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Board Administrator
| Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 2:21 pm
Yeah, I see a lot of pro Phaedra posts in other forums, but I don't get it. I don't like her at all. She does let the other traitors make all the decisions.
| Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 3:29 pm
Like Peter. Dislike Phaedra. I like MJ and Trishelle and CT. No opinion on Kate and the others yet.
| Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 6:48 pm
They need to adjust how this game is played. If you are sure of a traitor, there is really no incentive to go after them if you are aligned with them. Not only will they probably not murder you, but if they are gone, then someone else will be recruited and then you won’t know who it is. I think they should have two pots of money, one for the faithfuls and one for the traitors. If a Faithful is banished then money goes from the faithful pot into the traitor pot. If a traitor is banished then money goes from the traitor pot to the faithfuls. This might be the incentive to actively go after a traitor rather than just trying to play it safe. Sure, you may last until the end, but there may not be much money left in the pot to win. It may not work, but something needs to be done.
| Sunday, February 25, 2024 - 8:59 pm
I have also seen Phaedra as a shirker of responsibility, and have not been sure it that is editing spin or not. I mean, like how could she say EVERY time who do y'all want out, and never put forward any candidates of her own? Well, and thus far it is working.
| Monday, February 26, 2024 - 7:08 am
Bbpeach, yes! This is what I've been saying - the game definitely needs to change the rules, I am getting stressed out that the game doesn't make sense! Glad to see I'm not the only one who dislikes Phaedra. I spoke to a friend who is a Bravo-housewifes fan, and she LOVES Phaedra. We almost had words, haha! Can't decide what I dislike about her more: the fact that she puts the decisions onto other people to keep her hands clean or the stupid eyelashes. If they don't make some changes to the game format, I might not watch S3.
| Monday, February 26, 2024 - 10:07 am
Agreed. I don't like Phaedra and I don't think she's a brilliant player. She seems like a floater to me. And yes, the TRaitors have such an unfair advantage. And yes, I think it IS a strategy right now to bring along someone you know is a traitor so you can call them out at the very end. The old "keep your enemies closer" thing. I like the idea of the pot of money and who's pot gets to grow based on who is banished! Without spoiling other country shows -- have they had seasons where the faithfuls win? Or is it mostly traitors winning all the time?
| Monday, February 26, 2024 - 10:21 am
Brenda, in S1 of UK the Faithfuls won. S2 of UK will be dropping on Peacock in March.
| Monday, February 26, 2024 - 1:26 pm
I don't like Phaedra either. I think she's a bit smug. I like Peter, John, and of course CT. I hope one of those three wins.
| Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 9:39 am
Brenda, if you count all the countries who've had the show (they have been about 30 seasons worldwide) about one third have been faithful wins, two thirds traitor wins.
| Tuesday, February 27, 2024 - 11:17 am
OK, thanks. Those are the kind of stats I was curious about. So clearly the Traitors have an advantage, as we all suspected. I'm honestly surprised the Faitfuls won a third of the time.
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 10:41 am
I am predicting that the Faithfuls win this season. With Phaedra gone (YEA!!!) I believe several are on to Kate and will vote her out before they stop banishing, Sandra may also be a casualty of the final banishings. Good season, looking forward to the finale.
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 2:30 pm
So next week must be the final, as they mentioned their last night in the castle. Left are Trishelle, CT, MJ, Sheree, Sandra and Kate (traitor). I've watched all the English language shows, and I don't think any have gone to the final day with six players. It's usually five, and they do a normal banishment circle to get down to four, then they do the more personal ceremony thing with them choosing whether to banish again or stick and share the money. So that probably means there will be two normal banishments in the finale. I think Sandra is suspicious of Kate but I don't know if the others are. If Sandra is sensible, she'd try to persuade Trishelle and CT, based on Kate's comments about Phaedra, as I don't know if the other housewives will choose one of their own again. Kate seemed to be quite successful when planting Sandra's name out there, based mostly I think on Sandra's reputation on being a smart player, and it's possible Sandra will go first. That could change the vote on Kate, as then it would be three housewives against Trishelle and CT, and I don't know where that would go. BUT... I think they all know there must be one traitor left, and if it gets to dwindling numbers and they still haven't got rid of a traitor, then I think Kate has no chance of staying to a final two. If it's Trishelle and CT and Kate they would vote Kate out, and if it's MJ and Sheree and Kate, they would vote Kate out too. I don't see any combination keeping Kate if they haven't banished a traitor.
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 4:34 pm
I don’t know how much production controls the game (I suspect it’s a LOT!) but it would be a travesty is Kate wins. She comes in halfway through the game as a Faithful stunt cast and was a traitor for 5 minutes! It would be an insult to the Faithfuls who have been playing all this time. The only suitable outcome is for the Faithfuls to “have an epiphany” and banish Kate. I am SO happy that Phaedra and her eyelashes were finally evicted. 
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 6:13 pm
To me, it would be sad if Sheree or MJ made it to the end and not CT and Trishelle. Once again, a case of the players without a clue making it to the end because they were obtuse. Don't they choose another Traitor now?
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 7:49 pm
I was expecting the end of the episode to be Kate in the turret, getting a note saying she had to give a player an ultimatum, become a traitor or be killed. It might still happen, but they didn't even hint at their being a murder that final night.
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 7:59 pm
I want Trishelle to win.
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 8:17 pm
I like Trishelle too. She was much more perceptive than most of them, she just couldn’t get people to listen to her. At least she had some strategy, the housewife people were not gamers and I found them frustrating to watch. I don’t even know where Trishelle came from, what reality show was she on?
| Friday, March 01, 2024 - 9:54 pm
Rosem, Trishelle was on The Challenge.
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 2:51 am
Trishelle was originally on Real World, the first time it was in Vegas - which to me was the season it fully stopped being “real” and jumped to way too much drinking. I never liked her since then - but yes, her poker powers of perception did come out here.
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 3:58 am
I think there will be one more murder and then one more banishment before the F4. It's too late to recruit someone. Sandra has now put Kate's name "out there" so it would be real suspicious if Sandra were murdered. However, if she were to murder Trishelle and leave MJ and Sheree in the game that would also highlight the "Bravo" alliance. It's very possible that Kate could murder MJ or Sheree so it wouldn't look like the remaining Traitor is protecting Bravolebrities. When Phaedra tried to paint Peter as being a Traitor he asked "why would I murder people in my alliance?" I will be super pissed off if Kate wins. I hated the way they brought her in and told them they could not banish her the first night and then she becomes a Traitor and protected.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 9:28 am
I think Phaedra made a mistake murdering John since he was constantly targeting her. She might have thrown people off the scent if she had murdered someone who *didn't* vote for her. She almost seemed to tacitly admit she was a traitor at that round table, so maybe she was just ready to go home. MJ and Sheree aren't very savvy players. I do hope for a CT or Trishelle win!
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 11:47 am
It did seem like Phaedra gave in a bit. I think the faithfuls will win the game. The look on Kate’s face when Sandra questioned her “selfish” comment was priceless. 😂
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 4:20 pm
Agreed. I was so happy to see Phaedra banished. I would not have been happy if she had won. I agree that Trishelle would be a good winner. CT would as well. And if it's Sandra who figures out that Kate is a Traitor, then she will remind me why she was a Survivor winner. Seems like there is a path to the Faithfuls winning. I hope so!
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 5:54 pm
I'm going to give MJ credit that she picks up on things. She was the first to pick up on Dan being a Traitor and the day after Kate was recruited she made the comment that Kate seemed "different."
| Saturday, March 02, 2024 - 8:00 pm
I will be excited to learn if Sandra knew who the traitors were but didnt let on so she wouldnt get murdered. That really feels like a Sandra mo