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| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 8:06 pm
Right now all I can think about is Christopher saying he was Mrs. Doubtfire in the diary room, wondering what he would say to the events of today. Seems silly huh?
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 8:19 pm
Kellee- I thought the same thing about Christopher saying that. 
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 9:21 am
According to the BBUK tweets, Chris is refusing to listen to the live feeds and is just getting some peace and quiet, lol!
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 10:24 am
Good for Chris,, have always wanted someone to do that when they throw them into a room like that. It serves no purpose to listen all the time as even if you hear something nice so what. It is all about getting riled up and really I am glad Chris is rising above it.
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 2:45 pm
If this was done in the past, I'm surprised that they don't even second guess these evictions. Don't they realized they were not done in the same style of eviction? Couldn't they at least wonder if those were real or fake evictions? Come'on, I thought Christopher to be smarter than that...
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 3:27 pm
Marlon went out in the same way, out the Diary Room door with no audience. And they've never done it in the final week, I think that's the kicker, they expected a mid week eviction and BB gave them one. It's a bit of a let down though, or I presume it will be. Chris isn't going to be riled by anything, and it sounds like he hasn't listened to much of it anyway, and Helen's unlikely to do anything but be Helen, either a good or bad version depending on her mood. They're back in the house already and it sounds like everyone's just pleased to see them.
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 3:36 pm
oh thank goodness they're back in the house, I couldn't stand any more embarrassment by Christopher and feared he would say something that would make the public like him less. But he seems to have been respectable in his comments, still I was expecting some second guessing on these evictions and would love to he hear what their reactions are when they see them back, and if they see themselves as total fools, or Big Brother made them look like total fools.. What Ashleigh said is going to bite her in the arse... if not the public, Helen will hate her more, but those two you can't help, they're going to be rivals always.
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 4:19 pm
As of right now, I've only seen half of yesterday's show (finishing it now) and part of today's show. On today's (right?) show, Christopher was totally played by Ash in evicting Chris. Of course Ash is not going to evict his one alliance member left, Pav. Using the rationale he did may have sounded legit, but Pav should have been evicted. I feel Ash and Pav are really playing the game hard. If Pav wins, it would be so wrong. Have to laugh how Helen can dish it out on a daily basis, but when called to task (found guilty by Judge Judy) she can't take it. Does she not realize the horror she's put some of the other HG's through with her bullying? She's not going to accept responsibility for her behavior when she gets out, much like Mark.
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 6:35 pm
O.k., I cracked up that Chris is hiding in the toilet while Helen fumes about Ashleigh's comments. One of the few laughs I've had this series.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 11:42 am
Guess a 'leopard can't change its spots' as we've got an answer to has Helen changed for the better since she's been in the house: Day 70: Task - Life After BB (with a special guest appearance!) Danielle & Zoe BB asks the question "Helen are there any current or former housemates you plan to apologise to when you leave the house?"
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 1:14 pm
I didn't see the point to the fake eviction, especially since BB evicted Helen. It just seemed that BB still wants Helen to win, they are desperately trying to make Helen look like she's exactly the same as Ashleigh. Ridiculous. Whining and complaining about other HMs happens all the time, all HMs do it, that's what Ashleigh does, mostly about Helen. But Helen has been very aggressive with people and told off, one a formal warning, a few times; she and her group have also isolated others, for whatever reason they came up with, but it was undoubtedly nasty. So, it's not the same thing at all. And Helen on a journey is also ridiculous to me, the BB house is not the place to find yourself. Helen doesn't even recognize she is aggressive, not assertive, aggressive, it's not a good thing; it may be from her past, being hurt and always defending herself, but that doesn't excuse it. I can't stand seeing any more of Steven and Kim, I don't believe anything they say. And I wouldn't be surprised if they had had simulated sex, just to convolute this story. They are young and stupid IMO, but using a miscarriage for a magazine deal, that just takes the cake, which is why I don't buy it. They sure love Helen, though, if anyone does, it may as well be them. I was surprised Winston said Ashleigh was a brat, that was something Helen said, I really thought he had his own mind, my mistake. The money thing he keeps harping on is another ridiculous thing to me. Ash, Mark and Chris all did exactly the same thing. None of them told the other HMs their plan to take the money, so when the HMs found out, they all should have been treated equally. But Chris was singled out with an invented reason, rather than what he actually said. Why Winston tries to keep this going is beyond me. But on a positive note, I think Tamara and Winston look cute together and I'm glad they are becoming friends. I miss Mark in the house, I like him. I'd rather see him on bots than Louisa, for some reason, she dislikes Mark, I don't think she has any place claiming anyone else to be fake. I am also surprised Jale keeps trying to defend Helen, after all that Helen did to her, makes no sense. It's one thing accepting her, but pretending Helen's not who she actually is, well, maybe that's how Jale deals with things. I hope that Christopher, Ashleigh or Chris win, I think they've been on a winding road in a dark forest in this game, and have managed to find their way out, so any of them would be a great winner to me. I wouldn't have minded Pav for the win, until he started saying about others, the things that Helen said, that was strange to me. I feel bad for Ash, I wish he had shown more of himself, rather than backing up Helen all the time, but he seems like a good guy now; I wouldn't mind him winning, but I'd rather one of my top three. It's close to the end, I wish BB would give it a rest on the clash between Helen and Ashleigh, it's never going to change, move on BB.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 1:37 pm
Has anyone got that VLC stream link to work with ios? I recently obtained an iphone and installed VLC for IOS but cant figure out how to get that long stream URL into VLC media player on the iphone. Ive tried saving it as a playlist on windows then transfer the playist to iphone via dropbox, but vlc ios doesnt seem to recognize any of the various playlist files.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 1:43 pm
Never mind, I got it working. I just had to save that long url in a text file, put it on dropbox and then VLC for ios loaded it up and accessed the stream. All thats on right now is the eye screen but it definitely looks like it works. Too bad the season is almost over.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 1:53 pm
Yes, it's over on Friday!! But seems another one starts right away from the UK. Can we use the same VLT stream link for the other UKBB (Celebrities? Who are they??)
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 2:13 pm
Yea CBB UK usually starts up a couple days after BB UK ends. But its only for 3 weeks. I would imagine that the same stream link should still work. I don't see why it wouldn't.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 2:34 pm
I guess they are trying to make the last few days interesting, but the blatant scheme by production to rehabilitate Helen and try to make her a sympathetic character is way too obvious and a bit pathetic. I hope the public doesn't fall for it.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 2:49 pm
No the public would never fall for it because they already decided the winner, Ashleigh. Personally I'd rather see Christopher win but I'm no Brit and I was actually always on the wrong page, I liked housemates who were clearly hated by the public. I knew Helen would never win when Pauline gave her the free pass to final, that was a death sentence, sure, they were nice enough to grant Helen a summer job and so help her out, since she is a single mother (that was Pauline's motive), although I can't see why she could not make a better living with some decent job.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 3:17 pm
Another bots spin against Ashleigh, they sure want Helen to win. Helen is a 27 year old woman, who chooses to bully people who don't kiss her butt. Ashleigh is nothing like that, there is zero comparison to what Helen has done to anything Ashleigh has said. These producers are awful, I hope they get new ones, if this show doesn't get cancelled that is.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 4:32 pm
Why am I always seeing the opposite? It may be that it's not Helen who is the favorite, and maybe not even Ashleigh, the reason they keep highlighting these two women may be to get the public to choose neither.... Go Christopher!!
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 5:25 pm
Spunky! I was just going to say the same thing: the more they highlight the Helen/Ashleigh battle, the more polarized the voters get and it opens up a huge space for Christopher to take the win! I would love that! I'm also ok if Ashleigh or Chris win, and I agree that Ash would have been so much more entertaining if he had moved away from Helen just long enough to interact with more people. I kinda like him but he's got no shot. BOTS seemed to be pushing Pav as a winner at one point, but I doubt that would ever happen....
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 5:38 pm
I think there's a reasonable chance Christopher will win. I still think it's most likely Ashleigh but only in a 60:40 kind of way. That could easily change. I think they've pretty fairly shown some of Ashleigh's less pleasant attributes that they seemed to hide earlier on. And hopefully people will see that although Ashleigh can be pretty sharp with her words and negative it's nothing compared to Helen, who continues to be clueless to what damage she leaves in her wake. My only disappointment with the results would be if Helen got higher than 5th, which I think is pretty likely. At the moment I think she will be 3rd after Ashleigh and Christopher. I would like to push her down below Chris.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 6:43 pm
I personally would like to see Chris win, he took that whole fake eviction great, defended his friend and was able to defuse the bomb that is Helen. I love that Helen is so delusional thinking that she has done nothing wrong, that she is not aggressive even though she admitted one day earlier she was. "I have tried to be her friend, to make everyone feel comfortable" says the girl who went into the toilet the night the second group of housemates arrived and basically made a pact to ostracize Chris? Who spent the first couple of weeks calling Jale Slugworth (which btw still do not get Jale defending her). She has been so nasty to everyone who was not in her clique if she ends up near the top it will make me ill.
| Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - 11:28 pm
Keller, I agree, but Helen and Ashleigh did "hug it out" today... Will it last. They both cried. I wonder if Mark is rethinking Chris because he may win? Mark sure seemed more funny and flirty today.... Hmmmm. I can not await till Friday but hate to see it end, and I finally am able to watch live stream on Mac, only took two years to figure it out, lol but I am enjoying all the videos and live streams! I like Chris, Christopher and Ashleigh for top three, with any one of them winning but would prefer Ashleigh, for her young age she is a strong young lady.
| Thursday, August 14, 2014 - 10:31 am
Totally agree about Ashleigh, Mamajenn. I continue to be amazed by her steady sturdiness, day after day, while holding her own against the likes of Helen. What 18-year-old (male or female, anywhere!) is capable of doing that? Regardless of where she places on Friday, she should (and likely will) be very proud of how she's handled herself.
| Thursday, August 14, 2014 - 1:42 pm
FYI= the current odds to win: Ashleigh 8/13 Christopher 10/3 Helen 9/2 (which is shocking to me-maybe they think Ashleigh and Christopher might split the vote?) Ash 16/1 Chris 33/1 Pav 40/1