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| Thursday, July 07, 2016 - 1:40 pm
Nominations are as follows: Lateysha - Chelsea and Jason Sam - Chelsea and Ryan Jackson - Emma and Charlie Ryan - Chelsea and Andy Hughie - Andy and Chelsea Emma - Jackson and Jayne Alex - Charlie and Emma Evelyn - Chelsea and Jason Charlie - Emma and Laura Chelsea - Jayne and Evelyn Jayne - Chelsea and Jason Andy - Hughie and Lateysha Laura - Jackson and Chelsea Jason - Ryan and Charlie Up for eviction are: Emma Jason Chelsea Charlie
| Thursday, July 07, 2016 - 5:18 pm
Wow!! Good on BB for actually enforcing a rule! I wonder if she really wanted to go or was just acting out. And does it change the eviction?? Unexpected people up for eviction (except Emma). Looks like they believed the info Jayne and Charlie relayed to them from the phone calls.
| Thursday, July 07, 2016 - 6:30 pm
This week's noms had Chelsea with 7, Charlie, Emma and Jason with 3, the rest with 2s or 1s or 0s... so I think that means that's it's at least three people must be up. The announcement at the end just asks for votes for the remaining three, so I guess there's no change for tomorrow's eviction. I think Jason's safe. Not sure between Chelsea and Charlie, imo Chelsea is such a prat I would rather he went over Charlie, but I think the viewers might prefer Charlie out.
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 12:17 am
Most who nominated Chelsea did so because they are noticing that he is playing all the housemates. Emma broke out after Jackson confronted her, in front of most of the house in the smoking area, about pressing the button a second time to spend time with the boyfriends. Afterwards she was told in the diary room that she obviously didn't want to be there so she was being removed. The whole house was also punished for breaking the rules, they lost all food won in the task except beans and rice, hot water was turned off indefinitely, and electric appliances are off. I want Charlie to go tomorrow, it will hopefully repair the spilt in the house.
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 9:52 am
I find it strange that Emma attempted to leave the house, why didn't they let her leave, why would she be able to come back and be told she is removed from the house. If she was out of the compound, she's automatically out, didn't need to be removed by Big Brother. And really, what kind of Big Brother experiment when they are allowed to spend time with their loved ones from outside, this isn't big brother anymore, but a camp out with visitors. I'm glad Jason is among the nominated, although he'll be safe. Charlie going doesn't make me feel sorry for her. But who really should go is Chelsea.
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 10:15 am
They can only get into the camera runs, and eventually have to be taken somewhere by security. I'd guess she was in a holding room for a while while BB decided what to do, and was then taken to the diary room to be told her fate. I don't think she saw the hms again (and I thought it was odd that the show ended on her, and we didn't see highlights from later in the day, perhaps it was later than I thought when it happened). Jackson was odd during the whole treat thing, and although it looks like a play for attention/"look at me I care so much" I think it's real, and he's just messed up in some way that means he can't deal with such choices. I'd have been really annoyed at Emma too, for taking the second treat and risking others not being able to get theirs, but especially afterwards for not admitting to what she'd done. If she'd said in the heat of the moment she couldn't stop herself that would be one thing, but she kept insisting she wasn't being selfish and she "knew" it wouldn't affect anyone else. I'm glad she's gone. I don't mind Charlie going, and it would change the house atmosphere a lot which would be good, but I really want Chelsea to go, for being so delusional and full of himself. Also it suddenly occurred to me yesterday, did the housemates purposely decide to put up a different group of people so no one got a free ride to the final? Probably not, but it quite often happens that the same group of people get put up again and again and some (like Chelsea could) get to the final six without ever being up, and go out sixth because the viewers don't like them even though they never offended the hms enough to be put up. I just thought it odd that both Jason and Chelsea were suddenly in the spotlight.
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 12:53 pm
Hi all... I don't know if you watch BOTS last night - Emma was on. That kind of annoyed me that they gave her that kind of attention when she broke the rules. BB certainly doesn't apply the same rules for all people because others who have been 'evicted' by BB have not been on BOTS. According to Emma, she didn't want to go back and made it sound like, to me, she had NO intention on going back so it wasn't really Big Brother's decision to not let her in. She also has no regrets of having the boys back in for the second night. I had liked Emma but for someone who views herself as a positive person and hates negativity, she certainly brought a lot of negative energy into the house with her decision. Kitt - I think your view about the nominations of those who hadn't been nominated in the past is interesting. We'll have to see if the theory holds true next week if Sam and Letesha are nominated for eviction. I have to look over the other House Mates...can't remember who else has not been up for eviction. Jackson? Ryan? Laura? Alex?
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 12:55 pm
I'd like to see Chelsea out this week but if Charlie went, that would be fine by me. I'd like to see what Jason does without Charlie around.
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 1:46 pm
Chelsea and Charlie are getting boos and Jason in cheers. First saved is Jason! Chelsea looked very rattled.
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 2:07 pm
Evicted this week is Charlie!
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 4:57 pm
I tried to find the show to watch and got spoiled by the guy who often posts links! Arggg, never mind. Glad Chelsea had boos anyway, even if he didn't go. It would have been interesting to see the percentages. In the first couple of weeks they did everyone in the house and then all The Others, but since then of those still in the house, it's been Jayne Andy x2 Evelyn Hughie Jason Chelsea That leaves Lateysha Sam Jackson Ryan Alex Laura not nominated since week 1 or 2. Apparently it's "who goes, housemates decide" for next week?? If there's no competition element that saves some of the hms that would put the never-nominated group as all safe, because I don't see them getting any noms now. Evelyn and Jason would probably be safe too. So Jayne, Andy, Hughie, Chelsea would be evicted??
| Friday, July 08, 2016 - 5:57 pm
"shock evictions throughout the week"!?!?!? I can't see any new tv shows listed, so either Emma is interviewing them as part of the main show or they won't get interviews... Andy's Roman bouncy castle story was funny!
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 8:21 am
What was that about Jayne screaming at Big Brother in the DR? Is she a drama queen or did she have a reason to act that way? If she wants to leave, why doesn't she just do it? Why keep telling Big Brother she wants to go home, she should be told, "Jayne, it's your choice to leave", sometimes I wonder if this is staged for drama and Big Brother just loves it.
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 9:51 am
I know someone a bit like her. They hold things in and try not to complain, thinking it's their problem so they have to put up with it and not speak up, then suddenly they decide they can't take it any more and go from 0 to 100 in about three seconds. And because they've spent days working through the situation and deciding what they think is a reasonable solution there's just no arguing with them, you've just got to wait it out. I don't know if it's drama queen, more the result of repression and being brought up not to visit your problems on other people and then being in extreme situations with no exit where your usual coping mechanisms don't work.
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 11:13 am
Member KT_Dog transcribed a discussion on BOTS last night about annihilation week. Here it is:
quote:RYLAN: I’ve been waiting for this. It’s gonna be good innit? EMMA: It’s going to be really good. I mean, we kind of had to do something because there’s way too many of them in there. RYLAN: I know. We did put a couple of extra in. EMMA: So it’s going to be… literally any of them could go at any point and there will be a few evictions next week. But there won’t be a big normal eviction, they will literally just… it will be decided that that person is leaving. Your leaving right now. Through the camera runs, down the hill and that’s it. RYLAN: And I think I can say, I’m going to be getting them on here once they’ve come out. EMMA: Yes, so the first interview when they come out will be on here. RYLAN: Oh God, I’m gonna have them crying and they’ll have no idea what’s going on. EMMA: And then I think we get them…? RYLAN: Maybe on the Friday? EMMA: Friday yes. RYLAN: Have a little mass chat. EMMA: Yes. We’re having a little swapsies. RYLAN: Or a little mass debate. EMMA: No. RYLAN: ... A little mass debate? EMMA: No. I wonder if they're going to have a series of challenges and something like the house get to decide which of the bottom two leave. I would love it if it were something like that, if there's no challenge element we know the main group (Lateysha, Sam, Ryan, Alex, Jackson) will be safe every time.
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 6:55 pm
Conspiracy theory: Just wanted to share these thoughts and see if I am the only one wondering... I did not have access to the BB show at the beginning. Therefore I've watched it all within the last week. When I first heard Jason speaking about his ex-girlfriend I felt suspicious. I believe that Jason and Charlie absolutely knew they were both coming into the BB house. It did come out that they spent a wonderful night together right before they came in, Interesting how they could do that and not discuss them both going in? I also did not believe it when Charlie spoke about Jason and seemed so surprised to see him being in the house while she was in the "other" house. I think Charlie is older than 31, almost 20 years younger than Jayne and 15 years younger than Jason ... Jason seemed anticipating and waiting to see her take her mask off. He seemed so determined to talk about her before the reveal, as she did about him! Everyone that watches the show knows that we fans love a good "love" story. Especially one about a broken up couple with the any possibility of getting back together again ... I studied them closely while they were together in the main house. I got the feeling that they were a lot brighter than they were acting. I think that they planned this scenario with both of them being actors and they plan to get the hundred thousand and maybe split it or maybe be together who knows ... The chances are so good that one could win with their story. I think the plan was that Jason would be the one. I don't think they thought Charlie would go this week ... She seemed very cool talking to Emma, I don't believe they thought she would go when she did, and the love drama would continue... I believe they think that Jason wins in the end... (They did not foresee an Alex being there) What do you think of my theory?
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 7:13 pm
I could not find BB BOTS on YouTube ... I would love to watch it and get caught up on that if someone could direct me a good way to watch it…
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 10:53 pm
Just PM'd you a link Needlenose. I'm also a little suspicious about Charlie and Jason, but it's hard to know really. If they're told not to tell anyone and made to sign some sort of non disclosure agreement then maybe they really don't tell anyone except those they are allowed to. I do think their relationship was a lot more ongoing than either of them have let on though.
| Saturday, July 09, 2016 - 10:57 pm
Re her age: her brother is a vlogger who's 29, so I don't think the 31 is too far off
| Sunday, July 10, 2016 - 6:22 pm
Little video on the official BBUK twitter channel, playable from here: This is Sunday evening their time, BB has locked everyone in a room, and they can't leave until they unanimously decide who to evict (unanimous except the person to be evicted). My guess is Jayne will offer to go.
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 11:12 am
Thank you Kitt, it is so neat that you are a BBUK fan like I am. I have enjoyed your posts for years. I was a member way before 2005 as it shows. I sure miss BBAU, I wish it was still on. BBUS seems like a totally different show with a different type of Big Bro. I cannot get my PM messages, I guess I did not check in for the 90 days or something. I would sure like to get a YouTube or a connection that shows BOTS ... I was able to get it during Jan when CBB was on. Wow, Charlie's brother is quite a character ... What a family, I would like to know that whole story... What type of atmosphere creates the particular needs those two have. Both seem older than their age to me ... Maybe it is my own older age... 
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 11:25 am
Maybe Jayne will volunteer, I don't know ... It is getting so near the money that perhaps Jayney may want to stay, she is a little business woman, maybe if she is offered bread, tea and a pot of jam? anyway I think they would all agree on poor old Chelse and he will be so upset, but afterwards cover it with some boastful pride... Who knows, I look forward to watching ... Lots of really high pressure situations thrown at them this year, wow!
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 11:30 am
Search on youtube for "Big Brother UK Series 17" and you should find some posts from someone with S-17 in their name. Click on the name and it should give you their videos. They only post the highlights show there, but in the first and last 30 seconds or so of each episode they link (on the screen) to the matching BOTS. If you click on the screen link it takes you to the BOTS episode, but you can't see any others, it's weird, I think it must be a private channel so they don't get deleted. Anyway, it will be a laborious process to get to each of the BOTS but it's the only way I know how! I'm surprised that poster hasn't been deleted for their highlights youtubes by now, they don't seem to attempt to hide them at all.
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 11:44 am
If anyone wants to be completely spoiler free this week my advice is to stay away from Digital Spy and twitter!! The fifth evicted housemate (the one from the scenario I mentioned above) left on Sunday and has been leaked and I think confirmed by enough people to be a pretty accurate reveal. And now a second person is meant to be evicted today, although it's unclear whether that rumour is true or not a name is making the rounds for that evictee too.
| Monday, July 11, 2016 - 2:44 pm
So the public is not voting at all this week? The show just aired, so I think it's safe to say Chelsea was evicted. I don't know who is going next, but I'm guessing Andy, Jayne and Jason are at the top of the list. I don't like this type of eviction, bc there's no crowd or interview with Emma, and no public vote. But they did say Chelsea will be on BOTS with Rylan, so that's something.