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| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 8:25 pm
Ryan and Andrew are now houseguests You summed it up very well, Riann. I'm confused if Alex & Jackson are indeed houseguests? Weren't they supposed to not let on they'd been there all along and if they did, they couldn't become houseguests, right? I think the twist has been completely blown. Supposedly, the houseguests heard Ryan and the gal (Other) who said she was a Madam fighting so they knew there were people there. How would Alex and Jackson ever get back in the house as houseguests?
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 9:06 pm
I'm confused if Alex & Jackson are indeed houseguests? Weren't they supposed to not let on they'd been there all along and if they did, they couldn't become houseguests, right? You're right, Cricket. Ryan and Andrew (I think that is who you meant) will become permanent houseguests if they pass the assigned task. They have to get the houseguests to nominate an HG of their choice for eviction. If they pass this task, they become hg's. If they blow the cover of the other house I'm not sure what happens. I assume they get the full boot. Not sure. BB may have tried to cover up that the argument they heard was staff (quite a stretch tho-lol). The hg's were already saying that they figured Alex and Jackson weren't really leaving the game yet. I'll sure BB will need to reveal the other house pretty soon.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 9:16 pm
How would Alex and Jackson ever get back in the house as houseguests? If it is public vote again, they may have an easy shot. Or it will be based upon tasks BB sets up. I'm not sure yet. It does seem like a complete mess already. After two minutes in the house Andrew and Ryan were both messing up. I am looking forward to tomorrow's show for the aftermath. On BOTS they showed a clip where Natalie was already going off in the other house. In the main house, Chelsea was defending Sam and having a major go at Ryan. They had to hold Chelsea back. Chelsea! 
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 11:13 pm
Wow in 2 minutes and both of them have completely blown it. At the end of the show Andrew was telling them of all that he "was shown" of them in the diary room, etc. Production should have known that these people couldn't handle any of this. Darn now I have to find BOTS and live from the house.
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 12:02 am
Well "live from the house" tonight seems to be mostly censored, so I dont see why they even bother. From what little audio we get, Jason and Andy seem to have figured out from the crowd reactions that Alex and Jackson are not really evicted. Alex started talking with Charlie about how they heard Natalie and Ryan arguing yesterday, and the audio is cut off again.
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 6:38 am
Well something happened last night- the twins broke out of the house, and one of them has walked from the show...
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 7:00 am
She was probably the one on last nights show freaking out about all of the meat in the house and the lack of real grass and trees. Coincidentally, I think it was on live from the house last night one of the others was asking about them, I think with Alex, and he said if one left the other would stay and keep playing.
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 10:31 am
Rieann stated: You're right, Cricket. Ryan and Andrew (I think that is who you meant) will become permanent houseguests if they pass the assigned task. They have to get the houseguests to nominate an HG of their choice for eviction. If they pass this task, they become hg's. If they blow the cover of the other house I'm not sure what happens. I assume they get the full boot. Not sure. Thanks Rieann...yes, I did mean Andrew and Ryan. I've got the HG's completely opposite. Hmmm, why do I feel the task was either backup or coverup for these guys not being able to fool the real HG's about the other house? I'm sure there will be a way to make it appear they (Andrew/Ryan) got their person nominated...unless the viewers just don't like Ryan. Sadly, BB UK has become too Americanized (scripted.) Natalie and the Irish guy were going at it. Love his accent, but he said he's not putting up with her. Would the audience (or BB...who knows with 15 minutes of voting) be cruel enough to put Natalie in the house?
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 10:44 am
I keep forgetting to ask this question. Did BB make them all tan a lot so they would look dirty (what they think "Others" should look like?) or is that some kind of rub on tan because they don't look good, especially Ryan and Charlie. They are so dark, their lips look white...very odd.
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 11:11 am
Yes, I think they did blow their cover... thanks to all for clearing things up for me. I found the eviction show very entertaining. Let's hope the US version this year has some interesting twists like we've seen in the UK so far. Andrew didn't seem too thrilled to join the house, he wanted to work behind the scenes but I think Big Brother selected him (more than the public) to keep Ryan in line, but I think the cat is out of the bag and by now everyone knows the whole thing. Too bad, I really wanted the mystery to go on. Jackson and Alex have no rivals, in the other house, right? But Sam has now seen Ryan, didn't notice how that went, Sam seemed okay. Jackson and Alex will never re-enter the house? It wasn't clear to me, I'm not sure, but if they're in the Other House to keep targeting, I guess Alex and Jackson will do that too... Nice twist.
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 12:03 pm
Thanks for the news about the twins, Wilson - I'm secretly glad one of them left. Her being upset about the BB environment was only going to get worse because it's designed to make people unhinged so she would have been doing a lot of crying! Also, I'm terrible at telling any twins apart, so it makes my watching easier! I've personally liked the start of this season and think it has a lot of potential. I ignore all the VTs in the launch show and only half watch initial interactions … once the fake attitudes and fake tans fade, I think we'll get to see some interesting people.
| Saturday, June 11, 2016 - 12:31 pm
Alex and Jackson will have a chance to get back in the house apparently, but they have to earn it back somehow.
| Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 9:28 am
Well, it was to be expected, the house went nuts, but for Andrew to get all the credit I'm not sure he should have, it was mostly Ryan's animosity towards Sam and the fact that Sam kept arguing that drove Chelsea and Marco to rally the house against the two 'invaders'. Wait till Chelsea gets his surprise from the other house, but maybe he will remain the 'gentleman'. Natalie is so bossy that she will self-destruct in the end, she easily makes enemies and the more she doesn't care the worst will be for her, even Jackson and Alex barely tolerate her. So the paranoia mission was a success but Andrew and Ryan's job is still not clear to me. How are they going to report to the Other House to still input the targeting process, unless the nominations will be done differently.
| Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 9:38 am
So the mission was paranoia? Spunky, I 'think' they still have to get the noms to go the way they (the Others) want. Andrew is taking credit for the whole season it seems. Youza...that guy has quite the ego. Andrew is saying 33% left the house so he's done his mission. Have any others left the show? The guy with all the tats said he tried to escape and saw Alex through the window. He's saying he wants to go. Did BB ever think about the fact they may have made such a complicated twist that everyone walks?? Hah, hah...that would be hysterical! Meanwhile, the "Others" are jumping all over each other to tell Alex/Andrew why they chose them. Were they supposed to do that? Aren't they supposed to keep their mission (paranoia) secret too?
| Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 11:27 am
I dont think they have to keep anything secret from Alex and Jackson, since they are now "others" as well. I did notice some revisionist history from Hughie, him saying "we chose you guys to come in here", when they had no idea they were coming into the other house and chose them to be EVICTED. AFAIK, only Victoria has actually left, while Emma came back and is now playing alone so there is no net change in the number of housemates. The twist is pretty much blown however, since Emma, Chelsea and Marco all know about the other house and Alex and Jackson still being there, having seen them in the camera runs.
| Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 2:04 pm
Wow Hughie has some serious issues. He keeps saying how he is being so nice to everyone and yet all he does is scream and rant at every perceived sleight. Today it was Natalie again, multiple times, and even at Alex
| Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 2:51 pm
Thanks for the info, Flagg. I agree the twist is blown. Howie & Natalie have been going at it since Ryan left the Others. Howie just lost it with her. Seems he may be acting just like her which is what made him blow in the first place! I'm still trying to figure out how many people total are supposed to be on this year's Big Brother. Is it usually 15-16?
| Sunday, June 12, 2016 - 5:30 pm
I couldn't help laughing when so many went AWOL. Such hot tempers and impulsive behavior. I flashed back during Nikki's season when Glen ( not sure about the spelling) jumped on the roof to see the the ones in the other house that year. But, he was more of a innocent than this bunch.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 12:21 pm
Can Laura and Marco really not control themselves for two whole days?! I know Marco allegedly got a "free pass" but I don't suppose his fiancee would expect him to use it the very first day. Ryan and Hughie are annoying together, glad they were split up. Yeah, they blew it completely. I think Andrew thought Ryan blew it by saying what he'd seen with Sam, thought he'd cover it somehow by saying he was shown something pre-entry, but not saying there was another house, but his ego was just too much and he made a fool of himself. The outburst by Marco seemed to come from nowhere, then I thought Chelsea was a calm kind of guy! I think they all just wanted camera time. If Marco stays (I think he will) he's going to have to cut out his violent language or he'll get kicked out. As of Saturday's show, the twins, Marco and Chelsea got into the runs. I think the twins (or that one twin especially) were honest about not wanting to stay but the rest is all just drama for the cameras. Be careful what you wish for, Big Brother. Create drama amongst volatile people and you won't be able to control them.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 12:25 pm
I think Natalie is being very manipulative and knows exactly what to do to push Hughies buttons. She acts like a five year old by not letting him speak because she talks over him and any time he tries to respond she just keeps saying the same thing over and over louder and louder. I wouldn't be able to live in a house with her without smacking her. I am pretty sure there is a lot more we aren't seeing this year than past years because we are split between two houses.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 12:37 pm
Natalie seems to think she has the right to control other people's conversation, and if it doesn't work the first time she just talks louder until they get fed up. She might be my least favourite so far, the others seem fake but she seems actually not particularly nice.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 12:38 pm
I kept laughing as well watching Hughie going 'nuclear' in the DR, how can someone feel that kind of anger when they barely know each other, he displays the level of hatred and anger that people have living together for years and years and can't stand each other anymore, but they've been living together barely a week, if they stay together any longer they may do each other harm and Big Brother must find a solution because those two seem dangerous to me. In a way I agree with Andrew, the mission is now obsolete since the Other House is strongly divided and no one would go along with Andrew's suggestions and he's already tired of the role BB gave him in the BB house. I also agree that Ryan has made a mess of the mission, too busy playing the victim, crying, instead of trying to plot a strategy with Andrew, he was totally useless. At first he was great with his rants because he got people confused and angry but then his tears and look of misery have mellowed the people he first angered. Andrew going back to the Other House and almost disregarding Jackson and Alex showed me that his ego will be the end of him, he's right when he says ' everyone hates me ' but he doesn't seem to care too much about that, no sense of humour either, nor the charm that Dr. Will maintained while taking the blame for the evictions he caused.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 1:39 pm
Andrew has been removed from the house. He has posted to his Facebook page already his story about why he has gone but it probably won't be on the show until tomorrow.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 3:20 pm
Wow! I am hoping to catch up later today as it sounds like a lot has happened.
| Monday, June 13, 2016 - 3:30 pm
The part about Andrew probably won't be on until tomorrows show. I was unable to watch today because the live stream of tonight's show wans't up on the channel 5 website, BOTS either.