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| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 2:47 pm
BOTS is on now and they seem to think Chris is projecting onto Pav, and it's Chris who's the creepy one! Kitt, do you think Chris has a crush on Ashleigh?
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:04 pm
Last scene of the show is Christopher grinning away, so sweet. I think they were all just emotional and crying at each other's messages, Cricket. And yes I do think Chris has a crush on Ashleigh, not necessarily a sexual one, but a person one. I think he would be normal out of the house but because they're all so messed up because they've been cooped up in there all this time it's coming out all obsessive and a little bit creepy. I was watching Ashleigh to see if she was getting uncomfortable with Chris' attention and I'm not sure, but I think a bit maybe in that conversation they're having at the end of the show. I think he's aware it's getting a bit out of control and is trying to snap himself out of it, but I don't know if he will be able to.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:20 pm
Don't miss BOTS today. They are discussing the Chris/Ashleigh relationship and Ashleigh's boyfriend Sean calls in. It boggles my mind to see Chris be so mild-mannered throughout the show and now people seem to think he's breaking down. A friend of Chris's is also on the line and he is sticking up for Chris. Says Chris is a gentleman and could be considered "the Dad" of the house. Says he's being protective of Ashleigh and would never make a move. A little hesitant when asked if Chris has a crush on Ashleigh.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:26 pm
Thank you Jbw I don't think Chris has any type of crush on Ashleigh at all. I think he considers her a friend and a little sister. And from what he said to Christopher today, Pav had made comments about women that compelled Chris to worry that Pav might be staring at Ashleigh a little too hard for comfort, though that's not what Chris told him, not wanting Pav to feel more awkward. I don't find anything wrong in that, bc the staring didn't get a chance to escalate and that's a good thing. If everyone had noticed, then things would have become worse for Pav.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:31 pm
I think what Judy James said about Chris on BOTS, is completely wrong. Chris also needed some comfort, hence the hug to and from Ashleigh. The producers are really spinning a tale.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:36 pm
Not sure what you meant, Cricket, do you mean you don't think Chris is breaking down or you're sad that he seems to be doing that? I think the Psych woman on BOTS was pretty accurate (did she read my previous post ;)).
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:47 pm
Chris is only respectful and protective of Ashleigh, nothing more, nothing less. I don't see anything that Chris has done that would compel anyone to believe otherwise. And Chris listened to his evicted friends about Pav, so anything Pav does Chris seems view from that perspective.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:49 pm
Kitt, I think it's sad if he is breaking down after having been the calmest and most mature person in the house all season. He may have a crush on Ashleigh, but I also see that he has watched her be treated like crap and now the public gave her the power last week and then the HG's rudely nommed her, so the public gave her immunity this week. Now he feels maybe protective of her and won't let anyone else go after her. Pav doesn't say much, but does observe. I couldn't help thinking of Caleb staring @ Amber when it came up that Pav stares @ Ashleigh. He did seem surprised when Chris told him she has a boyfriend, so I don't know. He could have just been looking @ her in an observational way. Is Ash trying to slowly distance himself from Helen?
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:58 pm
Chris is 33 years old, he's not a child and good, bad or indifferent, he felt protective over Ashleigh. Because Chris said something about Pav staring, now he's being labelled as having a crush on an 18 year old? I don't see it at all. I don't think Chris is having a breakdown, I think he's feeing more included, rather than excluded, which he had to deal with for a long time, I don't think there is anything wrong in that.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 3:59 pm
Yes Cricket, Chris seems such a decent guy, but I think it's just all got too much for him. I hope he can pull himself together but I don't think that's easy in there, there's just no physical or emotional space for that to happen. I hadn't noticed Ash pulling away from Helen. It must be weird nearing the end where all your chickens are coming home to roost, as it were. You must wonder if when you get out your family are going to hate your decisions or hate your new friends, or if you're going to find out someone you trusted has been playing you all along. Maybe there's a touch of that, he has to know Helen hasn't looked good from outside.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 4:04 pm
I just don't agree about Chris, Stormie. I know he's feeling protective over Ashleigh but I see a lot more to it that that. I don't think he's bad or perverted, he's just gone a bit crazy in the house and is getting too infatuated with her.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 4:43 pm
What has Chris done, though? What has Chris done that is so over-the-top that it's being defined as a breakdown? I don't see anything Chris has done as anything related to a breakdown or being infatuated with Ashleigh at all. And being emotional certainly doesn't show that, not for any of the HMs. I think Zoe put the idea into Ash's head that he and Helen are more than friends, or Helen thinks they are, or it's being perceived that way on the outside, or something like that. But Helen even says they are just friends and if anything will develop, it's between them. Zoe has seen clips on tv, I don't think she is an expert on their friendship and should just mind her own business.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 4:59 pm
Chris is doing it for strategic reasons, he knows Ashleigh has now public support and gets credit for being her ally since the start and by showing that kind of protection (from what I can't see) he may get Pav evicted, but unless the producers show us some material to back up Chris arguments it could backfire on him and he'll be the one evicted. Pav is not reacting the way he should, he told in the DR that Ashleigh is the only one he likes to look at and he's only a bit older than her but from this to being a pervert that's just too much and Chris has been judgemental from the beginning, he's good at describing the others' faults but in some cases I found he went too far. He should have maintained the neutral stand he had in the beginning when I liked him. Ash has been like that towards Helen from the start, he always said he just likes to interact with her in a 'buddy' way, doesn't need to make promises as Steven did. Helen also doesn't ask anything more of Ash, just someone to cuddle up, that's all. I hope Christopher stays firm in his handling of Mark and shows the kind of maturity that Mark seems to be lacking.. That woman showing Bianca how to be a lady, what a character! I found the show a bit soppy today with the letter from home and the rainbow... oh man, something better has to happen, more challenges to see some competitive edge, or it's going to be a snooze till the final and predictable ending.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 5:04 pm
Stormie, to me, it's the crying over Helen doing something nice, the extreme reaction to Pav, even if Pav had been looking at Ashleigh (which is still in doubt) and the emotion he shows over Ashleigh. Ashleigh's 18 and she's shown herself to be a strong independent woman. He's not a parent so he doesn't see his daughter in her (or one of those connections you sometimes get where you react strangely to someone because you see someone close to you in them), he's just way too overprotective and overemotional in his interactions with her or about her. I think why people are describing it as a breakdown is because it's such a change from early on, when he was always quite reserved and mild mannered and reasonable. If he'd always been like this it wouldn't be so much a breakdown as his character. But from what we've seen, this is new behaviour over the last two or three weeks. Agree about Zoe. Maybe she meant to help but nope, not helpful at all.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 8:38 pm
Chris had been treated badly for such a long time, that it is understandable he got emotional when Helen started treated him like a human being. I don't see that as over-the-top at all, or being overly emotional. And it doesn't say Chris fully trusts Helen, but is giving her a fair chance, unlike how she has treated him. But also, maybe he did that for Helen's sake, so she wouldn't nominate him. Chris has done nothing out of order regarding Ashleigh to me. Pav had been staring at Ashleigh, she noticed it also, but it wasn't over-the-top for her to be concerned. But, based on a clip put out today, Chris had been told that Pav had a crush on Ashleigh by the outside--perhaps Danielle, Matt, or even Bianca, he didn't say. There was nothing wrong with Chris pointing out to Pav that it appeared he was staring, just bc they didn't show that, doesn't mean it didn't happen. And also on the clip, Chris addressed that he did not have a crush on Ashleigh, but he understood how it might be construed that way. These things are so minute to me, they don't tell me Chris is having a meltdown, it shows me he is showing emotions (for whatever reason) and caring about a friend, some people are like that. I don't see the issue, I see a fabricated issue via BB, but no real issue at all. Although BB did put out that clip today, but they might not show it on the highlights, like they did with Mark. I just don't see anything so outrageous that Chris has said or done.
| Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 9:32 pm
I guess I don't see what others are seeing. Pav does have a creepy stare. Chris has been close to Ashleigh for a long time and he feels very protective towards her. He wanted to nip anything in the bud before Ashleigh is embarrassed. Good call on the Caleb comparison. As to Chris breaking down, he has been an outcast and alone for a long time. To have someone actually talk to him had to be a big relief. How long can one go with very few human interactions. He also knows that if he gets queen Helen's approval, he's part of the group.
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 12:03 am
Some HMs mention that Zoe may have an unfair advantage by being a Reality TV vet. Wonder if any of them know about Mark history on reality TV?
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 8:09 am
They mentioned that on BOTS. Very good point, and one I'm sure Mark is quick to ignore. He did mention trying out for X Factor but I haven't heard him talk about the other one at all.
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 8:37 am
I think the difference is that Zoe is well-known and may have a following, whereas Mark has had very limited exposure. I saw him on Shipwrecked and didn't recognise him until someone brought it up.
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 9:23 am
And thus far there haven't been any reaction shots from Ashleigh in response to the attention Chris has paid her. I think she's a sharp enough woman to intuit anything out of the ordinary coming from Chris, i.e., I can totally hear her sharing with the others (Christoper especially): "Chris is giving me the creeps - he's changed - he's behaving really diffetently from before." Etc., etc. If anything, I think she views him as being protective of her. Just my opinion - I'm with the folks who think he's being protective of her. 
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 3:46 pm
The producers are pushing Chris, they want him out next. Do you think the UK audience is aware of how they target people and use character assignation in the editing and on BOTS?
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 3:49 pm
Also, does anyone remember Chris basically came "out" in the beginning of the season?
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 4:11 pm
I finished watching the BOTS show and you're right, they definitely influence the public with their comments, however I do like Emma's sense of humour, she has a cute way to make fun of the most outrageous clips of the housemates, but some of the panel I find are too harsh on them. It was nice to see Steven again, he definitely made it fun for me to follow this BB, and I can't believe he's only 23, he looks older and is as always such a good speaker. I liked the guy who said... "the mask is slipping..." or something like that, I think referring to Ashleigh or someone else, it's true, whatever they want to act sometimes their true colours show up... Chris is still in a jam about over protecting Ashleigh when obviously the girl needs no protecting whatsoever and Chris knows that full well, as Steven said, it's only strategy by Chris, he's playing the game and I would like him to stay just to see how far he goes... Those questions seemed to have rubbed Mark the wrong way. Christopher is also only 23, but seems to me more mature then the lot of them there... I hope he keeps standing up for himself and Ashleigh to put the mask back on properly or Winston will steal the game from right under her nose.
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 5:11 pm
Just watching the show now... wow I loved the question mark task. Ouch! It didn't do Zoe any favours, or Mark! Yes, Mamajenn, I think the audience is well aware that BB manipulates the viewers via what they show. The trouble is, with no live feeds, what else do you have to form your opinions on but what they show you?
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 7:54 pm
Just watched tonight's BOTS. I didn't think it was possible for me to dislike Steven even more but tonight he made it happen. His attempt to get revenge on Chris for his eviction by targeting him tonight was unbearable. Kind of surprised that neither Emma or one of the other BOTS panelists called him out on his 'bitterness' like they have done before with Danielle & Matthew. Hopefully the GBP doesn't follow Kim's lead by doing whatever the controlling Steven wishes. I read on DS that Steven & his shameless mother are waging a twitter campaign to oust Chris this week. Anyone know if this is true? BTW, got to love the crazy UK tabloids as they have an 'explanation' for Kimberly's exit from the BBUK house: P.S. to show how far Steven's bitterness extends, just look how his views differ from the GBP: Steven is the textbook example of a 'bitter party of one'.