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| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 3:13 pm
I was so happy it was Chelsea! The next eviction comes after they hear the results of the Annihilation Week poll that was on the website. The poll asked things like who's the most popular, who's the troublemaker, those sort of questions, so it might influence their decisions, depending on who gets the most viewer votes on the negative questions.
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 5:43 pm
Jackson was pretty good tonight with his idea for nominating like they would the next day, even if they did just do one vote not two. Jackson - Laura Evelyn - Chelsea Laura - Chelsea Jayne - Chelsea Andy - Hughie Chelsea - Evelyn Jason - Jayne Alex - not sure yet Sam - Chelsea Hughie - Chelsea Ryan - Chelsea Lateysha - Chelsea back to Alex - Hughie so it was an easy decision once they'd agreed to do it that way, and he took it really well. Some thoughts... . the ones at the end could copy the earlier votes if they didn't want to make any more enemies. Jackson told them they couldn't do that but I wonder if Sam/Hughie/Ryan did. So that could mean next time they have to do this that they choose to sit either towards the end or towards the beginning (depending on whether they wanted to influence the vote or not rock the boat). That's assuming they could predict where the start of the vote would be... maybe Jackson is now the head of the table?? . interesting that both Jason and Andy are pondering about saying no to the majority vote (which they are allowed to do) if it's someone they don't want out . Hughie got the most votes apart from Chelsea, and to my mind gets worse every day. I know he was very popular with viewers at the beginning but I would think that has changed, and he might be the answer for some of the negative questions on the poll which would put him at risk next . viewers don't seem to like Evelyn, so she might get some bad answers on the polls too, and the hms are quite happy to use BB's "conspiring" word against her
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 6:52 pm
Kitt... thanks for your detailed post! I am away and internet connection is very limited so your posts are keeping me updated.
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 6:59 pm
you're welcome!
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 7:17 pm
It was a bit brutal the way Chelsea got kicked out but it was to be expected, he really was the easiest choice, everyone knew the guy didn't need the money and he went far enough in the game. But now the twist has been revealed to all, they are now prepared to this annihilation eviction and will think about the next one to evict very carefully. One good way is to concentrate the votes on one instead of spreading them, after the first couple of votes they should almost stick to the same person, otherwise it becomes more difficult and confusing to select the next one. I'm sure they'll get Jayne out next or Hughie (don't know if they can evict two in one day).
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 12:39 pm
I am glad Chelsea is gone but I was really shocked that he didn't at least try to fight for his place in the house and just voluntarily let them send him out. I knew no one would stand up in defense for him since so many wanted him to go. I do think that Sam, Hughie, Ryan and Lateysha just copied the majority of the previous housemates with their choices. Wish they had to write down their choice like when they have to pull pictures for face to face nominations so they couldn't change their minds but since big brother let them decide how to choose there were no tools for them to do so. It was sad to see Chelsea get all dressed up knowing that there was nothing out the door for him. As for the rest of the week, I don't think it is going to be as easy as the first one because big brother is known for mixing things up and throwing a few twists at the housemates. If what I have already seen on the BB website and read in other places on the internet today's task is different and has a twist.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 6:32 pm
I think his ego stopped him doing anything but pretending to be "cool" with it.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 6:53 pm
No one evicted in today's show. FIRST Annihilation Event They put them into the deliberation room again, each person had to honestly answer the poll questions they asked online, and if BB thought they were all honest they would hear the viewers' answer. most forgettable Evelyn - Sam Andy - Evelyn Alex - Laura Sam - Jason Laura - Jason Jason - Laura Jackson - Jayne Jayne - Jason Lateysha - Jason Hughie - Jason Ryan - Jason BB believed they were all honest - revealed viewers chose Alex(!) biggest gameplayer Jason - Ryan Jackson - Evelyn Sam - Evelyn Evelyn - Jason Laura - Jason Hughie - Alex Ryan - Andy Lateysha - Andy Alex - Andy Jayne - Andy Andy - Jayne BB believed them - viewers chose Andy least genuine Laura - Jason Evelyn - Jason Alex - Laura Sam - Evelyn Jason - Evelyn Jackson - Evelyn Hughie - Andy Lateysha - Andy Ryan - Andy Jayne - Andy Andy - Ryan BB believed them - viewers chose Ryan It seems pretty clear than the popular kids (Lateysha, Hughie, Ryan) with their pet Jayne are targeting Andy, and then Evelyn+Laura and targeting Jason and he's targeting them back with help from Sam. SECOND Annihilation event They split themselves into two groups, each were told they must "target" one person from the other group, but they don't know why. The actual (undisclosed) reason is who least deserved immunity. Actually it's to determine who gets immunity from eviction this week. Group 1: Lateysha, Jackson, Jason, Alex, Andy Andy chose Jayne Alex - Hughie Jason - Jayne Jackson - Jayne Lateysha - Jayne so they chose to target Jayne Group 2: Evelyn, Laura, Hughie, Ryan, Sam, Jayne Sam throws out Jason and Andy as getting bad results from the viewer poll Hughie, Ryan and Jayne jump on Andy Laura says Jason Sam says Andy Evelyn didn't comment so they chose Andy Two targeted hms are Jayne and Andy. Later BB puts the rest of them into the deliberation room, tells them they have to chose which of Jayne and Andy LEAST deserves immunity. The other gets nothing. Alex, Lateysha and Hughie say they want Jayne to be immune. Jackson says she doesn't deserve it if she doesn't want to be here. Hughie still goes on about Andy not changing (which he seems to think is a bad thing). Jackson says Andy's been through so much in the house, always fighting to remain. They take a vote on who should get the immunity: Sam - Andy Laura - Andy Evelyn - Andy ... Lateysha breaks in and says them let's go for Andy to stay They choose Jayne as person who least deserves immunity, so Andy is immune from eviction this week. Rumour has it there will be two more evictions this week, one Wednesday and one live in Friday's show, and then all three (Chelsea plus the other two) will be interviewed on Friday. Also a rumour is that money is involved in one of the decisions.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 6:56 pm
Here's the twist involving the money... BB has taken £20,000 out of the winner's prize- which won't be replaced- and all the HM's were put in the room in front of individual buzzers. The first person to press their buzzer wins the 20K..and is still in the game and can win the rest of the prize...but they have to immediately pick someone to be evicted.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 7:14 pm
Ouch. Is £20K enough to make them do that? None of them actually seem money grabbing, they seem more to want fame or something personal. Maybe Alex would do it to make him not seem as forgettable ;). In which case Hughie would probably go and I would be happy. I suppose Laura or Evelyn might for similar reasons if they knew they did not have to leave. And both of those would choose Jason I think.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 8:11 pm
So, a whole episode just to give Andy immunity against their own wishes. What a laugh! And Jayne is still there, in spite the humiliation. I was expecting both Jayne and Andy to get immunity and a quick round of votes for another eviction, but I guess they'll wait for the money grabbing one to evict another player. Did I hear right, that by Friday we will see 4 evictions? I assume they'll show all of the evicted this week on Friday eviction show. But between you and me.... whatever happened to the 'YOU DECIDE !' meaning the public... Mmmmm
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 8:20 pm
My prediction is that there is a mad scramble to be the first to hit their button. Each person will have their reasons and some will do it to be able to evict their biggest competition and others will be because they know they won't win and £20k is a lot of money and maybe one or two because they view the prize money as theirs because they think they are going to win and want the whole £100k.
| Tuesday, July 12, 2016 - 9:42 pm
Thanks again Kitt for the detailed are making my withdrawal somewhat bearable. Fingers crossed...we may be getting WiFi at the lake house tomorrow.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 8:56 am
They are rushing the season- the finale was announced as being on the 26th- only 50 days, which is tied for the 2nd shortest completed civilian series ever worldwide...only a season in Bulgaria last year was shorter (26 days- there was a season that was pulled from the air after a couple of weeks in the Middle East because of complaints a few years ago)
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 10:10 am
You're welcome Sassy! I thought they would need to get more people out this week because of that, Wilson. I was expecting one out a day. If it's really just the three we'll be down to nine on Friday, so if they have the usual six for the last (short) week we'll have to get rid of three more next week too.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 10:24 am
Live tv times until (almost) the end Wed13 S17E37 BB: Annihilation 2-3pm Wed13 BOTS 3.05-4pm Thu14 S17E38 BB: Annihilation 1-2pm Thu14 BOTS 2.45-3.45pm Fri15 S17E39 BB: Eviction Massacre 1-2.30pm Fri15 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm Fri15 BB: Live from the House 3.30-4pm Sat16 S17E40 BB 1-2pm Sun17 S17E41 BB 1-2pm Mon18 S17E42 BB 2-3pm Mon18 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Tue19 S17E43 BB 1-2pm Tue19 BOTS 3-4pm Wed20 S17E44 BB 2-3pm Wed20 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Thu21 S17E45 BB 2-3pm Thu21 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Fri22 S17E46 BB: Eviction 1-2.30pm Fri22 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm no "Live From the House" listed, might change though Sat23 S17E47 BB 1-2pm Sun24 S17E48 BB 1-2pm Mon25 S17E49 BB 2-3.05pm Mon25 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Tue26 Finale day but listings not out yet
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 11:27 am
I wonder if the shorter season is because of the Olympics... does the same network televise both? A!so, I'm the shorter season was announced after the house was flooded with the heavy rain, perhaps the structure of the house may be in question and they just want to finish up sooner othan later in case of more flooding. Just some thoughts.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 11:38 am
They decided it would be short at the beginning. Channel 5 doesn't host the Olympics but they might think that their audience would drop when it starts. I've heard there's going to be a Celeb BB again this year, which originally I'm sure they said wouldn't happen. They've revealed the eye logo so it's a sure thing now. Whoa! Just looked for a start date and it's July 28th! This lot leave on Tuesday and Celebs move in on Thursday!
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 11:43 am
Preview little video thing of tonight's show

| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 12:12 pm
This season was cut short because of the failure of the other house. The houses were to be kept separate for a few more weeks before they would be merged and when the housemates found out about the other house the merged early. This is what I have heard as to why they cut the season short and are starting cbb early.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 1:55 pm
I am so excited about tonight's show I am watching live for the first time this season! BB are really hyping it up so I'm hoping it's not just the expected Jayne or Jason going.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:18 pm
SPOILERS ahead! The challenge is as we've said, they have £20,000 in front of them, and a countdown clock. The first to press the button gets the £20G but has to evict someone, whilst they remain in the game. If no one takes it then the money is just gone. Jason got to it first! Jackson and Laura went for it was too slow. Not sure about anyone else. Jason chooses to evict, can't choose himself of Andy. He says he didn't care about the money but thinks he's at risk of going, so purely for survival. He chooses the other person because he thinks they're going to win it, which gives everyone a better chance. He thinks they have had a lot of attention before the house whereas othes haven't. He chooses to evict Lateysha. She says it's fine, everyone else is REALLY shocked! Hughie is screaming, Ryan's saying it's not fair. Lateysha says to make sure Jason doesn't win, says he's had a problem with her all the time. BB says she can go back into the house to pack. Jayne's saying he made the wrong decision, and they're all picking on him for being quiet and now doing this. Jason's saying only Alex and ? wouldn't have chosen him, everyone else would have wanted him out, so he had to push it. He chose the person he hadn't got on with since day one, not the obvious option, which he says would have been Jayne. Says she has a baby at home who he feels she shouldn't have left, is the strongest to win, part of the group who's against him (rest say there's no group, lol). Ryan going on about L being in the show for money for her baby. Jackson is crying. Lateysha is fuming. Says he's got the most money of everyone in there. Says he'll never win now as everyone will hate him. L wants to tell him why she was here, upset about him saying about leaving her baby, says she's skint, in there to get money for her and daughter. Says everyone in the house deserves much more than him. Won't let him talk. Says he'll be up next. Now they're picking on Andy for supporting Jason's choice. Now they're saying Jason has funny eyes(!) and Jackson feels played.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:30 pm
More SPOILERS Andy (alone with Jason) says he would have done the same thing, said she picked on Chelsea and tried to wind him up, spread rumours about Jason, is a big part of what has made his (Andy's) time there more difficult. Jason says he was an endangered species anyway, but has now set himself up for a fall. Now the main group are saying he took the easy option(??!).
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:41 pm
I loved the outcome of this task. Lateysha was the biggest threat to everyone in that house and Jason had the balls to push the button and evict the biggest threat.
| Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 2:45 pm
Me too! She was definitely most likely to win, or at least in the top two, and also never liked him so was likely to vote him out. Great decision. I wonder how much the viewers will hold it against him though. And whether the hms can/will get rid of him in whatever Friday's eviction is.