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| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 1:50 pm
She doesn't need to be away?! It is the woman's place to stay home? Are you saying Rebecca hasn't been working hard to support and raise the kids? He brings home the bacon and she needs to stay there and cook it? Sure, it's nice that he left her a glass of water especially as it appears that she has been cooking full meals for him for years. What a fair exchange. Perhaps she has already done most of the parenting and it is Jacks turn to be there a bit more. The kids were not being abandoned, there father was there. It was for a few weeks. It also appeared that Rebecca saved Jack from a life of crime, or at least a criminal act as her stunning voice and beauty kept him from robbing the bar.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 3:05 pm
It isn't a woman's place to stay home, but maybe a mother's place to be around for kids.. Of course many mothers must work but a tour singing in bars isn't work in the sense of bringing in money to keep kids alive. Of course it could be Jack staying home, but they might go hungry without his income. Yes, a father's place too, but Jack wasn't travelling away from home to work. And the tour.. if that big was 2 hours away, did it require an overnight stay? As we learned, her blind date was for a backup plan for singing.. no mention of college or training as a backup plan (like Naomi Judd kept her cosmetology license value just in case, long after she had a real career singing).
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 4:11 pm
Jack still working, nothing stopping him. One might suppose with college tuition for 3 kids on the horizon, income from Rebecca's tour would be welcome. Precious few singers started filling 17,000 seat venues. Many a mother who sings might argue that she tours to feed her family and keep them alive. Rebecca may enjoy singing in small clubs and touring. Millions of mothers work and travel and kids of all ages are fine. Perhaps mothers serving in the military have no business being deployed away from their kids. Or is it only fathers who can travel? Jack might be able to adjust his long work hours for a few weeks while Rebecca tours. A parent is there, in town, in house. Families often have to adjust to changes. Perhaps it is too bad they cut the umbilical cords as a mothers place is to be around. The tour was to be a few weeks in different cities, of course they would be staying overnights as they traveled. Didn't her friends indicate the back up plan should be marriage? She got married. Oh yes, they were marrying money, she didn't.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 4:24 pm
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 5:33 pm
I think we need to remember the time they are living in. This would be around the same time as women wanted more fulfillment in their lives. I think we have to look at it from the 70s point of view, not how today's women live. It was a different time back then.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 6:06 pm
The kids were born in 1980 as they turned 36 in 2016 so this is probably the mid 1990's, 1996 if they are 16. Women had long been in the workplace and both parents working the norm vs the exception.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 6:23 pm
Sugar, I excluded anyone needing to work to feed a family. Jack worked long hours for overtime money. I just cannot imagine her income from singing equalling that likes is he stayed home while she toured. I don't see it as a make female thing, but a who is supporting the family in terms of pay, insurance and such. I live that while married.. I had the income, the insurance. He had more education but didn't stay employed, created business from home, but little income. We had puppies and he was home to care for them when I wasn't. After our divorce, I never had puppies at my home because I had to work, basically starting from scratch. And in this fictional story it seems like it was the tour with the ex boyfriend that was the breaking point. And on Jack's part, going back to drinking. When do they start next season?
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 6:48 pm
I dont think Jack had a prob with it UNTIL he knew dated years ago...the clincher was watching that dude and his wife sing a love song and look lovingly at each other...THATS when he started having a prob. 
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 7:22 pm
Oh right Pamy.. That love song look.. That guy wasn't trying to help their marriage.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 8:01 pm
no and Jack was proven right when that ass tried to kiss her!
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 9:08 pm
Don't think it was really about the money and Jack is still working. I think he was management so probably no overtime and he can probably delegate for a few weeks. I think you are reading more into the "stage look" than is there from Rebecca. I think she loved being back on stage and was playing the part. The band guy may have had different thoughts. Nothing was stopping Jack from talking to Rebecca about anything that made him uneasy with her singing and performance except Jack. Maybe Rebecca should have mentioned she had a few dates years ago with the guy from the band or maybe because it did not matter to her, she didn't think it would matter to Jack.}
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 9:13 pm
Rebecca handled her band mate just fine. She had no idea he would do that. Again, Jack could have voiced his concerns, however, he decides to sulk and drink instead. Neither Rebecca or Jack were interested in the people who made advances and let those people know the advances were not welcome.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 9:20 pm
Rebecca was the one who said to whatshisname that jack worked long hours, implied it was for money for them. I never got the idea he was management. The "stage look" was from the guy and since he came on to Rebecca, so I'd say the look did mean something. I never said Rebecca gave him a meaningful look, as I recall. Clearly she enjoyed being back in the spotlight, using her singing talents for an audience.. I don't think anyone questioned that. Seems to me she dropped the announcement that she wanted to go on tour smack in the middle of a romantic gesture.. what was he allowed to say? And yeah maybe she should have thought to mention that history way back before she went for her "audition" with her former guy. She knew from the get go that she didn't really want Jack to know about it and that it WOULD matter to Jack.. she said that's why she didn't say anything.
| Saturday, March 18, 2017 - 9:20 pm
<passing the popcorn to Texannie>
| Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 1:38 am
a few episodes back Miguel talked Jack into moving up in the company (to the suit and tie section), and Jack shelved his plans for his own construction company
| Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 8:50 am
Here you go Sea. 
| Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 11:16 am
Aha.. All Miguel's fault.. Still, the higher you go, typically the more time you put in on a job. Not always, but usually.
| Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 12:54 pm
Sugar, I have said before that the writers seem to be leaning towards Rebecca as the bad guy and Jack is almost perfection. I do hope it evens out a bit more down the road. I saw a funny meme that said something like Jack, you are ruining it for the rest of us husbands LOL referring to how many woman are commenting how they want a Jack
| Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 4:13 pm
I think you've misunderstood my intentions, Sugar. I was not saying a woman needs to be at home raising children. I was saying "somebody" needs to be at home with those kids. Kevin is a horny teenager who is apparently on the verge of a sexual relationship with his girlfriend; Kate has emotional issues surrounding her weight and her insecurity; and Randall has severe anxiety issues. Someone needs to be there to support (emotionally, not just financially) those kids. If Rebecca had a high-paying (enough to pay the bills) job that required her to travel, I would be all in favor of Jack staying home more with the kids. But Jack's working his ass off to support everyone, and I can guarantee you Rebecca is not making big bucks singing one night gigs in small bars. That is a hard, hard life, and most of the people attempting that are single or do not have kids at home. She might be making in the hundreds a night, if she's lucky. It's an ego thing. She's not doing it for the money. I understand her wanting to pursue her dream of singing, but at this point it would be better for her to wait a couple of years till the kids are in college.
| Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 5:19 pm
Babyjax, exactly.. but Kevin is already having sex.. that has been mentioned.. Evidently his moving to the basement gave him more "freedom". And I also agree that they have been painting Jack as too perfect until the last couple of episodes.. Not only is there the going back to drinking but often he is well meaning but he makes big decisions for both of them. Yes, he sacrificed his beloved car and groveled to his father, but buying the house still should have been a joint decision. His being perhaps too controlling or protective may well have made Rebecca more desperate to get out to sing. I have sympathy for each of them, but more for their children.
| Monday, March 20, 2017 - 5:34 pm
Watching the finale again before deleting. In the opening scene he is driving to Rebecca's gig and the stickers on the windshield day 96. So assume they are 1996 parking passes. FWIW.. But looks like Sugar's guess of mid 90's is right on..!
| Monday, March 20, 2017 - 6:43 pm
I finally got Bill to watch the 1st ep with me. he said it was alright which in "Bill speak" means he really liked it! lol he said he would watch more 
| Monday, March 20, 2017 - 6:45 pm
I wonder if there is any chance there is a twist and they are not in 2017. If Jack was in Nam Rebecca could be in her 70's now.
| Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 10:35 am
Pamy, wow, that is quite an endorsement from Bill.
| Tuesday, March 21, 2017 - 2:20 pm
Dogdoc, the triplets were born when Jack was 36* so he would be 72 - so if Rebecca was close in age to him, and I assume she is, she's in or close to 70's as well. *First episode was the Big 3's 36th birthday, which in flashbacks we know their birth was on Jack's 36th birthday so they all (except Rebecca) shared a birthday.