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| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 10:18 am
Yeah I know what you mean. I think you have to give in though, seeing as we're not going to ever be getting live feeds (at least not this season) and just accept the season for what it is or it's hard to get much enjoyment out of it. I'm kind of looking forward to taking it show by show, particularly as it's later in the year so soon the regular tv shows I watch will be on as well. I was really into the show last year but I've been racking my brains to think who Dave is! Had to look him up and he was that awful monk guy! I hope his fame was fleeting!
| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 11:34 am
You're welcome MamaB . By the way, when I copied the individual pictures the filenames all had the same format except Tom's, which was just called "Tom-new." It makes me wonder if Tom was a last minute replacement.
| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 2:55 pm
Funny that Pamela selected none of the blonde women to join her in the VIP lounge. Might have thought of them as competition. I still like Heaven and Louise, but no longer care for Rebeckah. I think I will like Faye but have no idea which of the men I like at all. They all seem to be OK one minute and jerks the next.
| Saturday, September 10, 2011 - 5:15 pm
Watching it now (that certain Ape is speedy!). Channel Five are giving them name labels! So Pam's only there for three days, and is giving immunity to three people... Wonder if that's means the other 11 are all up or there'll be nominations. I think Heaven's a nice person, but if she keeps up the overt mother role it might wear thin pretty quickly. I'm not keen on Rebeckah. And Aaron's full of himself but sometimes seems quite sweet. Anton's similar I think. Don't like Alex. I think Faye and Tashie might be ok. Not sure about Jay or Maisy. Louise and Harry seem nice. Aden might be ok deep down but is very immature and trying too hard to be macho, not sure the other guys are going to like him. Mark is trying too hard to be the lovable plonker, and I think most of the others are too bright not to notice. I think he's nice underneath though. I think Tom will be nice when he opens up. Ch5 seemed to give everyone a similar amount of airtime, which is good. Interesting when Tashie told Jay she had a boyfriend, Jay said something like "and they still let you come in here?" Sounds like being single, or at least open to hooking up, might have been a requirement. (Unless he was talking about her boyfriend letting her!)
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 3:37 am
I am pretty sure that it was stated that the three housemates with the golden swimsuits would be immune from this weeks nominations. I wonder if a guy gets a golden swimsuit if it will be a speedo?
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 11:25 am
It's a pair of gold shorts, they showed it on yesterday's BOTS! Yes, they said the swimsuit people were immune, but I wondered if that meant all the others would be up, or whether they'd just start the usual nomination process (resulting in the normal three or so up) but with them not allowed to nominate the golden swimsuit people.
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 12:47 pm
How come Davina didn't come back to host Big brother?
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 2:43 pm
I don't know. My guess is she thought it was a natural time to end, what with the show's future not being certain. In today's show they all seem a lot more likeable than they did yesterday. Perhaps they've calmed down and lost the bravado.
| Sunday, September 11, 2011 - 7:01 pm
I'm catching up on the shows; in the middle of today's show. I'm happy to see I have absolutely nothing in common with Pam Anderson. So far, she chosen 2 of the people I like least in the house to give the 'golden swimsuit' to and they have immunity...ughhh!
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 9:28 am
Pammy comes out today - will be seen on tomorrow's Highlights show but today's BOTS.
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 11:05 am
Is there someway to see this in the USA? Maybe on the internet? I can't even find Seasons of the UK on
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 11:13 am
Sent you a PM Mary1971
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 1:59 pm
TV schedule (times in Pacific): Mon 12 2-3pm BB Mon 12 3-4pm BOTS Tue 13 2-3pm BB Tue 13 3-4pm BOTS Wed 14 2-3pm BB Wed 14 3-4pm BOTS Thu 15 2.10-3.10pm BB Thu 15 3.10-4.05pm BOTS Fri 16 1-2pm BB: The Eviction Fri 16 3-3.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 16 3.30-4.15pm BOTS Sat 17 2.15-3.15pm BB Sat 17 3.15-4pm BOTS Sun 18 1-2pm BB Sun 18 2-3pm BOTS Mon 19 2-3pm BB Mon 19 3-4pm BOTS Tue 20 2-3pm BB Tue 20 3-4pm BOTS Wed 21 2-3pm BB Wed 21 3-4pm BOTS Thu 22 2-3pm BB Thu 22 3-4pm BOTS Fri 23 1-2pm BB: Live Eviction Fri 23 3-3.30pm BB: The Eviction Interview Fri 23 3.30-4.15pm BOTS As usual it's subject to change (particularly the later dates). Looks like they're going to be giving long interviews. And it's strange there's an hour wait between the eviction show and the interview.
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 5:30 pm
Who else has been given the golden swimsuits? I am behind watching but would like to know.
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 7:01 pm
First was Heaven, then Aden, then Maisy. Today (real time) they were told what the golden swimsuits do, and there was a competition for the (supposed) fourth golden swimsuit. But there was a twist, which I'll spoiler box as I don't think they mentioned it on BOTS:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Pamela revealed that the golden swimsuits that she has been awarding to housemates for winning tasks over the last few days will gain them immunity from the first public eviction this week. The housemates were then asked to try their best to impress Pamela, to be in with a chance of winning a golden swimsuit.... So, the remaining housemates set to work, trying to impress Pamela during a fashion show. Strutting their stuff on a catwalk, the housemates sold themselves to Pamela. Tashie dressed as Pocahontas, Alex went for a ‘Barbie’ look, Anton simply took his top off, Faye showed off her dance moves and Jay showed off his cart-wheeling talent. It was ultimately Rebeckah’s honest and wholesome attitude that won out; her claims that she would cook, clean and look after her housemates was clearly good enough for Pamela. Pamela consulted Heaven, Anton and Maisy who already had golden swimsuits to help her decide. However, Big Brother had one last twist for the housemates. As the winner of the task, Rebeckah was instructed she had to select one of Heaven, Maisy or Anton to lose their golden swimsuit, and their immunity. Rebeckah was told that she would then gain that person’s immunity. An emotional Rebeckah eventually selected Anton to lose his golden swimsuit. (by "Anton" they mean Aden, not sure why people have such trouble with his name!) | Read more:
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 6:26 am
Mama-Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 11:48 am
You are very welcome. Join us in dissing them all as we get to know them. I do know I am not a fan of Anton. So far I like Louise, Faye and Harry. Of course as they get more comfortable I might change my mind.... several times. 
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 1:15 pm
I'm switching back and forth on who I like and don't like. I fear I might actually like Aaron, even though he's clearly completely full of himself. Yep, not keen on Anton either! The girls, too, keep seeming nice one minute and not the next. Alex made a terrible first impression for example, but since then seems quite nice. I guess without the feeds it's going to be a long getting to know them process!
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 6:13 pm
Does anyone know who is nominated yet?
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 6:49 pm
Not yet, I'm in the middle of watching today's shows... I know they were going to nominate around BOTS time but don't know if it was revealed.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 6:51 pm
Yes, I hope I'm doing this right
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Aaron, Harry and Tashie | ETA, Hooray for me! I never did that before.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 7:07 pm
I'm shocked by all but one of those! I'll be interested to see who nommed who.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 7:55 pm
I was shocked too. I expected one of them, but never the others.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 10:03 pm
Not sure I like those nominations. Can't we talk about them since it really isn't spoiling since they are already nominated and this is already known information???
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 1:18 pm
Yeah, I don't think anything is a spoiler in here once it's happened in the house. I guess we're just a cautious bunch . Who nominated whom, from the Ch5 press release: Aaron: Tashie (attention seeker), Anton (didn't join in) Aden: Alex (hadn't tried to get to know him), Tom (didn't join "the guys") Alex: Anton (hadn't made an effort with her), Tashie (talks about herself) Anton: Mark (plans his talk), Aaron (not to be trusted) Faye: Harry (awkward to talk to), Aaron (doesn't like her) Harry: Aden (never cleans up after himself), Tashie (plays up to the cameras) Heaven: Harry (hasn't embraced the experience), Tashie (drank her milk without asking) Jay: Harry (fox hunter), Aaron (doesn't have fun or care about feelings) Louise: Tom (feels negative vibes), Alex (as Tom) Maisy: Alex (snapped at her), Mark (forgot her name) Mark: Anton (no one-on-one conversation with him), Tashie (nothing to talk to her about) Rebeckah: Harry (fox hunter), Aaron (arrogant) Tashie: Harry (makes uncomfortable moments), Aaron (sarcastic) Tom: Louise (boring and lazy), Harry (fox hunter) Harry: 6 noms Aaron, Tashie: 5 noms Alex, Anton: 3 Mark, Tom: 2 Aden, Louise: 1 Faye, Jay: 0 Heaven, Maisy, Rebeckah: immune I'm not surprised on the Anton-Aaron rivalry, they both see themselves as the big dog in the house. And lesson for Harry: no one likes people who hunt foxes.