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| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:56 pm
More from the last third of the show... She's finally going. Jackson is crying. Alex is crying. BB play sad music! Jason and Andy look up but don't attempt to hug her or anything. In DR she says she's shocked, has a little cry. Says Jason was cowardly, saw her as a threat, everyone should have listened to Charlie, she just hopes he doesn't win, he doesn't deserve it. Sad to leave but happy to see her daughter. Jackson said he was going to evict Jayne, with some sort of money splitting thing. Jayne says it was a wrong tactical decision but doesn't say why. Jackson asks Jason why her, he says furthest away from her, she called him gameplayer, this is the first time he's done something selfish in this show, and his head was still on the chopping board. Says everyone else has done something selfish, he chose to do it to have one more day in the house. Ryan and Hughie fooling about and seem happy enough, especially Ryan. Evelyn saying to Laura that she knows they're friends but they're all over it pretty quickly. Laura says she has lots of anger inside her, mad at Jason, Jackson. E says they shouldn't be angry at people for playing the game. Andy (to Jason) says Jackson must have been feeling vulnerable to push the button. Inside Laura is pondering why Jackson would press the button and then share the money. She and Evelyn says he lied, wouldn't have split the money. Jackson walked in. Laura pushing him on it, he says him winning it would have been his team/friends winning it. Laura wishes they would all be more honest about having to be ruthless to get further in the game. Jackson saying about his money splitting plans. Evelyn saying it just sounds strange, we're all in it for ourselves. imo Jackson gets more worked up when defending the truth than when BSing, and right now he is very calm. He has a lot of theories for what he would have done but I don't know that they had that long to think about it.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:57 pm
Vote to save for Friday!
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:58 pm
Wow, vote to save and everyone up except Andy on Friday!!! THREE will go! So glad they've done a vote to save but they should keep stressing it so people know and don't get confused!
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 3:02 pm
Who do you think will go? Andy is safe obviously. I think Jason is now safe. Hughie seems to still be a fan favourite although I can't fathom why. Alex and Evelyn were in bed together last night, which might get them some votes. I think Jayne will go for sure. I think the other two will be two of Sam, Alex and Laura. Possibly Ryan.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 6:11 pm
Thanks for the spoilers Kitt. I haven't watched the show yet, but the news is really upsetting. I know it's a game show, but is seems so unfair that Jason chose Lateysha to go. Who the heck is he to say she should not have left her child? Is he the parent police? She is grown and knows what's best for she and her family. I'm glad, though, that she told him off, she should have, he's full of it. I think he wants to win, like Charlie said, and got rid of the competition. I don't know why he would think the public would want him to win, when he's gotten rid of someone well liked. I think this proves Charlie was right about him being different than he was portraying. It's a game, I'm sure Lateysha will be fine, maybe even end up on CBB, but had it been the public voting, I think she would have made it to the end. I would love to see a twist, where the public get to put someone back in, I would hope it would be Lateysha. At least Latesha tried to make the show fun, unlike Jason, Andy, Alex, Sam and the gossip twins. I hope Jason goes on Friday, he's a boring person who blames others for his behavior, first it was Charlie, now it's Lateysha; he's still boring and brings nothing to the show. And Jason has also taken some of the prize money, so that might be another reason for him to go; maybe he just wanted the money and is lying about everything else, who knows. I wish that Andy would go too, but he's safe; the moaning and analyzing of Andy is so boring to me, he doesn't know what people are thinking and feeling, he just bases everything everyone says and does on his negativity. I also would not mind seeing Alex go, he doesn't do anything, I don't even know if he smiles or not.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 6:38 pm
I don't know how many times I re-winded the pushing of the button moment, I thought for sure Jackson pushed it first and so when big brother announced it was Jason, I had to re-wind and a good thing that it was a long shot and you can see Jason in the far corner but clearly his arm moved fast and maybe, I'm still in doubt, he pushed it first. I was hoping for a more clear way of spotting the one who pushed first, but that long shot allowed me to see Jason's arm moving so fast, and if it's big brother that says it was Jason, who am I to protest?? I think he voted smartly, he went for a favorite, and that's the way to play the game, but it was purely a survival reason, he would have been evicted for sure. But what's the difference, he just bought himself a few more days in the house but he's not going to win anyway. I don't know why only 3 by Friday, I was expecting at least 4 evictions.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 7:28 pm
The public have already saved Jason, he had a good chance of making it to the finale; he was loudly cheered at the last eviction, the public liked him. I didn't see Lateysha as a threat to him at all, nor did I see her in the way of him being in the finale. So, I don't see any reason Jason has given as valid, I see them as excuses at this point, trying to sway opinion. I guess we'll see on Friday, if he's booed or not. I can't stand Mr. Knowitall in the DR today, he is so negative. I bet he wishes he could twerk like Lateysha; so jealous 
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 8:32 pm
You'd have to hope that something electronic would have told BB who pressed first. I don't think they let these things go to a best guess, especially when money is involved, too many rules. I think Jason is safe with the public, both in a vote to evict where one goes and in this vote to save. His big problem would have been if there was an annihilation event on Friday where the hms picked, as with Andy safe it was really only him or Jayne, and the popular crew are quite close to Jayne. And he still has a problem if there's a regular vote to evict next week, with a multiple eviction out of only a few nominees. He knows that he, Andy and Jayne will always be up, and he doesn't know if the public prefer Andy to him. I think if anything this will have increased his favourability with the public, not reduced it. I don't know that Lateysha was well liked, because she really controlled the house, and spread a few inaccurate stories (mostly about Andy and Jason) and people tend not to like that. She's so much nicer than the house matriarch of the last few years (Helen Wood anyone?!) but still... house matriarch.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 10:49 pm
Kitt...I agree with everything you have stated regarding what happened on last night's show. Jason played the game. He saw Lateysha was the one controlling many of the happenings in the house so she was the one to go. So many were upset with Jason for evicting her...I wish he had asked Jackson if he would have gone in her place. Thanks again for posting the details. Will not be getting WiFi so the withdrawal continues!
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 3:46 am
It's as if we are watching different shows. I don't see Lateysha in that light at all. I see her as a nice person, part of the group, who spoke her mind, and had fun along the way. I never saw her tear anyone down, or act like she was in charge in any way. Jackson took over in the voting the other day, where everyone had a say, but there have been other times when other people are listened too. And I never saw Helen as a matriarch of anything, just a bully. The big influence I see happening in the house, is Andy influencing Jason. And Jason is using what Andy says, to justify what he's done. But nothing Andy says is factually true, it's his opinion, based on watching, not joining in. Lateysha on BOTS today was funny, everyone seemed to need a laugh and, not meaning to, gave it to them, when her dress split in the back; Rylan and she were rolling. And it was nice to see Josie and John James together on BOTS a couple of days ago. I remember when Josie was so insecure, but she's grown so much since then. I love when she's on BOTS, I hope John James returns at some point as well.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 8:06 am
I about died when her dress split on BOTS. She and Rylan were so funny.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 11:00 am
Jut watched the last show again and noticed at the end the voiceover said "the three housemates with the fewest votes will face an eviction annihilation," which doesn't necessarily mean all three leave, which was what I thought originally. I'm guessing that as this is the "who leaves, housemates choose" week they will choose one out of the bottom three to evict. It also makes the vote to save make more sense. Most polls have Ryan, Sam and Alex as the clear bottom three. If so I'd like Sam or Ryan to go. Alex didn't do much for the most of the season but recently he's really thought things out for himself, and has nominated or suggested people that others haven't, and I like that.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 11:03 am
I don't see Andy as influencing Jason, just sticking up for his friend and trying to reassure him that the mood of the house might not reflect the mood of the viewers. I usually agree with most of Andy's observations, they are only his opinions but to me he seems the most accurate judge of what's going on in there.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 11:10 am
A non-UK unblocked clip of tonight's show: Each has to choose whether to accept £5000 and then the house becomes divided between Rich and Poor. But notably in it, Hughie confirms he did press the £20K button yesterday (not quick enough, obviously) but says he was going to share, lol.
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 7:09 pm
So, no nominations because they're all up for eviction except Andy and so with Friday eviction only 3 left this week. I was hoping for another eviction before Friday, but I guess they want to keep the house a bit lively with more people till finale. I think they should not have chosen "Rich", for that bit of money they could have avoided a lot of criticism, but for Jackson to go cry in the DR was a bit pathetic. I understand in Jason's case it was a matter of survival, but this time they could have left the money for the winner (it's such a small amount anyway... well, we're used to a bigger prize money with the US version). But these people are such 'wussies' , to live on basic rations is not starving to death and Big Brother will probably end it after Friday's eviction anyway, they'll want them to dance and be happy with another big party... I did see the clip with Lateysha on Bot splitting her dress to expose her bum... well, at least she wasn't naked... I mostly laughed for Rylan's reaction... too funny ! It must have been the most watched youtube clip... 
| Thursday, July 14, 2016 - 8:38 pm
I'm so glad Andy has immunity. I'd still like to see him win. I think 3 girls will be in the bottom tomorrow, Jayne, Evelyn, and Laura - and I think the HMs will evict Laura. Just my guess! I would be ok with anyone going especially Sam or Ryan. Or Alex - blah. I can't believe how short this series is! I keep thinking about 10 years agon- Nikki's first season - how long it was and so many HMs!!! It has been a good one though - and Kitt, I remember Helen Wood and wish I could forget!!! LOL
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 10:13 am
I think it's been a good series too. They've had a good mix of interesting characters who don't seem like horrible human beings. In the recent past there's always been a group of "mean girls" and/or "mean boys" that have made it really hard to watch.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 10:37 am
Annihilation challenge from yesterday's show: BB brings the hms into the diary room one at a time. Tells them they have an important decision, they have to choose whether to be rich or poor. If they choose rich, then, until further notice they will live like a queen/king in the BB house, enjoying luxury food, drinks and treats. Additionally £5,000 from the prize fund will be theirs. If they choose poor they will live like a pauper, stripped of even the simplest of luxuries, have basic rations, no hot water and their bedding will be replaced with rags. Ryan first, chooses rich. He goes to the "Rich" room which has two chairs. Jayne next, chooses poor (and cries), is sent to the garden. Hughie chooses poor, says he won't take any money from the pot. Alex chooses rich. Sam chooses poor. Jackson chooses rich, says he's spent too long being poor! (Jayne, from the garden asks if he's going to give them £50 each!) BB says there are only two places in the rich area, and Jackson must take the place of either Ryan or Alex, demoting them to the poor area and removing their £5,000. Jackson chooses to replace Ryan. Jackson and Alex are now the rich ones. Evelyn chooses poor. Laura chooses poor. Jason chooses poor. Andy chooses poor. Jackson and Alex are in the rich area, and now Jackson seems to begin to feel bad, said he should have realised it wouldn't have been a simple as BB said. Poor hms are told if they don't abide by their poor rules there will be severe consequences. It looks like the rich food and rich duvets etc. are in the main area, so they have to choose to keep up being poor while the richies live the good life! Hughie's kicking off as usual. Yesterday Alex said he wouldn't have taken the £20K out of someone's pocket so now he's saying it's contradictory to take the £5K. Alex is saying £5K is much less than £20K. Jackson's saying he thought everyone would be able to take their own £5K. Then cries in the Diary Room. Evelyn's mad because last night she spoke to Jackson and Alex and they both went on about integrity and not taking something from someone else. A bit later they make up when they see how upset Jackson is.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 10:41 am
If Alex is in the bottom three tonight and the rest of the housemates choose who goes, he's gone.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 10:58 am
Some of the poor hms ate food from the rich hms. BB should really have taken £5,000 from the pot for each person who ate. Jason points out that it wasn't a collective decision but they'll all be punished, but that didn't go down too well with the others (except Andy).
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 12:49 pm
After all the punishments because they ate the food, Alex and Jackson, and Ryan for that matter, taking the money, and Jason evicting Lateysa, my guess on who's going to lose the public vote and who the housemates will choose to evict tonight is so far up in the air it can't be seen. I'm on pins and needles...
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 1:29 pm
Do you know what punishment was given for them eating the "rich" food, Amy? I'm hoping they took money from the prize fund...
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 1:54 pm
They had only slop to eat and they took their clothes and had to wear a burlap cloth. It only lasted a few hours though.
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 1:56 pm
Safe housemates are: Jayne Alex Evelyn Jackson Hughie Jason
| Friday, July 15, 2016 - 1:59 pm
Lame punishment. Oh wow, Alex is safe! That leaves Sam, Ryan, and Laura... I think if they vote they will get rid of Laura. (thanks for spoiling!)