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| Monday, September 03, 2007 - 9:16 pm
Kitt, I thought the same thing. In fact, after I read it, I almost posted here about how it sounded as if she felt Ziggy or Liam might have felt something more for her. The woman's delusional. So Ziggy didn't go to the wrap party, or he just wasn't pictured? He may have been keeping a low profile there... or maybe after he saw his overall reaction from the public he decided it'd be best to stay away for now.
| Monday, September 03, 2007 - 9:19 pm
And maybe I'm a cynic...or just mean...or both, but Amy's outfit, IMO, screamed her wanting the attention she didn't receive in the house OR on the show. She wasn't on long & let's face it, she looked NOTHING like she does on the outside.
| Monday, September 03, 2007 - 10:26 pm
<Carole> only said that nothing would have happened between her and the younger fellows. She was also, as most women who have worked with youngsters would, putting it in terms that wouldn't put them down. She couldn't very well say, "Yuk, I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole." I don't know how anyone could ever have thought that she'd have been interested in any of them. BTW, she was right in her asssessment of Amy. <42> She was also right in most of her opinions, she, like many women our age, doesn't put it in the most diplomatic terms. She's a political activist, no time for BS.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 12:04 am
Ziggy was at the wrap. On that link that was posted for the pictures there are 3 pictures of him. 1 on each page of 14, 15 and 16. All I can say about Amy's choice of outfit is WHY?
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 12:56 am
Carole wasn't working with youngsters. She was in a house full of adults and told them what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, regardless of how many times they told her they were all at an equal level in there. They were not children in need of a nanny, they were all adults playing a game on tv. Carole is not a kind, nice, motherly person. Carole <42> used emotional blackmail against a house full of other much younger adults, against them; they were not the wiser, until towards the end Ziggy started piping up, though it seemed Liam already knew, but didn't want to make the situation worse, and just went with the flow. Just bc Amy is a glamour model, and dresses provocatively, doesn't mean she'd have sex with everyone she sees. That does not mean she's anything but a young woman using her physical attributes for a business she is trying to break into, more than she already has. What Carole did was tell everyone, and when she nominated Amy, that she believed the ONLY reason Amy was in the house, was to have sex with Liam, and take his money. Interestingly enough, Carole needs money, and claimed in an article, that she did not fancy Ziggy, but would fancy Liam if she were younger. I'd love to see Amy get on the Tyra Banks Top Model show, she certainly could use some tips from someone in the industry as long as Tyra's been--would she be called "easy" bc of all the provcative clothes she wore, or called all those names by some, or is it just this jealous 53-year-old woman on a cheesy reality show? What did Carole do in the house, that was so entertaining, that was so on-spot, that was so truthful, that makes her assessment of ANY of the young woman in that house truthful? Just bc she is 53, doesn't mean she has an insight into people, things, BB, pretty much life in general. It just means she's a 53-year-old woman on a cheesy reality show. Nothing more, nothing less. Carole sucked the fun right out of that house, she didn't want Laura or Nicky to cook, who both cook by the way, then all the attention would be on her, making people sick with her bland food, keeping them tired and lethargic, etc. In this type of game, it is much more entertaining for viewers to watch everyone getting involved in the cooking, the cleaning, etc; it certainty would have been better had even Charley tried her hand at cooking, just to see if she could do it. Carole was very much into Ziggy, very much trying to keep Liam at her side, and very much trying to slag off the young women and put herself right smack dab in the middle of the two young men. And by my assessment, I only speak for me, she absolutely had a massive crush on Ziggy and wanted him all to herself. I need to go and gag now, lol. Carole in fact didn't just get in the middle of Ziggy and Chanelle's brand new, in the public eye, relationship, she lied to Ziggy, among others, about Chanelle flirting with others, and went on to say Chanelle was controlling him, ruining his experience, etc., and on and on with her lies. The only reason Carole became angry when Chanelle didn't want to play the violin, was not for the task, but bc Chanelle didn't turn to her, as though Carole were her parent--far from it. And based on what people at DS were writing, Carole knows little about the politics she claims to be active in. Carole <42> ruined the show for many viewers. Not for me, bc this was the first BBUK I've seen through, but for many who've been viewers since the beginning. She sucked the fun right out of the house.

| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 2:46 am
Thanks Cokegirl, I'm only seeing up to page 11 though, do you have a link you can send? Maybe it's a different one than I have. Thank you ;-)

| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 3:44 am
Photos from inside the party
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 7:10 am
<42> There were a million other ways that Carole could have worded that that didn't have to be anywhere close to saying she wouldn't touch them. How about, "oh no, nothing like that, they're nice boys & I felt strictly a bond and friendship with them" or how about, "oh goodness no! I think it's safe to say it was platonic on both sides!" A MILLION WAYS. Carole had a problem with MANY of the girls in that house, the only one that she felt a close, tight bond with was Charley. And THAT was because she said Charley reminded her of herself at that what does that say? Also, it doesn't matter how Amy chooses to dress. To label someone <42> just because they chose to dress that way for a party is wrong, IMO. Do I agree with it or think it's classy? Nope. But I'm not the one wearing it, either. I feel she wanted the attention of that night but not in a sexual way--maybe she felt that she looked horrible on the show (which a lot of the time, she DID....ALL of them's called living in a house 24/7 and not being able to wear makeup at all times) and wanted to show people that she's sexy? <42> And I'd like to know how she "walked" or "talked" like <42> or however it was put. Because she kissed Liam? OMG! Please. If it was a guy coming into that house and automatically latching onto the first woman that showed him attention (*cough*Ziggy*cough*)...what would that make him? And as for that being how many women Carole's age would behave... my Mom is Carole's age and I'd be mortified if she ever judged people the way that woman did. It wasn't her not BSing people, it was her judging people...plain and simple. She didn't like Amy from the word go, before she even came into the house. She judged her off of a few minutes of interaction and then immediately started slagging her off behind her back. Yet to her face? Nice as pie. That's not being forward and honest.<42>
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 7:24 am
Funny how they had so few photos of Charley, lol. Brian and the twins look like they had a good time. Liam and Chanelle too looked like they enjoyed themselves. I think it is time for Gerry's fifteen minutes to be up. Shabnan who? I have already forgotten who the others were, lol. Glad that the final two were Brian and the twins.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 9:06 am
I've never before seen adults who jump up and down, scream constantly, chase each other around the house, pick each other up and toss each other around, jump on the furniture, play with their stuffed animals, are unable to speak or read properly and throw temper tantrums by screaming and kicking their feet when angry. They were a house full of unruly, undisciplined children and they did need a nanny. They would have eaten their food supply the first day it arrived and starved the rest of the week if not for Carole. Carole was disliked because she wasn't young, fit and pretty and she told it like it was. She was the only entertaining person on the show. The rest made me cringe! The voting showed that Brits admire stupidity. They were eliminated on the final night in exact reverse order of intelligence. JMO
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 10:22 am
carole was disliked by me (a fifty plus woman) because she was nasty and talked smack about the young women in the house to the men. Her actions in trying to break up Ziggy by implying that Chanelle had a thing going with Ziggy was pretty nasty. Her actions in trying to upset the twins were nasty and she was just a mean woman, regardless of her age. The problem is she didnt tell it like it was, she lied to suit her purposes. It was very telling that all the Houseguests loved her when they were in the house and then upon leaving the house they were shocked at her trash talking them behind their back. The Brits dont really care too much about intelligence, they voted for the people with the least guile and who were just nice people to win. Unlike in the US where the snakes generally win. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about Carole whatsoever. ETA: she was also filled with jealousy against the young women in the house. She wanted to get rid of them and keep the men to herself. She may have been 50 plus but she was delusional enough to think that she could have had a shot at Ziggy and Liam, if the twins and Chanelle were not in the house.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 10:30 am
ITA, I am not 52 myself yet, but close enough to know not liking her has nothing to do with age, fitness or looks. IMO she was just nasty for no good reason. Actually when she first appeared on the scene and I read her bio I thought she was going to be someone I could really root for. I was very disappointed. I really enjoyed seeing the picture of the party. Lesley looked fantastic. What happened to Jon (can't remember if that was his name or not), the millionaire guy? I don't remember seeing him at the finale or in any of the after party pictures.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 10:59 am
Jonathan was grounded...which is the polite way of saying rehab
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 11:35 am
Stormie, I swear that this morning when I looked at those pages I saw pages 12 and beyond. But now I click on them and it stops at p 11. LOL Prove- Ziggy had on a black shirt and jeans. I know I'm have not gone crazy but it is my birthday so maybe age. LOL
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 12:18 pm
Okay first, I respect your opinions Mama, but I have to disagree. Jonty was an older man himself that had a stuffed animal. So was Gerry. Because you still own stuffed animals, that makes you a child in need of a babysitter? I collect beanie babies, and have for years, I guess I really shouldn't be a nanny. Also, Carole was not disliked because of her age or looks. In fact, the woman was up for the public vote 2-3 times in the beginning and STAYED. If "the brits", as you put it, admired stupidity and wanted all the intelligent people gone....why did she stay? I personally don't think because Carole was the oldest in the house, she was the most intelligent. I heard some pretty stupid comments come from her mouth in her entire stay in that house. And so what if they'd eaten their food supply? Big deal? Carole is not Big Brother, and Big Brother wouldn't have let those people starve. I've watched other seasons where they ran out of food and were still given basic rations to survive on. She wanted control of the kitchen. It wasn't about her being maternal. There were constant rows between her, Laura and Nicky over the kitchen and food prep. Nicky was pretty control freak of that herself, but NOTHING as bad as Carole. And as for temper tantrums....Carole threw a few of those herself. There were numerous times the woman squeezed out a few tears in order to work the guilt over something someone said to her (which 95% of the time was the truth and someone finally standing up to her). There were a few times she screamed and acted like a general baby herself. I'm not sure what importance there is in Carole's age. So she was 53. She still acted no better than a lot of them.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 12:40 pm
speaking of using all the food, Remember celebrity big brother and the chicken cube???? Using up all the food has always been part of big brother, they pig out on all their food for the first few weeks and then they learn. Jonathan is in rehab? I liked him.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 1:35 pm
Jonathan was grounded...which is the polite way of saying rehab I didn't know that. I hope he has a successful recovery. I liked him too and missed seeing him at the finale.
| Tuesday, September 04, 2007 - 9:13 pm
I hope I never see the day when a 19-year-old isn't jumping on furniture, having fun, laughing and giggling. Some of them may of been a little immature, but that's not a bad thing, they have years to grown on. But other than being clever enough to sway noms, there is no excuse for what Carole did in this game, she even said to Davina, she didn't do things like that at home, she did it bc she was bored--any excuse I guess. And Amanda did the shopping list on her own as a reward in a task, they would have been fine; all Carole did was use half the shopping budget for herself, while the rest had to manage with whatever was left. I adore Leslie and wish she would have stayed, I haven't heard anything negative ever said about her, and she's older than Carole. I suppose Carole will have her supporters, that stands to reason, but more have seen her for who she really is and wanted her to know how they perceived her by an eviction, that never happened. It is what it is, luckily Survivor is right around the corner--anyone else looking forward to it? I am I am, lol. If ya are, I'll see ya on the Survivor thread when it starts. How about we start something for Liam and Brian on TAR, lol, if it returns that is--that would be fun.
Thanks for the link Tissy and thanks for trying again Cokegirl. I found one of Zac though and a couple other cute ones; love the one with Brian and Davina. And here's a blast from the recent past, Ziggy and Liam beatboxing. Big Brother UK 2007 - Ziggy & Liam beatbox remix

| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 6:01 am
stormie I will see you on the Survivor thread. I really am going to miss Brian and the twins. Watching them just cheers you up. Now no celebrity BB in the UK so we have to wait another year for BB. I stopped watching US BB.
| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 3:19 pm
Oh great, see you there as well Maris; I've stopped watching it too, it's very droll and predictable--and I thought last year was bad, lol. The following site is up to Sep 2 now--whoohoo. And here's a few more pics from the WP; cute one of Amanda & Brian.

| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 5:48 pm
I read today on DS that Brian and Liam did some London radio show, and that they were very funny. Does anyone know of any link for the show? Or even if a link exists? Just wondering. Thanks in advance
| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 5:59 pm
sent a message to stentionhouse, I sent him/her a message and I got a very fast reply. I bet they would put it up if they could find it.
| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 6:24 pm
Stormie, are you talking about them being on the Chris Moyles show on Radio 1? If so you can hear it again! This link is about the show (and has pics) and there's a link on that page, under the phot that allows you to listen.
| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 6:26 pm
I tried to send a thank you to Stentionhouse using the Youtube comments, but you had to register, so I didn't. Is there an email address for him somewhere?
| Wednesday, September 05, 2007 - 7:46 pm
That must be it, thanks very much Kitt--fantastic. I wasn't even sure if it existed, lol. It would be very cool if Stentionhouse uploads it, I wonder if they can do that for audio too. They both seem to be having loads of fun this week, it's great that they are. Here is a pic of Brian and Liam with Chris Moyles; it's from the Sep 5th radio show--thanks again ;-) Also, I found a bunch more photos from this season at the link below.
