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| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:33 pm
Two reasons the original nominees picked Chris over Ash: 1) Chris was up last week and barely stayed over Zoe so they're thinking with Chris up, he might go before them 2) If the nominated Ash they'd face the wrath of Helen so nominating Chris was the easy way out.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:35 pm
(But talking of Steven, here's the article that goes with yesterday's picture ) If the final really is next Friday (15th) like they originally said (there's some doubt about this now) then after this week's double eviction expect everyone left to be in the "vote to win." They may chuck a couple of them out before the final day, but they'll all be in the final vote to win.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:37 pm
Exactly, Jbw....the wrath of Helen. If they'd just realize she would be nothing on her own without Ash. The others are tired of her. She may have Mark, but he's no longer that popular in the house either. She wants so no wrath and they could just ignore her. She would hate that. Lol @ them bringing Emma bigger and bigger bouquets of flowers, since she complained about the '3' flowers brought to her first. Too funny.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 4:14 pm
I would have liked the "Power of Money" challenge to include an offer to increase the winners prize by 25K if Helen gave up her "pass to the final" and face the public vote on Friday. It would have been interesting to see if Helen was willing to 'help grow the winner's pot". That would shake up the house especially if Helen turned down the offer. Too late now since the voting is open. Interesting that the voting page on BBUK's website is not arranged in alphabetical or numerical order (like it has been in the past). Instead there are two rows and Mark is listed on the 2nd row which you can easily miss if you don't scroll down. Coincidence or just another way the BB producers are trying to protect their favorites?
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 4:19 pm
That voting page is weird! But I would have thought BB would want Mark out for the drama. Jbw, what it the other housemates could increase the winners prize by 25K if they made Helen give up her pass and be up for eviction??!
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 4:45 pm
But at this point I don't see it would help them to have Helen up for eviction on Friday. They would actually be happy to be with her for a sure win at the final. Anyone beside her would win the game, she doesn't stand a chance...not because she's been a pest, only because she had it too easy during the whole game.. If I were Ashleigh I would want to be beside Helen for a sure win and so this goes for anyone of them... except if Ash is left with Helen... Helen would win, but this of course would never happen.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 4:52 pm
Jbw, that would have been awesome. You should be producing the show! I guess I kind of understand what you are saying as well, Spunky, but it would have been so much fun to see Helen on the block before the finals, especially after some people were shouting "Get Helen Out" last Friday.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 5:20 pm
They might have done it out of a sense of fair play (?!) because they always say everyone should go up before the final, even if just once. But you're right Spunky, it wouldn't benefit them as they think she will be out first in finale week (which means she might not make it to finale day, just the finale vote) which saves them that embarrassment. On the other hand if she's out this week at least they get to the finale.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 5:37 pm
oops, that's right, it's a pass to the final show, not to the final vote, oh well, then she will be the first evicted if on final show there are 4 left. If it's DE on Friday, Pav and another one may be gone. Don't we have too many of them left, 6 left, if Final is on August 15, there will be too many of them left, I thought on Final show there would be only 4 left and Helen the first out of the 4. Unless there is another DE in mid-week next week.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 5:58 pm
I thought the free pass is only to the final vote. If they do it the usual way they start the vote on one day (likely this Friday night), then have two separate eviction shows in the final week, one mid week, one on the final day. With two out this week they will probably do the bottom one or two out mid week, leaving five or four for the finale. I think it would be hard for them to start the vote with some sort of disclaimer on Helen that if she rates lower than than 4th (or whatever finale day allows) then she will be elevated to 4th place. All it said in the free pass was "the finale," but I think they could easily claim the finale lasts all the final week. I guess we have to wait and see.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 6:17 pm
Just went back to the launch night video, and they describe it as "a pass to the Big Brother final" Then the BB voice describes her as a "Big Brother finalist" and Emma says she "has a pass all the way to the final, which means she can do pretty much whatever she wants without fear of being nominated." So whether they will make a change from the normal routine and have a normal (vote to evict) eviction in the middle of the final week, or whether they will play with the definition of "final" I don't know!
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 2:50 pm
My goodness, couldn't Mark have left a bit of money for Winston or Pav to see their relatives? So, they just added 10 k to have Chris on the block and then tried to have some more money with that puking stuff...? I don't get this money power... What was Chris doing with Helen?? Darn, I just don't understand what they're saying to each other, was Chris paying Helen a compliment or made a pass? Help!
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 3:03 pm
okay, I think Chris was half drunk when he said that to Helen and then managed to get Ashleigh mad as well but Helen overheard them talking and it upset Helen but only made Winston laugh... what the heck is going on? Anyway, 2 of them are gone on Friday and I wished a had a real favorite but I'm a little cool now to whoever wins this BB.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 4:53 pm
Conversation between Helen and Chris: H: quit staring I look like a f_ing crackwhore C: honestly you look fine H: I don't C: I'm being polite H: this is my ugliest I've ever been in life C: really? H: are you fing kidding me, I don't wash my own hair C: I may have low standards helen but ... H: I don't wash my own hair, I don't my own makeup and now what's happened... C: listen it's no secret, hot as hell, mate H: oh, shut up, Chris C: I'm not kidding when I say that H: you're embarrassing me C: I know I am, I'm embarrasing myself C: I said it from the start, I think you're hot as hell blah blah I think the alcohol emboldened him, and he was trying to pay a compliment rather than get anywhere. Then Chris tells Ashleigh Helen's a little girl lost and that's appealing to him, because he thinks she needs someone to say to her look, you are special, you are lovely and you are beautiful. Then he says he's pretty much everything he hates, and he wants to defend her but doesn't want to be a fool, and if she makes a fool of him fine, because he wants to believe the best of her, give her the benefit of the doubt. Not sure she always returns it, she does to a degree. Would have been their nightmare at school. But people are people, and she should be given the chance to prove herself. And Helen reads that in a bad way???!??
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 4:59 pm
Wow then they're talking about when they had to nominate, Chris says "everyone" was on his list, a potential, Ashleigh's instantly offended and said "you weren't a f_ing potential on my list!" then Chris says you're not hearing what I'm saying, he got to her name (on his list) and said "no, onwards," then "don't get all precious," she says "that's pretty insulting," he says "f you it's not insulting at all" and she screams at him and says "f you, you're a nasty drunk, don't tell me to f you" and then they get back to washing up. Ermmm I think we know who's the nasty drunk, Ashleigh, wow!
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:04 pm
You probably all know this but the three who didn't get letters from home last week got a chance to see someone, but their time spent with the person reduced the extra money from £6,000 at the start. Chris £6,000 - £4,802 (£1,198) Chris' friend told him not to worry about Ashleigh, which is good Christopher £4,802 - £3,152 (£1,650) he first opted not to see him until BB told him it was £20 per second Mark £3,152 used it all up without a second thought by the look of it! In Mark's slight defense, it's a lot easier to rush out on your friend than on your grandma! So far £10K gained, £6K lost, up £4K. Next task they had to drink something disgusting, the amount they drunk determined the amount earned, Christopher got them up to £500, I couldn't see what the max was. Total now up £4,500 extra.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:17 pm
So Kitt, what is the actual prize of the whole BBUK, is as much as in the US, half a mil?? When Cristopher was saying, the winner takes it all... why would he need to explain that? Don't they know it already? So, Chris was a 'cute drunk'? Or at least he looked quite funny to me... A couple of episodes ago he was already saying good things about Helen, it was in the DR, and that's when I thought he was losing it or really drunk... but I guess he's trying to make Helen feel better. I noticed how Ashleigh was ready to pounce on Chris if he only dared nominating her or thinking of nominating her.... the mask is slipping again.. Thanks for explaining the conversation, I miss a lot because half the time I don't understand the way they speak...
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:32 pm
It's £100,000 (about $170,000). I don't remember Christopher saying about winner takes all, but because no one seemed particularly interested in working for the extra £25,000 (because none of them think they will win) they did say that rather than the winner taking both the 100K and the 25K, they'd keep the 100K and share the 25K with everyone. Not sure if that's what you meant. I thought Chris was pretty cute too. I think it was simple drunkenness, and he's past his little meltdown. Ashleigh is the one who flew off the handle, she really is a little brat at times. Oooo now on BOTS they're warning Helen for her verbal threats to Ashleigh (said behind her back).
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:44 pm
So on tonight's BOTS, they show a video of Helen's getting off with another DR warning after her 'threatening' comments about Ashley after she misheard the conversation between Chris & Ashley. How many "final warnings" are they going to give her before she suffers some kind of punishment, let alone remove her from the house? Guess it's going to take a physical altercation before they do something and even then I'm not sure the producers would remove their favored Helen.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:46 pm
Good, Kitt. People are up in arms about Helen saying she wanted to smash Ashleigh's face against the wall, I think. She's already been warned twice. This should be an immediate eviction. As I posted above, Helen only hears the negative and it appears she didn't hear the first part of the convo when they were saying nice things about her. They showed Ashleigh trying to explain it to her, but she didn't seem to be listening. She actually thought Ashleigh/Chris's argument was negative about her when Ash was telling Chris she wasn't disagreeing with him; she too thinks Helen is beautiful and can be nice underneath. Instead Helen ran with it to everyone else with what she 'thought' had been said. Winston egged her on so as to see a fight. Ughh! If BB doesn't boot her, they are going to look very bad.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 5:50 pm
Just heard the "winner takes all" comment on BOTS, I think he was just making a point that the rules say the winner takes the £100K plus the £25K, regardless of them deciding to split it, so if that's what the winner wants to do they'll do it. Just my interpretation. I guess the warning they gave Helen was an informal warning instead of a formal warning :/. She has two formal warnings (and several more informal ones) and she's not allowed to get another formal warning. Not sure what the difference in level of offense is though.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 7:17 pm
Is that all they're paying? Is it really money they're doing that for or some other reason, I think that kind of money is the last reason they're there. I thought Australia's prize was small but this is even smaller. But they must be getting paid while they're in the house and maybe that's not bad for a summer job. Helen will eventually question Ashleigh about the conversation and of course there can't be an understanding, both women will keep resenting each other. Some say Winston will win the game, although he wasn't a controversial or interesting housemate, he was funny at times and civil enough, I only remember him getting mad at Toya but briefly. Is that going to be enough to win, I don't know. Christopher was doing okay up until he sensed the public was misunderstanding him and put too much emphasis on what he certainly is 'not', forgetting about some needed sense of humour. But he was quite funny in the DR when he was excited seeing his friend...
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 9:59 pm
Celebrity Big Brother has been announced and will be starting on Monday August 18th.
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 12:26 am
Christopher has grown on me by being so forgiving, yet able to stand up for himself without going overboard, and when he drank that horrid drink.... It just touched me. Never until that moment did I think of him being a winner, but I think he deserves it. Mark has shown his true colors, he is a male Helen, and is proving himself very selfish and arrogant. Right now my two favorites have become Christopher and Chris, go figure 
| Thursday, August 07, 2014 - 12:42 am
I agree, never want to look at Steven again. Right now they are making money, milking the media attention. He really makes me cringe. McCranda didn't last either, just rode out their 15 minutes. The money twist is a joke... I wish they would have done it like Merlon's eviction with ALL of them in front of buzzers, as the amount increased the first person to hit the button won the amount shown, but had to immediately self evict. That would be fun to watch.