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| Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 6:15 am
I am so shocked that the web isnt flooded with Charley interviews. Kitt, I actuall registered with Utube so I could send stentionhouse a thank you message, lol.
| Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 10:25 am
You're a nicer person than I am, Maris ;). I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic about Charley interviews. I was expecting (fearing!) more media coverage of her but I think where she's been different from other argumentative housemates in the past is that she is so manipulative in what she says. Her arguments aren't real, they're just a manufactured way for her to promote herself, and people don't like that.
| Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 11:22 am
yes I was being sarcastic. Looks like nobody is interested in the "It" girl.
| Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 11:57 am
She is, allegedly, going to do a tv show though sounds a bit like the show "Cheaters". Although the source of that is The Sun, so how much truth it has I don't know. I'm sure when she first spoke about it she said it was something to do with fashion.
| Thursday, September 06, 2007 - 1:05 pm
Here's some CH4 interviews and HMs diary's from this past week. I didn't see a diary for Liam, perhaps it will be up later. Brian's Interview Brian's Diary Parts 1&2 Brian's Diary Part 3
Twins Interview Sam & Amanda's Diary Parts1&2
Liam's Interview
Ziggy's Interview Ziggy's Diary Parts 1&2
Carole's Interview Carole's Diary
Jonty's Interview Jonty's Diary Part1&2

| Friday, September 07, 2007 - 11:37 am
Looks like there is some BB show tonight. Here's a CH4 article on it. And Liam's Diary is up there as well. BB Tonight Liam's Diary

| Friday, September 07, 2007 - 6:06 pm
Ooo thanks. Maybe Stentionhouse will have it tomorrow.
| Saturday, September 08, 2007 - 12:16 am
It's up!!
| Saturday, September 08, 2007 - 4:04 am
Thanks Kitt!!!!!! Love that Brian.
| Saturday, September 08, 2007 - 9:35 am
Oky saw the what they did next but it cut out so many people and really they wraped up what the last 6 did in 5 minutes...i think there should be one more to finish it off properly
| Saturday, September 08, 2007 - 11:33 am
Thanks Kitt. It's interesting they did a 'what they did next show,' when it's only been 1 week since the finale, lol. I still hope Brian has plans for college--hint hint to Brian ;-) Some people were writing that the finalists weren't in this one, or barely there, I hope they do have another one if that's the case, I don't really care what the majority are doing. Stentionhouse also has up Zac at the UK Hell's Kitchen. Ziggy on Hell's Kitchen (Sep 5 or 6) Big Brother 8 UK 2007 - What The Housemates Did Next Part 1 of 5 Sep 7
| Saturday, September 08, 2007 - 2:38 pm
Yeah, they concentrated on the ones who had been out of the house for a while. They should really do a follow-up in a month or so. Ziggy and Hell's Kitchen seems an odd match! Wonder how that came about!
| Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 11:36 am
After EVERYTHING she said about Amy--sheesh. Carole en le buff; not to worry, nothing actually showing, side view, but do sit down before you look, lol (j/k).! I still haven't watched the HK clip, but I had thought Ziggy was in the audience of the show. And I finally saw the catch up with the HMs clips, I thought Gerry and Seany were very funny, I could see them doing a radio show together, lol.
| Tuesday, September 11, 2007 - 6:13 pm
That's kind of funny, I like how she's doing that without a care. I haven't read much about the final people and after the show. I hope they're doing well. Even Carol!
| Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 12:47 pm
Some of them (I see Liam, Zac, and the twins) were at an after party for the premiere of a movie "In God's Hands." If this link doesn't come up right away, refresh and it should work (per DS folks). WENN Pics "In God's Hands" Afterparty
| Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 1:21 pm
I somehow missed if and when they told the group about the washing machine. Did anyone hear?
| Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 7:45 pm
Yes they did, and you can see it at the BBLB reunion show, part 1 is at the following link (sorry, I can't recall which part showing them the washing machine is on). Big Brother 8 UK Little Brother Reunion Show September 2 Part 1 of 6
| Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 10:48 pm
Here's some more pics, these are from from an OK Mag burlesque party; there are pics of BB HMs from current and past seasons. If the page doesn't pop up right away, click refresh and it should be okay. WENN Pics Sep 2007 OK Burlesque Party At The Jewel Club In London
| Wednesday, September 12, 2007 - 11:46 pm
Is that Amy on the car bonnet? It looks like she's being undressed by Seany!! That was a whole lot of breasts. I guess it is burlesque. The washing machine was near the end of the BBLB I think. Dermot showed it to Carole, it was in the garden under a panel that Carol had said she'd noticed moved when someone bumped into it!
| Monday, September 17, 2007 - 2:42 pm
Stentionhouse has been putting this past Jan's Celebrity BB up. The clips start around page 15, here's the link if you want to watch it. Even with all the controversy that was going around with CBB and then BB8UK this year, at least TPTB make some effort to deal with a situation where controversy happens. I'm so far beyond ever watching BBUS again, specifically bc they allowed bullying to happen this season. Last season was bad enough with the disparaging remarks made towards women over and over again by one of the contestants, but this season they allowed bullying and intimidation to happen without any consequences. I hope that Jen will sue the pants off of the BBUS TPTB, bc what Dick said to her, among the other contestants, was blatant and he should have been removed. In a sense I feel bad for Dani, but not alot, bc had her father not been there, she may have succeeded in winning on her own, but we'll never know. She simply has someone bully and intimidate the other contestants and used it to her advantage. So, I'm going to watch CBB bc I know at the very least, the CBB PTB did something, on both shows (even though the controversy of what Zac said came out later), it may not have satisfied everyone, but at the very least they tried to do something. So again, here's the link for the beginning of where the CBB from this past Jan are at YT. Has anyone heard of a game or show, or something with Allstar something that Zac and Liam are going to be on? I read something at DS about this, but am not sure if it's soccer, or a sport or something else. Maybe I'm delusional, lol. Thanks in advance if you heard something. Oh and yup Kitt, that's Amy, I thought they were messing around tickling, but her dress is cute in the pics where she's walking, lol.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2007 - 12:57 pm
The twins (Amanda & Sam) did a video of "Barbie Girl." I guess it's the song they were singing in the garden off and on in the house, but here is a link to see a clip of it from a mag. Vid article: Exclusive--first look at the twins' Barbie Girl video!
| Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 12:25 am
This is a little article about Liam and Ziggy going on another reality show this week. Heatworld Article: Liam and Ziggy are coming back to TV... Liam and Ziggy are coming back to TV... Ziggy and Liam are set to reunite for another Reality TV show – this time Sky One footie show Premier League All Stars. The Big Brother stars will join other stars, ex-footballers and fans playing for “Arsenal”, while Liam will be battling it out in the “Sunderland” team. The pair will get to show off their skills on the pitch when the hotly-anticipated TV show hits our screens soon. But heatworld is dying to know who will have better ball control? Oh, and obviously we can’t wait to see them in tight shorts again… This is a magazine gallery of pics of Liam. There's also a rumor going around that Liam has or will have a date with Danielle Lloyed, for those who watched, she was on this past seasons CBB and it didn't turn out well for her. Now Mag Liam McGough Gallery

| Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 7:03 am
Okay, that video was adorable. I love Sam & Amanda. If any of you find the full link to the video, pleeeeeeease post it here! I miss them! Stormie, did you see the Heat article on Chiggy? I found scans of it somewhere but now can't find them again. It was basically 5-6 pics of them (I think), both topless (no nudity), kissing and posing. They were interviewed and both said they're testing out their relationship on the outside, happy to be together and see where things lead, etc. etc. It was only a few days, maybe a week, since they'd been out of the house.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2007 - 4:37 pm
Liam and Danielle Lloyd??? Someone has to save that boy.
| Friday, September 21, 2007 - 12:03 am
I did see the cover picture for that Chiggy article, but I never did see the article itself, so if you find it, can you link it? I'll keep looking though. There also have been a few articles and mass rumors, that Chanelle and Ziggy have broken up again (who didn't see that coming). I don't know how much truth there is to it all, but here's one of the articles. People UK Article: 16 September 2007 Chanelle's Ex Factor There's also been some rumors that Brian and Amanda have been dating (how cute--I should stop doing that, but they are so cute, lol). I don't know if that's true or not, even if they aren't it's nice to see BB HMs remain actual friends after a show. Here's an article on that. News Of The World Article: Brian & Amanda Fake Split? Well, whatever Liam's doing it looks like he's having fun doing it, lol. Here's an article of an appearance he made this week. No mention of Danielle, perhaps another rumor. Article: 19 September 2007 Liam's A Hit In Resort With Ladies I didn't find the full Barbie vid yet, I think it came out on TV today or yesterday, not sure (time zones, lol), but I did find some clips that are fun to look at. I have no idea what the twins TV show was all about, nor when it happened, I'm guessing recently as their hair looks about the same YT Added 20 September 2007: Bramanda Talk - Brian and Liam on NutsTV YT Added 19 September 2007: Sam and Amanda's TV Show! YT Added 18 September 2007: Big Brother 8 UK-The twins out of the house!