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| Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 10:12 am
Josie (from last year) did the quadruple spray tan too!

| Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 11:47 am
Shelley kinda looks like Alex after all the fake tans LOL OMG, I can't stop laughing again! Too funny! Kitt, I can't believe Josie did 4 tans! Is that a joke from BBOTS? I don't blame Harry one bit for saying no the the photoshoot. I was surprised that Louise said yes to the one-night stand. I do think she and Aaron are so cute together.
| Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 3:13 pm
omg aden this show. He is so manipulative. its creepy how needy he is. What the HECK is he talking about? we have NEVER seen anyone using him to tell problems too. I think this is classic manipulation and how he had bedded 49 girls. Crying and grabbing at them like Maisie. his cheese is slipping out of his sandwich. The best thing about aden is the way BOTS rips him about those LAME raps LOL even his brother is embarrassed
| Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 3:15 pm
I kind of thought he was lining up Maisie to be his next obsession when Rebeckah leaves.
| Thursday, September 22, 2011 - 3:47 pm
Aden makes my skin crawl...I said that at the beginning the first time I listened to him and I want Rebeckah to leave just to not have to watch him stalk her so much. Mamabatsy, say it isn't so. Haven't seen today's episode yet, but if he goes after Maisy, I so hope she tells him to get lost. I can't believe any woman would want him at them 24/7.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 11:27 am
I'm behind again, just watching yesterday's show. I don't know why they didn't do the Aden-Rebeckah thing earlier on, it seems like it was only for about three or four hours before they opened the yes/no safe. I think he was trying to go after Maisy too, to make Rebeckah jealous. Didn't he say to Jay(?) that he could wipe out the 11 days he's been in the house in two, which I thought he meant he could get Maisy in two days if he wanted to. It's hard to know what exactly happens but I think Aden is so bad at understanding other people's hidden/subtle meanings that he thinks people are confiding in him and it's all deep when actually they're just chatting. Hard to know though, without the feeds. Ah oh, now I'm up to the bit where's he declaring his love for Rebeckah...
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 11:33 am
I'm talking too much again, but note how Rebeckah has no doubt that Heaven nominated her (when she didn't) whereas Heaven can't believe Rebeckah would nominate her, as they'd made up (but she did)! That says so much about their inner characters. You could never talk too much, Kitt. I love reading all the posts in this thread. When BB gave the HG's the option of saying YES to viewing the noms, the look on Rebeckah's face was priceless. She did NOT want her noms to be seen by the others, especially Heaven.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 12:30 pm
I was so hoping that BB would say that they had to watch the nominations no matter what the vote was. I would have loved to see Rebeckah squirm out of that one.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 12:39 pm
I was hoping the same thing, Mamabatsy. I wanted some of the HG's to sway the others in that they needed to say YES to win. If Alex hadn't tanned 4 times, they might have lost this task. They only had one No left. Who does Rebeckah counsel? Wow...doesn't seem like a counselor. Sometimes the way she laughs, she seems evil.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 2:54 pm
I missed the first hour, will have to find it later (the ape is having trouble I see!)... for posterity: The second person to leave Big Brother 2011 is Rebeckah! I would like her to say she was playing everyone (in the interview) but I suspect she'll blame others. Cricket, I think Rebeckah said she counselled teenage girls. Her bio at the beginning said something like she worked in a gentleman's club BUT (like the second negated the first) she gave all the money she made to some sort of home for young girls, where she also counselled them. I guess she's going to help the girls learn how to fend for themselves, but if they pick up on the manipulative way she does it I don't think it'll help them much in the future. Wonder what Aden will do now... make a beeline for...? Anyone hear what the crowd boos were like?
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 3:27 pm
Hmmm well some housemates leave with class, and some do not... I'm interested to see how it all plays out without her. I think it will make Heaven more difficult to live with and I expect she'll be up again soon. Wonder what Aden will make of the boos.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 4:07 pm
Thanks for the info, Kitt. She is in no position with her way of thinking to be around young girls. I can't believe she thinks Aden can win this game. I want him to go next. I'm also tres upset with her rather steering Aden towards Maisy in her goodbye message. Noooooooo! I don't think she's being 100% honest in her interviews. Can't believe I liked her @ the beginning...just a few days, but still. She fooled me for just a bit. I wonder what her relationship with her father is like. Something is wrong with her re men/relationships.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 4:25 pm
She hates men and most women hate her. She needs counselling herself. Something is way off about her. She can't accept any blame for anything she's done. The house seemed to turn on Heaven for saying what most of them have said in the diary room. Why protect Aden? He is a street wise rapper who has had many women to hear him tell it. They acted as if he was a backward shy little boy who needed protecting from the evil Heaven. I'm afraid she will go next week.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 9:20 pm
I think Heaven showed little tact in going for the jugular right after the eviction right in front of Aden. i think she just wanted so bad to say I was right you see. i think dear Rebeckkah just sunk any chance Aden had in winning. Her whole from the grave video just tarred him big time. BTW love that they are finally doing these videos it was always one of my favourite things the Aussie version did
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 9:41 pm
They've all forgotten that Rebeckah attacked Harry when her friend Tashie left. Heaven was sure she was going because she knows she is a different sort of person. Heaven tried to be nice to Aden, but he was angry that she was still there and rejected her. Her lack of tact was a combination of relief, joy that the public saw Rebeckah for what she is and a little self righteousness.
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 10:29 pm
i thought rebeckah taught dancing in her OWN dance school. From what i recall, she talked about Counselling the girls thru the dance. Now that she's out of hte house, now she admits that it closed because of lack of housing and funds. i dont know what to think about her. That comment about Jay and Fisting has me shaking head. I dont ahve a clue why she would have a hate on for jay for being kinky when she Herself was going on and on about watersports and has talked about peeing on someone more than once. Methinks she is very aware jay would be popular outside the house and this was an attempt to give Aden a better chance. and OMG at her obvious "okay" for aden to "go after maisie cause she will be there a long time".... gag Maisie's face during that Goodbye message said it all. i think aden is toast
| Friday, September 23, 2011 - 11:59 pm
You may well be right, Sunshyne, about the counselling being through dance. Mostly I remember her saying it like it justified her day job, like she was defensive about it. I think Rebeckah's being totally insincere about Aden (or maybe not totally, she likes that her likes her and was sweet to her) and has no romantic interest in him. I think in the house she thought that having a romance might keep her there, and now that she's out she thinks pretending it's a real romance will keep her in the public eye with stories, particularly if Aden stays in the house and remains loyal to her. I don't think she realises most people don't believe her. I think Heaven's kind of blown it. She was just too keen to prove herself right in that argument and it just doesn't look good, gloating like that. I think she's got a good heart, but maybe because she's always been left out(?) for being different she's too desperate to be right. Unless she wins some sort of immunity I think she'll definitely be up next. Maybe with Aden if he acts up.
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 2:44 am
Heaven is the biggest phony in the house. I was glad rebekah left but I can't take any more of heavens acting especially since her entire act now revolves around how real she is
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 9:57 am
Sunshyne4u stated: i dont know what to think about her. That comment about Jay and Fisting has me shaking head. I dont ahve a clue why she would have a hate on for jay for being kinky when she Herself was going on and on about watersports and has talked about peeing on someone more than once. What was R talking about that Jay did/said? I was shocked, but also shocked at her being repulsed after some of the things she's said she's done. Surely if he 'did' something vulgar, BBUK would remove him, right? He and Aden are a different breed than guys like Harry/Aaron. I agree that Heaven opened her big mouth too soon and she should have shut up during Rebeckah's video message. Yes, Marksman, there is a phoniness to her; however, the HG's (and the public?) felt she was less phony than Rebeckah. She will most likely be nommed every week.
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 11:12 am
I think Rebeckah heard (or was pretending she'd heard) Jay talking about what he'd done in the past, not in the house. I think she was just out to shock and give excuses for why she'd nominated him. She was quite happy to mention things many might think were unsavoury that she'd done, so I can't see why she'd think someone should be evicted from the house for their past sexual activities. Heaven's wearing on me too. Maybe she will calm down this week, although if nominations are Monday like before, then it's probably too late to stop anyone voting for her. BB is 1.30pm Pacific today, 1pm tomorrow.
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 11:30 am
ya i took it the same way as kitt. I figure jay was talking about one of his many sexual exploits and Rebeckah didnt like his tone of voice or something. Personally i find the concept of fisting anyone repulsive but it seems to be relatively common in porn, so guess its mainstream now, like anal hetero. Is this where i make a Sodom and Gommorra joke?? OY, whats our society coming to when this kinda stuff is not unusual? watersports anyone?
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 1:48 pm
I think that BB needs to crack down on the out of the house excuses, (Hunting and sexual exploits ect.) I think BB should have asked them how it was effecting their time in the house truthfully Harry's hunting or Jay being a bit of man-slag (hey over a 1000 women I dont think that is calling him a name just is what it is) really didn't effect her time in the house and is not a valid reason. I think Rebeckah is now just looking to get a payday out of mentioning her dance studio closed. No mention of it being closed before the exit interview. Wonder how her bit on the side week will be...feel downright sorry for Aden's mom who will have to do dinner with her...
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 3:35 pm
Thanks for the info re Jay, Kit and Sunshyne. I now get it...Jay was talking about his sexual exploits. I would hate to think the way he and Aden think about sex would ever be seen as the 'norm.' I don't understand what girls see in guys like them. Kellee, I'm not sure how to feel about Aden's Mom. She seems to be in denial about her son. His actions in the house are not normal, but she acts as if he's just a dear sweet boy..just a teen. NOT!
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 5:07 pm
am i a horrible person?? Aden bawling his eyes out like a heartbroken 13 yr old was one of the funniest and Pathetic things I've seen on BB for years. OMG so hilarious BOO HOO HOOO !! oohhhhhh Sob Sorry but i dont think the public OR the other HMs are going to be suckered by this. He is just too mentally weak to be in there. oh my gosh, Aden Rapping to himself on couch is just playing and its SO feeble. He is so immature its sad.
| Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 7:12 pm
oh and the BOTS show, the lady at the end who didnt make it onto the season. Queen of Vag and her 'song' with the guests all dancing on stage? oh My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. I LOVE british humor.