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| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 10:49 pm
Interesting idea! The crazy braying crowd outside won't like it if they don't get a say though, they may mutiny! I wonder if that means some Other hms will get to go in the house? It will be hard to keep a secret if some know about it and others don't. Last year (or recently) didn't they have quite a big twist and then stop it within about a week or something? I hope they don't blow this one.
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 6:44 am
If they've aired, it's not a spoiler. That's the rule at TVCH. 
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 7:29 am
I've never watched UK except on You Tube, so I have a few dumb questions. What is Bots, and do they have live feeds ? I thought being addicted to the US and liking the Canadian version was time consuming. Now adding this one is just crazy to I will never get anything accomplished around the house for months now.
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 11:11 am
BOTS is "Bit on the Side," a show that is daily (except weekends) after the main show, and discusses what we've just seen and often shows a bit of new stuff (as the show airing on one night is a summary of the previous day, so it's a little out of date). I haven't watched the last couple of seasons (because it's 45mins I don't want to spare) but the host, Rylan, is really enthusiastic and funny, and I like it because of him as much as anything else. They have half an hour to one hour of live feeds after big events, mostly evictions (so Fridays) but sometimes other days if something big has happened. On the first page of this thread I posted the live tv schedule for the show, which tells you when it's on. It's a tv show, not an online thing, but sometimes you can find it on youtube.
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 11:13 am
We're just all too polite, Jimmer!
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 4:53 pm
Thanks Kitt !
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 6:43 pm
Launch night was fun and I like the twist of The Other House and the people there picking their target. Their reason for picking 'sexy' was dumb, if you want to eliminate player, pick the smart ones... ooops, this is not US where they actually have to remember things and compete, but the poor girl didn't even want to stand on the 'sexy' podium and zap, she's up for eviction, that she gets to nominate was a nice twist and of course she made an enemy already. Of all the girls there I thought the 'sexy' one was actually the most decent one... I found the second episode, (I guess episodes on youtube will be delayed by at least one day and so tonight's show, the third, will be posted tomorrow) but SPOIL away, I don't mind. I wonder when the guy who has the 'ex' in the other house will find out she's there and if he gets to go live in the other house as well... that could be fun... Anyway, whatever happened to 'normal' people living the Big Brother experiment... these people are everything but normal...
| Thursday, June 09, 2016 - 8:57 pm
Charlie claims she is 31 years old and she looks closer to 40. The botox has not helped her. As for Laura and the sexy podium, I seem to remember her running straight for it, she did not seem at all reluctant to take that one.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 10:31 am
Yeah, Laura went straight for the sexy! I think the smart play would be to assume something bad would happen to the person they choose, and pick on of the troublemaker labels, like "fiery." If anyone finds a reliable youtube channel, would you please PM me with it? I don't like to watch the other sort of streaming channels on this pc because occasionally they throw up annoying stuff, so I have to wait until I'm at the main tv (connected to an old pc we use for streaming) to see the shows, and I'm getting very behind!
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 10:58 am
Kitt, I've been searching You Tube, but they are really cracking down like the did for the last season. It is frustrating. You shouldn't get those pop ups if you install adblock, but you may be wary of that too. I get it. I only use those sites in Chrome (never IE) with adblock installed. Here is a link to install adblock in Chrome (free)... No annoying ads with this installed. I'll keep searching You Tube. I had a great link last season, but they went bye bye.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 11:05 am
So far, I really cannot stand Andrew (other house). UGH!!! Marco (in the main house) needs to take a chill pill.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 11:13 am
Yea adblock is pretty much mandatory, but with it running the other sites are fine. I tend to pick the vodlocker links and have never had any problems as long as adblock plus is installed. I gave up on youtube for these shows years ago, nothing left but scam links.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 11:36 am
I've found a link on, if you search for big brother uk 2016 a couple pop up. Yes, I do use adblocker plus, just still wary. Occasionally something does still pop up, although usually it just plays some crappy video, doesn't look malicious.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 12:02 pm
Kitt, Emma had her baby in May...a little girl she named Trixie. I'm trying to get into this season, but just don't know if I will be able to. Maybe with this twist and the first eviction it will get better. These people are all the same year after year. Practically all of them have 'model' in their resume. Gets old quick.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 1:23 pm
To add to the 'model' on the resume, these people are NOT good looking, especially Marco....ughhh! Not impressed with all the tattoos on so many people. What is up with that? Why are so many young men and now women all tatted up? It's not attractive and as they age they may regret it. Not liking Ryan in the "Other" house. He reminds me of the Grande guy from BB U.S. Have the regular housemates wondered yet exactly Who is 'targeting' them? No one has voted, so you'd think they'd be suspicious, right?
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 1:26 pm
Ah that makes sense, it looked like she was wearing a maternity dress but she didn't seem to have a bump! That is back to work quick! I hope she takes it easy.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 2:14 pm
Relationships between the HMs and The Others for reference (because I forget who's who unless I write it down!)... Jason is Charlie's most recent ex-boyfriend. Chelsea is something to do with Jayne ("it's complicated", they had "some sort of relationship" but recently fell out, she says he's a nice guy). Sam is Ryan's rival, says Ryan has an obsession with him.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 2:42 pm
So far (haven't seen today's eviction show yet) I think Andrew from The Others is the best at playing the game (although I suspect he's not a very easy person to live with, so might not stay too long). I don't mind Jayne, but I'm not keen on the other Others. Natalie might be ok, not sure yet. For the main HMs I still like Andy, I like some of the girls but not sure who is who yet, Marco is that kind of annoying person that you just can't help but like, and Jackson is pretty perfect so far (except for sleeping with 300 people!). Anyone know what's happening on the "eviction" show?
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 2:46 pm
Thanks for that, Kitt... and also for the premiere night cast list. I frequently have to reference it. I was floored when Ryan said Sam was 23 (24 on your list). I would definitely add 10 years to Sam's age. Maybe I just can't get over his silly haircut. He has gorgeous thick hair, but it looks like a Chia pet.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 2:49 pm
Just saw the final minutes of yesterday and I take back what I said about Marco being likeable, at least for a while... No problems Rieann, glad it's useful to more than me! Sam really does look old for his age, Charlie too.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 3:41 pm
Since we have no pics of the housemates on top of this thread I already can't remember Sam, the one Ryan seems to hate. I remember Charlie's rival, why doesn't she like him anymore?? He seems pretty decent fellow to me. And why they picked Alex?? Was he a rival as well? Chelsea seems a pretty decent fellow as well, so what's Jayne's beef with him? Natalie seems to f off a lot of people there... Anyway, if someone has a nice list of all the rivals of the Others, would like to see it. And do you know if the housemates are aware who's targeting them?? Do they know of the Others? I guess the eviction, tonight, Friday, show will be posted tomorrow.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 3:59 pm
I think both Charlie and Jason will be revealed to be pretty bad in one way or another, I don't think BB would have a very unequal relationship play out, it would be too open to complaints from the public. From what we've seen it seems he was a bit clingy, she was a bit cruel, he finally decided to dump her, and she's upset he wouldn't reconsider. So far it seems like she's the unreasonable one but I suspect the more we see of Jason the more it will even out. Jayne didn't have a beef with Chelsea, she said she still liked him. She didn't say what happened but I got the impression she did something to upset him, that she realises was a bad thing, he broke off ties with her because of it, but she's hoping he will forgive her. That's just from the first few shows though. As far as they've revealed, the only previous relationships are Charlie-Jason, Jayne-Chelsea and Sam-Ryan.
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 4:34 pm
Thanks Kitt, I thought I missed something but it's just that I can't understand them sometimes, so it's still not clear why Ryan hates Sam so much? (Isn't Sam the one with a nice top of hair and a beard, seems okay to me, but Ryan is something else, he needs a chill pill... ), and again what was their reason for targeting Alex, just couldn't understand their talking.. So, the 4 nominated do not have rivals in the other house, right? I was hoping to see some rivals nominated and enter the other house, that would be a hoot 
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 5:23 pm
Spunky, I think Ryan doesn't hate Sam. I believe Sam in his saying Ryan wanted to BE him (Sam.) Supposed brainiac Andrew targeted Alex because he said Alex would most likely be safe for awhile and this would shake things up. Andrew proves he's not as smart as he thinks. Re those nominated, two to four from the "Others" are also chosen/nominated...whatever to go into the house and they have rivals. Don't miss watching Emma in the 'Eviction' show. Haven't seen it yet, but read about it. Seems all doesn't go as planned. Supposedly, the way an 'Other' can stay in the house and become a real housemate is that they don't give anything away, right? What if they do and BB doesn't do anything? How is that going to work?
| Friday, June 10, 2016 - 5:57 pm
Don't read further if you don't want spoiler for tonight... Others nominated Jackson for eviction(as he's so likeable)... Jackson then nominated Chelsea (felt he could handle it). The poor kid was gutted. He seems like a sweet kid. Others then evicted Alex and Jackson. They were in shock, but then found out about the other house and that they were going into it. They entered the other house and were there when two others were voted into the main house (from public vote during last 15 min of show). The public voted Andrew and Ryan into the main house. Emma explained that they had to act like completely new houseguests and that they haven't seen any footage. Emma was worried Ryan (Mr. Hyper... sigh) wasn't getting it. Well it would appear that both of them have blown it already. Sam could tell that Ryan was acting at being surprised to see him and Andrew was telling them "from what I have seen" during a brief clip at the end of the show. I'm sure Andrew will spin his comments as he's really trying to rattle the house. As Cricket said, he's really not as smart as he thinks though. I think too many of these houseguests have ADD. Poor Emma at trying to get them to pay attention. lol In short... Ryan and Andrew are now houseguests Alex and Jackson are now others Emma probably needs a nice cocktail. 