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| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 12:50 am
Kitt, my conduct would be more British in nature. I am polite and easy going in public most all the time, especially at meal time, my teenage daughter does not understand when I say, let's just eat a peaceful meal, then we can chat. (Non-stop) lol Love to socialize but prefer closet neighbor a couple miles down the road . Country girl.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 4:58 am
By egging Helen to "be herself," Winston is insuring that Helen's chance of winning will go from slim-to-none to zero. It certainly would undo the redemption arc BB is trying to push on the viewers. I'm betting that BB will tell her not to listen to Winston.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 8:37 am
Yes, I think there's a stipend, but you can bet that's small too. I'm still for Christopher and Chris too. Both have shown their faults but are generally decent guys who do their best to make others feel good. I guess I'd be okay with an Ashleigh or Winston win. Ashleigh's just too much of a brat for me, and from what others have said we've just seen the top of that iceberg. But she's a nice person I think. Winston has just skated by and not added much to the show. Bit of a stirrer but nice enough. If he does make Helen blow before the finale I'll be grateful to him for that! I don't see Ash winning, and although I like him in some ways I wouldn't want him to win. Helen must not win. Oh, I'd also be okay with Pav winning, because he's a nice guy. Don't prefer it because he's a newbie, but I'd be fine with it. I'm glad they've announced CBB. So BB presumably does end as planned on Friday 15th.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 11:27 am
Mark's becoming increasingly bratty as we get closer to the finale. I'm less a fan as a result, though he was my early favorite to win. (I'm glad his grandmother berated him for the foul language.) I'm pulling for Ash, mostly because he declared "I have no chance - AT ALL - of winning." I'd love to see him collapse from shock if he won. 
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 12:47 pm
It would have been interesting to see Ash if Helen hadn't been in there. He seems like a nice guy in many ways but his whole experience seems to have revolved around Helen. Most of the others, although having close friends, have an identity beyond their friendship but we haven't seen that with Ash.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:28 pm
I don't understand what the heck is going on with the money!! Some took it some didn't take it, why are they all mad??
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:35 pm
Well my calculations were wrong, BB says they'd added £10,500 to the fund and didn't mention the £6,000 lost. Now they can add £5,000 more by identifying quotes other hms have made... they won it all and now have £15,500 extra. Then BB tells them all (individually) that the public want them to have the choice of whether to keep the extra money (£15,500) themselves or put it in the winner's prize fund. Take it or leave it. Chris - take it then split it between him, Ashleigh and Christopher Helen - leave it Ash - take it and will split it between everyone Mark - take it for brow bar (might split some) Christopher - leave it Pav - leave it Winston - leave it Ashleigh's guess on who did what is what counts. She has to decide which three took the money, which the others view it on the screen. If she gets it right the winner's prize fund will be £125,000. Ashleigh says Pav, Ash, Chris. Two out of three, they lose, prize fund stays at £100,000.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:37 pm
Helen's completely oblivious to the fact that two of her best friends took the money and is solely obsessed with focusing all her anger on Chris. And now it's Mark and Christopher.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:45 pm
Wow, Christopher! Way to go, but it's all horrible viewing.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:49 pm
So, their excuse is that they would have split the money, not keep it all for themselves. That's a poor excuse, when it seemed to have been a common understanding that any money offered would be refused (at least wasn't that what they were shaking hands on the other day?). I'm totally missing what they're saying to each other, so, what was Christopher's point??
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:54 pm
Helen's point was that she KNEW Ash and Mark would split the money and KNEW Chris wouldn't, so Chris is in the wrong and Ash and Mark aren't. (Even though Ash and Chris said about splitting the money and Mark was the one who was taking it for himself - he said he'd use it for a brow bar.) Christopher was sticking up for Chris because of Helen not letting Chris respond to any of her accusations. Christopher said that Chris had said many times that he wasn't taking the money for himself, he just wanted to be able to control it rather than someone else controlling it (which is true). And that was exactly the same reason as Ash (honestly) gave and Mark (dishonestly) gave.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 2:56 pm
Next quiz should show snippets of Mark talking about using the money for his brow bar.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:02 pm
and here I thought money wasn't their first reason for being there... I'm surprised Pav didn't take it... I think Christopher should start distancing himself from Mark... maybe Mark leaves on Friday
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:19 pm
I think Mark is going for sure. With a vote to evict it's hard to see how he'll escape. I'm not sure who the second person will be, but either Chris or Pav I presume. I think more might prefer Chris to stay over Pav (because of the newbie thing) but with a vote to evict you have to want someone to go enough that you'll pay cash for it. So I'd say more will bother to vote to evict Chris than Pav, and Chris will be the second person. I would LOVE it if Winston was the second person out, but I doubt that's possible.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:21 pm
Interesting DR reveal from Ashleigh on BOTS, the cool gang wanted to spend the £10K on a group holiday in Ibiza, but Ashleigh and Chris said they didn't want to do that, and that's why the cool gang thought Ashleigh and Chris didn't want to share.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:32 pm
By the 'cool gang' you mean Ash and Mark? (Because Helen didn't want the money) Winston didn't want it either, so why refuse the money and then being okay to use it for a holiday, if they were okay then Helen and Winston should have taken the money. Anyway it was a weird challenge by BB, but a lot more colours were shown by the housemates.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:56 pm
BBUK producers upping their effort to get Chris evicted tomorrow by having 4 anti-Chris ex-HMs including the vile & shameless Steven Goode in a discussion on tonight's BOTS. Only Marlon was there to try and balance the effort to get out Chris.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:57 pm
Ash, Helen and Winston are the cool gang, as I see it, increasingly more often with Mark too. Ashleigh was talking about before the Take it or Leave it task. We were shown during the episodes that all the housemates (kind of) agreed to split the extra £25K. Some were really into it (the cool gang, who, call me cynical, know they won't get the winner's prize and wouldn't get the extra cash any other way) and some were kind of forced into it unless they wanted to stand out and be under attack. Ashleigh said that after that the cool gang decided to spend £10,000 of whatever they earned of the £25,000 on a group holiday to Ibiza. She said that she and Chris told the others they didn't want to go on holiday to Ibiza with them, and that's when Helen and co started on with saying that meant they didn't want to split the money. Ashleigh said they weren't wavering on splitting the money, they were wavering/disagreeing with Helen determining that they should spend their share of the money on a group holiday to Ibiza.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 3:58 pm
Someone needs to offer Steven some therapy. At least the BOTS audience booed him.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 4:11 pm
I didn't mind Steven's take, I know he doesn't like Chris but a lot of it is due to his knowledge after he left the house and getting the public's view of Chris and going Rambo with it... As for his demeanour while speaking I think it was okay, cool as a cucumber... He's one of the few I can understand when he speaks, the other ones are Christopher and Chris. But Ashleigh's guess was reasonable, I would have said Pav as well, if Pav took the money they could have had the extra 25. Oh well...
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 8:37 am
I was hoping the tv schedule would give more info on what's happening next week but it's still pretty vague in the episode descriptions with no mention at all of a mid-week eviction. I'm beginning to think because of the "free pass to the final" they're taking everyone out on Friday. I don't like when they do that... six evictions squeezed in one hour and 45mins, it's just too quick. Times Pacific. BB Fri 1-2.35pm Eviction Sat, Sun 1-2pm Mon 1-2pm <-early time but that might just be because of that special on the 70 stone man Tue, Wed, Thu 2-3pm Fri 15th 1-2.45pm The Live Final BOTS Fri 2.35-3.35pm Sat 3.05-4pm BOTP Mon 3-4pm Tue, Wed, Thu 3-4pm Fri 15th 2.45-3.45pm I am seeing some very late night "Live From The House" shows for CBB, starting around midnight. Got to hope they're not all in bed by then!
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 9:11 am
Digital Spy had a few people wanting Winston out, now it's spread to campaigns on Facebook and Twitter. I don't know if it will be enough but I think it's safe to say Winston's place is no longer secure.
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 1:06 pm
Double eviction time! I'm going to SPOIL so as usual, read no further if you don't want to know! Audience cheers and jeers: Chris - boos Christopher - some cheers, some mixed Mark - boos Pav - some cheers, some boos Winston - cheers The crowd weren't really that enthusiastic about any of them, although some are chanting "Christmas."
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 1:21 pm
I don't understand why they chant "Christmas" for Christopher, sometimes I just don't get that crowd... So, about Winston they were wrong since the crowd seems had only cheers for Winston. I've seen rain on eviction show a couple of times already, they're not having a nice summer this year or what? I've heard other parts of Europe the weather has been lousy as well... I'm surprised all the exterior set up, neon lights etc. does not getting wet damage the set up? I mean all those electronics outside... Mmmm
| Friday, August 08, 2014 - 1:25 pm
They call Christopher Christmas in the house, I don't know how it started, except to help distinguish him from Chris. You can't always rely on the audience charts, you hear most from the group who are nearest to the microphone, and often they aren't typical even of the crowd, let alone the crowd being typical of the voting public. But still, I think it unlikely the campaign against Winston will have been enough. You never know though! Hurricane (now tropical storm, I think) Bertha is due to hit them on Sunday, Spunky, it's only going to get worse!