkey Moderator 09-07-2000 Saturday, September 24, 2016 - 10:17 pm People smoking inside a hospital was a clue, too. I just finally watched this tonight. Well the brother and sister are the twins from the triplets.. so they were raised with the successful guy who was left at the fire station and adopted by the parents of the twins who were originally triplets. OK.. let me read the thread and see what else.. But I liked it. A keeper for me. Seamonkey Moderator 09-07-2000 Saturday, September 24, 2016 - 10:23 pm I missed Walter Cronkite. Heck, from previews I was terrified that the mom of the triplets died so I was relieved.
| Tuesday, April 07, 2020 - 10:52 am
ahhh makes me want to start watching from the beginning all over again
| Tuesday, April 07, 2020 - 6:07 pm
Me too, sort of..
| Tuesday, April 07, 2020 - 10:58 pm
Okay, I watched season 1, I think episodes 3 and 4 today. Let's see - we saw a scene where babies went home from hospital, and Rebecca saw a very thin black man watching her from across the street, and then he got on a bus. Jack took the triplets to the doctor, same wise man who delivered and gave Jack advice. Doc said all three are fine and told Jack to go take a nap while he would watch the babies sleep. Rebecca not bonding with baby #3. While Jack is at doctor with babies, Rebecca goes hunting for thin black man, asks a bus driver, who says that must be Shakespeare, and she goes to his apartment, says he has to assure her he will never try to take his baby back, he says okay, she says she is having a hard time bonding with baby, he says give him his own name, which she later does, with Jack's assent. Kids 8 years old, they go to pool, Kevin almost drowns while parents concentrating on other kids, black mother gives Rebecca advice on her black son, which Bec first bristles at, then goes back and asks for more advice. Kate and Kevin are inseparable twins, but decide to separate for both of their good. Toby and Kate have sex, she sings in shower, he has her perform singing performance at Aunt Dolly's nursing home. Rebecca and Miguel show up announced at Randall and Beth's house, youngest daughter blurts out Dad's work friend is living with them, Randall tells Mommy it is his bio father, and he is upstairs, Rebecca wants to meet him, does, then sends Randall out of room, Rebecca tells William she thought they had an agreement. Damn, this is a lot of stuff. Kevin actually goes to NY, separating from sister Kate, totally bombs the try-out, gonna have to go back to L.A. as a failure, then gets the word the producers think "The Manny" might bring in some revenue, so he got the part, LOL. There's probably some more, but I have to gear up to remember tomorrow is Survivor. True confession: I have never, ever binge-watched a past show in my entire life, and by that, I mean watching a whole TWO episodes in ONE day, EXCEPT for Survivor or Amazing Race when I was out of the country. This quarantine thing is going to be the end of me. Juju out.
| Wednesday, April 08, 2020 - 12:36 am
This is Us is bingeworthy.
| Wednesday, April 08, 2020 - 8:11 am
Yeah Sea, it might be a good thing to do and catch up with everything I may have missed the first time around.
| Wednesday, April 08, 2020 - 9:32 am
Or forgotten, cause I'm old.
| Wednesday, April 08, 2020 - 5:59 pm
Juju, ty for that walk down memory lane 
| Wednesday, April 08, 2020 - 9:03 pm
Tonight, whatever episode we are on in season 1. A married couple goes to a hotel for a wild night while a couple relatives staying in their house babysit their children. The babysitters have never had children, so they wing it. It goes a bit sideways, but not too bad. Meanwhile at the hotel the husband is thrilled silly at being alone with his wife in a luxury hotel suite and plans on all the things they are going to do while alone, but the wife says she has not been feeling well, and might actually be pregnant. And then at the end the young actor relative bad babysitter tries to make up with the kids and shares with them that he paints whenever he gets a new role to try to help himself figure things out and what he is also trying to make up for is scaring the kids about the inevitably of people you love dying. So he shows the kids this beautiful but very complicated abstract painting he has done and explains his theory that this painting is about life and everybody's place in it, and the kids and the television audience understand what he is saying is that This. Is. Us. This Is Us. Oh, damn. Oh, and husband and wife in hotel go to drugstore and get pregnancy test and sit together on the bathroom floor of the luxury hotel to wait for the results. And Kate tells Toby that she has to always watch the Sunday foot ball game alone by herself, but he wants to be with her, so he invites her over to his place to watch the big game, and she goes, and Toby has a friend there who knows football to watch the game with her while he fixes low cal food. But then the guys talk too much, and Toby PAUSES the live action game, and Kate goes home. Toby comes over later to apologize, and Kate tells him that she always has to watch the football game with her Dad, which means she is really not watching by herself on Sundays. And then Toby says he'd like to meet Dad, and Kate takes an urn off the mantel. And Sundays thereafter, Kate and Toby and her Dad Jack all watch the football game together, with Jack wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers hat on his urn. This shit is heavy.
| Wednesday, April 08, 2020 - 11:28 pm
I think it is specifically Super Bowl Sunday..
| Thursday, April 09, 2020 - 7:13 am
Thank you Juju. That brings up a lot I forgot about. I like the show because they are in MY Pittsburgh in the earlier shows.
| Thursday, April 09, 2020 - 6:16 pm
LOL husband and wife at the hotel....Randall and are watching so fast that you havent absorbed all the names LOL I was same way on Game of Thrones, I didnt know most of their names for a year
| Thursday, April 09, 2020 - 8:23 pm
No, I actually DO know ALL of the names, just thought you never know when somebody around here is going to blow up over something getting spoiled (even a three year old show), but more likely everybody reading here will know EXACTLY who I am talking about without using names, so I tried that.
| Thursday, April 09, 2020 - 9:43 pm
Watched two episodes of Season 1 tonight. Nothing real heavy tonight, Kevin and Randall ended up having to go to dinner, just the two of them, as their mother cancelled. The sibling rivalry came to a head, and they left the restaurant fighting and ended up rolling around fighting in the street with a crowd gathering around them. Seth Meyers was in the crowd, and Kevin told him not to worry, he was not in trouble, this guy is his brother. And Randall said Hi, Seth Meyers. LOL. Beth and William make and eat some marijuana brownies in the basement while Kevin and Randall are out for dinner. Both get high, and William lets slip that he had a deal with Rebecca. Beth goes ballistic but doesn't tell Randall, does leave an urgent message for Rebecca to call her. Toby and Kate have a few eating skirmishes.
| Friday, April 10, 2020 - 1:21 am
I like William.
| Friday, April 10, 2020 - 5:55 am
LOL Juju I loved that scene with William and Beth!
| Friday, April 10, 2020 - 1:59 pm
I also loved that scene.
Board Administrator
| Friday, April 10, 2020 - 2:08 pm
That was such a great moment. William is such a wonderful, funny, delightful, complex character.
| Friday, April 10, 2020 - 7:47 pm
I watched two more episodes tonight. 36 year old Randall is having the family over for Thanksgiving, and he is SO excited. This is the morning after Beth and William got high, during which time they also moved Kevin's bedroom out of Beth's office and into the basement, and then William made the slip-up about knowing Rebecca. We have a flashback to when the kids are 8 and the family is going to Rebecca's parents' house for Thanksgiving, and all three kids confess that they hate it, and Randall tells his mom he hates how her voice gets all high and screechy every time they go there, and she acts mean. And all three kids said when they grow up, they will not have Thanksgiving. And then the family finally gets going, and the car blows a tire, and they get stranded in the middle of nowhere, and there are no tow trucks, so walk 3.4 miles to the nearest gas station and end up spending the night in the nearby Pioneer Lodge, whose proprietor is Pilgrim Rick. And all the gas station has for food is hot dogs, saltines, and single-wrapped cheese slices, so they buy that. And they have a wonderful night making the best of things in that sorry hotel room, and that became their tradition for the rest of their lives. And then back to Thanksgiving at Randall's house, and Kevin brings Olivia, Kate is flying in, Miguel and Rebecca are arriving, William is there. The entire family goes for a 3.4 mile hike, and then they are going to watch Police Academy 3, and afterward eat hot dogs with melted cheese and crushed saltines. Randall drives two hours to William's apartment to find the tapes he and his friends from N.A. made on their Thanksgivings together. While there, Randall finds a letter in his mother's handwriting enclosing a photo of 8 year old Randall. Randall's world explodes. The next day Kevin, Kate, and Randall all go to the family's cabin for the last time, and Randall wigs out on a mushroom smoothie brought along by Olivia and her two friends who sort of crashed the party. Randall and his dead father have a long interchange about parents and sons and loving.
| Friday, April 10, 2020 - 8:12 pm
aaahhh I forgot how heart wrenching it was when he finds out