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| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 8:05 pm
Pav's accent is very London, although in a Punjabi sort of framework. Remember immigrants have been in the UK for a long long time because of the old British Commonwealth. At different times, notably around the times the various countries became independent from Britain, large number of immigrants were allowed and often encouraged to move to the UK if they didn't want to stay in their own country. So for 50 or 60 years there have been large populations of Pakistanis, Indians, people from the Caribbean, some African nations in the UK, and they are very "British," in that they are completely integrated and part of British life, as well as being able to maintain their own identities. Also, for obvious reason, there are a lot of Irish in the UK, and in the bigger cities, mostly the university cities, there are a lot of other Europeans, plus Aussies, Kiwis, etc.. But you still get some small towns where everyone is white and their families have lived there for generations. What has been a problem is some more extreme Muslims have immigrated in the last 20ish years, and a sort of radical element has emerged which people are having a hard time knowing how to deal with. And the other side of the recent immigration of refugees from Eastern Europe has meant a lot of overcrowding in many cities and also, because the UK will pay for anyone who's there, a lot of drain on welfare and public housing. There are rules regarding which immigrants can work and which can't, and for some reason the Polish immigrants are allowed to work, so people don't mind them so much (the UK has a huge respect for blue collar work, maybe you notice Zoe going on about "they're Northern so they're all right," that sort of thing, it's because most of the industries were in the north, so a lot more working class, and a lot more working class who stick together against the more privileged, which are always thought to be in the South, hence the North/South divide still remaining)... I started rambling but some of the more recent refugees are not allowed to work, and are receiving full benefits without having ever contributed to the British social security system, so some are mighty peeved that, you know, they've become unemployed after working for 20 years and are struglling to qualify for some benefits when immigrants get them immediately. So it's all a bit difficult really. Meanwhile France, Germany etc. say they do want the refugees but tell them to go to the UK (they do literally do this, they tell the refugees they'll get the best benefits (which they will) if they go to the UK) just so they don't have to take in their fair share of refugees. Sorry, too many words as usual. And I haven't seen today's shows yet.
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 8:38 pm
That's excellent Kitt! You know so much of the situation there, I can understand Cameron's stand now... now if only Italy would start telling Germany they need help with their immigration problem in Lampedusa, Sicily... but that's really another and very bad problem. Thanks Kitt for your explanation!
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 9:13 pm
Kitt, this season I have vented, but both my daughter and I, (she has made many friends on social media from the UK) both joke about how we wish we were from there. I have a true love of antiques, history, traditions, etc. but what I have come to love about what I see, and I realize my exposure is limited, is there is an expected level of decorum, and more accepting of all people and their differences. Now I have heard upper society is over the top and looks down on " loud Americans", lol, but I am talking about the middle class, blue collar workers. I fell in love with pictures of Ireland, and a friend of mine travels to Scotland as often as she can... It just seems like a beautiful place with generally beautiful souls. I did recently read about the rise in the Muslim people, and how they include their share of extremists. I pray one day to visit Ireland and Scotland, see the countryside, and meet some locals. I became good Facebook friends with a few Irish souls. I know every country has it's problems. I don't know your story or where you are from, but anytime you want to share, would love to hear more of your roots. God bless.
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 10:47 pm
I'm glad I can bring some info. I don't think people look down on Americans, it's just for some reason the Americans who come as tourists seem to be very loud! It is just a difference in society, for example an American will tell someone loudly if they're unhappy at something, whereas a Brit will grumble quietly to the person they're sitting next to, and then pretend everything is all right if asked ;). I'm pretty boring, Mamajenn! I'm a "southerner" from a long line of gardeners from a smallish town. Ended up here because my husband got a job here, but secretly would love to be back in England. I've been to Scotland a couple of times and loved it, but I'd also like to go to Ireland, it looks so beautiful.
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 11:26 pm
Today's BOTP, huge relief they don't have Steven on it! Hopefully now his week is over and we'll have Zoe instead. Btw, on DS they're fighting over whether Pav said he was "so glad" or "so gutted" Zoe has gone. It wasn't clear but if you listen to it again he definitely said "so gutted."
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 11:36 pm
I thought I heard "so glad" but "so gutted" makes a lot more sense remembering his DR before she left. About Maaaahhhk's accent. Has anyone else noticed that when he is angry or very excited he is easy to understand. I think he does have an accent, but he exaggerates it because he thinks it's cute. P.S. Thanks for the schedule.
| Sunday, August 03, 2014 - 8:02 pm
Kitt, I recently saw a show where some people from Romania moved to Britain so they could get benefits and get enough money to buy homes in Romania. They were saying how great it was in the UK because they gave them money. Crazy.
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 9:25 am
I can believe it!
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 10:49 am
Watching yesterday's show, I don't know where I stand with Christopher and Mark. Obviously Christopher's answers in the quiz would hurt Mark's feelings, and it's weird that it seemed to take so long for Christopher to realise that. On the other hand he's right in that there are many holes in Mark's performance and if he is becoming suspicious then maybe he is better being upfront about it and saying it, rather than looking like "muppet." Oddly I'm beginning to like Mark more for being just that little bit more aware of how he's being and Christopher less for, although possibly being in the right, being a bit selfish in expressing it. And then I feel bad because I know how it is when you try to do the right thing and the one time you slip up people are all over you for it, which is kind of where I think Christopher is now. Mamabatsy, yes, I'm pretty sure Mark is exaggerating (or if I'm generous, embracing) a really strong accent because it makes him stand out more. And it slips when he's really emotional about something.
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 12:39 pm
The tv schedule now extends to Friday 15th, which was meant to be the date of the final. I say meant to be because the caption writer has written this as the show description: Emma Willis hosts another eviction show - thought by many to be the original date of the final. Is Big Brother pulling the wool over viewers' eyes or has the series been extended a few days? No one knows for sure. All that can be said for sure is that tonight at least one more housemate will be leaving and talking to Emma about their BB experience. So I don't know if that means there's talk of extending the show, or if the caption writer just doesn't want to commit until he gets the final word. It's just so strange it hasn't been confirmed with now less than two weeks to go.
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 3:01 pm
Are you guys watching this?? I think the house gone crazy! Is that some sort of 'cabin fever'? BB has them all acting crazy, is he trying to push their buttons or what the heck is going on? Half the time I don't understand what they're saying to each other and so I miss a lot of fun dialogue that you catch so easily, Kitt. At first all that goofing around was funny but then not so much, but I did laugh when Christopher plunged in the sink full of soap and then convinced Pat to do the same, but still couldn't see what was the idea behind all that, and I did laugh again when with Pav was trying rapping in the shower and they were actually quite good, inspite of the others laughing behind their back, Pav and Cristopher were having fun and then in the DR Cristopher expressing his thoughts so enthusiastically (you can't say the fellow doesn't have the gift of the gab) and singing to himself, finally he was happy with himself. Mark needs to lay off for a bit..
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 3:13 pm
I don't know, I think it was just meant to be a fun game but it seemed a bit weird! I think he's really fed up with Mark and thinks he's got himself trapped (in terms of his storyline on the show) and is trying to break out in a far too over the top way. The wildlife show was pretty funny though!
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 3:38 pm
They gave the results of the face to face noms on BOTS and a few of the reasons. Mark - Chris (least upset if not in final) Helen - Pav (newbie) Chris - Mark (getting affected by outside, would do well on BOTS) Ash - Christopher (no negative reason, just comparative) the rest will be shown in tomorrow's show. Up for eviction (currently) are Pav (7 noms (all of the others)), Christopher (4 noms), Winston (2 noms), Mark (2 noms)! Some tactical voting I think! I presume the money thing will be a twist.
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 3:50 pm
I think Winston is a wasted nomination, unless they put Winston in there to make less of a choice for Pav and the rest. But he only got 2, I thought they have to have at least 3 to be on the chopping block. So Pav and Cristopher are for sure up for eviction. I don't understand all this Pav love from the public..
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 4:31 pm
There's no minimum number of noms required to be up for eviction, they just keep going down the list of nominated people until they get enough people up (which seems to be four this season). So Pav, Christopher, Wiston and Mark are all up, but they did say "currently." I presume after the big money twist thing one or more other will be added.
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 5:32 pm
On front page of tomorrow's OK Magazine...
Sorry for the fuzziness, it's a screengrab. The bottom part says "Losing our unplanned baby has made us realise we want children together." Alrighty then.
| Monday, August 04, 2014 - 5:52 pm
Seriously??? When was the first time they had sex and when did she leave the house?? I guess anything is possible...
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 2:24 pm
The full face to face noms, from today's show Helen immune, one minute to write down their nominations on a board, then they will reveal them face to face with reasons. Mark: Pav (newbie), Chris (least bothered if doesn't get to final) Helen: Pav (newbie), Christopher (closer to others) Chris: Pav (newbie), Mark (gets negatively affected by outside criticism) Ash: Christopher (just last on his list), Pav (newbie) Winston: Christopher (changed since heard stuff from outside), Pav (newbie) Pav: Winston (had his guard up), Mark (negative about outside world) Christopher: Winston (know least about him, nicks all the drinks), Pav (newbie) Ashleigh: Pav (newbie), Christopher (he changed after hearing reactions from public) Pav 7 noms Christopher 4 Mark, Winston 2 Chris 1 Ash, Ashleigh 0 Helen immune
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 2:55 pm
Wow, watching today's show "before" Chris was nominated. Ya think BB wants him out or what? They keep setting him up. Why? Were they not happy with the nominees and wanted to add Ash, Ashley or Chris? It's so obvious what they are doing this year. It sickens me.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:02 pm
Well if Mark was in danger of going before today's show he's complete toast now. So horrible to Christopher. I'm giving BB the benefit of the doubt on this twist, Cricket, because they announced it before the nominations, and most likely, given past nominations, Chris would have been up already. I think this task (the one with the money) was meant to be far more exciting than it turned out to be because they expected the well liked hms to be the ones not nominated. For example if the nominees were the expected Pav, Chris and Christopher then those three would have had to choose between Mark, Winston, Ash and Ashleigh. A lot of potential drama there, Christopher and Mark tension, Helen going psycho if they put up Ash or Winston, and Chris inconsolable if he had to put up Ashleigh.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:03 pm
I was expecting to see the money power so I can't understand how these nominations will stand. I see Pav is annoyed, but as a newbie he should have expected to be nominated, let the public decide but stop complaining about the nominations. Sometimes I don't understand Mark or what he's trying to do to Christopher, on the other hand Christopher should try to have a bit more sense of humour than be resentful for something he has no control of, yes, he's been nominated, accept that with some humour (maybe Mark is trying too hard to show that kind of humour). Winston, what a wasted nomination.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:20 pm
The sad part of this 'twist' that added Chris to the nominees is that we'll probably now see Steven make at least one appearance on BOTS tomorrow +/or Thursday where he'll lobby for "get Chris out".
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:23 pm
You make a good point, Kitt, in that this twist was revealed before noms (unless BB already knew the noms) but even BOTS thought it was too much in addition to the face-to-face noms. I don't understand why the HG's didn't nom Ash. He was so going to go a few weeks back and it would really weaken Helen. She has kept him in there so long. I truly believe Ash should be up and go over Chris. I'd like to see Helen on her own like everyone else has had to be.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:29 pm
Oh no more Steven pleaaaaase!! I think Ash is actually very likeable, despite being boring to the public, and I don't think they'd dare nominate him (face to face) because of having to deal with Helen's wrath.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 3:31 pm
and they should have seen Ash as a potential rival since with Helen they form a powerful couple who could rule nominations until the final. They certainly should have split Ash and Helen but I'm afraid they'll stay till the final...