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   | Archive through May 12, 2015 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 05-12-15 2:52 pm |
   | Archive through May 15, 2015 | Spunky | 25 | 1 | 05-15-15 8:58 am |
   | Archive through May 18, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 05-18-15 6:17 pm |
   | Archive through May 26, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 05-26-15 10:39 am |
   | Archive through May 28, 2015 | Spunky | 25 | 1 | 05-28-15 9:59 am |
   | Archive through May 29, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 05-29-15 1:47 pm |
   | Archive through May 29, 2015 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 05-29-15 2:40 pm |
   | Archive through June 01, 2015 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 06-01-15 2:15 pm |
   | Archive through June 03, 2015 | Spunky | 25 | 1 | 06-03-15 9:01 am |
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   | Archive through June 12, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 06-12-15 1:58 pm |
   | Archive through June 16, 2015 | Flagg | 25 | 1 | 06-16-15 2:41 pm |
   | Archive through June 19, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 06-19-15 1:39 pm |
   | Archive through June 21, 2015 | Flagg | 25 | 1 | 06-21-15 2:16 am |
   | Archive through June 24, 2015 | Flagg | 25 | 1 | 06-24-15 3:15 pm |
   | Archive through June 26, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 06-26-15 2:08 pm |
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   | Archive through July 06, 2015 | Kitt | 25 | 1 | 07-06-15 6:37 pm |
   | Archive through July 10, 2015 | Amy | 25 | 1 | 07-10-15 1:15 pm |
   | Archive through July 14, 2015 | Stormie | 25 | 1 | 07-14-15 2:35 pm |
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| Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 5:17 pm
You're welcome. I wondered if everyone had given up on it except me, I've been posting to myself for a while! Yes, as much as I think Joel is pompous, calculatin and argumentative, I can't help but love it when he sings. Got to love anyone who dances (sings) as if no one is watching. If anyone is around for the finale on Thursday and wants to spoil it would be appreciated. I work Thursday afternoons so can't do it.
| Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 11:10 am
Final on Thurs? Damn I thought it was today. I saw nothing wrong with the "humiliation" of Jack, though it was just stupid tasks, there was nothing "humiliating" about it. He deserved it. Its probably the most he has actually done all season besides whine and skulk around in his robe. He was greedy and selfish and took 24K away from the winner, why shouldnt he have to earn it, especially after attacking Chloe for taking 5K? I also found it funny how upset Christian got over BB repeating what he had already said on camera, in the house, to Danny. Sure Christian, you told your friend "in confidence", in the Big Brother house. What a genius.
| Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 2:22 pm
I remember years ago where people used to obsess about how the housemates in any version of BB were not supposed to have any contact with the outside world. Watching today's episode and looking back at this whole season, they have completely thrown that idea out the window, havent they?
| Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 6:00 pm
I don't mind so much when everyone gets info, like tweets where they get one good thing and one bad thing said to them, both of which are just someone's twitter, and not necessarily true, but when they have one person do it it's so biased to who they like. Like Jade said Danny looks like he's only in it for the money. How one earth did she get that impression?! If she'd said he was playing the nice guy card or the father figure card I could see it, but really Danny hasn't done, tried to do, or even commented much on the money, except for when he told Chloe she was hypocritical for taking the £5K after telling people off for doing the same. Just weird to me. It's also unfair this close to the end for her to tell Chloe people love her, when recently there's been a bit of a backlash against her. It's going to make it worse for her if she comes out to boos. Just very onesided.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 9:56 am
Well, I wasnt just referring to Jade, but really the entire season. In yesterdays episode we had the video chat with all of the caustic comments, whether true or not. We've had family members coming in (nothing new there), all the old housemates. it seems like every week there was a new task with more info from the outside world. In the past at least they would make an attempt to force intruders or visitors to not reveal outside info, but now they encourage it, that's the focus of the show, to try to get some drama out of the boring remaining housemates. On day 4 they had that stupid vote of who should be the winner, and I think that tainted the season right from the start. In trying to increase ratings, they instead made the housemates boring by focusing so much on how popular or disliked they were at the very start of the series.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 10:17 am
Yeah, I agree, too much info all along. It's definitely a new kind of Big Brother. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but since Harry's left I've really enjoyed the show, I like seeing regular(ish) people show all sides of their character (even the bad sides) without all this imposed drama. For the first time ever I have no clue who will win. To my way of thinking Nick will be top three, but I don't think I've ever seen one poll or set of odds where he is popular. Perhaps he's popular in old school Big Brother, not this new thing. The betting odds currently have to win: Joel 1.2/1 Chloe 1.75/1 Jack 5/1 Danny 12/1 Nick 16/1 Christian 40/1 I don't know why they think Chloe is so high, as she's become (even more) annoying recently. Joel's singing was good but that doesn't balance out his antagonistic side. I even think there's a good chance the much maligned Christian will be higher than last. I don't really have a clue.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 12:16 pm
Almost time! I really hope Joel doesn't win, I have hated him all season.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:01 pm
Here we go! Jack has shaved his head.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:14 pm
First two leaving the house together are 6th place Cristian and 5th place Nick.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:21 pm
I think it is going to be Joel to win. Joel or Chloe.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:23 pm
Emma almost said Cristian and Jack instead of Nick.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:25 pm
Yea she did say Jack then corrected herself right away. I bet Jack is next.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:34 pm
4th place is Jack
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:38 pm
Not much to say to Christian, she mentioned several times how quiet he was, and asked why he thinks he got so far. Seemed like more time was spent with Nick and she was very complimentary.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:41 pm
Jack truly looks like an old man now.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:49 pm
3rd place is Danny. 
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 1:58 pm
Chloe is getting most cheers from the crowd.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:06 pm
Chloe wins!!!!!
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:12 pm
I wonder if Chloe will be the last BBUK winner.... They did shorten this season, doesnt look good for next year. (better than Josie at least)
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:28 pm
I loved when Chloe said Talk to me Big Brother and they responded you can do it Chloe.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:44 pm
Emma ended with giving the website to apply to be a housemate, so I guess its not officially canceled yet. Next series is a long way off though.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:46 pm
True but we will have CBB in a couple weeks.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:47 pm
yea CBB usually has much better ratings. They might just dump regular BB and keep CBB.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:53 pm
Hmm they let Aaron on the final BOTS.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 2:59 pm
He was in the audience of the final show too. Not to mention he has been on BOTS this season after he was removed.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 3:07 pm
Well I dont usually watch BOTS anyway, total garbage show. Usually when somebody is ejected for that kind of reason, they try to pretend that person never existed.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 5:37 pm
Thanks Amy. I guess the odds were pretty accurate, and my two LEAST favourites were winner and runner up! I'm glad they let Aaron in. With some of the horrible things that happened when Helen and Marc were in the house it seems even worse that he was ejected. Plus he would have been a great housemate. I might not bother watching the finale tonight, probably leave it for tomorrow. Just not that enthused about any of them, although would have definitely been more keen to watch if Nick won! Realistically I will probably watch next year, if it's on, but right now I don't think I will. I'm not even that excited about CBB, as they're probably going to have someone nasty on it again. I know it's boring but I like normal people doing normal things and just stretching themselves. Not all this nastiness.
| Thursday, July 16, 2015 - 6:03 pm
I am with you Kitt about wanting normal people put in a house and having to work together against each other and big brother. All this manufactured drama is too much and the house doesn't need to be filled with vile and despicable people to get ratings. We never even got to see how amazing the original housemates could have been because of all the twists they threw in there.
| Friday, July 17, 2015 - 11:01 am
Yes, definitely. It wasn't too bad a final, but even Emma seemed a bit deflated by it all, or maybe I'm just projecting. Like the whole season had been tainted by the nastiness you can't quite shake off.
| Saturday, July 18, 2015 - 11:13 am
I didn't care who won. They were so overshadowed by past contestants and inane twists that we never really got to know them. I was bored at the end.
| Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 5:38 pm
Very bummed... I just went to check on BBAU and found out its cancelled. It did seem strange when I saw Sonia hosting The Voice AU.
| Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 8:37 pm
I saw talk about that but I didn't see anything confirmed by the show. Ch9 have right to it for a couple more years I thought, and were just "having a break." I thought it was back next year. Did you see an official statement? Meanwhile Celeb BB UK... I think I saw the start date was August 26th ish. Last year the one week gap was too short, this year the six week gap is too long. Maybe they're hoping we'll have forgotten the main show by then ;).
| Saturday, August 01, 2015 - 5:17 pm
I read that they had it for 3 years and last year was number 3. Apparently the ratings were not worth renewing it.
| Saturday, August 01, 2015 - 5:59 pm
All I can find is that they cancelled the planned Celebrity Big Brother (which Perez was rumoured to be on!), instead doing a Celebrity Apprentice. I think there's a good chance the main BB won't be back but I can't find an official source that says it's definitely cancelled, more that it's "on hiatus."