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| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 6:28 pm
Nick is going to be SO SORRY he married Brit....if he does!!His life will be a living hell when he crosses her.}}
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 6:38 pm
Haven't read the thread, but I thought the contrast last night in the horrible Missy interviews was that when she asked Enzo about who led him to think he'd be an A list celebrity after this.. he actually went on from there saying yeah he did expect that.. Hayden had the good grace to answer the same question saying basically he cannot imagine being more than a D lister. Enzo's ego and mouth are just out of control. I watched feeds so I wasn't mislead by editing and I sure put in lots of votes for Brit. Now to read who (besides us, the posters) is bitter!
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 6:41 pm
Archiecat and Chippy........S-T-A-M-P!!!!!! I will NEVER spend another DIME on text messages to BB....What a FOOL I was to think Brendon had a CHANCE at AC....Allison Grodner had her mind made up.... And in post interviews she actually made fun of Brendon and Rachel for their "romance" etc.....and nothing but praise for Brit.....BLECH!!!!!
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 6:48 pm
I've been so lukewarm on every houseguest, that I don't even feel strongly enough to be bitter as to the players in the house, and who won money and who didn't. What I AM Bitterest about is how AG & Co. have ruined the game...and the feeds.
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 7:01 pm
Well said Rosem. Count me a bitter party of one in regards to AG & Friends
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 7:19 pm
Rose and Tricia, agreed. And I generally agree with most of what Chippy says, too. I believe that synopsis above to be pretty darned accurate.
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 7:23 pm
I guess nobody went to finale this year and took pictures .... usually they are up about now ...hmmmm And I to agree about being bitter about AG and her ruining BB ... every year is just gets worse and worse
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 7:29 pm
Enzo, King of the Bitter. When asked about Brit's AC win: "That made me so salty when she won that. I couldn’t believe it – someone just robbed me. I felt like this poll took place in Florida somewhere. This is crazy. I guess she won it because she was cracking on Rachel a lot. Maybe it was sympathy votes because she cried all the time. I feel like I’m definitely way funnier. She doesn’t have my signature moves. Maybe it was just her being a brat and she won the money."
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 7:42 pm
I guess I am just too old to appreciate the current fashion. Last night, every time I saw those women, whether it was on the show or the interviews after, each and everyone of them was pulling up the top of their dress and pulling down the hem. To me, that means they were all wearing too short, too tight dresses. The dresses were very pretty, but come on, how could they enjoy themselves when they were constantly worrying about exposing themselves. And I generally agree with most of what Chippy says, too.
| Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 7:50 pm
Great post Chippy. Wraped up the season for me very nicely.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 2:51 am
If Nick and Brit get married I wish them the best of luck. The same with Rachel and Brendon. < headshake> It is just a game. I hope he fact that Brit winning 25 thou doesn't ruin anyones day.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 5:19 am
I'm with you Sparkle! I wouldn't have been comfy in those dresses for a single second. Brit wears clothes just as bad as Rachel. In the house Brit ragged on Rachel for wearing things that showed her off, yet we saw many times after Rachel left that Brit was wearing the shortest shorts ever - with NO undies on under them and flashing everything she had when she sat with her legs splayed as far apart as was possible. Rachel gets trashed to high heaven for the same exact behavior that Brit gets praised for. ETA: I am NOT a Rachel fan either. But I definitely see both sides of what they were doing. Brit just gets a pass on her behavior, and I really don't get why.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 6:24 am
If Brit was flashing everything she had, I must have missed it.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 6:32 am
jimmer, me too!
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 7:33 am
Apples and oranges. That's Britney and Rachel. To conclude (as Brit/Monet/Ragan did along with their pals that took that ball and ran with it) that Rachel's style makes her a tramp and a ho and an automatic carrier of every STD known to man is ludricrous and to condone that behavior when it has nothing to do with the game, well, that's what turned me off to Brit and made her vile, Ragan even moreso. Britney is blessed to have a beautiful, petite body with all the right curves, dimples to die for, great hair, an incredible smile, and a sometimes funny and witty personality... it's really hard to turn all that into ugly, but she did. At least for me. So, while Rachel flashed her outer self, Brit did the same with her inner one.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 7:56 am
Brit is bitter because no one in the house told her she looks like Lady Gaga, and she gave them so many hints and how she loves the lady! (She does have something of her). Anyway, most of them are bitter, especially Enzo who thought he was AF (America's favorite). That Brit won the 25k didn't surprise me, especially after the fire, even if she was short of votes, Alison would have found a way to give her the win. If the investigation is a smart one they would find Nick liable, was he the one using the grill? and why didn't make sure it was out before going to bed? Anyway, the 25k will help compensate for the loss of clothes, if that's all they had in there.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 8:10 am
while Rachel flashed her outer self, Brit did the same with her inner one. I didnt exactly think Rachel had much inner beauty either ... IMO she was just as offensive and awful, rude, selfish... and acted like she was better than everyone else .... once again my oppinion only I too am glad britney won AC .... from the looks of Rach face, she thought she should have got it, and Enzo thought it was his... so between them Im glad it was brit
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 8:27 am
IMHO... none of this year's house guests were earth-shattering in my memory, but IF i had to pick my least fav it would be Rachel... not for the nip slips, not for the showmance, but merely for that horrid laugh of hers. Second least fav would be Ragan.... not because he is gay, but because he could have, should have & never would have manned up to being a real player. Cut the crying jags, & isolating himself & go out & play the game for what it is. Third least fav would be Brenden, only because had he not got into the thing with Rachel, he could have been a really good player with a lot to offer. But my last & final all-over LEAST LEAST fav was Enzo.... So happy he left with nada, zilch, zero & hopefully a largely bruised ego when he finds out no movies, talk shows, personal appearances or whatever else he imagined are not on the horizon
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 8:38 am
It's unfortunate that I COULD HAVE had two favorites to root for in Britney and Ragan. I liked their sense of humor and that they knew and played the game. Then, they had to go and ruin it all by being themselves.

| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 9:00 am
Caycaye, is there a link where AG talks about Brenden and Rachel's "romance?"
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 10:10 am
Rosem4243 wrote: "It's unfortunate that I COULD HAVE had two favorites to root for in Britney and Ragan. I liked their sense of humor and that they knew and played the game. Then, they had to go and ruin it all by being themselves." I so agree with you.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 11:20 am
LOL Rosem. Well put. I started out not feelin' it for Britney and then a couple weeks in, I was rooting for her and then... well, I just cannot root for someone who says such hurtful things with no game context. Don't get me wrong, I can take a rant here and there in the heat of the moment or under duress kinda thing but she was relentless and then when I listened to how Brit got the hate on for Rachel before they even got in the house, that was it for me. The other thing was her practiced ability to seem like she was so sincere and caring until she got in the DR and again... was herself. Rachel's laugh didn't mean a hill of beans to me. It was as annoying as Enzo's yo and eff everything and food smacking, Hayden's deep nose excavations, and Kathy's blather about the sock monkey. Ragan, ugh. He is my least favorite hg of season 1-12. There's not enough bandwidth to list the reasons why.
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 11:31 am
Oh, I love you guys. I come here and start nodding my head. We may not always agree on everything, but there is always common ground. Lostfan: "I didn't exactly think Rachel had much inner beauty either ... IMO she was just as offensive and awful, rude, selfish... and acted like she was better than everyone else .... once again my opinion only". Doesn't that just sum it up? She was rude and selfish, and she did act like she was better than everyone else. In addition, Penny nailed it with the "horrid laugh" statement. So right, it's beyond offensive, worse than fingernails sliding down a chalkboard. Rose: "It's unfortunate that I COULD HAVE had two favorites to root for in Britney and Ragan. I liked their sense of humor and that they knew and played the game." Oh me too! I wanted these two to be my faves, I tried really hard to love them, but they are so darn un-loveable. Oliviamimi: "If Nick and Brit get married I wish them the best of luck. The same with Rachel and Brendon. < headshake> It is just a game. I hope he fact that Brit winning 25 thou doesn't ruin anyones day." Ditto! It is just a game. And if Brit hadn't won AC, we wouldn't have been blessed with the opportunity to see that one crystal clear moment of rage and hatred displayed by Rachel for the world to see. It was a beautiful thing. I wish them all luck in their regular lives, and I hope they are too happy and successful to be bothered when/if Allstars comes a knockin'!
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 11:33 am
Chippy "lol... I agree but I didn't know what came after bitterest!" I can't believe it's not bitter?
| Friday, September 17, 2010 - 11:40 am