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| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 2:09 pm
No problem, they have to choose by a numbered card so no changing their votes to go with the group. They have to give the name and a reason. Alex picks Laura Andy picks Ryan Evelyn picks Ryan Hughie picks Laura Jackson picks Laura Jason picks Ryan Jayne picks Ryan Ryan is evicted! He is wearing a bin bag!
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 2:12 pm
Oh wow!!!!! This might be the most shocking set of evictions we've had!!! So happy! And Jayne was pretty brave, I thought she was in the group with Lateysha, Ryan and Hughie.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 2:27 pm
Jayne was always a floater, she was used by Lateysha and her group when they needed her. She chose Ryan because he had chosen rich to take the 5k and that was why.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 7:35 pm
After watching the eviction show I see why Ryan got evicted, I didn't expect the housemates to actually to the eviction, but they did and it's easy to see why... however, I was surprised a bit by Jayne, because she was with Ryan in the other house and I thought they were closer, anyway I'm glad Ryan is gone, I was getting tired of his acting... So there are still 9 people, how are they going to get down to 6 by finale night, they'll have to get rid of them during the week.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 9:00 pm
Thanks for the updates
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 11:31 pm
I'm watching now and it's funny BB have to remind them that the actions of some of the affect all... and most of them just don't seem to care! Poor old Andy's at the end of his tether! He's where I would have been week 2. Only 1.5% separated the bottom four housemates! Who was the fourth? Alex presumably?? The crowd cheered the most for the ones at the bottom (except Hughie)... must have been very confusing for the housemates if they try to judge popularity. I do agree with them (Jackson, Evelyn, Laura) that Jason has been very calculating. Not sure why it matters though, it's a game and he tries to win his way, they try to win their way. I'm not sure if Jayne has changed because she hasn't got Lateysha to talk to, or she also just reached the end of her tether. Not that she's ever been consistent. At the end Emma said she'll be back Friday for the final eviction show before the finale, so they're either going to have to do a multiple or have a really big finale week.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 11:53 pm
I watched the live feeds show for a change. They all seem to be shocked Sam was in the bottom three because he's so nice, I guess they don't see that he hasn't been that interesting. Jayne says she didn't want Laura to go because she works hard in tasks and around the house, and there was no question for her. They obviously know they are on live stream after the show (this is the first one I've watched) yet they sing and all we get is bird sounds. BB should tell them to stop. Ah, then Andy says they're not commercial songs they're nursery rhymes so they're allowed to sing them... I guess Ch5 disagreed.
| Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 7:09 am
I think they were singing Disney songs and that's why they had to stop. I'm glad Ryan left because he did seem really fake. In his interviews he just kept repeating "that's how I am" and what a big personality he has. It's a shame he comes across so annoying! He aspires to be Rylan from BOTS but I couldn't imagine 2 people more at opposite ends of the genuine scale!
| Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 4:01 pm
I think this has been a a really entertaining show with absolutely great psychological studies! The neat observing and the analyzing comments from Kitt and the rest of you has made this show some fantastic fun for me ... Thank you! I was so happy to see Lateysha go home to her baby ... I saw her as a complainer and stirrer, also I agreed with Jason that she should not have deserted her tiny daughter to be in a game show. IMO it is a crucial time in her babies life to be with mom and wow, missing those first baby steps... Yes, absolutely that Jason is a game-player, he is a sly one and very calculated. I still have my same theory with him and Charlie studying the game and planning this whole thing out. I get so attached to all these people ... I am praying for all these HMs, each and every one of them.
| Monday, July 18, 2016 - 5:43 pm
Live tv times Tue19 S17E43 BB 1-2pm Tue19 BOTS 3-4pm Wed20 S17E44 BB 2-3pm Wed20 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Thu21 S17E45 BB 2-3pm Thu21 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Fri22 S17E46 BB: Eviction 1-2.30pm Fri22 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm no "Live From the House" listed Sat23 S17E47 BB 1-2pm Sun24 S17E48 BB 1-2pm Mon25 S17E49 BB 2-3.05pm Mon25 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Tue26 S17E50 BB: The Final 1-2.50pm Tue26 BOTS 2.50-3.50pm And then... Thu28 S18E01 Celebrity Big Brother: The Launch 1-3.05pm Thu28 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Fri29 S18E02 CBB 1-2pm Fri29 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm No "live" show for either of the first two CBBs as far as I can see.
| Monday, July 18, 2016 - 6:17 pm
Sassy, not sure if you're still without internet, but today's show was kind of fun. They made Andy a news anchor and he had to read out their script. Some of the things they made him say or got him to play clips of: After leaving the house, Emma was dumped by her boyfriend when she went somewhere with Marco(!) Andy stabbed Jason in the back in a conversation with Alex(??? they think this is when Andy and Alex said that Jason was upset with the crowd reaction, and Jason was okay with that) Then he interviews Jackson, says "outside sources" (aka tweets) say Jackson's crying is fake. Asks about his multiple accents (lol!). Tweet says he plays the hero. (Rest of house seem rather annoyed by this news, Jackson takes it ok.) The hms have to decide whether the following stories are true or false: 1. Britain voted to leave the EU (true) - hms guess false (Andy says he agrees) all very shocked it was a vote to leave, Andy now stressed(!) 2. Theresa May is new PM (true) - hms guess false (Andy says it'll be true) (Andy still shocked by it all!) Plays clip of ex-hm Lateysha saying Andy and Jason are the biggest gameplayers and the BOTS crowd roaring their approval Plays clip of Lateysha splitting her dress while twerking! Said yesterday Hughie told BB that Jason shown his true colours 100%, he's horrible, not fun. Jason said about Laura, she doesn't do anything then has a camera moment, getting her >assets< out. Laura said about Alex, he's quite quiet but seems to get away with the under the radar thing, why should I save him when he doesn't care less about me. At the end of it all Jason is the most affected by it, and the accusations of game playing, says he's trying to stay calm, but will explode if he has to. Andy tries to calm him down and Jason won't take any of it. Jackson tells BB it hurts, but says he's not going to be honest (with his feelings) because they'll tell him he's faking it.
| Monday, July 18, 2016 - 6:24 pm
Oh and at the end Jason goes to BB and says he wants to leave, needs his cases. After 1hr and 40mins (unaired) talking to BB he decides to stay. Kind of ironic when he's getting more popular (which is what he wants) with the public he acts more unattractively.
| Monday, July 18, 2016 - 8:12 pm
Kitt.. thanks for the update. Back home now and have internet access. I read your update and then watched the show.... it was a good one! I'm not sure if it is true or not but I did read in a comment section that Jason did leave. I'm hoping this is a rumor started by someone who didn't watch the whole show. that being said, not sure I want Jason to win. I think I'm back to Andy for the win.
| Monday, July 18, 2016 - 10:24 pm
I've found a couple of tabloids saying he quit but nothing official. There are photos of him in bed, so if BB said he should think about it and tell them in the morning it will happen in the next few hours (it's 6am there now). I'm Andy for the win too! He can be negative but even when he is he tends to talk sense. And I just don't find anyone else appealing. Jayne has her moments but then she goes a little cuckoo. Oh wait... got my days wrong, the highlights show we just saw was of things that happened on Sunday. It's Tuesday morning there now, so he must have made it through Monday or we'd have heard.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 8:53 am
Why were they laughing when they saw Andy broadcasting BBC news, they must have known he had that broadcasting experience, but the way they were laughing it seems they were expecting Andy to make a mess of it. Actually, I can't understand why he was fired since he can do a pretty decent job... (although he has a tendency to too many 'emm') but I'm glad they utilized the outside news in this fun way, especially the Brexit was too big a news to go so ignored by the show. But what a laugh again to see that 'dress split' and the reaction of Sam was exactly like mine the first time I saw the clip. That Jason was targeted with so much criticism should have been a plus instead of a minus for him, how strange that he doesn't see it that way but his ego gets in the way and wants out of the game, just for this I think he does not deserve to win. I agree that Andy has been a best player, he kept his cool so many times when I would have exploded, and his decent way of playing wins over the rest, I'm sure.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 10:33 am
Andy was fired because he publicly spoke out about a boxer who was shortlisted for a BBC award, because the boxer was homophobic and had said lots of awful things about gay men being pedophiles. But as BBC news people aren't meant to have (public) opinions because of fear of conflict of interest (plus he said he was "ashamed" of the BBC, ooops), he was fired. Good on him as far as I'm concerned. Here's a Daily Mail link about it:
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 11:14 am
I do not understand Jason at all. He is VERY thin skinned and he's acting like Debbie Downer. UGH! So far, I say Andy for the win as well. Evelyn kissing Alex was awkward. Yikes! On a side note... Alex is gorgeous. 
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 1:29 pm
Nominations were done in the diary room but played to the housemates on the couches, they are as follows: Laura, Alex and Jackson Jackson, Jason and Evelyn Sam, Jason and Laura Evelyn, Jackson and Jason Jason, Jayne and Laura Alex, Laura and Jayne Jayne, Jason and Jackson Hughie, Jason and Andy Andy, Laura and Hughie Up for eviction are Jason, Laura, Jackson, and Jayne. One nominated housemate will be saved tomorrow.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 2:22 pm
Incredible, Sam is the only one without a nomination. Jayne got only 2 but she's also nominated? Before it was only if they had at least 3 nominations. Maybe the one 'saved' tomorrow is Jackson... Thanks Kitt for that article on Andy, usually broadcasters have to maintain 100% neutrality on issues they report on the news, (it must be very frustrating for broadcasters) but it seemed he expressed his opinion outside his workplace but still attacking BBC was not a smart move, anyway he'll bounce back I'm sure with the BB experience.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 2:26 pm
Thanks Amy! Andy escaped with only one nom!? His charm campaign seems to have worked. I guess the Laura and Jackson noms came from the newsreader task reveals. Jason because he's been miserable. It's funny that Alex keeps nominating Jayne because from all the clips we see they seem to get on really well. The save tomorrow makes me think it can only be a single eviction on Friday, as surely they won't evict two out of the remaining three?? I guess there could be an eviction on Monday, before the finale on Tuesday, but the tv schedule makes it seem like it's a normal show. Edit: Spunky, I think they went down to two votes so they could save one of the nominees.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 3:09 pm
Looks like it is a save and replace, they have a video of the task and who wins up on the bb website.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 7:15 pm
Someone is going to be saved tomorrow... meaning Wednesday? (I just saw Episode 43, was this happening on Monday or Tuesday?). So, I wonder if the nominated person that will be saved is the task BB gave Sam, he has to save and replace. I think he felt a bit sorry he nominated Jason and maybe he will save him and put Andy on. What an awful thing to do. Bit cruel, really.
| Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 7:58 pm
I think he'll get the wrath of the house if he saves Jason, as he knows he got a lot of other nominations. Laura's been crying and saying she feels like people are choosing her as the easy option, so I wonder if he'll save her. I can't think who he'd put up though, again the easy option is poor Andy. It's not like any of them nominated him, so he could return the favour. Possibly Evelyn I suppose. Vote to evict, if two go Evelyn would leave if she were up. Spunky, Ep 43 is today's (Tuesday's) show which tells us what happened in the house on Monday. If you saw BOTS, or are reading official info at the BB website, that's usually up to date so will tell us stuff that happened Tuesday and will be shown tomorrow (Wed).
| Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 2:43 pm
The housemates have to be the first to buzz in and answer questions about things said in the house correctly to move forward towards the prize circle, there are 5 spots in the prize circle. The first one in is Sam he chooses 5, Alex is next he chooses 4, Laura chooses 3, Andy chooses 1 and Jackson takes the last spot 2. Andy reveals his star and he wins nothing, Jackson wins a spa experience, Laura wins nothing, Alex wins a 3 course meal and he gets to choose someone to share it with and he chooses Jason, lol, and Sam gets the save and replace card. Sam has to save an evicted housemate and replace them with another housemate. He says he can't do it. He chooses to save Jayne, such a cop out. Chooses to put Andy up for eviction.
| Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 5:15 pm
Yes, complete cop out! Poor old Andy. I think he's safe though. It'll be a close vote I think, Vote to Save and Laura would have gone, but I don't know if the people who don't like her would pay to evict her in a Vote to Evict. And Jackson seems to have suddenly become unpopular, and although Jason now has a lot of fans he still has a lot who don't like him.