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| Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 6:06 pm
I just saw Josie on the BOTS show. She looks great..looks like she's lost some weight.
| Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 7:51 pm
Thanks for the list of who went in! I think Sally Bercow and Pamela Bach could get into something pretty quickly. I get the impression Paddy is going to spend most of this time in the garden smoking and wondering what on earth is going on with all these high maintenance women! Didn't know the model and have only seen a couple of episodes of Coronation Street with Lucien in it, and then I didn't take much notice. Although Darryn (Mr Paparazzi) is hated on the surface, he is at a lot of celebrity events as a guest, not as paparazzi, so he's probably going to fit in reasonably well. Here's the tv schedule again, as it's up several layers now. Times are TVCH board time (Pacific): Fri 19 1-2pm Celebrity Big Brother: Live (presented by Brian Dowling - live game?? early eviction??) Fri 19 3.05-4pm Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side (CBBBOTS) Sat 20 1.15-2.15pm CBB Sat 20 2.15-3.20 CBBBOTS Sun 21 2-3pm CBB Sun 21 3-4pm CBBBOTS Mon 22 2-3pm CBB Mon 22 3-4pm CBBBOTS Tue 23 2-3pm CBB Tue 23 3-4pm CBBBOTS Wed 24 2-3pm CBB Wed 24 3-4pm CBBBOTS Thu 25 2-3pm CBB Thu 25 3-4pm CBBBOTS Fri 26 1-2pm CBB: Live Eviction Fri 26 3.05-4.05pm CBBBOTS For newcomers, this Celeb BB is three weeks long, and ends on Friday 9th September (when an eight week long regular BB will start). The highlights show is every night UK time (usually 1pm or 2pm board time), with a live hosted show on Fridays, and probably other nights if there's a special event. CBBBOTS looks like it's going to be as manic as BBBM used to be... not sure I'll be able to take that daily, but for those with the stamina, it's a companion show where they gossip about what's gone on, and interview/torment evicted housemates. Some more links... This is the official LIVE twitter feed. I think it's the only way we get to find out what's going on in the house live as, as far as I know, there are no live feeds this year. This is the official twitter for more general info on what's going on: This is the official Facebook page, and has links to the clips that are on the Channel Five official page (above) and seems to be a good way to see if there are any new clips:
| Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 8:41 pm
Thanks for all this info Kitt. I got to see a bit of it, and realized I'm not that keen on it. Oh well, enjoy! 
| Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 8:47 pm
YES taxi, here is the LEGAL channel five link for EMMA's Show
| Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 10:32 pm
Mame the launch show isn't really like the rest of the shows, but it certainly is time consuming, being on every day! Not something to take on if you're not keen.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 8:58 am
Peeps are wanting feeds for BBUK. If Ch 5 only has the daily show, it won't bode well for strong viewership. Anyone think there may be some type of feeds by the time the regular BBUK starts?
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 9:06 am
Big Brother live feed replaced with Facebook app I found this recent article about the lack of live feeds and how the producers might put something on Facebook. Ughhh..I don't have Facebook.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 9:42 am
I think the app is just something that plays little clips, the same clips that are at the Channel Five website. That's all I've seen at the Facebook page. I have a feeling they might be waiting to see how popular the show is, after a wait of over a year, and now on a new channel etc.. They might have not wanted to put extra effort into something they thought might fail, but if this Celeb BB is a hit then maybe they'll do it for the regular BB. Ch5 have their own channel and a sister channel 5* that works a lot like E4 did, so they could easily just show the house overnight, like last season. There's a good chance they won't though!
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 11:26 am
I do hope they decide to show overnight on their sister channel, Kitt. The little snippets @ Ch 5 aren't enough. I didn't know who Vanessa was in the "Bruv" show, so I'm now watching the first celebrity BB. How cute these peeps were. I'm only half-way through, but even though they were only there 7 or 8 days, each day BB gave them a task where they had to use their imagination to come up with ideas on their tasks. I don't understand why BB US has never picked up on that idea, but rather lets the peeps sit around and bash and complain they are bored, which is boring for us, the viewers.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 11:28 am
Some choice tweets from the live feed twitter. Not much going on except some ribbing of Julian: 09:00am - As the other housemates wake up, Jedward are already in the pool. Apparently the water is 'kinda warm, but kinda cold 09:43am - Paddy has been in the gym for half an hour. Kerry joined for a minute, but has now finished her strenuous workout. 10.49am Sally, Tara, Pamela and Kerry are singing Happy Birthday to Darren in the Garden! 11:01am - Bobby is oiled up in his red shorts bathing in the sun. He is having a quiet word with Tara about Kerry's tantrum last... 11:37am- Kerry said if she was younger she would snap up 19 yr old Lucien Paddy seems to have a new nickname for Sally: womaaaaaaaaaaan 13:02pm - Lucien, Tara, Bobby and Amy are cooking in the Kitchen. Chicken, sausages and salad are involved. Looks delicious! 2:57pm - Housemates are planning a prank..... But on who?? 3:41pm Lucien has just stormed out of the jacuzzi after Amy accused him of looking like a boyband member. A fair comment? 3:48pm - He was only joking! He isn't too impressed by Amy calling him Marvin, though. It was supposed to be a compliment 3:55pm - Sally is telling everyone that she could 'talk about politics all day'. Noone seems too excited by the prospect.. 4:00pm - Amy has added 'mumbles' to Lucien's growing list of nicknames. Pamela is attempting to stop the name-calling. Poor boy 4:19pm - Pamela has just asked Paddy if he's a robot 4:34 - There seems to be a friendship between 'my man' Paddy and 'womaaaaaan' Sally. Paddy certainly seems to enjoy winding her up 5:14 Pamela and Amy are talking about the perils of relationships. Maybe a male BB housemate could cheer them up? 5.26pm: The housemates are freaking out due to the shutters on the door closing. What is BB up to? We'll keep you updated. 6.30pm: Developments have been unraveling with Kerry's diva task, but will she be declared the biggest diva? Amy on Sally: "I think she owns the House of Commons" Housemates have been informed that there will be a live show tonight, so they're getting their glad rags at the ready
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 11:30 am
You're in for a treat with Vanessa on that first season, Cricket! Won't spoil but she's a BB legend!
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 11:33 am
I think Sally Bercow and Pamela Bach could get into something pretty quickly. Kitt, Pamela Bach did not impress me yesterday. Did she have an addiction to drugs? Just goes to show looks aren't everything. She and her husband were good looking, but it seems they couldn't control their addictions. I feel bad for their daughters. I'll be watching for Sally/Pam interactions on today's show. I, too, am surprised that a Politician's wife would choose to do a show like this.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 11:44 am
I don't know much about her, Cricket. I think there were some DUIs at least.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 12:27 pm
Kitt, I just remember seeing something about Pam having drug problems when David H. (her ex) was going through alocohol problems. She did also get a DUI.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:04 pm
if channel five added a decent amount of clips i'd be happier but then again, if they are the SAME as on the TV show, its a waste of time/ duplicate even two hours of feeds are better than nothing. I remember last season they added a hr or so later
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:06 pm
Must have been quite a house at the time, Cricket! Live show's just started and Brian said "no one is safe!" Don't know if that means a really early eviction... seems a bit too soon for that.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:14 pm
Why am I seeing yesterday's show? What am I doing wrong? I confusing the clips with today's show. Is Kerry acting like a Diva on today's show? Thanks. When is the first eviction for this Celeb BBUK?
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:17 pm
Kerry's acting like a diva, as part of that challenge, and they're showing highlights from last night. If you're seeing people all in the house now you're watching the new show. I don't know about the eviction, I'd guess not until next Friday but at the beginning of the show Brian said "no one's safe" or something like that! John was sweet to Kerry, kind of helping her not embarrass herself. I hope after she wins/loses the diva challenge they tell the rest she was acting.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:21 pm
Like BB US the first 15 minutes were just a recap of what we've already seen. I hope it's just because it's only the second day, but I'd rather see them just talking than re-seeing what I've already seen.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:24 pm
Thanks, Mama & Kitt, that's what it was. Like Sunshyne says, if the CBS clips are things that will be shown in the Highlights Shows, we really aren't seeing that much. Kerry can't tell peeps her behavior was part of a BB task, can she? Was Brian (the host) ever a HG on BB?
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:35 pm
Kerry can't tell anyone yet, but I'm hoping they'll reveal it soon. It must be a particularly hard task for her because she's trying to build a good reputation after her drug issues in the past. Then she has to act like this. Brian was on one of the early BBs (2? 3?) and then was in the Ultimate BB comp last year, which he won. I like him a lot but he seems to be having a bit of trouble. Yeah, also hoping the "previously on" is a one-off.
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:37 pm
You're in for a treat with Vanessa on that first season, Cricket! Won't spoil but she's a BB legend! Hmmm...Kitt, she was only there about 2-1/2 days, right? I know she comes back in 2010. I need to go back and finish watching last year's BBUK Celeb - 2010. I never did after my shoulder surgery. I don't even remember Vanessa. I thought she was okay...did get into it with the fighter guy, but go along with the gals okay. On today's show re Celeb BBUK 2011, it seems Jedward may get nommed this week. Would they be evicted as one person/name or will they be split?
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:39 pm
Sally owns the House of Commons per the gal in the DR with Jedward. ROFL!
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:45 pm
this would go over like a lead balloon most seasons i cant beleive the guy said NOTHING and just got into her bed. Edited i bet
| Friday, August 19, 2011 - 1:51 pm
Yes, Vanessa almost had a breakdown and left early... I thought she was such a - not sure what the word is for it! - unique housemate! I know, Amy's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'm liking Jedward a lot, they seem really nice. When Amy said that they seemed to try to stop her embarrassing herself (by asking BB) like one of them tried to help out Kerry earlier. I hope they don't get nominated. I think BB has confirmed that Jedward are one housemate, and will leave together. Don't know if they know how to handle Kerry yet, they probably don't want to rock the boat in case they set her off!