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| Monday, May 30, 2016 - 10:40 am
New BBUK summer series starts June 7!
| Monday, May 30, 2016 - 2:10 pm
Thanks for adding the thread, but I don't believe its a "C"(Celebrity)BB, just the regular Big Brother UK. Rumor has it there will be 2 separate houses this time, and they will compete somehow.
| Monday, May 30, 2016 - 2:24 pm
Thanks for pointing that out, Flagg. I changed the title. I'll have to see if I can watch some of this season.
| Tuesday, May 31, 2016 - 1:59 pm
There was talk about it being part normal housemates, part celeb housemates and the usual summer BB and autumn CBB being combined somehow. The last few years I always approach BB with dread, and I'm not sure if I'm going to watch this year. They are always so mean these days.
| Sunday, June 05, 2016 - 8:32 am
We enjoy BBUK and CBBUK because of way the show is designed. We really like the Interaction of the Housemates and Big Brother in the Diary Room. We Pray for all the Housemates individually, one by one,the whole season through. We especially Prayed for David Gest, as he seemed so damaged and ill. We felt for him when others thought him Deceased before his time ... Not much before him time it happens. More reason for us watchers of Reality TV to pray for all the characters we meet as they entertain us!
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 12:13 pm
Show starts tomorrow, June 7 at 9 pm (4 pm EST I believe) and lasts for 2 hours. (Article says 2.5 but then it says it ends at 11:05) "Housemates will be on the brink as the theme this year is “under attack” and there will be ominous forces at work trying to trip them up at every turn. It has also been reported that there will be TWO houses this year. The house has been transformed into a slick, black and white monochromatic world – which might sound nice at first, but will surely start to drive housemates slightly mad within days."
| Monday, June 06, 2016 - 3:46 pm
I don't know how many people watch it live now, or if everyone waits for the downloads. I'm still not sure if I'll watch it (and definitely won't try to watch it live) but the tv schedule that they have available at the moment is the following, times Pacific Time: Tue07 BB: Live Launch 1-3pm Tue07 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Tue07 BB: Live from the House 4.05-5.05pm Wed08 BB 2-3.05pm Wed08 BOTS 3.05-4pm Thu09 BB 1-2pm Thu09 BOTS 3-4pm Fri10 BB: Live Eviction 1-2.30pm Fri10 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm Fri10 BB: Live from the House 3.30-4pm Sat11 BB 2-3pm no BOTS at the weekend Sun12 BB 1-2pm no BOTS at the weekend Mon13 BB 1-2pm Mon13 BOTS 3-4pm Tue14 BB 1-2pm Tue14 BOTS 3.30-4.25pm Wed15 BB 2-3.05pm Wed15 BOTS 3.05-4.05pm Thu16 BB 1-2pm Thu16 BOTS 3-4pm Fri17 BB: Eviction 1-2.30pm Fri17 BOTS 2.30-3.30pm Fri17 BB: Live from the House 3.30-4.30pm Episode guide for the main shows are here (you need series 17): and here's the one for BOTS (series 6): and the "Live from the house" one isn't working right now but at some point should work from here: (to get from UK time to Pacific time add 8 hours)
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 1:48 am
Thanks, I still try to catch it live when I remember and I can find a stream.
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 11:55 am
Looks like I am home alone tonight so I will definitely try to find a youtube of the launch show.
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 12:10 pm
Kitt, you are wonderful to share info like you do. Thank you! If you find a YouTube of the launch I would love knowing it!
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 12:34 pm
Anyone here for the launch show tonight?
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 1:26 pm
3 housemates in so far, 4 actual people as there is a set of twins playing as 1 housemate. the twin girls are going to be very annoying, as Emma has already pointed out. It looks like there will be 12 housemates and 6 "others", whatever that means.
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 1:57 pm
the 6 "others" are in a separate house , apparently all former reality tv stars, though of course I have no idea who any of them are. They have to keep their existence a secret and somehow target and "take down" the real housemates and earn themselves a place in the main house.
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 3:15 pm
If anyone finds a download, please PM me a link… I haven't found anything yet. Hasn't been this hard in a long while!!!
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 6:37 pm
I still haven't found anything except a few things claiming to be the launch but which are actually last year's launch. Will try again later.
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 6:58 pm
Yah looks like Ireland scared everyone away from posting! I hope we can find it. I'm facing a dull summer without it. I'm used to juggling UK with US BB!!!
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 10:03 pm
If you look on this guys twitter account... he retweets links for the live launch...
| Tuesday, June 07, 2016 - 10:09 pm
At that same site you can find BOTS as well. Make sure you have adblock installed before using links. 
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 1:28 pm
Thank you!! I was busy this morning but I might be able to catch up today, otherwise I'll be annoyingly behind all week!
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 5:52 pm
Yey, I am watching from that link! Emma is pregnant again?! I thought she just had a baby! Gorgeous maternity dress though. Summary for reference: New game, new rules, nobody is safe. Housemates are not alone, The Others are coming! 12 housemates enter tonight but 18 spots on the wall. The 12 will be watched by The Others. No natural light inside the house. Bathroom can only be entered through the garden and is very visible from there. HM#1: Marco, 20, "wild child," has crazy parties, house. People don't sleep when he's around, gets angry, will tell others if he has a problem. Kitt odds to win 1/10,000. Audience mixed, some boos. HM#2: Emma and Victoria, 30 (twins - count as one housemate), enthusiastic, love colour and nature and animals, will bring in positive energy and games. Kitt odds to win 1/200. Audience mixed again. (please stop talking, please please stop talking!) HM#3: Andy, 34, former BBC newsreader/reporter, gay, thinks house will be tough, hopes brain is his best asset, will rock in corner if can't get any intelligent conversation. Kitt odds to win: 1/5. Audience like him. HM#4: Laura, 30, normal Northern lass, started partying after a break up, could have every guy in the room if she wanted to. Kitt odds to win: 1/20 (depends whether she plays up the "northern lass" bit). Crowd boo. HM#5: Alex, 27, Liverpudlian, actor/model, cheeky chappy, will be fair, but doesn't take sh. loves his mum. Kitt odds to win 1/3. Crowd like him. HM#6: Lateysha, 23, Welsh, sheep tattooed on her girly bits, says she's stunning, when she kicks off she really kicks off, not scared of anyone, will get naked. Kitt odds to win 1/80. Audience mixed. Brand new second house, own bedrooms, garden, diary room. Six "hopefuls" are already in there, blindfolded and in the garden. Haven't spoken to each other. The Others are: Ryan: 24, was on X-Factor and Simon Cowell hated him Andrew, 29, kick boxing champion Charlie, 31, stripper who went to Catholic school Hughie, 21, from Dublin, bisexual Jayne, 49, ex glamour model, journalist who's interviewed famous people Natalie, 53, high class dominatrix with A-list clients BB speaks to them: tells them they are not HMs, not in the BB house, are The Others. Can remove masks. Must work as single anonymous force, must stay in their uniforms. Main hms don't know they exist, and they must remain undetected, they have to target and unsettle the hms and create panic and paranoia, to steal a place in the BB house. Emma says The Others know some people in the main house and already hate them. HM#7: Evelyn, 20, from Sydney. Ambitious, reckless, impatient, ugly attitude when she doesn't get her way. Likes a thrill, doesn't think of consequences. Actually not a B____h. Kitt odds to win 1/60. Crowd seem ok with her. HM#8: Sam, 23, from Blackpool, man about town, best looking man in town, popular people, gets constant attention, gay. Kitt odds to win 1/40 (sounded bad but get a feeling he might be ok). Crowd boos. HM#9: Georgina, 26, lived in NY for 6 years, horsey person. Says she's not posh. Doesn't like unpedicured toes. Kitt odds to win 1/50. Crowd boos/mixed. HM#10: Jason, 45, property developer, body double, big softie with little dog, doesn't like his smile, snores. Kitt odds to win 1/15 (but age and snoring might do him in). Crowd like him. HM#11: Jackson, 24, Nottingham, used to be a model, council kid but not about that life anymore. "Anti-man." Happy with cup of tea and cigarette, puts women on a pedestal. Kitt odds to win 1/6. Crowd like him. HM#12: Chelsea, 48, entrepreneur, self made millionaire in nightclubs, hotel, security. Will miss his Bentley convertible. bags of energy, is "a winner." Kitt odds to win 1/70. Crowd boos. The Others will soon claim their first victim. BB talks to main HMs. Live task, significant consequences. 12 podiums in garden with character trait labels. Must stand behind the one that matches them. Only one hm behind each podium. The Others have to target their first housemate. Tells them what happened with the main HMs. They have to choose one housemate by their label, without knowing their name. They target "sexy" (which is Laura). BB talks to main HMs, Laura has to stand on the target in the garden, BB tells her she has been targeted because of this, and Laura is now nominated for eviction. She now has to nominate another HM to be up with her, she nominates Lateysha as she hasn't spoken to her much, sorry, others clap. BB tells them no one is safe. Later The Others will get fresh info, and discover they know some of the main HMs. On Friday some of the hms will come face to face with The Others.
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 6:03 pm
I actually quite enjoyed that, it will depend how mean it all gets whether I continue to enjoy it!
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 6:54 pm
So BBUK is stealing the exes twist from way back in BBUS 3. How boring. This is nothing new.
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 6:56 pm
The eviction twist that was announced on BOTS tonight will make The Others twist more interesting.
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 8:34 pm
I don't know how others feel, but I don't mind if you "spoil" here, it's the way it normally works on BB threads. In fact it's nice to get spoilers, especially from BBOTS, which I don't watch anymore. Anyone against posting things from shows that have aired, even though some of us might get behind at times? If not... what eviction twist on BOTS?! ;)
| Wednesday, June 08, 2016 - 8:46 pm
The others will get to nominate two more housemates and each of their nominees will each nominate one more housemate for a total of 6 housemates up for eviction. The others will be picking the two housemates to be evicted but they won't actually be evicted they will be moving into the other house.