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| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 7:05 pm
He is so afraid of looking foolish that he backs away over every little thing. She is so needy that she needs constant reassurance that he is too afraid to give. In other words, they are both crazy and maybe are perfect for each other. She is supposedly 19 years old. I think she is older than that. If she is really 19 she is way too young for a 30ish fellow. He's pretty much who he is but she is still forming who she will be. One thing I just can't accept about the whole thing is why Jemma and Mommy are sticking their noses in. I can see warning her to wait until they are out of the house, but they are both brutal in their insistence that she not be with him.
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 7:11 pm
She's 22 next week and Jemma's 28, they both cut three years off their ages, for some reason. I hated Jemma laughing every time someone nominated Aaron, I understand her wanting to get a dig in at Aaron, but how's that going to make Faye feel? I agree, there's suggesting she be cautious but this badgering does no good.
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 7:26 pm
I can not stand Jemma and no matter who she had been up against would have been voting for them. I just feel that this nomination from outside the house goes against so much of what made this show great. That and all the writing and nominations talk it is annoying. I liked it better when nominations were their own personal thing and you couldnt be sure till you were evicted who put you up. as for Faaron i find it annoying how Jemma came in and just basically played seek and destroy. I am tired of Faye saying one minute oh lets put it all on hold, next I care for you so much, then oh you are ignoring me don't ever talk to me. I have the sense this girl is in need of a good therapist.
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 7:35 pm
TV listings... Tue 25 2-3pm BB Tue 25 3-4pm BOTS Wed 26 2-3pm BB Wed 26 3-4pm BOTS Thu 27 2-3pm BB Thu 27 3-4pm BOTS Fri 28 1-2pm BB: Live Eviction Fri 28 3-3.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 28 3.30-4.15pm BOTS Sat 29 1.45-2.45pm BB Sat 29 2.45-3.45pm BOTS Sun 30 2-3pm BB Sun 30 3-4pm BOTS Mon 31 3-4pm BB Mon 31 4-5pm BOTS Tue 01 3-4pm BB Tue 01 4-5pm BOTS Wed 02 3-4pm BB Wed 02 4-5pm BOTS Thu 03 3.10-4.10pm BB Thu 03 4.10-5.10pm BOTS Fri 04 2-3pm BB: The Eviction Fri 04 4-4.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 04 4.30-5.15pm BOTS This Sunday British Summer Time ends, whereas it's the following Sunday that our clocks go forward. That means shows for next week will all be an hour later (as shown in the listing above) before they get back to normal for the week after that. At least I hope I've got that right... if they end up being an hour earlier don't be surprised, for some reason I have a mental block on time shifts!!
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 8:31 pm
i think faye and jemm had a gameplan. Faye even told the HMs that her sister should come in and a few secs later her sister DID come in. One thing I just can't accept about the whole thing is why Jemma and Mommy are sticking their noses in. ummm i would go ballistic if my sister / daughter was carrying on with a married man whos wife seems to be doing interviews thus IN on the game. Personally i think Aaron is being targeted by both Faye and Jemm. Aaron needs to CUT those ties right now. faye is such a whiner and surely he can see that she is ruining his chances to win money for his son. IF those messages werent a heads up for aaron to cut ties with the needy cow, i dont know what will save him. NO one thinks their relationship is cute. Its just 'entertainment' with all the fighting/ making up. aaron needs to cut ties and start hanging out with tom, alex and treating them like his kids. now THAT would be cute sooooo tired of obsessive compulsive needy faye. i prefer her sister cause at least she embraces the villain role (unlike anton who made great predictions as to his antics yet didnt do it.)) jemm was Classic as teh burping sister making aaron nutz. if Faye was any kind of a reasonable person, she would have winked repeatedly at aaron as she did it. He isnt stupid, IF faye did more then those two tiny ones, he would have figured out it was a task. Faye set him up
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 8:38 pm
oh and my thoughts about the RIGGED voting by relatives/ friends of HMs?? since all they are basing their votes on IS the daily show and possibly (unlikely) twitters from house, this move is definitely to make sure aaron was up. I dont believe anyone was going to bother nomming him and this week would have been interesting. instead, now we have a predictable jemm vs aaron and everyone knows what is coming across from the TV show. i expect jay to get even MORE cocky now
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 10:26 pm
Has anyone seen a picture of Harry's girlfriend?
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 10:26 am
I had a look but couldn't see one, Sandra, sorry. Odds have Jemma as favourite to go, by far. I'm just hoping there's not an upset.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 4:42 pm
pics of all the callers were shown on the daily show. she just looked like a cute girl. As for an upset, Aaron seems quite angry and its pretty obvious he's being set up. Interestingly, when jem or mark were going to walk, everyone circled them begging them not to go. Aaron going to walk and he's ignored, except by faye who starts DEmanding that he say Goodbye properly and wants hugs kisses. Geez i dislike her.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 5:22 pm
It surprised me that so many of the mothers think Aaron is playing Faye. They've seen the same shows we have and to me it seems that Faye is acting like a spoiled child and Aaron has been bending over backwards to try to give in to her. They are both very moody. Faye and Jem want confrontations while Aaron avoids confrontation at all cost, but I don't think he is playing them for the game at all. He's just a geeky mild mannered person while they are over the top outgoing.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 7:03 pm
I am hoping that it seemed unfair enough to enough people to make sure they vote to keep Aaron... assuming he doesn't walk tomorrow! Faye today - Aaron says he feels bad and thinks he's going to slip away and leave the house, then suddenly SHE's upset because he might possibly not have been going to say a proper goodbye and it's all about HER! I think that whole exchange sums up their relationship.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 8:10 am
Jemma has walked!!! Wonder how they're going to handle this on the live show this week, since there can't be an eviction now...probably too late to bring someone new in, as there's only 2 1/2 weeks left...maybe a live task to give someone a guaranteed spot for finale night?
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 8:43 am
goodness knows I am glad she is gone but oh no if they just bring up the next highest I won't know who to vote for??? Harry or Aaron?
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 8:49 am
I`m not so sure Wilson ...... BB has plans apparently and will be announced on tonights BBOTS 
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 8:59 am
s a result of Jem leaving the House earlier today, Big Brother has just announced that ALL housemates that received ANY nominations this week will now be up for eviction.This means that Harry, Faye and Jay will now join Aaron in facing the public vote. As nobody's loved ones chose Tom, Alex and Louise during the nominations process on Monday they are all safe for another week and are one step closer to the final. To find out who will be the 7th evicted housemate, be sure to tune in to Channel 5 from 9pm on Friday night. For more information about how this affects this week's voting, check out the following statement from Channel 5. Tune into Bit on the Side at 11pm on Channel 5 to hear what Jem has to say about the nomination line up
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 9:23 am
This show has become more and more unfair as it goes along.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 10:14 am
That's not right, they should have scrapped the eviction and put on some elaborate, silly task, just so they could have something for the live show. Or if they couldn't have done that they should have put everybody up. I think Harry and Aaron are safe, and it'll be between Faye and Jay. I always wonder though how long the Aaron love will last, particularly given BOTS seem to hate him. I think Faye will go. Which is good for Aaron, even though he will mope even more.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 2:09 pm
so feeble. I read that the producer of BB is the same for the Gladiator show and Jemm was on the billet for a match, even tho she was still in the house. Sounds like this was a set up mind you, i thought it was rigged when Faye said her sister should come in and a few mins later, she does. these two are gameplayers and I think Faye will now have her "reason" to be emotional and will be playing it up majorly. at this stage of the show, I'm think Aaron is a shoo in for first or second. Alex is cutesy but Aaron has put up with a ton of Crap in that house, he almost deserves a win. PLUS he is much more of an interesting character then Alex.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 2:22 pm
RIGGED!!! Thanks for the answers about Harry's girlfriend. I guess it's a girl thing to wonder.
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 10:12 pm
From what they were saying on BBOTS they are all thinking what the mom's said would sway the votes, but I actually felt Vanessa Feltz had it right that Aarron is just a bit muddled up but not playing with Faye. Aarron told Jemma that he was able to work the house so FAYE wouldn't be up. He told her basically he did it for her sister and that is what gets her getting witchy with him? She seems to think that every wrong in that house could be laid at Aarron's feet (the stranded task ect0. She created utter drama from word go and seems to think it was "all to protect her sister". They keep harping about Faye's past but cmon get over it. (already tossed 16 votes to Aarron and 6 to Harry not bothered if Faye goes if anything think it might be poetic)
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 10:42 pm
It would indeed be poetic... good word. Does anyone know what this thing in Faye's past actually is? It sounds like it was just a bad relationship but they're making a huge deal out of it.
| Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 6:07 pm
the show today was infuriating. so faye again goes off on aaron, tells him to get lost and never speak to her again... then runs around the house playing the victim whining that aaron is refusing to speak to her. Louise joins in that aaron is just 'Like that'. so i smell yet another faye set up to make aaron look bad. then Jemm has the colossal nerve to ask aaron to make up with faye and try to deflect the negativity (make her look like fun. entertaining) poor aaron. That final scene in which he, being the adult, goes to make sure she is okay in washroom then faye starts smirking and wanting a hug?>? eyeroll i see on twits that aaron and faye are back to cuddles. Wish aaron would LEAVE HER alone. it does make him look like a gameplayer succumbing to her whims then she sets HIM up as the moody one
| Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 10:55 pm
I don't know why more people don't see through Faye, but a lot of the BOTS audience really like her. Not sure how representative they are. She even said in that VT they showed the other day that if she isn't the centre of attention she will switch things around until she is. Not only does she always want it to be about her, she's aware that this is what she does and still does it! I'd like her to go tomorrow. But if it's Jay that's good too. Btw I might be out tomorrow, so if anyone is watching live and is able to post who goes, and the no doubt very dramatic announcement of who's safe (will Harry beat Aaron??), I'd be very grateful!
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 3:16 am
I'm just curious, but does anyone know why the BOTS aftershow is posted the day before the show?
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 5:11 am
?? i am not sure what you mean Will. BBUK plays and immediately afterwards Bots is on. it follows the show are you thinking it is a Preshow because of the Breaking news etc? i think it as more of a Sneak peak as to what is happening currently in house. Like when we see noms, its usually either live or slightly afterwards. Then the NEXT daily show will show much more.