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| Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 3:37 pm
Watching Monday's show with the nominations. They're all so stunned! Original seating order: Aaron - Louise - Faye - Tom - Alex - Jay New seating order: Tom - Jay - Alex - Faye - Louise - Aaron Noms Tom: Jay, Louise Faye: Alex, Louise Alex: Jay, Faye Jay: Aaron, Faye Aaron: Louise, Tom Louise: Aaron, Faye Aaron 2 Alex 1 Faye 3 Jay 2 Louise 3 Tom 1 Can't work out how they were meant to vote - the ones who voted "correctly" didn't seem to show any consistent order based on their seating. And Louise could have fixed it I think, if she hadn't decided to nom who she wanted too.
| Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 4:16 pm
Well if everyone up to Jay nominated correctly that leaves votes for Alex, Aaron and two for Tom. That means Faye should have voted Tom and Aaron and that leaves Aaron voting for Tom and Alex.
| Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 4:52 pm
I couldn't work out how/why they were voting that way though, initially (original seating order) they were going to vote for the two people to the left of them (which is why in the stopped vote Aaron voted for Louise and Faye), then it sounded like after the mummy guy "shuffled" them that they were meant to remember those two people to nominate this round too. But they didn't nominate that way, and they didn't seem to nominate in the same way based in their new seating order. For instance Faye and Alex both nominated the people to left and right of where they were sitting in the new order, but Tom and Jay nominated people sitting two away from them. Either they scrambled and rearranged everything off-camera/edited out or (which I think is more likely) they all were confused about who to vote for, and the reason Aaron was blamed was because his nomination was the first time someone (Louise) had more than two votes. Not that Aaron didn't plan to make his own nominations, he did, but that others had already messed up, it just was recoverable until Aaron gave Louise her third vote. Anyway, interesting vote on Friday. If Louise reached the final I think she'd have been one of the first to leave, so not much difference for her if she does go.
| Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 6:18 pm
actually Louise could have still forced almost the whole house up except one, she could have chosen to save Tom or Alex by voting Aaron and the other person. Louise would have had three but everyone else would have all been tied on two.
| Thursday, November 03, 2011 - 8:05 am
I just found this show on YouTube and I want to watch from the beginning because I really enjoyed the Oct 31 and Nov episodes.
| Thursday, November 03, 2011 - 5:03 pm
if you are going to watch the daily show, be aware that BOTS bit on the side has special guests, family members and a live audience. it goes into stuff that happens in the house and often shows Xtras. i find both shows equally entertaining
| Thursday, November 03, 2011 - 5:05 pm
omg i'm watchign daily show last segment...and faye says that she doesnt want to leave the house because "Shes the happiest she's ever been in her life"!! WHAT? that girl is truly nutz i assume. how in th world is bawling whining and generally going off every few hours being 'happy'??
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 2:04 pm
Wonder if the "Get Faye Out!" from the live audience are Jay's gang doing their bit to save Louise, or whether it's a regular crowd. Hmmm and wonder why the money is missing.
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 2:58 pm
It's time, the crowd are clear with the "Get Faye Out"s. The eighth person to be evicted from the Big Brother house is: Faye!!! Interview is now, not after the usual break (sorry I didn't spot the schedule change when I posted earlier).
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 3:28 pm
The prize money twist: The prize money has been divided in half and £50k will go to the winner, £50K to be divided between them, NOT equally, and housemates have to decide how. BB has already divided it into portions of £30000, £15000, £4000, £990, £10 so presumably the hms just have to decide what goes to whom. Surely the easiest was is to do it by order, with the extra £10 going to the winner (as they have £50K)????? Maybe they have to specify names, not voting order. They seem to think they can do whatever they want now, and sort it out between themselves later - presumably BB will stop that happening somehow. Vote to win starts now, but the one with the fewest votes goes on Thursday night.
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 6:39 pm
Once they see the list BB has put up the fighting will begin. Aaron will want Alex to have the 30,000 (where do you get the pound sign?) and Jay will want it for himself but he will be afraid to come right out and say it so he will say Louise. Alex and Tom will say they don't care about the money, but will have many reasons why they need it. I think Aaron will say to put him down for the 10 but that will be to get more votes. I think whoever accepts the lowest amount will win. The British are funny that way with their sense of fair play. 
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 9:05 pm
A £ sign is made by pressing and holding Alt, then pressing 156 on the number pad (not the number keys along the top). Or google "pound sign" and copy and paste one from there ;) ;). I think they'll all think they should give the £30K to Alex too, but they have the quandry over whether she'll win and get the £50K so end up with £80K, and the risk of not giving her the £30K and her not winning. I think Alex, Tom and Aaron will fight over the £10, and agree Aaron will take it. Plus the others can feel comfortable claiming they believe Aaron will win (because of the cheers over the weeks) so doesn't need more then £10. I think Jay will keep out of it hoping if he doesn't say much he'll get one of the higher numbers. I think he secretly believes he will win because of the cheers on eviction night, even though he's never come first in the voting so far. The other thing of course is real men have to be magnanimous and let the girls go first, which puts Jay and Aaron at the bottom. They think of Tom as a boy not a man, so he could get a higher amount. I'm guessing: Alex £30,000 Louise £10,000 (or Tom) Tom £9,000 (or Louise) Jay £990 Aaron £10 And I think Tom will be out on Thursday (with his £9ishK), and the top four will be: 1. Alex £80,000 2. Aaron £10 3. Jay £990 4. Louise £10,000 Poor Aaron! He really has been the entertainment all season, but I think he's going to end up with nothing but a tenner!
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 9:26 pm
You could be right about it. I wouldn't mind Aaron losing if he comes away with something, but that £10 is sad. (I did it, thanks)
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 11:02 pm
Alex and Tom will say they don't care about the money both have been shown saying they want to win. IF they change their tune now, it could be edited beside their original comments. LOL considering Aaron is in the house with what I consider the Village Idiots, he cant come out of this money discussion without looking bad. You just know he is going to have to explain repeatedly how to do math, how it might be arranged and frankly, i could see the others making him do it because he will be blamed if it gets messed up. this is a lose lose situation for Aaron. did you see everyone's face when the money twist was announced? Alex looked really angry, jay looked bewildered and irritated. Louise has previously claimed she only wants 10,000£ so it should be quite interesting to see the discussion of who deserves which amount. but i still say this twist is about the production making yet more anti aaron segments for the daily show.
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 11:15 pm
Does anyone have any theories about why Channel 5 hates Aaron so? Is it possible that some of the things they haven't shown would have changed our opinion of him? From what I've seen, the parts they use to "show him up" as this big player have only shown an intelligent man trying to survive surrounded by idiots.
| Friday, November 04, 2011 - 11:47 pm
I love Aaron he's a good man IMO. I especially am in love with sweet Tom. I'm rewatching so have a ways to go to catch up with all the episodes but I really like that Tom stuck up for Heaven when Rebeckah was having a go at her in their argument. Louise is very likable as well as Alex. I'm liking Harry but haven't gotten to when he's evicted yet am going to watch a bit more tonight. I loved the Yes/No game. BBUK makes it so entertaining with their twists! Alot better than the US show.
| Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 7:11 am
apparently they decided the fairest way was to just draw amounts out of a hat, so as of now it's as follows.. £30,000 – Alex £15,000 – Jay £4,000 – Louise £990 – Aaron £10 – Tom (which is about what I thought they'd end up with- I had Louise and Jay switched). It's not official though- 5pm house time is when they have to tell BB what the split is (and if BB tells them it's not acceptable since it was randomly decided, then it'll kick off)...
| Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 9:30 am
Well that's very sensible! I hadn't thought of that way. And Alex still gets the £30K! I'm beginning to wonder how much of a player(?? possibly not the right choice of words) she is lately. I must admit the thing about stealing the change from the blind woman set me wondering, and a few things lately (which typically I can't remember) have made me wonder if she was manipulating people. As some of the housemates have said, to have done so many of the things she'd wanted to do by age 19 she must have a certain about of drive, and all in all it just makes me wonder. Still think she's going to win or come second though.
| Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 6:40 pm
Kitt, I couldn't have said it better about Alex. I had second thoughts When she took change from a blind woman. That is just wrong!!
| Saturday, November 05, 2011 - 11:12 pm
faye said during an interview on BOTS that Alex is playing it up for the show. We've seen Tom call out alex a few times for her overacting and Faye also said that Alex has been faking the stubbing toe routine. Interestingly, Daily show had a segment on Alex and her 'clumsiness'. The girl has a solid gameplan and Sometimes i wonder IF aaron will call her out on it a day or so before Finale'. Not only is Alex a liar, i think she is pushing the situations to see if she can get the others angry at her. Ex/ Making icing with Water egg and a bit of white granulated looked like soup and she kept insisting she knew what she was doing. Another example of a compulsive lie..... burning the heck out of the cake then Lying to everyone that is was chocolate. I mean seriously, people were Watching her make it, why LIE? and expect no one to say anything. Seems to me that only TOM made a solid stand. Everyone else is cautiously tiptoeing around alex cause she is playing the Stereotypical winner
| Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 12:38 am
That was the thing I couldn't remember, the cake! Yes, very odd to lie when she should have known everyone would know she was lying. It was all a bit too much, not just little sillinesses but over the top, makes you wonder if anyone could really be like that, foolishness. And when Tom said about her lying about it being chocolate he said it as if it was an ongoing issue, so I think she lies a lot. After weeks of evictees saying how disgusting Jay was, but them never showing anything in the highlights, we've seen a lot of the broadcastable stuff he does over the last two weeks. Maybe they will start showing more of Alex being over the top.
| Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 8:06 am
I have basically skipped last week cause I did not want to listen to a whole week of them al over Aarron for voting a way that he felt was right for him. They keep blaming Aarron and i am just ticked cause Louise keeps saying she couldn't do it either to Tom or Alex and no one is ranting at her. If he had been doing it with total game play he would have put up Jay and Louise which would have split their votes and Faye might have been safe. Well done is done. I want Aaron to win more now that Alex already has her money, same with Jay and Louise. Aarron has put the most into the game.
| Sunday, November 06, 2011 - 9:15 am
The romance between Louise and Jay seems very sincere. I'm a fan of them and hope one of them wins. Alex is absolutely nuts but I don't think she's faking she is very young and gets overly excited with attention seeking and is very silly and lighthearted. Aaron is an interesting character but any man who hasn't had sex for 7 years and was flirty with Tom had has gone hot and cold with Faye so much makes me think the guy has intimacy maturity to do still, nice guy I like Aaron a great deal but I think Faye and him are at best going to be BFFs not that that's a bad thing at all.
| Monday, November 07, 2011 - 5:18 pm
Oh evil Big Brother, with the birthday presents!
| Tuesday, November 08, 2011 - 3:42 am
if people in the house, and her best bud Tom say she is faking, why have an opinion that she isnt? i tend to defer to those in the house who see stuff day in and out. I've noticed quite a few times Alex is carefully watching people with a sharp gaze. It truly reminded me of Danielle Donato on BB... like a predator looking for a weakness. Playing overgrown children has gotten both tom and alex to end. a good clip to watch is when Alex had aaron as a Slave. she was so sharp toned with him. it was strange. Aaron has a six year old son. his exact words were that he had not HAD SEX for seven years. He didnt say he hadnt made love. He didnt say he hadnt been romantically intimate. in my mind the term "having sex" gives the connotation of a One night stand or just going out with someone as F*** buddies. I think aaron had quirkiness planned as part of his game...but even I was uncomfortable with him jumping on tom's shoulders during the STRIP tease. i thought it was going wayyy to far. after watching all the clips I think jay and louise are melting down. I think jay especially has figured out that their gamemove make have cost him the game. at this stage, i'm hoping that Louise out first, followed by Jay..then tom I think both aaron and Alex ahve played the game hardcore focused. Either of them could win and I'd be happy. aaron does deserve it more tho, due to the weeks of bullying.