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| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 4:04 pm
Already yesterday I had the impression that Andrew was getting tired of the whole Big Brother experience, he may have had different expectations, maybe with a different group, less prone to violence, and with some love for strategy, he would have tried harder. From the scenes upon re-entering The Other House and the scenes of total rejection from the BB housemates, he just got tired and didn't care to leave. But we'll have to wait to see it tomorrow. I would have wanted him to stay longer because he seemed to me the only one who was interested in strategy, while the others are just goofballs... 
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 6:33 pm
I finally caught up and am iffy about this season. I did think a second house was an interesting idea, but it seems to have fallen short now that the first house knows about the second. And once the four HMs left, they should not have been allowed back in; Victoria is the only HM I saw with a valid reason for leaving and she didn't return bc of it. Also, they've just met each other and at some point they'll have to vote each other out, so it's odd to me that some HMs are acting like they've been there for weeks with close family and friends. I read that four years ago, Andrew allegedly tweeted some homophobic and racist tweets, some were about a singer at the time. On his FB, Andrew said something like BB was afraid the other HMs would attack him or leave if he went through with his new plan, but he never said what plan and BB said it's not true. Who knows. I thought he was interesting as a HM too and was playing the game the way BB intended. If Andrew said something years ago, then I wonder why BB didn't know until now. BB did the same thing to a CBB HM in Jan I believe, so, I guess they don't fully check to ensure people pass their BB criteria for being a HM. Here's Andrew's twitter: Luke A. tweeted today that four years ago Ryan allegedly tweeting something negative about him being transgender, so, I guess we'll see happens with that, if anything. I wish that both Laura and Marco would get evicted this week, it's ridiculous that BB is focusing any time on them, especially yesterday when they showed, and allowed, the choking. I read that they knew each other prior to the show, though, so, who knows what's real. I think the arguing between Hughie and Natalie is over-the-top. They both scream at the top of their lungs about nothing. I don't see why they both don't get warnings, they are part of the reason the main house knows they are there. What will happen next? I think the big question is, do I care, lol. Well, no, but I might just hope for the best and see where this season goes.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 9:06 pm
Andrew's excuse as to why he was removed from the house was laughable. He said he's a professional fighter and BB said if he angered the others and they tried to hit him, for him not to hit back because he could maim/hurt them. What?? This guy is a legend in his own mind. I've read he may have been removed because of twitters as some of you have stated, but also Andrew posted something about a video of him hitting a girl with a belt. Who knows what's really going on with him? He's outwitted himself! This season is just a complete mess. The main house reminds me of zombies ...don't know why. The Other house is nothing but screaming. No one is gelling, so there is no one to root for. If you liked anyone, you'd root for them to get out of these nuthouses post haste.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 10:29 pm
Here is an article about Andrew's removal. It's from The Mirror, which is a tabloid, but it includes some of his delusional tweets... Here's a snip... Andrew Tate has taken to Twitter to address a video from 2012 where he appears to hit a girl with a belt. The four time world champion kick boxer was booted out of the Big Brother house on Monday and went on to claim he was kicked out due to his 'new master plan'. Channel 5 bosses then issued a statement refuting his claims - and now the real reason behind his removal has been revealed. "The video the sun will release is me hitting a girl with a belt. They edited out ALL of the laughing and joking and it's felt (sic)!" Andrew wrote on Twitter on Monday night. "They are pretending I beat her up when we were joking and the belt made noise but didn't hurt! They cut all laughing." He went on to insist he isn't violent and said he's still good friends with the girl in the video. And this gem of a tweet (in the article)... "Everyone reads 50 shades no one cares they kicked me because I told my new plan to big brother they said it's too clever and dangerous." There ya have it. BB couldn't handle his brilliant mind. What an ego.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 10:34 pm
He's outwitted himself! LOL Cricket. Hughie's screaming in the DR yesterday was insane. Get a grip, dude. Laura and Marco make me ill. Ugh. 
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 12:26 pm
I think I'm all caught up with the daily episodes but today I still didn't see Andrew removed from the house. It must have happened after the party and the fun he was having with Laura and company in the hot tub. If he was having so much fun what happened for the sudden removal? I can't understand anything Ryan says, so it is not clear to me why he was responsible for failing the Other's mission with the yucky stuff dumped on the housemates, I saw that he got his fair amount of yucky stuff, so why did he lose the challenge for the Others? I guess we will have to wait another episode to see how Andrew was removed.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 12:46 pm
Today's show (which will tell us what happened with Andrew yesterday) doesn't air until 1pm board time (15 mins from now). Typically though when they do this sort of stuff (remove someone for stuff they said outside/before the game) they are vague in the diary room, and don't show the particular thing or things they found offensive. Ryan's task was to get the housemates to refuse to do the task or drop out of it midway through. He didn't do anything really except drop out himself, and then only when The Others got fed up with him and gave him all the gross things.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 1:38 pm
Andrew's removal was announced to the house as something has happened in the outside world and he had to be removed. The latest I have heard is that he was removed because a video will be made public this week and in the video he hits a woman with a belt.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 1:40 pm
Yea nothing much was said or shown about his removal. They showed him going to the DR, then showed the announcement to the house that he was removed due to something outside the house. I dont recall the exact wording but it was very vague and I had to google it to see why he wads removed.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 1:50 pm
This is the second time recently that someone on BBUK was put in the house and then removed a few days later due to OLD tweets they made. Does production really not bother to look up their social media history, or are they fully aware of it and put them in anyway, knowing it will get the show plenty of free publicity? I think its obviously the latter.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 1:59 pm
Not sure if this was scheduled or they are just ending it due to the twist being blown so early and Andrew leaving, but there is a "Live Twist Revealed" show starting right now. Yea I just checked Kitt's post of the show schedule and this live twist revealed show was definitely not scheduled. At least they know when to cut their losses. This twist has been a total failure. Mostly due to Ryan.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 2:15 pm
Hmm not much was revealed after all. Others had to choose the :buggest horror" from the main house, and they let Jane choose Chelsea. Chelsea was called to the DR, and the main house watched it as he was told about the other house and that there were "others" there. CHelsea is now an "other". No mention was made of Ryan and Andrew being "others", nor anything about Alex and Jackson. When Chelsea asked about Alex and Jackson, BB cut off the video to the house and went to commercial. All that was revealed was that there were other people and another house, all of which was already known by the housemates anyway.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 2:18 pm
Really poor production values on this live show. They keep showing a minute or 2 then curtting to commercial as soon as it starts getting interesting. Now it seems like they are just trying to fill time and have no plan or anyything. They call Marco to the DR and everyone thinks he;s going but they just ask how he feels about Chelsea and then send hium back after a few minutes.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 3:26 pm
That live show was the biggest horror! It started out awkward and ended the same. Calling Marco to the diary room to fill time was awful. He's been in the house a week and he is already tired. So now we have 8 others, 9 official housemates and 2 that have walked/been removed. I think this twist and the whole season is an epic failure so far. If Andrew was removed for the video of him hitting the woman with the belt then Big Brother are a bunch of hypocrites because they are choosing to show Laura choking Marco with a belt and slapping him and that is perfectly ok.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 4:18 pm
Andrew tweeted something like, the video was consensual and was akin to 50 Shades. And that the tabloid edited out the parts where they were laughing. I haven't read anything about the woman and her side, though. It's hard to believe BB didn't know what was out there on social media, not just for Andrew, but for all HMs. I've also read that BB said removing Andrew was related to something done inside the house. So, who knows the truth at this point. The above mentioned reasons are good points. I also wonder if Andrew's original reason has a ring of truth. From what we've seen, Andrew appears controlling and pretty much got his way with the other HM; I think it was Natalie who mentioned it in the DR. So I wonder, maybe Andrew wouldn't do what production wanted, told them he was going to do it his way, and then they ousted him for not following their rules. That seems more likely to me than social media anything from years ago.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 5:08 pm
Originally people were saying that he was removed because of racist and homophobic tweets/facebook postings he made in the past. I don't know what's true but it's absurdly bad timing if he was removed for using a belt when Marco had done the same thing the previous day.
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 5:25 pm
More live tv times Wed15 S17E09 BB 2-3.05pm Wed15 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Thu16 S17E10 BB 1-2pm Thu16 BOTS 3-4pm Fri17 S17E11 BB: Live Eviction 1-2.30pm Fri17 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm Fri17 BB: Live from the House 3.30-4pm Sat18 S17E12 BB 2-3pm Sun19 S17E13 BB 1-2pm Mon20 S17E14 BB 2-3pm Mon20 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Tue21 S17E15 BB 1-2pm Tue21 BOTS 3-4pm Wed22 S17E16 BB 2-3pm Wed22 BOTS 3-4.05pm Thu23 S17E17 BB 1-2pm Thu23 BOTS 2.45-3.45pm Fri24 S17E18 BB: Eviction 1-2.30pm Fri24 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm Fri24 BB: Live from the House 3.30-4.30pm
| Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 7:47 pm
Im sure it was the tweets. There is already a precedent for it. Obviously production knew about the tweets before he went in the house, but like the other time the same thing happened, they put him in anyway and then reap the free publicity when they remove him for it. They get the controversy and publicity in the papers and media, and then can make it look like they are taking the high road by removing him.
| Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 11:09 am
Instead of keeping the viewers curious about the whole Andrew elimination, the short announcement was a letdown, at least for me, I would have wanted to hear a bit of the conversation in the DR with BB, but I guess it's all left to speculation. So Ryan lost another mission, when is this 'others' twist going to end, it's now just a boring twist.
| Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 1:31 pm
It was a poorly designed, bad idea to begin with. They are relying far too much on clueless housemates to pull it off. Nothing is clearly defined, they tell them they have to "target and take down" the housemates but give them no information on how it is supposed to be done, or what the timeline is for them getting into the main house. Probably the worst and most shoddily planned "twist" I have ever seen on any version of Big Brother.
| Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 2:09 pm
They don't even really say what target means. Interesting that whilst Andrew was still in the house they focused on Ryan being the undercover Other, not the pair of them. They must have been discussing the Andrew situation for a couple of days.
| Thursday, June 16, 2016 - 11:14 am
Yesterday's show, Chelsea is so full of himself, can't see any appeal in him at all. Emma and Marco is going to happen. I think he moved on from Laura once he'd got what he wanted, and it was as simple as that. I don't think revealing the "big twist" actually matters, once I see it play out. It just makes it into more of a game for everyone. The only thing it changes is that the hms know to try not to do things that would get them targeted, but that's not much different from not doing anything to get them targeted by the voters. And I guess it creates more animosity between the two sides when they mingle. I guess they are relying on Jason and Charlie for the big blow up now that Jayne and Chelsea are mostly sorted.
| Thursday, June 16, 2016 - 1:28 pm
Nominations today! Laura - Georgina and Sam Jason - Lateysha and Laura Evelyn - Georgina and Andy Jason tries to change his nomination of Laura and Big Brother says no. Emma - Georgina and Andy Sam - Andy and Marco Lateysha - Marco and Andy Georgina - Marco and Emma Andy - Emma and Evelyn Marco - Georgina and Andy
| Thursday, June 16, 2016 - 1:39 pm
Up for eviction are Emma, Andy, Georgina, and Marco. Ryan is being sent back to the others because Laura was not nominated enough for eviction.
| Thursday, June 16, 2016 - 1:49 pm
Kitt, you're saying Jayne and Chelsea are 'mostly sorted'... could you sum it up for me, because I just can't understand how they talk, I got her side of the story a bit... mainly she resents him somehow for his behaviour in the past, but I didn't get his side of the story, I know he's full of himself and that's 'complicated' but I still didn't get what went wrong with Jayne. I'm glad to read that Ryan is back in the other house, what a useless player. About the two houses, once Jason and Charlie square off then they'll merge everyone into one house, because after that it's just defeating its purpose, no need to discriminate between the others and the housemates since they all came to play the games and the initial fun of the other house is no longer there.