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| Saturday, August 27, 2011 - 11:09 pm
Interesting about Amy saying she gets sent clothes, make up, etc. just to go outside and get photographed going down the street wearing it! Yep, Pamela certainly does talk a lot! I do think they're demonising her though, it's strange how the house seems to make otherwise (reasonably) well mannered people do that.
| Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 11:14 am
They nominated today, the two nominees are:
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Pamela and Darryn | I think, but am not sure, voting starts after tomorrow's show (as today's nomination highlights won't be shown until tomorrow).
| Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 11:22 am
Some twitter "high"lights: 0850: Wakey wakey! The housemates get an early wake up call. 1023: A novel use of cling film 1046: Paddy is showing his soft side and complimenting Kerry on her eyelashes 1103: The housemates are talking about things they have lost. One story involves an envelope containing quite a sum of money 1130: Jedward have created a catapult in the garden 1136: Kerry has chastised Bobby for getting involved in Jedward's catapulting saying he should know better 1151: Lucien on being quiet "I'm just trying to take it all in" 1219: Lucien and Kerry are in the garden whispering behind Kerry's cardigan. What could they be plotting/discussing? 1250: Darryn "I'm not a fence sitter. not like Bobby" 1318: Big Brother have just announced that nominations will start in half an hour 1337: The housemates don't seem too worried about nominations as they prepare a Sunday roast 1505: The housemates are still nominating. Currently Kerry is in the Diary Room 1605: Darryn is running the Kitchen with precision. The roast is looking pretty good 1806:Kerry and Darryn are reminiscing about their time in the house already (Diva task and birthday party) It's not over yet! Will Jedward need a lullaby to sleep tonight? Big Brother is punishing them for behaving like kids. Nappies till further notice. 1836: Jedward have just come out of the Diary Room dressed as babies 1859: Tara on Jedward being dressed as babies "I don't want to go inside. It's giving me anxiety"
| Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 2:47 pm
If anyone needs their kitchen cleaned, Jedward are hiring out for kitchen cleaning.....
| Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 8:19 pm
If there's an eviction Wednesday, I wonder when they'll nominate. I think Darryn, Pamela and Bobby will be up. Kitt, there is an eviction Wednesday this week? Will there be another eviction on Friday? I've caught up to the episodes until Saturday. Missed todays (slept through it, lol) and will have to wait a bit to see it. I laughed so much in the episodes I watched. Love that they give these HG's tasks. Amy's task with the Shakespeare sayings was hysterical. She watched a whole 5 min. of Romeo and Juliet and just didn't get it. ROFL! She is not that bright, but she makes me laugh sooo much. I love her. I like Jedward too. They are little s*its, but entertaining. I'm thining noms had to be today?
| Sunday, August 28, 2011 - 9:02 pm
Yep, eviction this Wednesday (31st), then another Friday (2nd), then the week after is the final week, ending on Thursday (8th). I'd guess there's another eviction in that final week (before the finale) but they hadn't announced it last time I checked the schedule. Nominations were today but I think they'll think it's for a Friday eviction, but it isn't, nyah hah hah! I'm behind again too, but should be able to catch up tomorrow.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 11:29 am
Tara is really strange. I don't know if it's paranoia or what but she's so intense with everything. And Lucien's a bit odd too. He seems very sweet but then he comes out with things like what he said to Tara - where on earth did that come from?!? It makes me wonder if he's more like that and is just trying to protect his image. Or he's terrible with women, but being as pretty as he is, that seems unlikely. Some tweets for daytime Monday: Last night... Big Brother has banned hot water in the House after Bobby and Tara broke Big Brother rules and discussed nominations. Paddy is having a good old giggle at Lucien about him & Kerry! As Amy put it, AWKWARD! 0906: The lights are on, and the alarm is making beautiful noises. The housemates look very appreciative. Darryn is first up 0920: Jedward have decided to wash in the pool after Big Brother removed the hot water temporarily yesterday 0943: Amy is talking to Tara about Tara talking in her sleep last night. Amy: 'It was so funny honey' 1011: Bobby and Tara are talking about yesterday, and their discussion of nominations. Both seem quite on edge about the issue 1032: Tara thinks that looking at the sun for 35 seconds precisely makes you a happier person. Kerry thinks it damages your vision 1045: Darryn is angry at Jedward for using his pancake mix to make their breakfast 1103: Paddy & Pamela are in the Gym working it! Pamela s looking California chic in her maxi dress on the cross trainer 1123: Amy says she feels like Cinderella because she feels all she does is clean up after everyone. 1200: Amy is urging everyone to wash up in the Kitchen, and is clearly getting frustrated by the issue 1223: Darryn is 'interviewing' Paddy in the Garden. It's a heavy heart to heart! 1249: Lucien is telling the Housemates if they are lucky he'll tell them his tricks to woo the ladies! Queue lots of giggling! 1220: Lucien & Kerry are having a nice chat on the sofa! 1427: Paddy is laughing with Darryn in the Garden: Tara is sitting by, smiling. She doesn't seem to get the jokes, bless her 1507: Big Brother has asked all housemates to gather in the living room 1515: Big Brother is making Tara & Amy have gone head to head with a garlic milkshake! YUK 1532: Darryn and Bobby are the next two housemates to undertake the task. They are eating 'unlucky garlic charms', a garlic cereal 1541: The next two housemates to compete will be Lucien and Paddy. They will be eating garlic ice cream... delicious 15:55 Bobby has just thrown himself on top of Kerry pretending to be a vampire! 1558: Pamela & Kerry just called to the Diary room for their garlic-tastic task- chocolate covered garlic! 1614: Jedward have just been called in! It's Garlic jelly on the menu!v Yum? 1641: Bobby is again throwing himself on Kerry and pretending to bite her. We can't imagine his breath is smelling great right now 1729:Darryn is trimming Lucien's hair. Like a pro! 1744: Nominations just about to be announced. What will the reactions be? 1841: Darryn post eviction announcement: "It's the most relaxed I've felt"
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 12:42 pm
Anton Yelchin from FrightNight (and he was Checkhov in the new Star Trek) is in the house! I really like him! There's going to be a screening of FrightNight. Only one Jedward won a chance to see it, wonder if he'll be able to behave himself without the other one.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:02 pm
Since there is another eviction Friday, I hope we will see more noms on Thursday. Kitt, I agree with you re Tara and Lucien. She's normal sometimes, but so dramatic at others and Lucien seems nice, but is all over the place. ETA: I think it's very interesting who the nominees are.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:10 pm
I'm confused about today's show. I keep getting ads and lose some of it.When Tara thought there was a dog outside was it really Pam? Darryn is right in saying something snaps in Tara and she's different. That's what I've been seeing as well.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:12 pm
Tara also goes around to each of them and nags about who she doesn't like. She targeted Darryn and Pamela very early on. Funny that they are the ones nominated. Tara was the only one who heard the noise. It could have been the rocks in her head rattling... LOL
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:21 pm
Lucien seems surprised that Tara dumped the water on him. Said she kept telling him not to get weird while she was getting weird. Did he not say what she said he did or does he not realize what he said? How in the world did Pamela Bach get invited to Diana's funeral and back to her family's house? I'm not getting that.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:32 pm
Kerry's just said Tara's an instigator and puts people in teams - she's spot on. Yeah, I think she just imagined the "inside outside" dog barking. Twitter said she was sleep talking last night too. I didn't get the Lucien and Tara interchange, Tara seemed to go weird and then Lucien went all neanderthal! David Hasselhoff's always been big in Europe, so I think that's how Pamela was in with Elton John, through David.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:35 pm
David Hasselhoff's always been big in Europe, so I think that's how Pamela was in with Elton John, through David. Ahh, that makes sense. Thank, Kitt. Kerry has 4 children? Does she have twins?
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:37 pm
Paddy re Pamela: "She's gone with the fairies...big time" ROFLMAO!
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:39 pm
Nominations: Amy: Pamela (moans, wants to be alone), Bobby (confuses her, changes all the time) Bobby: Pamela (feels awkward with her), Darryn (cooking issues) Darryn: Pamela (not comfortable around her, on emotional rollercoaster), Tara (causes uneasiness, up then down) Jedward: Lucien (womaniser!), Darryn (snoring) Kerry: Pamela (too childlike, too Hollywood), Tara (never know what you're going to get, instigator) Lucien: Pamela (whinges, off track), Darryn (has to hold back with him) Paddy: Bobby (two headed penny(!)), Pamela (gets in his head with her problems) Pamela: Darryn (not a team player), Bobby (doesn't pitch in) Tara: Pamela (emotionally draining, confusing), Darryn (two faced) Pamela 7 Darryn 5 Bobby 3 Tara 2 Lucien 1 Amy, Jedward, Kerry, Paddy 0 Two headed penny is a great phrase! I haven't heard that before.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:41 pm
I don't think Kerry has twins, Jedward were just projecting I think! I'm really happy BB are punishing Jedward. They are so wasteful! So much stuff all over the floor, when they're working with a budget I'm surprised the other hms aren't angrier about it.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:41 pm
I wish Tara was nominated also...that would really make her paranoid. Jedward are going to win this game. They are just too funny.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:43 pm
ok i'm cringing. all over UK there are teen girls who are getting tingles watching the Twins wearing nappies and acting like babies.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:49 pm
It was funny that both Pamela and Tara complained about other doing exactly what they do themselves. I wanted to scream, look in a mirror! It won't bother me a bit if Pamela goes home. She has fried her brain so many times that it's permanent now. There's nobody home anymore.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 2:53 pm
Ooooo I love it when they reveal forbidden nomination talk! I think Pamela will go as I presume it's a vote to save. I can't imagine people picking up their phones to keep her, where as presumably Darryn has people who like him for his troublemaking. Could possibly be a very low number of people who bother to call to vote!
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 3:08 pm
I wonder if Sarasmile is watching BOTS, they're completely agreeing that he's sensitive and insecure and the image is all a front.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 5:08 pm
Sunshyne, BB is having a hard time punishing Jedward. They like their punishments too much.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 5:19 pm
Who is that person they call Peter? He/she dresses like a woman and has huge lips.
| Monday, August 29, 2011 - 5:45 pm
Cricket, back in the 80s he was lead singer of a band called Dead Or Alive, I don't know if they were big in the US, but they had a huge hit with "You Spin Me Round" in the UK, then had some smaller hits. Anyway, he (Pete Burns) used to look like this:
and now looks like this:
He's a little too brusque for me but he's so smart at reading people, I like him on BB. Oh, he was on one of the recent Celeb BBs, so that's why he's on the companion shows so much. If you can take the gruesome photos (I don't recommend it) here's a piece on his botched lip surgery - he sued his plastic surgeon.