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| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 1:57 pm
Aaron safe with the most votes, second most votes is Jay. Another hour to wait before they announce the evicted housemate.
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 2:03 pm
I was so hoping Jay would go. Very disappointed.
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 2:36 pm
Thanks for spoiling! Nooooooo, I thought Jay and Faye would be fighting out for the bottom! I guess it might be because if there are sides, all Aaron, Harry and Faye are on one and Jay is on the other, A,H and F split the votes. I'm very nervous for Harry, it would be a bit of a travesty if he goes - such a good housemate!
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 3:05 pm
Harry is evicted. ![:-(](
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 3:17 pm
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That's such a shame. Faye or Jay should have gone. The bookies are going to lose some money, I think he was near a favourite to win. (Or do they like it when people who are favourites lose? I can never work out how bookies work.)
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 3:30 pm
Very disappointed. I wanted Harry to get the most votes, then Aaron, then Faye and Jay to leave. Never happens the way I want.
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 10:23 pm
i'm irritated beyond belief. Faye is playing such an obvious game that I dont understand how anyone can point fingers at aaron. I really was amazed that it wasnt jay n faye in bottom two. The other thing that i was really surprised at was how Harry basically bashed the heck out of aaron on BOTS. Its like he was trying to distance himself from the situation.
| Saturday, October 29, 2011 - 11:40 pm
Just watching today's show... wow on those money questions! Jay SPENT (not said he would, but BB said SPENT, past tense) £55K on a car. That's about $70K! And Faye said she'd sleep with someone for £500K - imagine what she'd be like if Aaron had said that!! Funny how Louise seemed to think they were all bad and blamed Aaron. And after they told her Jay spent £55K on a car she still thought the most expensive thing he'd ever bought was a leather jacket! I was a bit surprised at what Harry said too, regarding Aaron. I don't think it was really bashing him, more that he was assuming Aaron was playing the same way he (Harry) played. Can't have helped Aaron with the haters though, and he has some vocal ones!
| Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 2:02 am
i've found harry really unlikeable on the outside. anton seemed to be deluded still and self absorbed but he seemed to have softened. harry on the other hand, seems to be very cocky and putting on hes detached from the situation as soon as he was out. Louise proved how moronic she truly is. she answered aaron to almost every question. Like you said, even after she heard jay spent 55,000 she acted like she hadnt heard it. i notice that Harry has predicted louise will go next. i think it depends on the game play in the hosue and Whether production will put everyone up this next week. I'm still majorly irritated at Alex. cant believe she deliberately shortchanged a BLIND woman so alex could buy herself some lunch. And the way she was Killing herself laughing about it showed ZERO remorse. horrific i've felt alex was playing the biggest game and that personality flaw was well hid, until now. thx BB.
| Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 9:19 am
There was a part in the beginning when Jay told Aaron how much he needed the money. If he spent that much on a car, he sure doesn't need the money. Need or not should have nothing to do with who wins. At this point, the only person who hasn't offended me is Tom, and yet I still don't like him. I wanted Harry or Alex to win but now I think I'll hope for Aaron. After all, he's worked so hard, he deserves it.
| Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 3:04 pm
According to twitter, they nominated today face to face and this is who is up for eviction this week:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Faye and Louise |
| Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 6:49 pm
That will be a very interesting result. It really is one voting block against the other. Wonder if there's any reason for the early noms?? Tom offended me early on with the way he treated Aaron, and although I like the side we've seen of him lately, he always seems so quick to attack. I wouldn't mind if Alex won, but even before the blind woman revelation she was beginning to bore me. I'm now 100% for Aaron to win, particularly after the friends and family nominations.
| Sunday, October 30, 2011 - 7:08 pm
i think tom is playing a major game. i think he genuinely likes alex but everyone basically knows she was a shoo in for the finale, so he hitched a ride. tom's true personality has been peeking out a fair amount, jsut like harry's personality for the first three weeks. Now that harry is Out of House, its pretty obvious he is NOTHING like we saw edited in the show.
| Monday, October 31, 2011 - 2:03 pm
Kitt- according to Digital Spy- they had to nominate face to face (it was Halloween-themed; every time someone got a nomination, they got a shock). They had agreed to nominate tactically- everyone was supposed to get two noms and thus everyone would have gone up for the vote- but Aaron decided not to go along at the last minute (his explanation was he thought Alex deserved to be in the final week and shouldn't be up- of course, by betraying the group, it also put HIM though to the final week....)
| Monday, October 31, 2011 - 4:51 pm
Thanks Wilson. I'm behind this week (and probably will be to the end now, got family staying) and the twitters just said he'd spoiled their plan without saying what it was! Harry's a bit like Aden, in that he has different personalities for different sets of people. I don't know if the "public persona" Harry is the real one, maybe the sweet Harry is real, and this one on BOTS and at the beginning is his cover for when he's nervous/not at ease? I don't know.
| Monday, October 31, 2011 - 11:25 pm
the rumors and small amounts shown about the Noms and the resulting demonizing of aaron is incorrect. LOUISE choose not to go with Tom and Aaron. She tried to but BB suggested that she was only doing it because she was being swayed. This was shown ON bots. louise then CHANGED her nom to FAYE and aaron. IF she had done TOM, everyone would have been up. LOUISE messed this up not aaron. Everyone is picking on aaron because they want to deflect attention from louise. aaron did give Louise the third nom BUT this was after bb reemed them all out for trying to rig the vote the first time. I see his point. Louise chose NOT to put everyone up and NOW admits to doing it on purpose....but of course everyone still blames aaron. IF louise wanted to, she could have picked anyone to go up against but she Wanted it to be Faye because of the GET FAYE OUT chants each week Friday. Tom is irritating the heck out of me. wish he was on the block my last complaint of the night is how Bots and the Daily show seem to be singlemindedly trying to slam aaron every chance they get. its bizarre. alex seems like a giggling simpleton who steals from blind people yet they are portraying her so well.
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 12:35 am
This is why I am so angry with what BBUK has become. Without feeds they can twist the show by editing each housemate to be who and what they want and can prevent the public from actually seeing who they truly are. I have been a fan of Aaron's from the beginning and so totally don't understand why they have chosen to demonize him. My friend in the UK hates him and doesn't understand why I like him. I guess I am just use to BB stirring the pot from watching the US BB and can see that the producers are heavily influencing what the public does and doesn't see. This season has become very disappointing. We loved watching the UK version of BB because it was what we loved about the original BB and now channel 5 has totally ruined it.
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 1:36 am
The house dynamics are so strange this year. I always thought I hated all the midseason intruders but I sure missed them this year. No one really strikes me as real. After Alex won the endurance challenge, I thought she was a shoo in to win it - til the stealing from the blind disclosure. Who knows lol I find it so funny that Louise longs for the type of relationship that Faye & Aaron have - friends than can talk about anything & Faye longs for the type of relationship that Jay & Louise have - a fellow besotted & doing stupid "romantic" gestures. If Jay spent that kind of money on a car, he probably still owes on it. I watch the show online & every day BOTS is posted (by the same person) before the main show. Is the main show a day behind & BOTS is about the next days events shown on TV?? It seems so strange because they show noms & stuff on BOTS.
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 3:25 am
BOTS can contain events from the same day it it shown, the daily show recaps the previous day. The main show being a day behind is most evident with evictions, fridays show is a recap of thursday and then they evict and then saturday's show is friday leading up to and after the eviction.
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 3:34 am
bots is real time often. sometimes we are seeing what is happening in the house at that precise moment. no kidding about the Endurance rowing task. I remember reading the question as to why Alex was so desperate and determined to win it, just to get to pick others VT from before they went into house. it seemed out of character that she'd be so focused, think how quickly she usually craps out of a comp. Later we hear the tidbit about stealing from blind woman and her desperate focus NOT to have her vt played becomes obvious. i like bots but lately it seems like they are being fed info/ slant from the house. its like they are told they have an agenda to bash aaron but pretend jay and alex are harmless. Jay's perversions are laughed off and alex's fake behaviour is portrayed like its real. i notice that alex seems to be caught with that blank scowl on her face a lot now in clips. i wonder if the stress of having to deal with neurotic complaining tom is starting to wear on her. No doubt the whole house telling her she'll win also is adding to pressure. i'm hoping she'll finally blow and we see her real personality. Louise will keep hers hidden because she has her eye on a bigger picture
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 3:55 am
It struck me as so odd that 30year old Aaron would admit to liking boy bands & sulking in bed when they didn't do what he wanted. It struck me that this was behavior usually found only in hormonally imbalanced preteens then it got me to thinking if he's the big game player everyone says he is, maybe he's trying to simulate the ways of the main voters - young girls. Sounds wacky but even if a grown man was crazy about boy bands - who would admit it on national TV. hmmmmmm Like sitting to wee - I wasn't surprised that he does that (don't understand why most men don't) but I was disconcerted that he felt that was announcement worthy. That struck me as too odd.
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 1:31 pm
since the show is heavily edited, we have no idea how the fact came up. Its been brought up in three separate daily shows now. Usually with allthe HMs even faye laughing and mocking him. The last time they brought it up was because they accused aaron of being the one who keeps peeing all over the toilet seat. This is actually ridiculous since its the standing males who usually dribble everywhere. a sitting male would be peeing straight down NO splashing, no Wobbling. this house has been " pick on aaron" house since week one. Faye is the worst offender for trying to set him up, get him to say or do somethng incriminating then play a victim crying he is being mean to her. sooooooo tired of these people. especially FAKE alex. anyone catch the cakemaking clips? i wish someone would call her out. Water, milk and eggs is Icing?? then she was going to pour it on the cake. she's not cute, shes playing a ditz to try to win the gameshow. unfortunately, bots is doing its best to ruin aaron's chances. when an audience member tried to say WHY he thought aaron was playig a good gameplayers game, he got slammed. The inference that aaron was playing more of an american game got a terse We dont PLAY it like those over the pond from emma...with a sour look on her face. so knowing teh antiamericanism that floats around uk, i think an antiaaron movement could really get going.
| Tuesday, November 01, 2011 - 3:53 pm
I thought Aaron and the boy band bit (Sunday's show) played quite well in his favour. I thought he came across as quite cute and silly - they showed him telling Tom (playfully) that he was making it harder for him to sulk, and then they showed Jay saying he's probably just tired, and then they even showed him dancing in the toilet, which was blatant camera hogging, even though I like him! I still haven't got to the nominating.
| Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 12:33 am
i loved the dancing in the toilet. Aaron knew he couldnt join the group for oNE song then leave again, so he made a great decision and it was so funny. reminded me of a 13 yr old boy practicing his dance moves in a mirror
| Wednesday, November 02, 2011 - 3:03 pm
TV listings... (sorry for the late arrival, been busy!) Wed 02 3-4pm BB Wed 02 4-5pm BOTS Thu 03 3.10-4.10pm BB Thu 03 4.10-5.10pm BOTS Fri 04 2-3pm BB: The Eviction Fri 04 4-4.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 04 4.30-5.15pm BOTS Sat 05 2.40-3.40pm BB Sat 05 3.40-4.40pm BOTS Sun 06 1-2pm BB (time zones now back to normal) Sun 06 2-3pm BOTS Mon 07 2-3pm BB Mon 07 3-4pm BOTS Tue 08 2-3pm BB Tue 08 3-4pm BOTS Wed 09 2-3pm BB Wed 09 3-4pm BOTS Thu 10 1-2pm BB not sure if the early time means it's a special show Thu 10 3-4pm BOTS Fri 11 1-2.30pm BB: Live Final Fri 11 3.30-4.15pm BOTS