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| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 10:19 am
It's not just you Kitt. All the BB UK videos I've tried to watch are blocked.
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 2:25 pm
Faye had an interesting tactic... "that's disgusting, give me a kiss and I'll forgive you!" I thought she was going to go for Jay, it's obvious he's got a thing for her. And while Aaron was talking she looked so bored, yet she chose him. Very suspicious that's just game play to get on "popular" Aaron's side! Jay must feel a bit silly.
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 3:40 pm
I think we can guarantee Heaven nominated Rebeckah and Rebeckah nominated Heaven! Nomination reveal on BOTS... Nominees are: Rebeckah and Heaven! (and not announced in alphabetical order - really happy they changed that!) Interesting! The house is going to assume a lot of things from the result of this vote.
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 4:28 pm
Very interesting. I wonder who the public will keep. The very different, oddball Heaven or the pretty, lying mean girl Rebeckah. Heaven might be annoying, maybe even crazy, but I don't think she means any harm to anyone. Rebeckah just seems to try to make trouble for everyone.
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 4:30 pm
Not looking too hopeful for Rebeckah if some of the polls are any indication to go by !
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 5:33 pm
For the sake of justice, I would like Rebeckah to go, but I think for the sake of interesting viewing, I'd rather Heaven went. I think Rebeckah will have both more people who don't like her and more who want her to stay (for interest) than Heaven, so I've no idea how it will work out. There would be a lot of reorganising(??) in the house if Rebeckah went. The house would know Rebeckah had done something wrong, but they might not realise what, as they mostly seemed to like her (until the Harry moment). Aden would be lost, and might think nobody likes him OR that they liked him and they saw he was being used. Heaven's going to think she's been vindicated. That could be interesting too, so maybe it's win/win if Rebeckah goes afterall!
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 8:44 pm
It is at times like these you continue to hope people will vote for the house they want to watch instead of the one they want to live in. Now if only I lived in the UK so I could vote, even the facebook voting thing has to be a UK ip 
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 9:51 pm
I wondered about Facebook, and whether that was international. They've thought of everything! I think they said facebook votes were only 7p each, compared to 35p calls and more(?) for texts... that's probably going to skew the votes towards facebook users who, I think, are mostly teenage girls???? I think it might make it even more likely girls are evicted whenever there's a choice.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 12:49 am
Viewing figures for the show are way way down this year - hopefully C5 will sort it out and bring back lf next time if the voting figures reflect the loss of viewers. Won`t hold my breathe though UK always vote out the `interesting` hms so fully expect R to go this week. The vote to save should have helped but when there`s only two up it doesn`t make a difference.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 3:09 am
I don't know I think facebook is something used by a larger cross section of people, which the lower cost could actually bring in people who might not have bothered to vote before. Think of how many people play games on Facebook, you buy the credits to use in those you have a couple hanging around and the vote thing pops up in your news feed. You don't really have to go out of your way so why not.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 9:25 am
I didn't think of that but you might be right, so many of my middle aged female friends play games on it, so I guess they have already bought credits and have them available. Yeah, I think Rebeckah's a gonna unless Heaven makes herself supremely irritating (to the viewers) between now and Friday. I kind of wonder what tricks Rebeckah's going to try to stay in. I don't think she's going to go easy...
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 9:58 am
New task today... looks like it could be good viewing, unfortunately we won't see it until tomorrow. This is the Ch5 press release: Tuesday, 20 September 2011, 11:15 CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER – TASK RELEASE ‘YES’ TX: Wednesday 21st September @ 10.00pm on Channel 5 This morning, Big Brother called all housemates to the sofas as soon as they woke up and introduced this week’s shopping task – YES! Over the next two days, housemates will be asked a series of questions. To pass this week’s shopping task, all housemates must do is answer YES to this question and then follow through with whatever they have been asked to do. Because this task is all about being positive, Big Brother really doesn’t want to hear the world NO. If a housemate answers NO to Big Brother, they will incur a fail. Big Brother has placed a safe in the Living Room, with an envelope locked inside. Written on a sheet of paper inside the envelope is the number of times Big Brother is prepared to hear the word NO during this task. At the end of the task, housemates will be given a code to open the safe and reveal this number. If housemates say NO to Big Brother more times than the number written inside the safe, then they will fail this task, and receive a basic shopping budget. If they do not exceed the number of no’s inside the safe they will pass the task and receive a luxury shopping budget. Today’s YES tasks are: - 9.30 am: Mark is asked to be naked for the duration of the task - 10.30am: Alex is asked to have a spray tan…then another…then another… - 12.30am: Anton is asked to electric shock Maisy. - 2pm: Jay is offered a chicken…then another…then another… - 4pm: Rebeckah must choose which housemate she wants to lose their suitcase for the rest of the series. Everyone else will think it an eviction. - 11pm: Aaron is asked if he wants a one night stand with a female housemate. He must stand at the end of their bed in the dark all night long.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 12:39 pm
That sounds like a fun task. It really is too bad we can't see the whole thing. The highlights show just doesn't catch all the interesting little things that are said and done. Without the live feeds the producers can skew the show any way they want.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 2:41 pm
Who nominated whom: Aaron: Heaven (didn't understand last night), Rebeckah (spread chocolate rumour) Aden: Heaven (started tension), Tom (stood up for Heaven with cutting statement) Alex: Heaven (moods up and down), Maisy (doesn't understand her humour) Anton: Heaven (creates tension), Rebeckah (creates arguments, hurts feelings unnecessarily) Faye: Heaven (last night), Rebeckah (last night) Harry: Rebeckah (don't like her, creates trouble, two-faced, leads on Aden), Aden (needs to grow up a bit over Rebeckah) Heaven: Faye (doesn't like her anymore), Jay (told the boys she'd eaten chocolate(!)) Jay: Rebeckah (tells lies over Heaven and the chocolate), Heaven (chocolate thing) Louise: Maisy (watches her all the time), Rebeckah (said bad things) Maisy: Alex (looks at her strangely), Mark (hasn't connected with him) Mark: Rebeckah (half nice, half wants to kill him), Maisy (uncomfortable, doesn't know anything about her) Rebeckah: Jay (caused trouble with the chocolate(!!!!!!)), Heaven (shouldn't have fallen out, treated her badly last night, lost trust) Tom: Rebeckah (shady over Heaven, two-faced), Maisy (doesn't help out) Rebeckah: 8 Heaven: 7 Maisy: 4 Jay: 2 Aden, Alex, Faye, Mark, Tom: 1 Aaron, Anton, Louise: 0 Harry: immune
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 2:47 pm
I'm impressed they all saw through Rebeckah, although I can't believe poor Jay got blamed for the chocolate incident! Anyone got any favourites? I think Jay's pretty sweet, and now Mark has calmed down I find him straightforward and very likeable. And I still like Aaron, although I'm still not sure if he's just playing the game exceedingly well.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 2:58 pm
I'm talking too much again, but note how Rebeckah has no doubt that Heaven nominated her (when she didn't) whereas Heaven can't believe Rebeckah would nominate her, as they'd made up (but she did)! That says so much about their inner characters. They're going to get punished for nomination talk!
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 3:36 pm
They were all talking about who they nominated. They won't have any hot water for the rest of the season. I felt sorry for Jay. He was trying so hard not to call Rebeckah out in front of Heaven, but she wouldn't even fess up when they were alone. She is truly a pathological liar. I hope the voters do see the difference in character between Heaven and Rebeckah and keep Heaven. While she is crazy, she isn't mean. Rebeckah just goes out of her way to make trouble for everyone.
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 10:27 pm
omg the BOTS was so funny today. I wish the BBUSA producers would quit giving HGs a full kitchen and tons of food. The things the UK people do so they can eat well. The food Task is AMAZING. the first thing I thought was NONE of the USA prima donnas would have done Any of those comps. Much as fans loved Jeff and Jordan, the fanbase would turn against anyone who refuses to compete. The house also wont tolerate a HG who refuses the tasks. I'd love to see a return of REAL bigbrother to the usa. I find the USA version BORING>>>>fake deals/ Fake alliances and KNOWING whom is being nommed and who is GOING each week...
| Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 10:53 pm
Alex and the fake tan, lol! Anyone know how long that will take to fade?! Jay's chicken didn't seem too hard, but I guess it's quite dry. He can't complain he hasn't had any protein though . I'm waiting to see Maisy get zapped!
| Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 6:18 am
it does wash off but i have no idea how long it would take since the colour penetrates the first layer of skin. I saw the youtubes of Maisy being zapped but I dont understand how Anton is given such an easy task. BTW, i noticed something while watching the Naked Pool party blurb again. Fay is wearing a JESUS rocks belt. Now that is something that producers have completely eliminated from the TV show. that she is a strong christian. I was trying to figure out why jay was going on and on about her being "innocent" and a "good Girl" when we have seen her be just as wild as the other girls. After Dave and his Bubbling Belly rants and the Careful editing NOT showing what he was REALLY like, i worry that this BB show without feeds is really misleading. For instance, the BOTS show doing a whole segment on Rebeckah's Shttstirring.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 10:28 am
I think maybe they assumed Anton would say no to any fun task, so they gave him a boring part. I thought Harry would say yes to the photoshoot, but I think they knew there was a good chance he'd say no too. I think Aaron might have said no too, but that's understandable, standing all night.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 11:26 am
I think part of showing Rebeckah all the time is they keep emphasizing how she is making the house interesting. They want to keep pounding at the fact that you should vote for the house you want to watch not live in.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 2:26 pm
Hee hee hee, Maisy gets to get her own back! Kellee, I don't know if that's their intent but I don't think it's working that way, people seem even more intent on getting her out.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 6:18 pm
Alex and the fake tan times 4 is the funniest thing I have EVER seen. Rebeckah's "It really suits you" just did me in. I just can't stop laughing.
| Wednesday, September 21, 2011 - 9:42 pm
Alex needs to sit in that swimming pool for a few hours, let the chlorine cook off the first layers of her skin. i was glad to see Anton get a little bit back. he was enjoying shocking maisie too much. OH and about harry, he has businesses. Including an ice cream business which WHO KNOWS? might include an icecream truck for kids. I can see where he would NOT want to be in a gay mag in Underwear. personally, i wonder what Big Jeff would have done if he had the same task... knowing how homophobic he is. PLUS jordan and the fake tans?? i just cant see them doing it. Yes, i'm not a jj fan. everyone else this season would have gone for it but then again, Shelley kinda looks like Alex after all the fake tans LOL