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| Saturday, January 30, 2010 - 11:14 am
Forgot to say: I knew he didn't have much of a chance, but I would have likes for Jonas to win as well. Alex winning is great. But his kind does not do anything to me. I'm glad Dane beat Vinnie! I'm happy for Dane that he's going to have another try at his career. Jonas is probably still sore with Kat, but most of all he seems too exited and anxious to cash in on his popularity now. Maybe it was good he didn't win. I envy Steph. She has such a good life in her own way and at this age she also got to experience some other possibilities. I am sure this would be a huge plus for her. This might also turned out great for Vinnie's family. He finally admitted to notice his own bossy side! I'm also pretty certain that he did hear all the chants of "Get Vinnie out!" I didn't see BM yet. But I will even keep an eye on the DS site for a while to see his real reactions. I mean, he acted like a sure winner even when Jonas was sent out as 4th. He had NO Clue he was going to follow J in just a short bit! is right! I guess the production sent Kat in there to increase the possibility on Showmance. Nic in there for the possibility of some eye candy. Oh, Jonas was proly eye candy for the ladies. Vinnie Vs. Alex, Alex Vs. Dane, Stephen Vs the House and HMs, Steph Vs. Ivana, .... All in all, they did a wonderful final CBB. I did not expect to like all of them so much in the end. Thanks to the posters here for catching my interest in this. 
| Saturday, January 30, 2010 - 1:54 pm
What time is BB on today?..... oh Some headlines from The Sun today: Dane BBows out as runner-up Stephanie's Beat-en Vinnie is shown the red card For Reid's a jolly good fella! Oh they never get any better! I was looking to see if anything happened last night but I guess it's too early. I'm concerned Katie is going to completely take over Alex's life (again) and just take all his good press away. I'm not sure he's a strong enough man to step away from her as manager. It's been good fun here! Hope to see you here in the summer!
| Sunday, January 31, 2010 - 12:06 pm Yaaaay! We just might get more CBB next year!
| Sunday, January 31, 2010 - 12:58 pm
Jonas lost me a bit after I saw the BBBM. He could be still sore and taken aback by Kat's breaking-up with him in the house. But he didn't have to mock her with faces and hand jests when Kat talked. Lady Sov is a bit thick or something. She missed the "Jonas is not that into Kat" sign and still tried to push them together or rather. Vinnie said (an interview on DS I read) there was more pro-Vinnine banners at the final, ... He didn't think the public turned on him but rather the public took on liking Alex.
| Sunday, January 31, 2010 - 12:58 pm
They've waffled before about possibly taking the franchise, but maybe the success of this Celeb BB has made them more invested. It'd be great to have it continue. I think Davina has hinted that she would do BB if it was on another major channel too; I don't think it would be the same without her.
| Sunday, January 31, 2010 - 1:01 pm
Vinnie is deluded ;).
| Sunday, January 31, 2010 - 3:17 pm
ha ha ha Vinnie's face was he was told he was next out. when he realized he had to wait another half hour, he was unhappy. glad to know he heard the boos each time. \Get Vinnie OUT!! LOL I personally think that half hour was used calming the crowd down and stopping the boos. When vinnie actually came out i didnt hear hardly anyone booing. Of course he takes credit for Dane and Alex riding to the end on his coattails. the man is deluded. I had to laugh at his comments about the boos being about something OUTSIDE of the house...cause he didnt do Anything inside to get them upset. Really?? VJ will most likely never watch the tv shows and even if he did, it will be with deeply tinted rose coloured glasses. Have a great day everyone and Now we have to wait for the last season of Regular BBUK.

| Wednesday, February 03, 2010 - 10:14 am
She's not letting him get away now he's popular!
| Saturday, February 06, 2010 - 3:11 pm
and you just KNOW that they will be hitting LA and expecting people to know who they are. I feel bad for the Reidinator. I think he is basically a good hearted doofus who is being taken for a ride. she'll drop him like a brick if his 'vinne jones' I'll put in a word for you" connection dies out. I also think that Reid may seriously think Baldwin will have some clout in hollywood. I smell a quicky divorce on the horizon LOL
| Monday, February 08, 2010 - 12:41 am
Does anyone know where I can download other seasons from BB UK or Celebrity BB?
| Monday, February 08, 2010 - 11:30 am
Download I don't know, but Ch4 seem to have been letting people put youtubes up again, so I know if you search on youtube for "big brother uk" you can find some. 2001 and 2005 are definitely there. PM me if you can't find the links, I don't want to post the names here in case they get shut down.
| Monday, February 08, 2010 - 1:02 pm
btw I hadn't seen 2001's show and I'm just watching some of it now. It's a very different show, with a little bit of psychology overlaid into it, and all a lot less flashy - less stunts, more interaction. I'm enjoying it. 2005 is one of the best BBs ever in my opinion. Some great characters there. I'd definitely recommend that one.
| Tuesday, February 09, 2010 - 6:04 pm
thank you Kitt! I'll check that out.
| Thursday, February 18, 2010 - 11:29 am
One youtube person, the one with the ape in his name, has playlists of loads of seasons. I found Celebrity BB 2007 there, which is the one with Jade and Shilpa. What a season! The early days (that's all I've got to) just seem based on an awful idea and it's no wonder some celebs have walked. I'm guessing the videos are safe until late May, when the new BB starts, so if anyone has many hours of their life spare they might want to have a browse on youtube. As I said, it's the regular BB poster who has the name of an ape in his username. Feel free to PM me if you can't find it.
| Friday, February 19, 2010 - 9:32 am
That's how I watched that season, Kitt and I would be interested to know what you think of the controversy when you get to it. The way it was depicted on the show was so much different from what you heard in the news at the time.
| Friday, February 19, 2010 - 1:57 pm
I still haven't got there, but so far I'm not liking Shilpa much at all. She seems very spoilt and judgemental. I don't mind Jade, she always seemed quite kind hearted, even if she's kind of in the wrong sometimes. So far the only person I've heard moaning about Shilpa (other than Jackiey) is Jack, and Jade's been pretty fair. Interesting how clearly you can see the difference between the political correctness in earlier, pre-Shilpagate shows and those that come after it. People blame Ch4 but I think the audience (or some members of it) created their own problems by their supposed outrage at small things (not meaning the Shilpa thing, but the other tiny offenses that were constantly being reported to Oftel).
| Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 2:52 pm
Well I've just watched it all. To be honest I blame Shilpa for most of it! She took control of everything particularly the kitchen, was very condescending to Jade and Danielle, mocked Jade for her common accent and then is surprised when people get fed up with it. Jack mentions her whispering to others and then laughing. That's just not nice behaviour. And then when mistakes were made (the chicken not being cooked for instance, and then putting the chicken carcass down the toilet) she just pretends nothing has happened. And has the gall to tell Jade off for wasting four stock cubes, and deny what had happened with the chicken. She gives out plenty of criticism but won't take any. Then there's the whole culture clash, Shilpa has had an extremely privileged upbringing, and really does seem to look down on those who haven't had that upbringing. Jade has a little bit of a chip on her shoulder for being "common" and would probably have got along with Shilpa if Shilpa had been more down to earth, even with a privileged background, but with Shilpa being priviliged and "stuck-up" there's just no way those two are going to get on. I actually think Danielle is the more mean-spirited one, and kept on egging Jade on. And Jermaine kept stirring by saying it was because of the colour of Shilpa's skin when it wasn't that at all. I also blame Big Brother for setting up the tension in the beginning, by having Jade come in with her family, particularly with Jackiey. That started the culture clash I think. And they must have known there would be issues with Shilpa and Jackiey/Jade over upbringing. Definitely a class/privilege thing in my eyes, not a race thing. Jade is responsible for what she said, and it wasn't nice, but I don't think it was even slightly motivated by race. When all this happened my mum was very upset as it became quite an international incident, and she didn't like it reflecting so badly on the country because the UK as a whole is pretty good when it comes to race. It's a little racially insensitive at times, but there's not a lot of malice in there. When watching it I'm kind of shocked it was (to my eyes) taken so out of context. I understand that more and more people like to find any reason to be outraged, but overall it didn't seem much different to me from a lot of the other big fights there have been in Big Brother when someone has control issues, or someone gets a chip on their shoulder about someone else. Sara, now you have to tell me what you think so I don't feel so bad about writing such a long post off season!
| Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 2:55 pm
p.s. However I do understand why the public voted out Jade over Shilpa. Sending Shilpa out would send a bad message, as although in general Shilpa's behaviour wasn't good, you can't have someone say the things that Jade did and then say they didn't behave badly.
| Monday, February 22, 2010 - 8:09 am
What a great off season post it was though Kitt and I am very relieved that someone saw things basically the way I did; I really thought I missed something when I watched it & had no one to discuss it with because it was 2 years later! I actually really liked both Shilpa and Jade (totally agree with what you said about Danielle being more mean-spirited) and the argument, aftermath, and subsequent hug-it-out-make-up went very much along the lines of any Big Brother argument. I have always been facinated watching any Big Brother program, but especially the UK one, how people who are at each others throats arguing so loudly, rudely, and stubbornly - are so capable of turning around, calming down, talking it out, apologizing and hugging it out. The outside world's response to this seemed so out of proportion to what really happened. I realized that there were some PC issues in question, but I really felt that someone should have tapped on a few shoulders and said, "um, it's a game show. Everyone has made up."
| Monday, February 22, 2010 - 11:24 am
Yeah, cooler heads really should have prevailed. You remember last season when the big guy who looked like Wolverine mocked Sree over the shopping list by repeating his words back to him in his Indian accent? When BB called him in and said something suggesting it might be perceived as racist I just loved the way he basically told them to not even go there they were so off base. Really that should have happened with Jade and Shilpa too. Interesting you say about people being more likely to make up in the UK one. I think it's because the outrage thing isn't as big there (although sadly it is growing). Here people often seem very quick to set lines that you mustn't cross; there lines are more flexible and people understand more that when people are upset they do or say things they regret. Might be a religious/lack of religion thing.
| Thursday, March 18, 2010 - 3:44 pm
any word on the new season??
| Thursday, March 18, 2010 - 6:46 pm
I haven't heard anything definite. The main auditions have ended so they're on schedule for their usual end of May start.
| Thursday, March 18, 2010 - 6:55 pm
By the way, sad news, Lady Sovereign's mother died on Sunday, which is extra horrible because it was Mother's Day then in England. If you remember she was diagnosed with a brain tumour late last year, and Sov was hoping her stay in the house would make her happy. She was only 43.
| Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 10:46 am
News of the summer series starting to show up online. Rumors abound regarding ex-housemates being voted into the house (All-Stars or new v old HMs), HMs switching places with other BB HMs in other countries, a pool that is half inside, half outside the house, and a May launch date. Apparently work on the house started in February by gutting it and removing the double staircase. There will only be one staircase to allow for additional space in the house. Of course, nothing is verified, so take it with a grain of salt. I just love it when the talk starts up!
| Sunday, April 25, 2010 - 7:30 pm
Amazing how quickly this year's gone. Hard to believe it's nearly BB time again!
| Wednesday, May 05, 2010 - 5:17 pm
I hope its a may start, Ive seen claims it starts June 17 which is much later than usual.
| Wednesday, May 05, 2010 - 5:35 pm
I've seen June 3rd, June 10th, and June 17th! I wonder why it's so much later this year, and if it will end late too. I bravely opened a new thread for it!
| Saturday, May 08, 2010 - 8:39 pm
Wrong thread really, but John Loughton, who was the Scottish guy who won the Celebrity Hijack Big Brother (the one with all the talented kids) two or three years ago, was a candidate in this week's British Elections. He ran for the Liberal Democrats, and got 10% of the votes in his borough in Scotland. He was fourth, behind the Labour, Scottish National Party, and Conservative candidates.
| Monday, May 10, 2010 - 5:43 am
I really liked John - wasn't he the first one in and the celebrity made him wear an earpiece and he had to do whatever the celeb told him to do? I can't remember the specifics, but it was really funny and he was such a good sport about it. He was already involved in politics at the time he did the show, I think, so it sounds like he's following his path.
| Monday, May 10, 2010 - 11:03 am
Yep, that's the one, Matt Lucas made him do strange things in his first minutes in the house! I liked him too. I was very happy to see he was running, even though he didn't fare too well. He's following what he wanted and even being able to run for office shows he has support.