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| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 11:09 am
I quite like Jemma (from the weekend shows), she says what she thinks and doesn't seem too cruel about it.
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 1:00 pm
Don't be shocked if they have a task in the next few days where the winners get a chance to watch a movie- apparently, the UK premiere of Paranormal Activity 3 will be at the BB compound on the 19th...
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 1:24 pm
It sounds like it might actually be in the house, because the competition is to watch "with some housemates." I think maybe they'll put a big screen tv in the task room, like on US BB. I wonder how they'll stop the outside people talking with the hms.
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 2:39 pm
And Faye nominated Aaron!!!! There couldn't have been a better winner of that "nomination" prize! Glad they stopped Tom warning Aden off Anton.
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 2:53 pm
Faye seems oblivious to the fact that she nominated the person she shares a bed with and he now knows!!!!
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 3:34 pm
unless they do it with the eliminated HM's and they watch it while the ones still in the game are completely oblivious to would fit in with the movie somewhat...
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 3:41 pm
It said they walk on a red carpet through the house, so it seems like there should be some interaction. BOTS is announcing the nominations. Up this week are: Aaron Faye Aden Jay Anton Finally Anton!!! GET ANTON OUT! GET ANTON OUT!!!
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 3:56 pm
I can't imagine anyone voting to keep him in other than his family. I can see those who dislike the wolf pack voting to save Aaron and Faye. I can see the silly young girls voting to keep Jay and maybe Aden. I just can't figure out who would waste money to keep Anton in that house. Thanks for the info and for the new schedule
| Monday, October 10, 2011 - 6:53 pm
You're welcome for the schedule . Yes, I can see Aaron and Jay having fans, and I think the Jemma-Faye dynamic has potential (even though I don't like Aaron-Faye) so Faye may be worth voting for. People who don't like Anton, and I think there's a lot, will know Aden is at risk and might vote to save him so that he beats Anton. It's just hard to be sure with a vote to save; with a vote to evict I think Anton would have gone without any problem. By the way, here are the rough bookies' odds for WINNER, at mid way through the season. Jemma already beats Aden and Anton! Alex 1.6/1 Aaron 4/1 Jay 5/1 Harry 7/1 Louise 12/1 Faye 12/1 Tom 35/1 Jemma 60/1 Aden 80/1 Anton 100/1
| Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 2:06 pm
Really interesting shopping task going on today, six housemates are stranded (Aaron, Aden, Alex, Faye, Harry and Jem) and the other four (Anton, Louise, Jay and Tom) are the rescuers and "will face individual challenges in order to rescue a stranded housemate of their choice. If the Rescuer fails their challenge, the Strandee that they have chosen will remain stranded." "If Rescuers free three of the six stranded housemates, they will win a luxury shopping budget. If Rescuers free fewer than three strandees, they will fail the shopping task and receive a basic shopping budget." Details and a couple of pictures here:
| Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 2:34 pm
Who nommed whom: Anton: Aaron (nothing in common, on different sides of the house), Faye (Aaron's girlfriend, same as Aaron) Aden: Aaron (causes drama, off with him), Faye (doesn't talk to her, always with Aaron) Jay: Aaron (doesn't talk to him, no love lost), Harry (because of the bananas) Aaron: Anton (still doesn't get his sexist sense of humour, arrogance), Jay (dishonest, vandalises house, food and clothes, "sham" relationship with Lousie) Faye: Anton (says one thing to her face, another behind her back), Jay (not made an effort with her, dishonest) Harry: Jay (denied the ketchup on clothes), Anton (too big for his boots, sexist talk) Louise: Faye (gets really emotional about little things), Aden (lied about who Aaron had nominated!) Alex: Aden (got something to say about everything, always one-ups), Anton (puts women down) Tom: Anton (malicious during arguments), Aden (forced conversations) Anton: 5 noms Aaron, Aden, Faye, Jay: 3 noms Harry 1 Alex, Louise, Tom: 0 Jemma: immune
| Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 3:56 pm
Jemma's 28! They had to guess as part of a task, and 28 was the right answer!
| Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 7:44 pm
so much to discuss. most interesting comment is discussed anywhere. Jay has claimed that IF he hears a boo when his name is called, he is going to walk out of the house even IF he isnt the one evicted. such cockiness. I hope that the crowd roars GET WOLFPACK out!!! that will strike fear into aden anton and jay equally
| Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 10:55 pm
If that call happens I bet they find a way to mis-hear it! From what I can gather from twitter and DS, in the food task the Rescuers rescued Alex and Aden, then started messing with the others to torment them. But of course the others (particularly Aaron and Harry) don't care about the food budget as much as Jay so they sabotaged the task by walking out of the task room and forfeiting the luxury budget. Result = Jay's upset all week again, and apparently Jay and Anton look like fools because their plan to mess with them backfired. If anyone can see the facebook clips it's on there - they don't work for me so I'm relying on what DS say about it.
| Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 10:58 pm
Oh and Faye is 22 in November. Someone looked up the public birth records(!). Marksman is smart!
| Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 2:57 pm
Seeing it play out, it looks like Jay and Anton actually worked pretty hard to try and get them out, even if Anton did keep at his stupid talk. That climbing machine must have really hurt, and I think Jay's sides are going to kill him tomorrow.
| Thursday, October 13, 2011 - 12:23 am
wonder why the others decided Faye aaron harry etc should be IN the room to be rescued?? they must have known that harry aaron would throw the comp??
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 3:59 am
Well if Anton and Jay had thought the whole thing through they should have taken Aaron and Harry out of the equation all together by rescuing them instead of Aden and Alex. The only one who will really be hurting is Jay and he has only himself and Anton to blame. Though the shopping budget was very small. I thought the hair extensions for Alex were a waste of what little money they had but my husband pointed out that Aden and Anton probably would have screwed them anyway and not purchased the items they asked for anyway. Why is it the whole house babies Alex anyway, I don't see what the deal with Alex is. She drives me crazy but she is good for a few laughs.
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 10:19 am
I think they would have definitely taken revenge for the bananas if they did have more money. Seeing as they already have cereal and bananas left over they should view anything on top of that is a bonus ;). So Anton says he's going even if his name isn't called, Jay says he's going if he's booed. Vote out Aden and the whole Wolfpack's gone!
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 11:22 am
Since when do we believe a word that comes out of Anton's mouth? No matter how many boos there are for Jay, there will also be some cheers and that's all he will hear. It doesn't really matter which of the three leaves, the wolf pack is done and they know it. Maybe if Aden hears the boos for Anton he will understand that Rebeckah was telling the truth about Anton and he should have paid attention. It might be too late for him, but he will know she was trying to protect him from a true snake.
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 11:55 am
everyone in the house is playing up to Alex as its pretty obvious she is the fav to win. I think she still looks like something the cat dragged in, extensions hasnt made any difference. What a waste of MONEY! you'd think Louise or Faye or even MAISIE would have tried to help her with a Makeover /makeup session. Some feel Alex is real, but i see her as acting the clown, and her makeup hair and out of style outfits are part of the schtick. Everyone is sooooo BORING this season. Faye, aaron, tom, alex, anton, louise all cause me to get drowsy. Do any of them have ANY charisma at all?? i think channel five needs to fire whomever decided to shortlist this group of losers. Even tho jay is an idiot, i find that he at least is a dominant speaker and states his opinions. Harry has shown himself to have a personality as well..but the others? boring
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 1:05 pm
Oh no, Jay is getting big cheers! If they announce only one person who's safe and it's Jay I will hate it!
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 1:23 pm
It's only twenty past, and Brian is talking about freezing the votes already. Why so early? They haven't mentioned two going but don't they usually stop the votes about 1.40pm? And he usually says the lines are "closed" not "frozen." "Frozen" is what they say at the finale when they do multiple counts. Are two people being evicted???? Or maybe it's just very close and they need more time to count???
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 1:30 pm
He's talking to the house "for the first time this evening." Anton got huge boos, Jay got huge cheers. The person with the most votes and SAFE is Aaron! (crowd was chanting Jay!) Voting opens again! What a waste of time!
| Friday, October 14, 2011 - 1:43 pm
The next housemate with the most votes and SAFE is Faye! Crowd were still chanting Jay! This is really going to shake them up, suddenly I'm a big fan of this reveal!