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| Friday, November 10, 2017 - 12:05 pm
Yes, Dogdoc, that was a good sign. Dayja's mom is in a bad situation. She's made some bad choices, but that doesn't make her a bad person. She loves her girl and wants to be able to take care of her. I don't see this ending in adoption for Randall and Beth, unless the writers decide to kill off Dayja's mom.
| Friday, November 10, 2017 - 2:54 pm
I wonder if Randall will foster the deaf child/children. I can't remember if there was one or two.
| Saturday, November 11, 2017 - 6:34 pm
SanFran, you are right. when i rewatched i got more of a sense they see she needs to be with her mom. weird how i didnt get tht the first time watching
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 6:48 am
Gut-wrenching last night.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 12:56 pm
I just watched. It was dramatic the whole way through. It looks like next will be sad too.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 1:47 pm

| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 4:00 pm
I fell for their misdirection again. The high school girl goes out to the football field to pick up Kevin to party. The next scene he is waking up in bed with a companion. I actually said "Kevin,no!" Then it turns out it was his female classmate from the reunion.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 4:48 pm
Me, too! I thought Kevin was going to jail for being a pedophile!!! Glad they didn't go that way. It was bad enough as it was. So sad that he lost his dad's medallion, though.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 5:35 pm
She lives near them, so perhaps she will find it and reach out. Or he could call round when he's in a better state. Call me a sucker, but I'd have let him in to look for his chain.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 5:40 pm
To me, the last scene probably explained Kevin more than anything else. He went to Randall for help... before being able to ask Randall for help, he learned that Kate lost her baby. I often have wondered if Kevin got lost in the mix between Kate and Randall as they were growing up. The mother clearly favored Randall, while the dad favored Kate. Kevin got love, but, I think he saw that he was really #3 of the big 3, not #1. The dad tried to reassure him, but I don't think it really sunk in with Kevin. On the other side, Kevin was able to see his father 'warts and all' while he was struggling with not drinking. I believe that dad hid it well from everyone. Kevin, being very observant, was able to stand back and see his dad at a low point and just let him be. For me, I had a hard time watching the episode, but this is the first time we've seen some depth to Kevin's character.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 5:52 pm
Yeah I agree. I think they over(under?)compensated because on paper he seemed to have everything - nice looking, football player, oldest - and didn't want to favour him when he was already so favoured. But then it all came tumbling down and they didn't see how lost he was. Or did, but by that time in life he'd become too distant.
| Wednesday, November 15, 2017 - 7:54 pm
just when i had stopped crying and was able to breathe they sucker punched me with that big reveal at the end!! I agree Kev has always been seeking the attn the other 2 got. he got that being a FB star but still not the same as getting it from his parents Kate even upstaged him unknowingly by having a worse tragedy than what he was going to reveal to Randall
| Thursday, November 16, 2017 - 10:50 am
I totally knew something was going on with Kate when she kept trying to call Kevin and he kept refusing her calls. Then Toby called him. That was a big sign that something was happening. I was not surprised. Kate's body is not healthy. The fact that she was able to get pregnant at all was a miracle. And it's not uncommon for women to miscarry early in a pregnancy. It happens all the time, and it's heartbreaking. These days we're able to determine a pregnancy so much earlier--as early as a day or two past a missed period, when in the old days you had to miss two periods before a doctor would even test you! The actor they have playing Kevin as a teen is so well cast! He even sounds like adult Kevin and has his mannerisms. Kitt, I'm with you about the necklace. I would have glanced around the room and thrown it out the window at him, rather than let him in to look for it. Or maybe mailed it back to him when I found it. It was a family memento that meant a lot to him.
| Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 9:02 pm
Did you have your tissues ready? So sorry for Kate and Toby.
| Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 9:57 pm
Not the tearjerker for me this week like last. Kate is so heavy -- not surprising to miscarry. Not suppose to say this? If there's no fat suit involved, Chrissie is just plain obese. She is huge. That is not healthy.
| Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - 4:36 pm
I've seen her on awards shows. She is a "big girl." I hope she's trying to lose weight for her own health, but I know it's hard. The girl who plays Kate as a teenager is really pretty. And I'm so glad their mom (what is her character name?!) showed up at Kate's door. Just talking to my mom on the phone if I was sad about something was always enough to make me cry. That unconditional mom love just brings all the emotions to the surface. My mom is 94 now and has dementia. She lives in a memory care facility and is not "there" anymore. She's still alive, but I miss my mom. 
| Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 9:33 am
Unfortunately for me my mom was only really there for me with genuine affection once she developed dementia. Prior to that we had a toxic, combative relationship. But once she got dementia and I was in the parenting role things finally turned around due to her childlike state of mind. Essentially the genuine affection and feeling of solid security was finally there but it was from me to her. It never really existed the other way around in any genuine meaningful way from her while I was growing up. Which is why this show just shreds me and I shed buckets and buckets of Tears with each episode. That toxic relationship was the real reason I was afraid to have kids because I didn't want to repeat that dynamic. Sadly I realized after parenting my mother during her dementia being her advocate etc etc thought I would have been an incredible Mom very loving very protective and some kid lost out on that. Oh well...
| Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 10:35 am
| Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 10:57 am
Sometimes I try to figure out relationship with my mother. It was not bad. It wasn't a "close" relationship. I think her mother being very domineering had something to do with it. I was an only child. My parents were 39 and 40 when.... I often wonder what it would have been like to have a mother who was only app. 25 when....
| Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 11:19 am
Babyjaxmom, I read your above post with a kinship and sense of aligning with your feelings regarding "she's still alive, but I miss her". Our family recently lost our 92 y/o mother from dementia but like you, the reality is, we lost her about 8 years ago. So sad, so hurtful. Mame, your post touched my heart and I send you a great big hug ((((Mame)))). Color, thanks for sharing. I think your mother did the best that she could do given her own upbringing. I hope more than anything that you felt loved by your parents. In watching this recent episode, I found myself crying though a lot of it due to the fact that my only daughter is about the same age as "Kate" and she's had 4 miscarriages after her first trimester...she always was able to hear all her baby's heartbeats which made all the miscarriages so tough on her. She calls them her Rainbow Babies. I'm pretty sure she will be adopting in the next year or two, so she'll be about 38 years old as a first time mother. She has so much love and guidance to give that her child or children will be so fortunate to have her has a mother.
| Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 5:44 pm
Yes, but.... Growing up I did not see what a marriage / husband & wife relationship should be. I would say I got "screwed" because of that. I heard / read bits and pieces about my parents after they met in college in the later '20s and through the years before they were married in '40. They might have divorced, but that was something that just was not done in my extended families. In the past few years have guessed my father may have had an affair. I could be way off base. The woman who is still alive. I'll never know.
| Friday, November 24, 2017 - 4:23 pm
Just started watching this show! So far I’m only n season 1 episode 4.
| Friday, November 24, 2017 - 9:35 pm
Enjoy, Missy!!
| Sunday, November 26, 2017 - 5:47 am
Thank you all for sharing your stories. This show does bring out old wounds and new understandings. I feel very lucky to have a mom who loves me very much, but we are polar opposites in so many ways. It's easy for me to get frustrated with her yet she is always there for me. It reminds me very much of the relationship kate has with Rebecca.
| Sunday, November 26, 2017 - 12:48 pm
I had a good mom, but definitely some issues In her youth, she escaped the grow your hair long and "put it up", so she got to "bob" her hair. She also was quite skilled with pincurls to get a nice wave. She permed her hair. She let my baby hair get long, but then it was short and sometimes permed.. Even though I hated that. But I was a teenager in a beach town in a time of long, straight hair and she hated that! At every opportunity, she tried to get me to get it cut and permed. She accomplished this just before I went off to Berkeley, another Mecca of long hair. Ugh. A bit later my Christmas gift was that I could go for a professional cut every month. By then I had grown out the perm and happily had long straight hair again. So I went and got a nice trim and was hapoy, and she was so pissed off! I saw this as just not being happy with me and my choices and that was the end of that manipulative gift. That was just a symbol of not making the grade. Definitely other issues. So when Rebecca tries to help Kate, I get why she reacts as she does. Their family is so close that it still happens with Kate being 37. It was sweet that Rebecca was able to help Kate after the miscarriage, and that she left when Toby arrived. I wasn't as close to my mom later, so there would be no dropping over.