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| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 10:37 am
Whenever someone in our department experiences a death in the family, I'm the one (on behalf of my boss, the head of the department), who does the actual ordering of the flowers that are sent to the funeral service -- my boss pays for it all, she gives me her credit card and I do the rest. But because I can't tell a dead flower from a live one, I always ask one of my colleagues to select the arrangement. Then, later, the employee who received the flowers comes back to work and showers me with appreciation for the flowers ("they were so beautiful!" etc.) -- I always feel bad for getting the thanks when I all I did was give the credit card info to the florist. 
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 11:31 am
But Uncle_ricky, you took the time out of your day to do it. People appreciate when you do something special for them. When my uncle (dad's brother) passed away, my dad's office sent him a lovely potted fern. We left it in the house when we went to the funeral. Came home that afternoon, and my two Siamese cats had eaten all the leaves off the fern. Rotten kitties! 
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 12:08 pm
It helps to know if someone would want flowers or plants. My dad was actually distraught over a plant sent by their next door neighbor of many years. It was a nice little plant in a really nice copper outer pot. But at the time he was caught up in losing my mom and then needing to be tested to see if he had cancer. One day I noticed that it was gone and he said it died and he threw pot and all away. If people choose and arrange for things you kind of have to respect that. They had both arranged for cremation and ashes out to sea. My dad bugged them for the time of day and all and he and I went down to a place they had often sat, overlooking the bay and the ocean. When he went out 4 months later, I went back to the spot and also down to the beach because dad would walk down there every day. They didn't want service or celebration. I guess if we had family nearby it would be different. But we did call people, wrote an obit for mom.. and I had a "life letter" published in the newspaper and for him I was able to write a longer obit (he did hers) and I sent copies of those plus the last pictures of them together and a couple I took of him one day when we had gone to see the Nixon library. In the obits we asked for no flowers but donations to the Better Breathers group where they went weekly, because it was such great support to her with COPD/emphysema and to him as her supporter. We made sure the donations would go directly to THAT program, to the woman running it, not to some general fund at a hospital where people donate millions and have things named after them.. I know dad got a report of every donation made for mom and he was so pleased about that. ====== I agree.. this show touches people in ways so unlike most shows, even ones we love (I felt that way about Northern Exposure and Parenthood and some other shows, but this one is really exceptional). And yeah.. plants and cats shouldn't mix and most cats will go to the ends of the earth to get AT plants and flowers!
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 1:08 pm
Instead of playing where's Waldo I'm going to rewind and see if I can find Ron Howard in the audience at Kevin's play.
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 1:47 pm
Mame, let me know if you find him!!! That was such a cool surprise at the end!
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 2:23 pm
I have a feeling that Ron has been enjoying the show and asked to be written in. Do you think that is possible?
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 4:05 pm
I think it is very possible.
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 5:48 pm
thats exactly what I thought! also think he is friends with Ken Olin for some reason
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 6:32 pm
I don't think Rebecca is being selfish for going on tour for a few weeks or singing a few nights a week. The kids aren't babies and a parent is at home. Would you feel the same if she was in The National Guard and had to go away for training for 2 weeks in addition to the monthly weekend duty? Is it that you consider singing to be frivolous?}
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 6:45 pm
Ron Howard has had an ongoing relationship (over 15 years) with Twentieth Century Fox Television (TCFTV), which is the production company for "This Is Us" - it dates back to the first season of "24" - his Imagine Entertainment production company partnered with TCFTV to give us "24" and "24: Legacy." Don't be surprised if you see a "This Is Us" cast member show up on a future episode of "24: Legacy." 
| Thursday, March 09, 2017 - 7:59 pm
I won't be surprised to hear about it, but since I won't be watching I'd be surprised if I saw it. Sugar.. as I recall when Rebecca vouched for Jack when he was criticized she said he worked long hours, so he might not be home enough. If they were really concerned about Kevin and his GF having sex in the basement, then I would think Rebecca wouldn't want to be gone. They have been covering the days with mom and evenings when she is signing with dad... but with her gone there are long days where you might not leave young teens on their own. If a man or woman was in the National Guard when they got married, then the being away parts are kind of there up front. If Jack suddenly at this point decided to join up, then no, that wouldn't be reasonable. I can see where he feels he has to be ok with her taking the time since originally they almost broke up over the having kids issue, with her not wanting them, then changing.. but then they had the triple whammy of triplets and when they lost one, he was the one to engineer still having three the same age.. so guilt alone.. Just seems like he gave up certain things.. his prized vehicle and his pride going to his abusive father for help, to secure them a home.. he moved past these and matured and maybe she didn't? I also think because they are playing her in the present as kind of distant and not so warm and fuzzy.. clearly she is with Miguel and there is some resentment OF Miguel at the beginning of the season from Kevin and Miguel was pretty awkward with them (the recent episode where Kevin went to talk to Kate and instead got Miguel, leads to hopes that some of that might start healing.. it must be hard for Miguel to try to live up to the legend of Jack within the family) and of course the blowup between Kate and Randall when her realized she had kept him from his bio dad for so many years.. which also may now start healing. I assume we will learn more how and when Kate started believing she was at fault for Jack dying and maybe we will see how Kate was involved, or not, in that. Oh and back up to Pamy.. I do hope Jack didn't discover anything between Kate and ex boyfriend.. which will only be if Kate isn't wanting that since ex boyfriend would probably love to cause trouble with a jealous Jack.
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 2:58 pm
No, Sugar, I don't think singing is frivolous. I'm a singer, too. These days my only outlet is to sing with my music team at church (which is a lot more fun than it sounds like; we sing a lot of current music--and older stuff, too; I love when we throw in a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young every once in a while--such fun harmonies!!!). I was in a band in my younger days, but when I think about doing that again or auditioning for one of the shows on TV, I can't imagine spending that time away from my family. I would have done it in a heartbeat when I was young and single, but these days I have a commitment to my husband and my teenage son. I wouldn't leave them like that. Especially not if I had THREE teenagers, like Rebecca. Ay yi yi! And I'm with everyone else here that hopes Jack is not going to catch Rebecca in a compromising situation with Ben. I will hate Rebecca if she breaks Jack's heart like that! (PS. My son's name is Jack.)
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 4:21 pm
I maintain that Jack can step up for a few weeks and take care of the teens while Rebecca is on the road. If worried about Kevin & Sophie, bring her parents into the loop. Family dynamics/situations often change. This is a job change. There are 3 teens not toddlers possibly about to go to college so additional income would probably be a plus. As for giving up a dream when you have a family, really? Dreams don't need to die, you may choose to tweak, alter or postpone them a bit or perhaps people have multiple dreams. Show your kids how to achieve dreams.
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 5:07 pm
I thought the bigger issue is that she was going with an old boyfriend. He seemed okay with it until he heard that. Deep down, Jack has insecurities, probably from his upbringing with an abusive parent.
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 6:04 pm
I really hope they dont make Rebecca a hated character. She already has a strike against her for not telling Randall about his dad. It may be an unfair strike, but they made us love William so much that we are sad he didnt have longer with Randall...I say we because I am pretty sure more feel that way than just me
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 6:23 pm
With you Pamy.
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 6:59 pm
Me too! She already has had a sort of distant demeanor and of course since Kavin and maybe others seem to have resented Miguel for years (we did see Kevin and Miguel starting to communicate recently, but obviously when the show started, Miguel wasn't warmly treated and then with Randall finding his dad.. well that had certainly been awkward and Rebecca is walking on eggshells. Agqain, we may have seen the beginning of better times there as well. But if she is the bad guy in the past then I will find it hard to like her.. she is playing that demeanor very well. I think back to Mary Tyler Moore in the movie where her character's son commits suicide. She played that woman SO well that I found it difficult to like her in later years. Totally irrational but when an actor plays dislikeable so well.. it can mark them. Sally Field could have had that happen in Steele Magnolias but that script wisely allowed various characters to be standoffish but then show a softer or humorous side which mitigated that. Meryl Streep early on in Kramer vs Kramer was at risk but of course she had played so many memorable characters one doesn't stick to her so much. So please.. no affair to break Jack's heart. Of course I really don't want him to do something horrible either!! This show has me very invested in all the main characters. At first I maybe I wouldn't like Kevin, but of course I quickly did. Oh the actress who plays the playwright Kevin was with and then not with but who wrote the play.. is from Uzbekistan.. there was a blurb about her in People Magazine. She says Kate is the character and the story she loves most.
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 8:14 pm
Are you talking about the AT&T girl, Sloan? or the other girl, Olivia?
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 12:42 am
Yes, Sloan, aka AT&T girl.
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 1:22 pm
I, too, thought it was incredible how the mailman said so many in the neighborhood had made connections with William. I wish I had a William in my life! ☺ The whole story with William and Randall was so sweet and touching. I was relieved when Randall said "I had enough" ("enough time with him to see that I loved him") of course, we never really have enough time with those we love, but to see the growing that Randall has done, it's clear that some of his bio-dad's spirit is now in him. I don't watch previews, so I don't know what was shown or said about "crossroads" but I have a bad feeling. It's ironic that a lot of you are hoping Rebecca doesn't do something she shouldn't. I feel the opposite. I am worried Jack will hookup with Heather. I think his annoyance with her making moves at the bar was for public show. (Or as they would say on Scandal - "Optics") Clearly, he's feeling hurt by Rebecca going on tour when he said "Rebecca and her Ben, uh, band..." Feeling hurt mixed with a bit of loneliness, alcohol, no kids or spouse at home and a more-than-willing play partner... not good!
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 1:51 pm
Oh, no! I totally disagree with you about Jack and Heather, Starr. Our Jack wouldn't do that! I would be so mad at this show (the writers) if they sent Jack down that road. Jack is a good guy with a heart of gold. I don't buy it. When my mom lived with us (she lived with us for 7 1/2 years, from the time she was 84 till 91), she would go out for daily walks around our neighborhood. All the neighbors knew who she was, even ones I didn't know! Once or twice, she got tired and somebody brought her home, but drove away before I could thank them. My friend who lives a couple of blocks from here lived next door to a police officer. I asked her to ask him to look out for my mom, and she told me, "Don't worry. The police already know who she is." Everybody was looking out for the little old lady who walked every day. It was sweet.
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 2:41 pm
Jack, like the rest of them is a flawed human. Many a person has been surprised by people having affairs. At this point, I don't think either Rebecca or Jack will have an affair. Time will tell.
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 3:06 pm
Starr, the way Jack treated that girl at the bar really makes me fear he will catch Rebecca having an affair. They show us that Jack wouldnt even consider it, he goes to show support for Becca and bam! she is kissing that guy! I hope Im wrong because that will really piss me off at the writers.
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 6:41 pm
Jack has always been quite irritated at Heather when she is so coming in the the guys at the office.. He finally snapped at her at the bar.
| Monday, March 13, 2017 - 11:35 am
I certainly don't want to see Jack (or Rebecca!) to stray. I just think the writers have steered us one way before, then surprised us with a left turn. So it wouldn't surprise me *if* it goes that way - Babyjaxmom - that is so sweet how people helped your mom and kept an eye on her. I love it.