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   | Archive through June 08, 2016 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 06-08-16 8:46 pm |
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   | Archive through June 13, 2016 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 06-13-16 3:30 pm |
   | Archive through June 16, 2016 | Spunky | 25 | 1 | 06-16-16 1:49 pm |
   | Archive through June 20, 2016 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 06-20-16 8:04 pm |
   | Archive through June 24, 2016 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 06-24-16 10:56 am |
   | Archive through July 01, 2016 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 07-01-16 2:07 pm |
   | Archive through July 07, 2016 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 07-07-16 1:12 pm |
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| Monday, July 25, 2016 - 9:37 pm
Spunky, the finale is tomorrow. The celebrity housemates go in on Thursday.
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 10:30 am
Got to wonder if Jackson walking around naked and doing his little play to Zoltar was for the cameras or whether he always has done something like that and we've missed it. I thought the fairground tasks were a lot of fun, which they needed. Jayne has perked up so much, she seems so different from how she was the first 80% of the show. I think she needed to find peaceful people like Andy, and get away from the Lateysha drama. I was a little confused by what Alex said. He seemed to say that he knew he looked bad, and he didn't want Evelyn to hang around him so that he didn't look bad??? I just wonder how he got that impression, because from what we saw, everything was focused on Evelyn looking like a mug, nothing on Alex leading her on. It was a bit brutal. It sounds like Sam had a clue he would be one of the first out (which he should have, because of the other task), but Alex was really shocked. I also begin to wonder if there was a lot more to Alex than we saw, because they are all so attached to him. Spunky, they were evicted on Sunday, so we saw it on Monday's show. Today's (Tuesday's) finale will show a brief summary of what happened in the house on Monday plus all the eviction interviews. Finale is 1pm to 2.50pm today, PT. BOTS follows.
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 12:52 pm
Kitt, it is amazing how in the last couple weeks in the house the housemates really come into their own and can relax and be more normal. I think Alex was feeling guilty for keeping Evelyn at arms length in the house and making her look bad for coming on so hard and he was noncommittal in their "relationship". The eviction was hard but not surprising, they all had a feeling that something bad was coming during that task. The sad part is that they are all so oblivious how the public perceives some of the housemates. Like when Jackson said Alex had done nothing but put other people in front of himself, he should have stopped at done nothing because that is what the public saw, Alex really did nothing in the house. I will be here for minimal spoiling since I can't watch and transcribe much at the same time.
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 1:26 pm
Leaving the house together are: In sixth place is Jayne In fifth place is Evelyn
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 1:40 pm
I'm surprised at Jayne, it sounded like she was a lot more popular now than she was. I thought there's a good chance Jackson will do better than I'd expect because he's been so much more natural recently. I am trying to resist reading more... will wait until I can see it later. Thanks for your spoiling now and all season though Amy, much appreciated!
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 1:47 pm
Fourth place is Andy 
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 2:02 pm
Third place is Jackson!!!!!!
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 2:23 pm
Second place is Hughie And Jason is the winner of Big Brother!
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 4:07 pm
Jason? How strange ! With all his tantrums, how many times he wanted out of the game?? That sounds fishy to me !
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 4:08 pm
Came back to peek because I might not get time to see it all tonight...! I definitely think Andy should have been higher than Jackson, but I'm sure he will be very happy, and he might have actually opened up some real opportunities for himself (beyond the usual pay for parties that BB "celebs" get). Happy for Jason. It's ironic that the people who attacked him probably caused him to win when he wouldn't have otherwise. Hope he's got a good lawyer to get a restraining order for Charley, as she might be a lot more friendly now he's got £100K! Jackson - I kind of like him despite his oddities. Hughie - well I still believe he's a good guy deep down, he just needs to grow up and learn to think about people other than himself. Very happy he didn't win... hope Ryan still wants him without the cash, actually I kind of hope he doesn't as I think Hughie would be better without him. Kind of an unusual season, nice to get away from the really hateful people and have the ones who were the nastiest (though relatively mild to what we've seen before) leave before the usual final six domination. There is a Celebrity BB thread already started, premiere is on THURSDAY, so we have one day off.
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 6:05 pm
I actually wonder how much Chelsea had to do with Jason's win… I think it's likely he spent a lot of money voting for Jason. Almost makes me like Chelsea … but nah, still don't. It was nice to see a genuinely surprised winner like Jason. I also wish Andy had been a little higher in the lineup, but he still did really well. I was shocked at how beautifully Hughie took runner up. Showed that he is growing up a bit - I really think he'd convinced himself he'd win. Thought this was actually a really good season - no one I disliked enough to call my friend in the UK and ask her to vote to evict! Had lots that I liked a lot… and lots not so much, but I think we got to see a lot of "realness" from a lot of situations.
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 7:29 pm
He just can't shake that 'poker' face he constantly has, the guy won the TOTAL prize (since he already had the 20k), okay, less the 5k someone else took, and no matter how many times Emma told him it's 'a game show', (not a funeral) he just didn't know how to smile or show some teeth, his smiles tight lipped and I wonder what it takes to shake this guy a bit loose... I thought he has a bit of acting experience or he stands up for a famous actor, when he doesn't have to say anything (so I heard) but some facial expression should have come easy for him. Nope, he's always so serious, man !! Anyway, he was my second favorite, after Andy, and so better him than Hughie. But what a rushed finale, the only really really great finale I ever saw of Big Brother was the one in Australia in 2013 when Tim won ! Now that was a great finale show. Kudos to the Australians. Well, at least this British one was short and sweet...
| Tuesday, July 26, 2016 - 9:06 pm
I wish Andy would've been higher too. I think that courtroom task put Jason over the top for the win. It was pretty brutal. Happy for Hughie coming in second. Yes, he has a dreadful temper, but I think he is a sweetheart deep down. I think all of the finalists came out stronger through the experience. It was nice to see everyone's better side come out at the end. Off to watch BOTS now...
| Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 10:30 am
Today Hughie's quoted as saying that Jason doesn't feel like the winner. 'Cause that's what matters, Hughie, what it feels like.
| Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 11:56 am
I was very happy for Jason's win although I would have been just a tad bit happier if it had been Andy. I loved when Andy told Emma that Jason really didn't believe he'd be in final three spot but the other two (Hughie and Jackson) knew they would be. I think Jackson was absolutely shocked when he went out in third place and Hughie had his head filled with people in the house telling him he would win. As much as I do like Jason and I am sure there are many who voted for Jason just because they like him, it would not surprise me if many voted for him after the treatment he got from Charlie, Ryan, and Leteisha during the courtroom task. The votes may have been as much of a FU to the the horrid trio as it was a vote for Jason. It's been fun posting with all of you! Till next time...
| Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 12:59 pm
I really enjoyed this season ... But I find it strange that indeed my gut feeling panned out remember the "conspiracy theory about Jason and Charlie" ... I just wonder if it worked??? Here is the Posting I dug out from the Archives: Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 6:55 pm Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Needlenose a private message Print Post Conspiracy theory: Just wanted to share these thoughts and see if I am the only one wondering... I did not have access to the BB show at the beginning. Therefore I've watched it all within the last week. When I first heard Jason speaking about his ex-girlfriend I felt suspicious. I believe that Jason and Charlie absolutely knew they were both coming into the BB house. It did come out that they spent a wonderful night together right before they came in, Interesting how they could do that and not discuss them both going in? I also did not believe it when Charlie spoke about Jason and seemed so surprised to see him being in the house while she was in the "other" house. I think Charlie is older than 31, almost 20 years younger than Jayne and 15 years younger than Jason ... Jason seemed anticipating and waiting to see her take her mask off. He seemed so determined to talk about her before the reveal, as she did about him! Everyone that watches the show knows that we fans love a good "love" story. Especially one about a broken up couple with the any possibility of getting back together again ... I studied them closely while they were together in the main house. I got the feeling that they were a lot brighter than they were acting. I think that they planned this scenario with both of them being actors and they plan to get the hundred thousand and maybe split it or maybe be together who knows ... The chances are so good that one could win with their story. I think the plan was that Jason would be the one. I don't think they thought Charlie would go this week ... She seemed very cool talking to Emma, I don't believe they thought she would go when she did, and the love drama would continue... I believe they think that Jason wins in the end... I just wonder... Now I am ready for CBB!
| Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 1:26 pm
Yeah, I do think they knew for sure they were both coming in the house, but it's weird because I don't think Jason was acting with regard to Charley other than that. I mean I think he was playing on the Mr Nice Guy/Teddy Bear persona, but just about everything to do with Charley seemed natural. Like not giving straight answers at first because he knew it would start her off; getting exasperated; ignoring her then cracking and trying to make it right then it all going wrong, etc.. And if Charley's gameplay was all to make Jason look good she went far and beyond the call of duty! She's made herself look sooooooo bad, although maybe there are enough supporters that she can milk it somehow.
| Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 2:32 pm
I'm finally watching the final. I understand why Alex told Evelyn she needn't try to make him feel good now. He said in the interview that when everyone was saying Evelyn was a mug, it meant he was mugging her off, and I think a lot more of him for realising that, it's the sort of thing similar BB hms of the past have never twigged. Jayne interviewed so well. When she's not being crazy she's so normal, it's odd she can switch like that. I Andy. Jason's face was funny at the end, no acting there, he really could not believe the other people were leaving the house before him! Hughie's interview was quite nice. Hopefully he's learnt a lot (he'd have to learn a LARGE lot) and has come out a better person. He still seems to think he's amusing when he kicks off though. Did you all notice Charley looking lovingly at her man when on the back screen behind Jason's interview!? Couple of days ago she acted like he was the world's most evil human! Interesting that he says if he'd thought it through he'd have evicted Alex, Jackson or Hughie instead of Lateysha. That does actually make a lot of sense. An upbeat final, I enjoyed it. Happy for Emma, too, to not have to pretend to like horrible people like she's had to before!
| Sunday, August 07, 2016 - 11:24 pm
Some news: Andy and Ed have split after Ed cheated on him. Jason is allegedly still not talking to Charlie. Something I had no idea about, Nick from last season (the posh one) was with Harry Amelia for a while after the show, and they got pregnant! However they have split up since and are no longer on good terms, and he's saying he wants to be at the birth and she won't let him.
| Monday, August 08, 2016 - 9:15 am
Oh no! Not Andy and Ed! That makes me really, really sad