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| Monday, July 14, 2014 - 3:59 pm
I don't understand why they can't wait to show Danielle's pics and laugh when Marlon says she's a virgin, but never discuss what Helen used to do. Kim has been a playboy model..don't see pics of her being shown every time someone is evicted. It's entirely possible for Danielle to be a virgin who isn't around a lot of vulgar language. Just because you pose for risqué pictures does not mean you've had sex. A job is a job. Personal is personal. I don't know if I could call Danielle a hypocrite if she doesn't swear and is a virgin; hence the vulgar sex talk bothered her. I do think her 'profession' is odd considering, but I just don't think it's right to keep showing her picture when she's not there to say what is being said/done when the pics are being taken. She does seem to have let her hair down somewhat, which is what she needed to do to blend with the other HG's. Having said that, don't see her and Biannca, Miss line 'em up for sex, becoming close friends, lol. On yesterday's show Ash/Helen were talking and Helen begged Ash not to google her when they got out of the house. He said they were tight so he had no need to. You know he's going to be curious now and will google her.
| Monday, July 14, 2014 - 4:09 pm
But we've heard Danielle's foul mouth during the show. And we know she's happy with Winston stripping for her and writing her a graphic poem, yet Ash makes a comment and she thinks he's nasty. Housemates have said she's performed fellatio on vegetables in from of them, yet she says she doesn't like sex talk. It's not what she does, it's the hypocracy of saying one thing and doing another that's the story. Helen (except for that time with Kim) hasn't been judgemental over others being sexual, and Kimberly hasn't been judgemental. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and Helen and Kimberly at least have the sense to not throw stones, Danielle doesn't.
| Monday, July 14, 2014 - 6:53 pm
I guess that makes sense, Kitt, but I would wager she's still a virgin and it blows me away that because she posed for those pics (which isn't a good thing) everyone @ BOTS automatically thinks she can't be a virgin. (Had to laugh @ why Marlon picked her for that particular part of his question, though.) At the beginning of the show, it wasn't just sex talk, it was pretty rough, wasn't it? I think she's fine with them now. Interesting that Ashleigh/Helen supposedly made up, but Helen still nommed her. I think she's a bit afraid/jealous of her. Sounds like the truce may be off and Jale wasn't correct if Kim/Helen are hanging with Biannca, whom I wish the audience would boot.'s Ash she goes after. I'm a Not super impressed with any of the new HG's. I'd have to say Zoe is my fav at this time.
| Monday, July 14, 2014 - 7:06 pm
Yeah that first week she overreacted to everything, and that's what made me not like her. It seemed like she was playing the part she thought she was meant to play (and as she knows that guy from last season I think it likely he'd told her to do that). Now she's not so bad. I want Biannca to go too, so far. Zoe seems ok, we didn't see much of Pav, but Biannca's just too over the top for me. I think there's a chance the viewers might want to keep her though.
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 3:07 am
I think BB has "jumped the shark" I read that Winston told the new girl that he was a "gentleman" & not that kind of guy - lol.
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 10:14 am
I think she thought Winston was hers and they would be the big story. I hope he can continue to resist her charms. I know we've only seen a few minutes of her, but she seems like a hyped up version of Charlotte from Geordie Shore (the one on a recent CBB). Will say anything and do anything on camera. She's going to have to show a lot of heart if she thinks it will get her anywhere, at least with Charlotte she realised it wasn't doing herself any favours and calmed down pretty quickly. Maybe this girl will too. And after just calling Biannca a girl, reminds me, does it bug anyone that Danielle refers to the men as "nice boys?" I know it's probably a local language kind of thing, but I keep telling her they're men not boys, yet she doesn't listen to me ;).
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 2:05 pm
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 2:50 pm
Danielle said she was a glamor model going in, so I don't know why BB wants us to believe it's a big surprise she has topless pictures out. Also, there is a video going around with Danielle in a recent documentary about webcam girls, linked below. I think Danielle's persona is a character she plays. And in the house, the character is a strict religious girl coming out of her shell, hence the smoking, the drinking, etc. It is a game, Danielle's trying to win, but that doesn't mean the public will buy into this persona. And for me, I think it's just a character she's playing and not who she really is. I think the only people who have been affected by armageddon week, are the viewers. BB has taken away the public vote, twice now, what fun is that. The HMs voted out Marlon bc of a stupid reason, I don't think the public would have done the same. BB really should have left it up to the public and they had a week to do just that. Now the three new HMs have all the power, they can vote out whomever they choose and it could be a fan favorite, I don't think that's right at all. This really might be the end of BB, it's now entered into the no fun zone. I didn't like what Marlon had said about Kim and women in general and I equally don't like what Bianca has said to and about Winston; she crossed a line and I don't think it's funny or okay. I hope she goes Friday. I found the whole documentary at the link below, Danielle comes in around 18:20.
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 3:17 pm
What the heck were they smoking? Looked like a joint... is that because they can't have cigarettes? The look of the house is becoming too gross and not very pleasant to watch, I wish they would clean it up.. but I guess we have to wait till this Armaggeddon ends. I agree with Stormie, the past eviction and the next one are not fair compared to previous ones where the public decided. I guess even in the UK BB is the boss and decides what to do. I knew Chris would be against the intruders but he's got to be careful because the 3 may be listening on their DR comments, however, Danielle seems to be the target, since Zoe explained to the other 2 that she clearly did not show any enthusiasm for their arrival. Bianca seems such an invading woman that her advances on Winston may backfire on her and the public may boot her... The fellow seems a bit of a surprise to me, in the sense that he wears that head cover I suppose for religion purposes (do you know?) and you'd think he would refrain from foul language but he's just as bad as the other guys. You either conform to your religion in every way or discard that head piece... I couldn't stand that kind of hypocrisy.
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 3:44 pm
There are a lot of young Sikhs in the UK who live a somewhat modest(word?) life and conform to tradition (like the turbans) to show respect to their family without really fully embracing all the limitations of their religion (I'm hoping my wording here isn't offensive to anyone). Basically he probably lives a similar life to every other nice guy his age but there are certain things he wouldn't do because of respect for his family and religion, like remove his turban. Plus Sikhism is one of the more easygoing religions anyway. (There are also young Muslims in the UK who live a similar life, despite it being seen as a quite extreme religion here. It's only the recent influx of Muslims from the middle east who have started up the extreme mosques, many of the old ones (and there have been large Muslim communities in the UK for decades) are very liberal and welcoming to all.)
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 3:51 pm
Interesting... this week's viewer vote is a vote to SAVE, not evict. They really don't want Biannca to go!
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 4:23 pm
Thanks Kitt, that's a very reasonable explanation you just gave me on those Sikhs in the UK, it just that I felt he was wearing the turban because he believed in his religion, but if he's doing it to show respect to his family he doesn't understand that his family may not appreciate those f words in every 2 words... Anyway, I understood a bit better his situation thanks to you. I really love watching on VLC, do you know if BB Australia can also be viewed live on VLC? Or any suggestion for any other oversea tv...
| Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 5:50 pm
I'm sure he understands that swearing is going to upset his parents, like I expect Catholic Danielle's using "God and "Jesus" as swear words upsets her parents. You do what you can to respect other people and then you draw your own limits on how much you will accommodate them. I like Pav from what I've seen, but I expect with a vote to save he'll be gone on Friday. The people who like Biannca will save her and ... forgotten her name, the other female seems lively enough to prompt people to vote for her. I think Pav will be forgotten in a vote to save.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 12:50 am
I think the producers want Danielle out next. There was a task where the old HMs had to guess if a scenario were true, one was about Danielle's webcam documentary; there is no way this was all by chance. The producers don't seem to recognize that it looks like they are trying to deceive the viewers, not the HMs. I don't care if Danielle has a character or not, oddly so, bc I could not stand Dexter, who was nothing but character after character. I wonder if they have new producers who've never seen the show, it seems that way to me, or maybe the new producer is Dexter himself.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 1:17 am
Just to add, there was a question about Steven saying that he 'would have sex in the house if it would help him win.' He played it off, didn't remember, but ended up saying it was true to a degree; I don't think any HM was shocked. And then a question about Jale saying Ash egged Helen's rants on, Helen is likely still ranting about that one. This pic is from yesterday's show, via Toya, Jale, Matt

| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 10:28 am
I miss Jale! And Matthew, too - they left way too soon. Toya, I was glad to see go. On the Bit on the Side show the other night, Toya was going on about the "weave" of either Biannca or Zoe, which produced a big laugh from the audience. I'm not familiar with this term - was Toya criticizing the hairstyle, i.e., old-fashioned? messy? other?
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 10:39 am
It took me a while to parse that photo, what was Jale doing with Toya? Then I remembered she was evicted! Uncle Ricky, Biannca's hair looked a bit fake when she came in, and a weave is a kind of hair piece that you sew(?) into your hair to make it look fuller or longer, so Toya was saying Biannca had a weave and it was bad.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 11:15 am
Ahhhh - interesting. Thank you, Kitt, for the explanation. What a hassle that must be to maintain! 
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 12:55 pm
I've been in the UK for the last week and thoroughly enjoying their BB! I would love to see a surprise eviction on the US BB.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 3:03 pm
I haven't watched yesterday's show yet, but just finished today's show and the three new HG's are talking about booting Kim. That would be awesome. Once again, they are telling the regular HG's, especially Helen, that Danielle is not what she seems. Stormie, I don't know if Danielle is playing a 'character' or not; however, because of how BB is portraying her, the new HG's are acting like she is really a sleaze and I don't believe that to be the case. Funny they aren't telling anyone about Helen's previous life. Maybe BB does want Danielle out, but why? They are using her, not vice versa. As I stated before her being a conservative Catholic girl is not what you would think a "Glamour Model" would be, but that very well could be her. One of the gals flashes her boobs in tonight's show. I think it was Biannca. Wow, this gal has absolutely no boundaries. Should be interesting.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 3:05 pm
I'm thinking the BBUK producers were toying with us on tonight's episode making us think the 3 new HMs are deciding between Steven and Kimberly to evict on Friday. So I think it's pretty well a done deal that Danielle will go on Friday. Who will will Rylan and the BB producers make their new target when Danielle is gone?
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 3:18 pm
Flashing those boobs may not scandalize the Brits but it is certainly something 'new' for us used to the US where they usually blur any accidental nudity... However, I feel that if she pushes the envelop too far the public may get tired and boot her. Who knows how these Brits really feel about Bianca. Zoe seems a bit more average and the Brits may keep Pav just to even up the number if another girl leaves on Friday. I get it now, that they're rolling their own cigs but they sure looked like joints to me... I like them more without make up, 'au naturel', Ashleigh looks more her age, however I'm tired of the Armaggeddon look, everything looks so dirty and I feel like scrubbing the whole place... I wonder how Winston can still keep his mop of hair so nice and styled... The newcomers feel the power, however, they should also strategize their eviction because they'll come after them next...
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 3:43 pm
I'm 99.99% sure that Pav is a goner on Friday. Zoey should be safe since she is a real celebrity or what passes as real celebrity in the UK. I'm thinking Biannca's over-the-top 'personality' gives hope to both of the public factions that are voting. It appeals to the pro-Helen vote as she's being shown as a potential ally for Helen and Biannca's over-to-top actions make Helen look tame in comparison which helps BBUK's effort to 'redeem' Helen for a vote to win at the final. Biannca also appeals to the anti-Helen voters as there is hope she can stand up to Helen and there's hope of a Helen & Biannca catfight maybe over Ash to force BBUK to remove Helen's free pass to the final. If it was a vote to evict, Pav might have a chance to survive Friday but since it's a vote to save, Pav has no chance as he's getting little airtime and he's being shown or portrayed as boring. The audience & 'experts' on BOTS have panned him this week so I don't expect many to make the effort to vote to save him.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 3:46 pm
I hope you enjoyed your trip, Katbee! Are you going to continue watching now you're back? Just ask if you need to know where to find the show. I'm not caught up yet today.
| Wednesday, July 16, 2014 - 6:09 pm
I think Pav is doomed too. Zoe's nice, Biannca seems fun despite the craziness, and Pav's hardly been seen. The main hms have realised that the newbies are watching them and that they will choose who goes. Looking at Digital Spy.... they are disputing Danielle's not "just prancing around in undies and showing my lady off" with photographic evidence. Warning only click on the link if you want to see quite a lot of Danielle and her lady...