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| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 11:21 pm
I think Aden's emotions are real so I'm feeling pretty bad for him. I hope he snaps out of it soon because it's going to spoil his and everybody else's time if he doesn't. What has struck me the most is how nice the others are, and so reasonable, really, in discussing what's gone on. It's like watching real people instead of a bunch of caricatures. Jay - there are a lot of housemates with very complicated personalities and he's one of them. Sometimes he seems the sweetest person in the world, and talks about love and real feelings, and then he talks about the 100s of girls he's had. The two things just don't gel (although I do believe him). Not to mention at his age how can he have slept with that many women?!
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 9:38 am
Not to mention at his age how can he have slept with that many women?! Ummm, in his dreams? 
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 10:49 am
Well he has mentioned threesomes and such. Jay is 27 and if he was an early bloomer he might have been at this for 13 years or so that is about on average 1 girl per week. Seeing as he says he has been a few serious relationships including one in which he proposed it might be possible. Apparently Jay challenged Mark to a wanking competition. How bored do you have to be to do that?
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 11:21 am
OMG! Maybe it's a good thing there aren't 24 hour live feeds.
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 11:30 am
Definitely! Mark's another complicated one. I think he might be my favourite, but when he tries so hard to be so funny (like in the diary room last episode) he makes me think he's an idiot, but when he's not trying I think he's really funny and quite a sensitive and caring guy. I have a feeling Tom will be up for eviction, as he's been quite vocal in standing up for Heaven over Rebeckah. I can't see anyone else getting multiple votes, so I think it might be just the two of them. Pretty sure if so then Heaven would go.
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 3:46 pm
I wish they would do the top three up for eviction because what is the point of vote to save if there are only two up it all works out the same right?
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 4:32 pm
i just cant get into mark. Some of his early diary rooms turned me off. Like the comment about Nomming tashie because when he does soemthing funny, it wont get TV time due to her racist Pocohontas costume. That said to me he is Acting, Playing a part, making an attempt Constantly for TV time. It screamed FAKE and CHarlie-like to me. Someone who basically has been told he is Going to win, and is playing it up as the Ditzy goodnatured party boy. Charlie made me CRAZY with his fake/for camera antics in the house. From his smooch with Angel to his Constant harrrassment of Rodrigo, i wasnt impressed. Somehow I think mark would be dispised by the public IF there were feeds
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 4:51 pm
I don't think he said racist, he said something about how their is copy right to the Disney princesses and because of that they could not show it, but that is an idiotic thing to nominate over. I am looking forward to seeing the fall out of the mini task from yesterday
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 9:10 pm
Was it Aaron kissing Maisy at the end of the show today? I'm not good at telling when it's dark. If so I wonder if it was because he was nervous about how his conversation with Tom would be taken. And why did Faye get out of bed? She said something about Anton then left, but didn't go to Anton's bed. The soap opera aspect of it all is my favourite part! Kellee, do you mean the most intelligent/attractive/entertaining... task? I thought there would be more fall out from that, but they seemed to take it well, or at least what we saw. Other than Heaven, Anton was the only one who seemed a bit shocked.
| Sunday, September 25, 2011 - 9:58 pm
she said she was HOT and that Aaron should spoon maisie. hilarious was Anton coming out of DR then sitting there in bed watching Aaron smooch Maisie....whom Anton just declared was going to be 'HIS" on his birthday LOL that Awkward convo with Tom Aaron confuses me. I assumed it ws just being goofy but TOm really does seem to be crushing on Aaron. tom definitely is getting grumpy and i'm starting to think he's getting angry/ frustrated / clogged hormones. as for Pocohontas, i didnt hear anything about Copyright. I must have missed it
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 11:11 am
Ah, makes sense if she said Aaron! Well the whole thing has had some fall out. Faye's a bit annoyed at Aaron, presumably as she feels left out, and Tom's got a case of the green eyed monster, and has told everyone that although Aaron hadn't said he fancied him, he'd implied it. Now Aaron's upset and talking about leaving, although he has nominated this afternoon and is still there.
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 12:56 pm
TV Schedule, times PT: Mon 26 2-3pm BB Mon 26 3-4pm BOTS Tue 27 2-3pm BB Tue 27 3-4pm BOTS Wed 28 2-3pm BB Wed 28 3-4pm BOTS Thu 29 2.10-3.15pm BB Thu 29 3.15-4.10pm BOTS Fri 30 1-2pm BB: The Eviction Fri 30 3-3.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 30 3.30-4.15pm BOTS Sat 01 1.30-2.25pm BB Sat 01 2.30-3.30pm BOTS Sun 02 1-2pm BB Sun 02 2-3pm BOTS Mon 03 2-3pm BB Mon 03 3-4pm BOTS Tue 04 2-3pm BB Tue 04 3-4pm BOTS Wed 05 2-3pm BB Wed 05 3-4pm on C5* BOTS or you could watch Wed 05 3-4pm on C5 Celebrity Impossible?: Big Brother Special 1 of 2 Big Brother presenter Brian Dowling and last year's winner Josie Gibson compete in the first of two special editions of the magic-based game show. Illusionist Philip Escoffey invites the pair to assess the plausibility of proposed stunts, and proceeds to demonstrate whether their guesses were correct - with each successive trick being worth more for the contestants' charities. Thu 06 2-3pm BB Thu 06 3-4pm BOTS Fri 07 1-2pm BB: Live Eviction Fri 07 3-3.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 07 3.30-4.15pm BOTS Sat 08 1-2pm BB Sat 08 2-3pm BOTS Sun 09 1-2pm BB Sun 09 2-3pm BOTS
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 3:16 pm
Poor Aaron. Anton spreads it because he's jealous, Faye, who's said she prefers Jay, now thinks she's been betrayed, and Tom really thought he had a chance? Oh dear. And Aaron's too much of a wimp to fire back with any decent answers. And just before noms too.
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 3:39 pm
Nomination results from BOTS... Up for eviction are: Heaven and Aaron and Aden Shocked at Aden! I think Heaven will go.
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 4:32 pm
have to say I love when it is three up cause it causes more speculation, I am soooooooooo going to toss a couple votes Aaron's way
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 4:53 pm
Again, thanks for the schedule. Heaven will act up when she realizes that she is still not well liked by her house mates. Unless the public wants to annoy them by keeping her, she's a goner. I wish they'd get rid of Aden. Aaron played to hard too soon. He was fine in the beginning, but now he always seems to be in the middle of every drama. If he isn't gay, he needs to tell Tom he has absolutely no interest and he needs to say it in front of everyone. Even when he was talking to Maisie and then Faye, he should have had witnesses. The whole house is nothing but a huge gossip mill led by Anton. Anton probably thought he'd be the hottest male in there and cannot stand that none of the women seem at all interested in him.
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 5:33 pm
Kellee, Aaron can't leave, it would take all the character out of the house! Yes, Anton for sure thought he'd be the hot stuff! It's funny, last week I was applauding them for acting so maturely over Rebeckah and Aden's hurt feelings, and then they turn very little into some huge drama. I can't believe with so little physical distance from each other they can all believe such different and extreme things happened. I think Aaron has the sense to try and let it rest now though, I think/hope he'll lay low. Tomorrow Heaven is sure to annoy someone and if he plays it right they'll move on. That's where Heaven goes so wrong, if something gets to her she just cannot let it go, so it just gets bigger and more annoying. Meanwhile I wonder if the girls who were vacillating between Aaron and Jay start to show Jay a bit of love. He'd like that.
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 9:17 pm
If the twitter feed is anything to go by then Aaron has tried to smooth everything over. Not sure but did love his comment to Maisy on BOTS tonight about how with all the gossip they might as well had sex. Damned if you do damned if you don't. I have to agree with Aaron on being upset by Faye bringing his son into it. What did the poor guy really do, he told someone that he fancied them, she did not reciprocate, he moved on, he flirted with someone he felt was safe cause he kept saying he isn't gay (we saw this last year with Ben and Mario), and he kissed a girl who was in his bed stroking him...cmon what did he really do that was so bad that his son had to be ashamed? Faye took a very low blow there, she knew that was his Achilles heel and she aimed full thrust at it. Then she neglects to mention that this is why Aaron got upset with her. I think it is a huge gossip fest cause it is such a young house run by their sex drive rather than their intelligence. My only fear is Aden and Aaron might split the vote to save and Heaven might stay. I am okay with Aden leaving, i am okay with Heaven leaving, so vote for Aaron to stay. lol
| Monday, September 26, 2011 - 10:16 pm
My brain's stuck in the normal voting system, Kellee, when you said you might vote for Aaron I thought that meant you wanted him out! I think Aaron is sure to stay, surely he has lots of fans... ? But Aden might be at risk because I don't know who'd bother to vote for him. Not that he's unlikeable, just not a big character. Heaven might have people voting to save if she's made a following by standing up to Rebeckah. But I think Heaven's most likely out. You make a good point about Ben and Mario being like Aaron and Tom, Kellee. I hope it doesn't go the same way with Tom ending up hating Aaron like Mario did Ben (which I also thought was a lot due to the green eyed monster). I think that sort of straight male - gay male relationship is a lot more common in the UK than it is here, males here seem to be more concerned about looking macho.
| Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 11:10 am
The shopping task this week should be hilarious. The HM have to interact with a gorilla in a series of tasks...only it's not a gorilla, it's a guy who's famous for his impersonation of a gorilla...
| Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 12:55 pm
poor aaron, darn anton and his jealousy. I'm still trying to figure out where anton gets his over inflated ego from. Very plain face, scrawny thin body and shallow personality ( would NEVER date anyone who isnt beautiful etc) I think Anton is the least attractive in the entire house. Even harry is cuter in his quirky ultrageek way. As for noms, i SOooooooo want Aden gone. he has added nothing to the house except being a Stalker to rebeckah and Sidekick to Anton the shttstirrer. Hes too boring to continue in the house. he adds no humor or anything except....LAME rap. Heaven is a looney and an irritant. she should stay
| Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 2:02 pm
It'll be good to see the gorilla! I wonder if they'll actually think it's real, I know he looks good but there's no way they'd let a real one in because of safety issues.
| Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 2:41 pm
Who nominated whom... Alex: Anton (doesn't get his humour), Aden (puts on hard act) Anton: Aaron (sly, never trusted him, love square), Heaven (can't deal with her nonsense, annoying) Aden: Heaven (doesn't get on with her, unbearable to live with), Aaron (drama caused unrest) Aaron: Anton (doesn't get his humour, disrespectful, aggressive), Aden (changed, trying to be one of the lads too much) Faye: Aaron (love square), Heaven (does things without thinking about others) Harry: Heaven (doesn't accept others' opinions), Tom (doesn't take into account others' feelings) Heaven: Aaron (nice but appeared shady in love square), Maisy (not honest over Aaron) Jay: Maisy (lazy), Heaven (loud in his face) Louise: Maisy (stares), Aaron (love square created bad atmosphere) Maisy: Mark (not much of a connection, early days was an act), Aden (just follows Anton) Mark: Maisy (sometimes funny, sometimes not, always a potato(??)), Aden (won't tolerate him (M) talking nonsense to him (A)) Tom: Aden (tries to one-up all the time), Aaron (thought he was friend but now feels betrayed) Aaron 6 Aden, Heaven: 5 Maisy: 4 Anton: 2 Mark, Tom: 1 Alex, Faye, Harry, Jay, Louise: 0
| Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 3:05 pm
Well at the end of the saga (hopefully the end) I think a lot less of Faye, not that I liked her much anyway, a lot less of Tom (and I have tried to like him and did a lot), more of Maisy, who'd kind of disappeared into the background before this, and about the same of Aaron. Still like Aaron, Alex, Mark and Jay, like Harry more recently than I did originally. Heaven would annoy me too much, Aden needs to grow up, Anton's just too full of himself, and who knows about Louise, I rarely notice her.
| Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 3:33 pm
Why did Anton start a rumor that Maisy/Aaron had sex? Is he jealous or does he just like stirring things up? I don't like him anymore. Did the HG's never figure out that Anton started all this?