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| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 1:27 pm
It was really choppy earlier (nutters) but has improved the last 10 mins or so. The funny thing about the "twitter troll" is that Helen looked back on Danny's twitter and discovered nasty stuff he said about people, and has been calling him a twitter troll since. Not sure what BB are doing there using the exact same phrase, and I doubt very much they didn't know what Helen had been saying. Harry's complaining about people shouting over her. Pot meet kettle. I think now the chants are "Get Chloe Out!"
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 1:46 pm
Chanting get Harry out now.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 1:47 pm
Results are in. Emma's talking to the house. The eleventh person evicted from the Big Brother house is: Harry!
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 1:51 pm
I am glad Harry wore something other than that vinyl dress she wore into the house and at every other eviction. She looks beautiful tonight.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 1:52 pm
She does "scrub up well" as they say. Bit too much make up for my tastes but other than that. They're rushing things tonight, interviewing before the ad break. They must think the cashbomb is big!
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 1:55 pm
I am excited to see what the cashbomb is.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:01 pm
"Big Brother is about to light the fuse of a whopper of a cashbomb that's going to have a devastating outcome for one of them." after the adverts
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:08 pm
Big Brother talks to the hms. Three envelopes. Hms must remain silent and not communicate in any way. Chloe, Jack, Sam - one of them is about to follow Harry out the door. Each must select an envelope. Chloe opens her envelope, it says £10,000. Jack opens his envelope, it says £1,000. Sam opens her envelope, it says £15,000. The amount of money they have is the amount of money that will be added to the prize fund if they are evicted. THE OTHER HMS DECIDE WHO GOES!!!!!
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:09 pm
Joel's refusing to do it, then says he doesn't want Chloe to go. Danny says's he's closest to Chloe and Jack. Sam is saying go with her, it's £15,000. Joel announces that's the decision of the group. Sam is the 12th person evicted!
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:11 pm
That was pretty big! Lucky that Sam offered herself and was the biggest amount. I think she had a good idea from the views that she wouldn't win, so it makes sense in a way. The crowd aren't being too cruel, even though they booed her earlier, which is nice.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:13 pm
That is so unfair.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:15 pm
I can't believe how much of a wuss Joel is when it comes to things like this. I think this might put him in a bad light since he didn't have the guts to participate in this eviction. I have to say I am happy Sam is gone, the last couple days all she has done is wind up Cristian.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:16 pm
This is not BB.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:23 pm
This hasn't been BB for most of this season.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:26 pm
I don't actually mind that twist, but it's a shame that Sam was one of the three because it was an easy option. The only option really, considering the choosers. I would have liked to see them choose between Chloe, Jack and Danny, say. Lines are open TO WIN and there's no mention of an early in the week eviction. Looks like they're all through to the final! Emma says big Cashbomb things happen over the weekend too. I missed what.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 2:48 pm
BOTS live from the BB Living Room on Wednesday.
| Friday, July 10, 2015 - 11:04 pm
What a awful twist. Should have been either any or all of the 3 could choose to leave on their own accord for the money in the envelope (Sam 15K, Chloe 10K, Jack 1K) or tell Nick/Cristian/Danny/Joel they had the option to vote one out but if they did envelope's cash value of the person evicted would have been DEDUCTED from the winner's total prize value. That would have cause a dilemma for the 4 who were safe. Also the money value in the envelopes shouldn't have been revealed until a decision was made on who was leaving. The scenario presented to the 4 was a complete win/win proposition for the 4 safe HMs and an absolute no-brainer that the 'clique' would protect their own (Chloe & Jack) and pick Sam to leave. This series is a huge disappointment. Even more disappointing that lat year's Helen win. More manipulation by the producers for their favorite(s) than any season on BBUS controlled by Alison Grodner. BOTS has also been a joke with too many one-sided shows aim to get rid of the people they didn't like and save their favorites. This is definitely the last civilian BBUK I'll ever watch and I hope Viacom dumps the show. Disgusting. BTW, what ever happened to "Who goes, you decided." The British public didn't get to make the decision on Sam's eviction. It made you think the producers wanted Sam gone and didn't think the UK voters would evict her if they were given the choice so they came up with a 'twist' that 100% guaranteed she'd leave. What a farce!
| Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 12:15 pm
I thought that's what it was going to be, that the leftover nominees got to take money and go, not something that only benefited the ones not nominated. The pay to go scenario would be a lot more interesting, especially if they offered more. I mean, if Chloe would take £5K for herself, would she have gone for £15K? Would Chloe and Jack fight it out for who goes, both wanting to take the money and leave!? It did seem really unfair for Sam, and really predictable given those nominated.
| Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 5:10 pm
They had a task to answer questions in the DR to try keys for boxes to get their remaining suitcases back. Danny had to spell "canoe". He guessed "canreeu". Later after the others went and they won all the cases, they were laughing about how he mispelled it and Danny really got pissed off at Christian, saying he never said R, never said 2 e's together, he knew what he said. He really lost it over that stupid spelling mistake and they ended up winning the task anyway. I think he got it wrong once before in a task
| Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 11:22 pm
I think Danny's r wasn't the letter r, but an "arrr" like a pause and what is it kind of beat. He definitely said e twice though, although he might have meant only one, and just repeated it to say where he'd got to. I think he and Christian have a macho thing together and it just wounded his pride. But definitely not the brightest bulb in the pack. Probably others there who would have got that wrong too though. In fact some of the things these housemates and other housemates in the last few seasons don't know is pretty shocking.
| Monday, July 13, 2015 - 10:38 am
TV Schedule for the final week (no change): Mon13 1-2pm BB Mon13 3-4.15pm Bigger BOTS Tue14 2-3pm BB Tue14 3-4pm BOTS Wed15 2-3pm BB Wed15 3-4pm BOTS Thu16 1-2.45pm BB The Final Thu16 2.45-4.15pm BOTS
| Monday, July 13, 2015 - 11:11 am
Some of the questions from yesterday were awkward! Did Christian kiss Jasmine for airtime? hm: yes, public: yes - correct Is Danny in the house to become famous or for experience: hms: famous, public: famous - correct Is Jack a team player? hms: yes, public: no - wrong Does Joel use his intelligence to manipulate the hms? hms: yes, public: yes - correct Is Chloe a hypocrite hms: yes, public: no - wrong Was Nick right to swap his nomination with Chloe? hms - no, public: yes - wrong Has the money changed Joel's attitude in the house? hm: no, public: yes - wrong They win £7,700 for 11 correct answers. Surprised at the answer for Chloe, and two bad ones for Joel.
| Monday, July 13, 2015 - 11:18 am
Then even worse, one of them can keep the £23,900 which they gained today though doing tasks, or it could be added to the pot. They have a minute to press a button, first person to press the button keeps the money, if no one presses it stays in the pot. Hm gets to stay and be a normal hm. Jack presses within about one second, closely followed by Christian, who is too late. Jack gets the £23,900 (= $37,000) and cries a little. The case with money in gets handcuffed to his wrist for the rest of the show, so no one can forget!
| Monday, July 13, 2015 - 6:18 pm
Final prize fund is £116,100, after Jack added a lot today with tasks. They pointed out that Sam took £5,000 for herself, Chloe took £5,000, Jack took £23,900. Add those up and you get.... £150,000, the original prize fund! Jack been's a lot of fun these days, I think he could actually be a contender to win. I like him more now he's not trying to be pc all the time. They all have such obvious good points and obvious bad points, that I don't really mind who wins, although I'd definitely prefer it not to be Chloe, and preferably not Joel either. I think I'd like: 1. Nick 2. Danny 3. Jack 4. Christian 5. Joel 6. Chloe
| Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 2:35 pm
I'm glad Jack took the money, the car task is not a distant memory. But BB humiliating him yesterday was over-the-top. I guess today they are using more humiliating tactics. They really need new producers, if BB's not cancelled that is. I think Jack has a good chance of winning again, Joel singing yesterday made him look good too. I'm not sure who I want to win, it could be any of them at this point. Thanks for the schedule Kitt 