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| Sunday, August 10, 2014 - 11:32 pm
Thank you so much, Kitt & Jbw. I'm scared to download new browsers, but I will do it if I can then watch UK Clips and such. I feel Ashleigh would be lot closer to Ash without Helen around. She was truly he won the comp contest they had and seems to like him. It bothers him that she leaves the room when they are all together, but she doesn't want to get into it with Helen. I can't believe he doesn't see that and still hasn't put two and two together as to why all his friends left. Ash is funny and has a quick wit. He described Helen's attributes about herself as a Pitbull. Spot on.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 10:55 am
I like Ash too. I think he could easily have won in another season, as he's likeable, easy going, loyal, good looking, a bit rough round the edges. It's just a shame Helen was there to make him inaccessible to most of the house and on the "bad side." It's also made him appear a bit boring, which I suspect he wouldn't have been without her. I think Ashleigh would have been out if there wasn't a Helen to stand up to. She could easily have been the one getting the b_word edit and I think in many years she'd have been in the cool, nasty group. With Helen there she's put with the underdogs, and that's saved her I think.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 11:44 am
So this is it, on Friday we should see Ashleigh win... not what I would have liked but the public there like a young girl (who looks 30 when she's all made up.. I mean why doesn't she leave her hair down, her best feature propped up like an old girl.. and the heavy make up, goodness, maybe the make up artist will find a way to improve on that like they did with Danielle). Anyway, because she's young and could make good use of the money Ashleigh will win. I thought Christopher was more deserving but that's the way the cookie crumbles... I still like the American version for the 'competitions' factor which allow some houseguests to save themselves instead of being like sitting ducks as in the UK. But for many aspects I prefer the UK version vs the American one... but there is nothing like the Aussie version for which I can't wait...
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 12:52 pm
I think Ashleigh will probably win, but it's certainly not a done deal. Who thought Winston was going on Friday?! Not many until Thursday. If she continues being miserable and mean she will lose some votes, and it only takes a group to decide to rally for Christopher and he could win instead. I don't think anyone else has a chance. It's not just because Ashleigh's young. I think it's a lot because she's pretty and NIrish, a lot because she stood up to Helen and Helen hates her, and also because that makes her part of the underdog group by default, and a lot because the other options for winner (Chris, Christopher) are somewhat confusing or complicated characters for young voters. REMINDER for live show watchers, it's early today, starts v. soon at 1pm!
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 1:10 pm
They're doing a courtroom kind of task, with past housemates as witnesses(? only in "coming up" so far). Anyway.... Steven is back 
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 1:25 pm
Christopher looks a real lawyer!! How good he is at this!! He should really pursue this type of career, he's an excellent speaker. However, this judging thing is going a bit too far.. the public's mind already made up.. this is just for show..
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 1:39 pm
I like the idea of it, because often what happens is the finalists leave the house, there's one BOTS, and then they're left to cope with the viewer reaction without any forum to talk about it. It's hard for the viewers who want to have their say, but also hard for the disliked finalists, because they're essentially left to the crazies, rather than having several BOTS or the more organised interviews to have their say in a more controlled manner. But actually in this case I think Helen knows more or less how she is and can actually look after herself. She's certainly been through worse situations. It might have been a good thing for Ashleigh to receive some home truths though. Ash and Pav have just explained it perfectly. If you're in Helen's group everything's all right. They forget though that not everyone's in her group.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 1:43 pm
Well, in a way I can understand Helen, she feels like she's being labeled and expresses her hurt, the fact that she expresses her hurt instead of shrugging it off make me feel for her, and makes me cringe seeing Ashleigh so smug and gleeful at Helen's bad reputation. I don't like to see Christopher hanging out with Ashleigh and Chris and not trying to mingle with the other group. If he did that it would show he's more of a diplomatic fellow, diplomacy should have been a big factor in judging these people... not just how pretty you are.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 1:53 pm
I get a very strong feeling Christopher's tried to be a go between, it's just been impossible. Of all the people left in the house Helen has been more despicable to and thinks the least of Christopher and she just doesn't seem to want him around. Ashleigh is very, very drunk!
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 1:55 pm
I also think it's quite natural to feel gleeful when you've been picked on and downtrodden, and someone (Just Judy) actually acknowledges and to some extent confirms your point of view. We also know how gleeful Helen would have been if Judge Judy had said Ashleigh was the problem, she was even gleeful when the judge was summing up.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:02 pm
isn't it strange that it is actually a show between the last two women in the house, when the majority has been the guys. In Helen's defense I must say she is trying to acknowledge that she has been a b'itch but her resentment is that they're blaming her only and not others who deserve just as bad a rap as she got. The judge should not have been so definite in her judgement, there are ways and ways to make both sides not angry about the verdict, so the fact that it was clearly a Helen guilty verdict it made it look like a witch hunt.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:04 pm
Do you know why BOTS is not aired at the streaming link? I haven't seen it for a while now.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:11 pm
Judy did say some harsh things about Ashleigh though, possibly harsher than she deserves. I think Helen just cannot see anything from anyone else's side. She doesn't see how much her actions towards other affect their personality, and tries to shrug it off as "I didn't mean it like that" or "I'm a nice person underneath." If you're cruel to someone you're cruel to someone, and you should expect them to not like you. It's unfair to expect them to be the better person and forgive you, and that's what Helen always seems to do. She's not nice enough to overcome her own character flaws and not be cruel, yet they have to overcome their distress at her actions and be okay with her actions. And if they don't then she thinks they're part of the problem. I don't know how this is going to play for Helen though. It's not telling the audience anything they didn't know, seems a bit hard on Helen, and she does seem truly very upset by it all. And if Ashleigh is msug about it (beyond tonight's drunkenness) that's not going to play well either.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:12 pm
Kitt stated: REMINDER for live show watchers, it's early today, starts v. soon at 1pm! Noooooo...I missed it! Just got home little while ago; started the show & it was different. I should have come here first. Spunky, perhaps BOTS will be @ it's normal time; 3:00 PM board time. When they have Saturday shows @ 1:00 board time, there is an hour between the show and BOTS.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:12 pm
BOTS doesn't start until 3pm today. They have streamed it the days I've watched. Hope you can find a youtube later, Cricket. That E person on twitter usually has them up pretty quickly, within a couple of hours.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:18 pm
Oh thanks, they had a fat guy show... but now nothing and so I'll check again later for BOTS, these panels really influence public's opinion.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:36 pm
Hope you can find a youtube later, Cricket. That E person on twitter usually has them up pretty quickly, within a couple of hours. Yes, I'll see it later, Kitt. Sounds like an episode I'm going to enjoy, me being a Helen fan and all....not. You summed up Helen very well. How dare others be adversely affected by how she treats them and not like it. How dare they? She's been allowed to behave this way for so long, she truly believes she's right. People like her act like they do because they can. Once they realize they can't continue without consequences is when they may get help and change their behavior. Are you guys talking about the Judge Judy from the U.S.? Spunky, yes..the panels do influence the voters. I hope they have some good people on today. I feel they saved Pav last week. I love Louisa this year. She's good @ this and just tells the HG how it is.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 3:07 pm
I have an alarm set for BB, of course, they changed the schedule. I usually just open the stream up in the afternoon & leave it running. Luckily I did it today & caught the show as it aired. BOTS is on after the 70 stone man show. Still no ads for BBAU, which like the groundhog's shadow shows up 5/6 weeks before the main event. Apparently Australia does last minute scheduling (to keep the competition off balance?) I'm becoming more convinced that they are waiting for BBUS to end to try to capture that audience as well. It's the only thing that makes sense to run this late which forces a short season - after last year's huge success, I would have thought they would want a long season. I believe BBAU usually has the longest season of all the english speaking BBs - which ran 101 days last year. I'm sure they don't want BB running during the Christmas season. Even Dreamworld doesn't have BB live event schedule or tickets listed. I don't really care who wins/loses this season of BBUK. I was SHOCKED that Winston was evicted. I could understand if it was a vote to save but it was a vote to evict. I didn't care but was really confused.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 3:08 pm
Judy James, the psychologist they often have on Saturdays, played the judge in their courtroom task. They referred to her a Judge Judy! I like Luisa in this too (she's on today's BOTS). I didn't like her as a housemate but as a panelist she's great.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 3:57 pm
A new task includes Helen being fake evicted (including Emma making the fake announcement) but actually going to a secret room. No other details. It seems like Ash and Christopher (the new power housemates) chose her..?!? Did Christopher persuade Ash that it was in Helen's interest to go?!?! And now Chris fake evicted too, and is in the secret room. Presumably he's going to have to calm Helen down when she hears the others happy she's gone and everyone palling up to Ash.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 4:52 pm
Seems like Helen's fake eviction was decided by BB, but Ash and Christopher decided on Chris, in front of everyone, face to face noms style. Chris says he has no hard feelings.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 5:03 pm
What's the point of the fake eviction at this point? And are Christopher and Ash aware that they were fake evictions? How embarrassing, actually, to have them decide these evictions believing them to be true when Big Brother decides they are fake... I don't think Christopher or Ash would be impressed when they find out they were not evicted.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 5:14 pm
They are not aware the evictions are fake, as BB usually does mid-week evictions in the final week they were probably expecting one. I guess they just want more shouting when Helen storms back into the house in a couple of days, tearing everyone apart for everything she's seen.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 5:53 pm
Oh, how cruel... what would they do for a bit of drama... after all, when all is said and done and the public already made up their mind what else matters? I'm not impressed with fooling my poor Christopher that way. 
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 6:57 pm
I actually love a good old fashioned BBUK fake eviction! It's part of the show practically - the HMs expect it and anticipate it - that's why some of them bring it up so much on eviction night! It rarely brings the drama of the infamous "Fight Night" from years ago - and there's always the possibility that Helen could gain a bit of self-awareness from the info she's seen/heard. She takes in such a tiny bit each time - maybe Chris will help her process the info. LOL - I'm such a dreamer, but I had really hoped we'd see more personal growth from Helen.