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| Thursday, February 08, 2024 - 6:56 pm
Heads up! The host from traitors is going to be on Watch What Happens Live tonight.
| Friday, February 09, 2024 - 7:51 am
Juju, last nite's ep will show why Sandra is on the show 
| Friday, February 09, 2024 - 8:01 am
Everyone notice that Phaedra was behind what happened yesterday, by giving the (spoilers for last night’s show coming) fire to CT? She had said she was all in on getting out Peter but she had to know CT would save someone from the other side, and they would likely save Peter. She knows Peter is after Pavarti and not so much her (at least yet). If Pavarti has sense, she’ll sow seeds with the rest of the group that Phaedra didn’t save them. Only hiccup would be that Sandra watched Peter carefully enough to think he was honestly nervous.
| Friday, February 09, 2024 - 12:31 pm
Good catch Kitt! I had not thought of that but you are right!! I am hoping they off the shaw of sunset gal. She really adds nothing to the show
| Friday, February 09, 2024 - 12:36 pm
yes. Sandra really knows how to play games. Her observation of Peter was spot on, so i hope she stops going after him. And I love that phedra saved CT. That made me SO happy. Such a fun show. I was so worried about Peter! I felt bad for Trishelle, but she should know about separating game from friendship. I hope they don't off Trishelle, but I think they will. When do we get to see Dr Will?!
| Friday, February 09, 2024 - 2:52 pm
This week's show has me really disliking Phaedra...what an entitled elitist. "$500 pfff, you can't even get a good pair of shoes for that" Uuu Phaedra I can buy several pairs of shoes for that. I didn't know of her before this show but really dislike her and the way she denies having any responsibility for the decisions made by the Traitors. Just do not like people who do not take responsibility when they had a say in the decision. Deciding to go along with what Parvati wants is still making a decision. Dan was a great sport about his downfall. Why he did not get a clue that he needed to be talking to the others and discussing identifying traitors....I don't understand. He used to be a better player than that......retirement has cost him some game. Really enjoy this show. Said I was going to wait and watch it when it finished but I could not wait and find myself watching every Friday. I am also glad that Sandra is not so hot to target Peter anymore! I really like him so far and hope that Trishelle can talk that group into targeting Phaedra next.
| Friday, February 09, 2024 - 10:04 pm
Yeah, Phedra is hard to take. It would be a huge disappointment if she wins. It will be fun to see her banished. And yes, Dan's strategy was very weak. You can't just be quiet and take in information the entire time. I'm surprised it took that long to figure him out. so glad we will get a season 3!
Board Administrator
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 10:51 am
thank goodness CT saved John! And then John saved Peter! I'm afraid Bergie may be done for tho. Not sure they'd actually get rid of MJ... she's not much of a threat and she's not part of the "Peter Pals"... LOL
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 1:58 pm
I forgot to comment about how the peter pals are so obvious about who is in their clique and who isn't. I don't think that is very smart on their part. I think they should be more secretive about that and make the others feel included. It could be their downfall.
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 2:09 pm
Do you all like Peter because you know him from whatever show he was on? To me, he comes off really aggressive and personal when he's accusing Dan and Pavarti, like he doesn't get it's a game (or gets it's a game but is overly competitive). I'd be happy if he went.
Board Administrator
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 2:25 pm
Brenda, I do think that they should be more secretive! Kitt, Peter was on The Bachelor, and I never watched that, so that's not it. I think it's because we want the traitors to be found out, and he's doing the best job of identifying them. Plus, he's loyal to his peeps, and turned down the Traitor thing - altho frankly, that would have been the better game move if all he was concerned about was winning. I think Dan and Parvati were equally aggressive and personal. That's just my impression. Parvati is so sure of herself, I'm surprised she doesn't break her arm patting herself on the back... LOL. And yet, next banishment, she may be gone.
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 2:31 pm
I didn’t watch Peter on The Bachelor, but I’ve enjoyed him going after the traitors. I do agree with Brenda that he is not playing smart by blatantly excluding people. It is definitely going to bite him in the butt.
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 2:34 pm
For the first couple shows, I thought Peter was Colton from Bachelor.
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 3:50 pm
I agree they should have kept this alliance a secret.
| Saturday, February 10, 2024 - 5:24 pm
I suppose I was a big Dan fan, so that kind of put me on the Traitors side right from the start. I'm only finding a few of them likeable, Dan and of who's left, really just Sandra, CT, Kevin, maybe Berghe and MJ (because they haven't made much of an impression on me).
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 4:47 am
I'm confused this season. It seems to me that the faithful are more concerned about having alliances and the "numbers" to survive being accused of being a traitor, then actually getting rid of the traitors! Sandra is really disappointing me. I always thought she was smart, but she is appearing dumb to me. Come on! Dan handed Phaedra on a silver platter to them, and there she is with the pool balls, going on about sides instead of trying to get Phaedra and Parvotti out. She is so concentrated on getting Peter out, who is a faithful. What a waste. And what is up with CT saving the politician over Trishrlle? Saying it's for the game and how important the politician is to the faithful. Huh? The politician can't win challenges to get them money. That is a waste. And if the traitors can keep recruiting somebody, then how and when do the faithful finally win the game? All I know is that I want Kate to stay. And believe me on this one. Phaedra and Sheree came into this game with a pact and a side deal to keep each other safe and share the winnings. No doubt in my mind at all. Phaedra is the biggest snake in the world and I don't understand why Peacock would even hire her again after what she did to Kandy on Real Housewives of Atlanta. And with all the things she's done in the past, I don't understand why she isn't in jail.
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 4:47 am
So, to sum it up. How do the faithful win the game?
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 7:49 am
Grooch, the show decides when the Traitors can recruit after one of them is found out, and when they can’t. Typically (other countries) they are allowed to keep it at two or three Traitors for most of the show, and as the number of everyone (Traitors and Faithfuls) dwindle usually if a third Traitor is found out, the other two Traitors decide they were rather split the winnings they anticipate two ways instead of three, and don’t recruit. (If the Traitors get down to one before the final five, they are forced to recruit and the person recruited cannot refuse.) Typically (which might not be how they do it on this show) when they’re down to five (often two Ts and three Fs) there is no more murdering, and they have their last banishment, leaving four. The remaining four players get to choose whether they think any of the remaining four are Traitors, and if any of them think one could be (and I think it’s always so, but if they just banished a T at five, and don’t realize how it usually works, the Fs left might think that was the last T), they banish again. That continues until two players are left, and if one’s still a T then the T wins. If both are Ts then they split it, if both are Fs then they split it. If the Fs are sure there is a T at final four, and they don’t banish one, then they know they have to banish again, but if they got out a T, they might decide everyone left is an F and stick and split the money at final three. One show had a final three of all Ts, and they had to play a game called the Traitor’s dilemma, where they each wrote whether they wanted to share or steal the money. If they all share, they share, if they all steal, no one gets the money. Anything in between and only the ones who steal get the money. That was fun. In short, the final five will have two or three Ts in it, and the Faithfuls win by finding those before they are down to two players left.
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 9:55 am
I did watch Peter on the Bachlor and really liked him from that. But I also like how hard he's playing this game. He's the first one to successfully target a Traitor! As far as strategy -- I wonder if part of Sandras strategy is to just survive as a faithful and not be a threat to the traitor so they will keep you around. If you can't really get rid of all of the traitors (because they keep adding more) then maybe the strategy is, once you figure out who they are, pretend you don't and work with them to get out other faithfuls so you remain until the end, and then you know who the traitors are?!
Board Administrator
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 9:56 am
Grooch, I think they are trying to find the traitors, they just aren't very good at it, and when someone is good at it, they banish them... LOL. Peter has it figured out. Sandra has finally figured out that Peter isn't a traitor, but yeah, she has been disappointing. I think CT chose John because he's likely getting a bad edit, but he felt like John was more in tune with figuring out who the traitors were than Trishelle. Also, I wonder if CT is a little suspicious of her being a traitor. They have a history where she betrayed him in the Challenge, so even tho they said all was well and good, i'm not sure he really believes her. Plus CT needs to clean up his act... so often his hair is a mess and he looks half asleep! LOL
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 10:11 am
Brenda, if that is what Sandra is doing then it is brilliant
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 4:15 pm
Kar, CT went from cutie-patootie to dad bod but we love him anyway!!!
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 5:16 pm
Thanks, Kitt for explaining it. All I need to do is wait for them to get down to 5 players and see how Peacock manipulates the game for their benefit. Ĺol!
Board Administrator
| Sunday, February 11, 2024 - 6:00 pm
Lexie, yeah, dad-bod is true. But he can comb his hair! LOL
| Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 3:36 pm
I love Traitors...but I do think that reality stars from non strategy/competitive like shows, don't fare as well. While it is obvious that Peter is very intelligent and came up with an ingenious strategy...of telling no one who won the shield, then telling those he thought were Traitors that the wrong people had the shield, in order to lure the Traitors out from cover...undeniably smart. Much like Nakomis on Big Brother, who came up with the "back door" plan. These strategies will become a part of the "Faithfuls" strategy in the future. However, the habit of banning others from joining them when they were scheming. Or walking around high five-ing each other. Or making it an open, evil-against-good. In BB they know not to hang out together and go in the storage room to celebrate. On Survivor, they know to strategize on the way while carrying water back to camp etc. MJ, Kate, Tamra types are just there to cause chaos. They don't contribute to much to game plan. I'm just saying, that being incredibly smart is not enough. You need some experience in strategy and being duplicitous to do well in these shows. Not sure what that says about Phaedra lol. Except that being a lawyer probably helps. As we often see on Survivor and BB. But my thought about Phaedra is that she has ,so far, let the other Traitors AND Faithfuls make all the moves and decisions. Ultimate "floater", which I never care much for.