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| Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 1:54 am
jemm doesnt stand a chance as she is falling for jay anton's plan to pit her against aaron. there is already a clip up of Anton telling jemm that aaron was doing and saying things about her. jemm seemed to be falling for it. its unfortunate because Aaron and fays' fans could split their vote for harry / jemm and then anton will get to stay. IF jemm caused some serious drama/ fights with Anton, i think she could possibly create a fan base. there is lots of anton hate out there BUT i think jemm is going to roll over and give up.
| Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 4:58 am
Anton played it very smart- Jemma is probably the only person he could beat in a head=up vote, and the fact it's a 4-way split makes it more likely he survives.
| Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 6:06 am
Sunshyne4u & Kitt - I didn't know that no PMs were default - I went nuts trying to locate PMs & found out mine were not on. Could ya'll PM me again. Thanks!! If anyone knows where I can safely watch the first week, I would appreciate if you would PM me. Apparently, Victor did a lot of campaigning for Anton last week to save him. I imagine he will continue doing so.
| Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 12:07 pm
after jemm's harrassment of aaron, i think she would make a better villain in the house. anton is all talk no action. i'm not allowed to post youtubes here. Hopefully everyone has their places to watch the extra clips from teh house.
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 11:42 am
Just watched yesterday's show, and it's frustrating seeing how quickly the hms will abandon what they think they know when someone tells them something different. I guess paranoia is such a big thing in the house it's natural. I hate to praise Jay or Anton, but they've done a good job of making people unhappy. Hopefully when Anton goes tonight and they're told Harry gets the most votes they'll begin to wonder if Anton and Jay can be trusted.
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 1:03 pm
If the boos are correct it seems Jem may be the one going.
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 1:57 pm
Now they're giving Anton big boos and Jemma pretty big boos. Housemate with the most votes and therefore SAFE is Harry! Yeyyyy! Next SAFE person is Jemma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 6th person EVICTED from the Big Brother house is: going to be announced in the next segment, arggggggg!
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 1:59 pm
Jay gets his team to the evictions so he doesn't feel too bad, but not many people seem to actually vote for him! I am shocked Jemma got more votes, it must be people thinking they had to save her to make sure Anton goes. I'm rather excited!
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 2:02 pm
That was a surprise that Jem got more votes than both Jay and Anton. I really hate the 1 hour wait between shows to find out who is evicted.
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 2:02 pm
I think everyone was ticked off that they messed with nominations. It really isn't fair to have people up who weren't nominated by the house unless it's everyone up. I'm really glad the voters let BB know how they felt. It doesn't matter to me which one goes, but I am thrilled that it will be one of them.
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 2:31 pm
Ah yes, that could be it, they're making a statement. I don't like to admit it in public ;) but I've actaully warmed a little to Anton over the past week, with all his scrambling to be liked. I thought it was kind of - almost - endearing. I still want him to go because I don't like his big head, but I really don't like Jay so I'd be happy if he went too. The wait is annoying! In the gap I'm watching The Bachelor with who my mum calls "that awful Gavin Henson." It's funny because the longer it goes on the less the girls like him, and it seems as if the only one he's really interested in is the one moneygrabber there!
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 2:53 pm
Shocked that Jemma is safe actually- in a 4-way vote, and a vote to save and not a vote to evict, I thought she was a goner due to vote splitting...
| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 3:03 pm
It's time.... The sixth person to be evicted from the Big Brother house is: Anton!!

| Friday, October 21, 2011 - 5:18 pm
jay's face was Jemm was announced as safe. Pure panic, disbelief and basically Gutted. there was a clip of jay doing a mini-meltdown (like aaron usually does) on the channel five site. talking to the camera and crying, sooooo playing it out for the at home audience now that anton and him saw aaron doing it. I think that jay may have realized that he was backing the wrong horse when he saw the effect of 'louise is thick' rumor. Worse still, jay couldnt back it up and kept trying to kind of deflect it. i had a few fav bits when anton was out of house. showing his behaviour and suggesting he got himself out also liked it when emma repeated back harry's words after Anton tried to LIE to the audience about the Louise is thick comment most of the questions were softball questions and anton was happily flirting with emma/ playing a great gracious guy who is still intelligent, but is gone because aaron is intelligent too. It just plain wasnt sinking in that HE HIMSELF sealed his fate. That silly cackling and whispering about being a Legend.....while not doing ONE major villianous act (sp) after all, even the foodcolouring in the clothes could have been funny IF he said YEAH it was me, sorry bout that. can i help ya clean it up?? shall we try to use banana peels?? people love a good natured villain
| Saturday, October 22, 2011 - 11:23 am
Interesting task they're doing- they split into two teams (Harry/Faye/Jemma/Tom vs Louise/Alex/Jay/Aaron) and put them all on rowing machines for endurance- winning team gets to see any four HM audition tapes, last person standing gets a mystery prize. According to the official BB Twitter, they're over 5 hours in and it's Harry/Faye/Jemma vs Alex remaining- and the women are really into it.
| Saturday, October 22, 2011 - 11:38 am
I wonder if Harry's done some rowing, being a posh boy. Otherwise the girls are always going to win at endurance, especially Faye and Jemma, they'll be fighting each other not just the others. Should have been put on different sides. Show is 2pm today, 1pm tomorrow.
| Saturday, October 22, 2011 - 12:55 pm
Actually per the Twitter it's down to Jemma and Alex now...
| Saturday, October 22, 2011 - 2:50 pm
Wow I'm shocked at Alex! Good for her. I thought Faye wouldn't ever give up against Jemma, she seems that competitive. Faye is driving me crazy on today's show. And what's with all the repeats of the week, about half the show was flashbacks!
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 11:05 am
This is just bizarre... this week's nominations have been made by the housemates' friends and family! SPOILERS ahead: 1626: It's nomination time: we can now reveal that this week's nominations will be made by the housemates' friends and families! 1630: Aaron's brother has made his nominations. Alex's mum has just nominated Faye and Jem 1632: Faye's mum has just addressed the house. Shock horror! She's just nominated Aaron! 1639: Harry's girlfriend has made her nominations. Jay's mum has chosen to nominate Aaron and Faye BREAKING NEWS: the housemates facing the public vote this week are...Aaron & Jem}
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 11:36 am
Jem was thinking about walking this weekend anyway, so she'll probably be evicted Friday. Interesting twist though-with no live feed, the friends and family have less to go on than the people in the house!
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 11:47 am
It's going to make for even more Aaron/Faye/Jemma fighting/sulking with Faye's mum wanting Aaron out. I wonder how much detail they gave, whether they just said names or gave reasons.
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 11:56 am
WOW, way to shake up the housemates. Since they don't know what's been shown on TV, they will worry about who's been seen doing what. I am surprised that Jay wasn't nominated. He has come across as an obnoxious <self mod> from what I've seen.
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 12:03 pm
They really are trying to mix things up this season. I think if they had just stayed true to the formula that was tried and true, including live feeds, they wouldn't have to do things like this.
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 3:46 pm
They had the noms on BOTS, they were as follows: Aaron('s ??)): Jemma, Jay Alex('s ??): Faye, Jemma Faye's mum: Harry, Aaron (says he's plaing with her emotions) Harry's girlfriend: Jay (lied when left the crypt), Jemma Jay's mum: Aaron, Faye Jemma's boyfriend: Aaron, Harry Louise's mum: (told Lou to be good!!) Aaron, Harry Tom('s ??): Aaron, Jemma Most of the Faye and Aaron noms were because their moods upset the whole house. Aaron: 5 noms Jemma: 4 noms Harry: 3 Faye, Jay: 2 Alex, Louise, Tom: 0
| Monday, October 24, 2011 - 3:50 pm
I'm surprised how many read Aaron as manupulating Faye, or playing with her emotions. To me Faye comes across as so needy and temperamental that at times there is literally nothing he can do that's right in her eyes. He's definitely a bit immature in how he copes emotionally, but to me she's just a nightmare. How do the rest of you see Faye and Aaron's relationship?