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| Wednesday, April 03, 2019 - 11:23 am
I thought Kevin's son was played by the same kid who plays young Kevin on the show..he was on earlier in the show going to the hospital after Rebecca's accident. It was a quick shot so I wasn't sure..By the way I got a kick out of "young Kevin" hitting on the nurse, lol. He started early!
| Wednesday, April 03, 2019 - 1:54 pm
Agreed, Kevin's son was very much like 'younger' Kevin... making it clear, without saying it, that this was Kevin's son.
| Wednesday, April 03, 2019 - 2:11 pm
also made it clear that son doesnt have Zoe for a mom.
| Wednesday, April 03, 2019 - 6:16 pm
Wow. I'm so disappointed that that was the season finale! So many questions! At least Randall and Beth seem to be back together. And Jack grew up! Yay!!! I think Rebecca has some form of dementia. She seemed to be exhibiting signs of it in the hospital with baby Jack. Side note: my son's name is Jack. We always called him Baby Jack when he was a baby. Now he's 18, but he's still my baby.  
| Wednesday, April 03, 2019 - 8:35 pm
They did say it was Kevin's son, I think. And yes, Pamy, very clear that when Zoe left, she left and did not have kids with Kevin. I think it was a different young actor.
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 5:29 am
It was a different young actor after all. I checked IMDB. Parker Bates plays young Kevin, and Preston Oliver plays Kevin's future son. They look similar though..
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 8:30 am
Sea, I meant that Zoe wasnt the mom of Kevin's son because he clearly didnt look mixed. I still was hoping she would go back to him in the future but maybe he gets back with his xwife, which is ok with me too. I like him with both women
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 9:16 am
I think he had his kid with his first love... can't remember her name.
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 9:37 am
Sophie I couldnt remember her name either and it just came to me now
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 1:07 pm
I knew what you meant Pamy.. And yes, it could be Sophie..
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 1:21 pm
Great show that did what I thought was impossible. It got me to like them all again. I’m confused though about the future scenes and I’ll probably rewatch it. Why do so many people think little Jack is Kevin’s son and not Kate and Toby’s son (who could easily look like his Uncle and was actually named Jack)? Did they actually say he’s Kevin’s son?
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 1:31 pm
Because when Toby came in he said the Jack was on his way.
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 1:43 pm
Jimmer, I saved it to rewatch, but my impression was that the kid we saw was Kevin's and not named Jack. Toby did say Jack, his son, was coming. We didn't see Kate. The first link I posted is with Mandy Moore, and is quite interesting.
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 1:51 pm
Oh so little Jack (who looks like Kevin) is already there when Toby announces that “Jack” is coming. So there are two Jacks. (LOL that’ll make family conversations confusing.) Thanks! I’m definitely going to watch this again!
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 2:10 pm
Oh another thing I read people observed (who obviously have better observation skills than me or who rewatch a lot ) is future Kevin has a number of awards displayed (possibly Oscars or Emmy’s). Some people (who again have a much better imagination than me ) are speculating they may actually belong to his wife and he may have ended up marrying either his actor or director friend from the first season.
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 2:56 pm
Jimmer, nobody said the boy who appears to be Kevin's son is named Jack. Some were just speculating that perhaps Kevin had raised Jack if Kate had passed away because of Toby's depression, but that clearly is not the case because Toby said something like, "I talked to Jack and they're on the way." We don't know who "they" is. Could be Kate or could be Jack's wife maybe? Remains to be seen.
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 3:20 pm
Oh was I ever confused!!! That's what I get for watching a show when I've had 3.5 hours sleep the night before. 
| Thursday, April 04, 2019 - 4:41 pm
When Toby said "they're on their way", I was thinking it was Jack and Kate. At least, that is what I hoped. I was trying to figure out how old Jack would be in the last scene. Kevin's son looked about 11, and say there were a few years between when Kevin and Zoe broke up and when Kevin had his son. Also, Randall's daughter looks like she might be in her mid to late 20's. Rebecca looked like she was in her 80's. So, I'm thinking Jack might be between 18-20.
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 7:25 am
I think this will have to be a do-over watching.
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 10:02 am
u/Kalioelle at Reddit scripted the final scene. I thought I would bring it over. Future Tess and Future Randall walk into a house. Beth is already standing in the kitchen. Tess: Hi Mom Beth: Hey you Beth and Tess hug Tess while walking away from the hug: Ooo coffee Randall to Beth: Hey baby Randall and Beth kiss and hug. Beth has her wedding ring on. Beth: You okay? Randall nods his head yes Beth: You want coffee? Beth and Randall walk in the kitchen. The scene transitions to Randall's family packing to move, Kevin and Zoey packing the apartment up, Kate and Toby putting Jack Jr in a car seat, Rebecca and Miguel greeting Kate, Toby, and Jack Jr at their apartment. Back to the future: Randall opens the door and let's Toby in the house. Toby: Man, Kevin's house is huge. Thanks for calling. (Toby and Randall hug) I got the uh, sidewalk chalk. I just talked to Jack, and they're on their way. Randall: I'm glad you decided to come. Toby: Of course Randall: Come on in Scene transitions to present day Kate and Toby holding Jack Jr in his room, Zoey leaving Kevin's apartment with a suitcase and Kevin closing the door. Back to the future: Little Kevin walks by the kitchen on his cell phone heading to a different room Randall: Good to see you too, bud. Little Kevin: Oh, uh, hey Uncle Randall. Randall: Thank you. Hey, where's your dad? Little Kevin: He went to go get takeout, he didn't realize we didn't have any food. Randall to Beth: Classic Kevin Scene transitions to present Kevin walking into Kate and Toby's apartment telling them he's staying there indefinitely. Back to the future: Randall to Toby, Beth, and Tess: Alright, I'm going to go say hi. Where is...? Beth: He's already in there Scene transitions from future Randall and past Randall walking into Rebecca's room at Kevin's house/Rebecca's hospital room after the accident. Past Randall in Rebecca's hospital room: Hi Mom Future Randall in Rebecca's room at Kevin's house: It's Randall, your son, Randall. Rebecca fidgets with her hands in what looks like a hospital bed, she looks so much more older and weaker. The scene transitions to the past where the rest of the kids and Jack walk into Rebecca's hospital room. Back to the future: Randall looks over at a male figure, the camera pans over and it's Nicky. Randall: Hey Nicky Nicky: Hello Camera pans over from Nicky to Randall, and back over to Rebecca staring at Randall.
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 10:17 am
Wow! Thank you Rhoadarobin. I cannot remember who Nicky is.
Board Administrator
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 10:29 am
Jack's brother?
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 10:58 am
Yes, Jack's brother that Kevin found out about during search about his father's time in Vietnam. Last we saw of him, he was an alcoholic living in a trailer in PA.
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 11:03 am
Great script. I rewatched the show again as well. It’s full of interesting tidbits about their future. The main curiosities to me are: What’s the sidewalk chalk for? Seems too random not to have some significance. Why was it a “decision” for Toby to come? Where are Kate and Miguel? I guess Kate could be arriving with Jack (as part of the “they're on their way” comment). Why was Nicky “already in there” with Rebecca? Who is Kevin’s wife and where is she? Anyway, it was a great season finale.
| Friday, April 05, 2019 - 11:34 am
I just hope I can keep all of this in my brain until next season! I suspect the reason Miguel wasn't there is that he's already passed away. I like that Nicky was there and that he's become a part of the family. 