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| Thursday, July 21, 2016 - 12:29 pm
I wish Andy hadn't been put up but I also think he is safe. I am thinking Laura will be the one to go. She would be my pick to go and it has nothing to do with her early on behavior with Marco. I was tired of her whining about the boos she was got during the live show and then her diary room antics was another mark against her. Her behavior when nominated and then when Sam didn't take her off the block has totally turned me on her. I wouldn't shed even one of Jackson's invisible tears if he were the one to go.
| Thursday, July 21, 2016 - 2:59 pm
Cosign that, Sassy.
| Thursday, July 21, 2016 - 5:40 pm
I really hope Laura goes tomorrow. Her chastising the house for screaming and panicking when Jayne got hurt was ridiculous. I actually think people handled it really well when it happened. Maybe they cut something out, but overall no one seemed panicky. Laura just seems to want to put herself above everyone. I also think she's gone out of her way to make Sam feel bad for not saving her and it's time for her to go! Two more thoughts… I can't believe Sam is only 24, and I really cannot take any more of Alex mumbling his way through the show! Even with all this complaining, I'm still very sad this season is so short!!!
| Thursday, July 21, 2016 - 8:23 pm
I am not sure Jayne was really hurt in the pool, I re-winded the hit and fall, looked like Jackson hit her helmet and she fell sideways, I couldn't see anything around her throat, her lack of breath must have been a bit of panic attack. Anyway, I found the whole challenge a bit too funny and laughed, knowing that Jayne wasn't really hurt. I think they repeat too much things already aired in previous shows, like the letters from home, yesterday they repeated the questions and answers challenge, there isn't much new material shown on the show. I saw some clips of the same day somewhere else, like a mission BB gave Jayne to act really crazy, and everyone really believed she was cracking... and also Hughie going crazier and quite scary in his violence... but maybe it will be shown in tomorrow's episode.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 11:09 am
I think she was just winded, she certainly wasn't knocked out as she was moving her arms in the pool. Must have been a shock though. Anyone know what was wrong with Jason that at first they wouldn't let him do the task? The task didn't look that physically demanding and it looked like he took the same role as everyone else in the end. I think Laura will go tonight, but I'm not sure over Jackson and Jason who'll go second, if there is a second eviction. It seems like there must be because there are an awful lot of people in the house and only four days left. As long as Andy's safe I don't mind really.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 11:52 am
I think they thought Jason would be too strong compared to the rest of the housemates and thought it would be unfair for him to throw at the girls on the bridge. I think bb caved and explained the task and he agreed not to throw hard and they gave him the green light to participate. If you look when he is throwing he is really holding back unlike Sam and Jackson. Jayne had a panic attack in the pool. The sponge hit her helmet, she fell in and probably inhaled a bit of water but you can see her treading water when she is laying there with her eyes closed. Hughie did overreact and I think Laura made a good point about how the housemates panicking can make it worse and traumatic on the person who was hurt. How many times do parents freak out when their child falls and then the child freaks out instead of just acting normal and the child acts the same. I really want Jackson to go tonight. My only hope is that all the other three housemates fans all voted to evict him so he may go. I can't belief everything is over on Tuesday, this was an epic fail of a season in my eyes, hope celebrity big brother is better but if they pull this two house thing again I am not holding out any hope.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 1:46 pm
Going down to two, saved are Andy and Jackson.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 1:48 pm
Jackson and Andy are safe, leaving Jason and Laura. I bet they evict Laura, but thought it was great that Andy/Jason were on the block. Those two are 'playing the game hard.'
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 1:57 pm
What the HG's said about each other: Re Jayne: "Needs roots doing." She said sounds like Huey. It was me - Huey? Re Huey: "For God's sakes quit eating so loud and get your shoes off my bed." He guessed Evelyn and was correct. Re Evelyn: "Does stuff that make it seem it was just about the cameras." Andy said it...she's correct. Re Sam: "Not as loyal as I thought." Laura; he's correct. Laura is apologizing to Sam. Sam very upset. Complaining to someone else.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 2:07 pm
The housemate evicted tonight is Laura.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 2:08 pm
Laura evicted. Shocker...not. Andy was really worried yesterday. He would have been a different HG if he'd been on the block a lot.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 2:44 pm
Voting is now open for vote to win. On Sunday there will be an eviction of the two housemates with the lowest number of votes and they will be evicted to no fanfare or interview.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 7:49 pm
So, that means that we'll see those two evictions on Monday, right? Okay, it's only Friday night. Anyway, I saw the eviction and Laura is gone, I expected that. It would be nice to see by how many votes they were saved or evicted. I enjoyed watching the part where Jayne and Hughie got crazy, but Big Brother chose two people who can easily do that. Of course they won that challenge, if Jason and Andy were chosen it would have been more interesting to watch but certainly would have failed.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 11:28 pm
I agree with Jason that BB shouldn't set a task where people who have meltdowns must have meltdowns. Who's to know how to react or how serious it is? Oh well, no harm done. I prefer this more real Jackson than the one we had for the first six or whatever weeks it was. I thought Laura's best bits was a bit unfair. I think she was reasonable a lot of the time, so they only things they could point out were when she got annoyed or the week one stuff with Mario. Emma confirmed we won't see the evictions until Monday. There's no Sunday BOTS and without a live crowd it makes it easier for them to hide who goes for a day. I presume it'll be Sam and Alex. Perhaps Sam and Jackson.
| Saturday, July 23, 2016 - 3:07 pm
Spunky - - I thought Andy's DR when he said he was creeped out by people (Hughie and Jane) who could so easily act the way they did during the task was very interesting. I also don't think that Hughie's melt down in the bathroom when Andy was chastising him about throwing his toothbrush on the floor was really an act. I agree with you that it would have been more interesting if different house mates were selected for the task. It would have been a riot to see Alex as part of it. Unfortunately, we probably wouldn't have understood a word he was saying! Kitt - Laura's best bits were heavy on her behavior with Marco but I think she needed to see it. I think it even shocked her. Till the bitter end, she didn't get that her constant whining about Sam putting her up was wrong. I think it was on BOTS that Rylan asked her who SHE would have selected had she been in Sam's shoes. I was disappointed that Rylan didn't call her on her choice since she said she would have put Jase (I assume Jason)up; well Jason was already up. So which one of her 'friends' would have been selected? Glad she's gone!
| Saturday, July 23, 2016 - 3:12 pm
Who do you all think will be the bottom two and will be out as of Sunday's results? I'm thinking Sam and Alex or possibly Evelyn. I know on BOTS the panel all said Jason would be one leaving. I don't think so. I don't think he will win but I think he last till the finale and may take 3rd place behind Hughie - first (ugggghhhhh) and Andy in second (I would prefer Andy to win but don't think it will happen).
| Sunday, July 24, 2016 - 7:56 pm
I'm afraid that Jason ruined his last chance to last till the end, he threatened again Big Brother that he wants out but I couldn't understand if he did go back to the house after he smashed Big Brother camera in the DR. His behaviour cannot be rewarded with a win or even to be among the finalists. This all happened after Charlie, among other evicted who came back to square off with the housemates, addressed Jason and he must have been quite pissed... and wanted out of the game. But we shall see tomorrow if he's still there...
| Sunday, July 24, 2016 - 8:24 pm
If he damaged property in anger (I haven't seen today's show yet) and not by accident I'd have thought they would kick him out. The man has too much testosterone, he can't take the stress, he'd be better off outside, even though I'd be sad to see him go in a bad way.
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 10:35 am
OMG Big Brother, was that really necessary?! So unfair to have such biased ex-housemates come in. When the winners of your task are too miserable to celebrate it kind of shows you missed the mark. I hope they're pleased with themselves. Hard to know what to say about Jason's freak out. BB knew what that would do to him and they encouraged it. He's responsible for his actions but so are Big Brother.
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 10:46 am
And at the end Andy was so right in saying how much nicer the house is now those ex-housemates have left, and that just having them back for a visit brought out the bad side of some of the remaining ones. Poor old Evelyn too. Alex just seems devoid of any emotion, he sometimes says the right things but it's like he's an automaton. I hope he went in yesterday's eviction.
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 11:44 am
That task was out of order, lol, but seriously it went way too far in my book. Having those hate filled people back in the house to attack Andy, Evelyn and Jason was just wrong. All the clique supported their gang but went after the other housemates. Couldn't they have had Laura back to support Evelyn? I heard Chelsea went in to support Jason but flipped out, he posted to Twitter about it. I was totally not surprised by Jason's response when they left the task, he has been nothing but bb's punching bag this entire season. They have gone out of their way to make his experience miserable from the start with Charlie. And to have every former housemate go after him as well as support their given housemate was not ok, especially Charlie who came in, made one pro Jayne statement and then railed on Jason, big brother should have shut her down and removed her. An to top off that farce of a task the losers never even did their punishment, they ate the winners food, and sat in the smoking area while the winners all had melt downs, except Alex. This has to go down as one of the worst big brother series for me. The other house was a failure, the wannabe trash they put in that house are some of the most unstable people that ruined it for me. The only way for this season's to not be a total farce would be if Andy or Jason won but chances of that are slim because everyone thinks Hughie deserves it for being a bisexual traveler who came out on tv ignoring the fact that he was one of the rudest most inconsiderate housemates in there.
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 12:07 pm
I just don't see any logic in Hughie being such a favourite to win. He's so selfish, can't see anything in any way but his own, and flies off the handle the second anyone says anything that could even slightly be construed as against him. I would have no patience for him whatsoever in the house, and just can't fathom why he is so popular. My gut says he won't win, but all the bookies disagree with me. And although I'm not actually that keen on Jason he really deserves top three for putting up with everything they've thrown at him. My ideal placing would be: 1. Andy 2. Jason 3. Jayne 4. Evelyn 5. Jackson 6. Sam 7. Hughie 8. Alex But I think it will be: 1. Andy 2. Jason 3. Hughie 4. Jayne -- or Jackson 5. Jackson -- or Jayne 6. Evelyn 7. Alex 8. Sam I might be missing someone... I thought there were nine left, can't think who though.
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 2:44 pm
Alex and Sam were revealed to be the least popular in the task and evicted through the diary room. Jason, Andy, Evelyn, Jayne, Hughie and Jackson have been named BB finalists.
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 2:52 pm
| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 8:11 pm
I agree with Jayne, it was a bit brutal, they did not expect the double eviction, that's for sure, it was brutal because it happened in the middle of a fun loving activity, to be told they were evicted so suddenly, well, I can understand but as soon as they were told they were all finalists they were all happy and now until Friday what will they be doing?? no more challenges? I would expect more since the public will have to be convinced of who to vote for.