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| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 4:10 pm
So you can see that Marlon was right to push the button, it's obvious they sacrificed Jale to keep Ashleigh but with Marlon there he would have gone, he had the right sixth sense, although it will be short lived because his eviction will be sooner than later. I guess there will be someone new to shake things up in the house, I don't mind those in there already, it's a good mix now, except Marlon and Chris who I found boring to watch. Holy cow! The brits aren't too prude these days, eh? Graphic or non graphic that's the show they got tonight and you think anybody was voting at that moment??? I don't think so...too busy watching the shagging... oh my!
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 5:47 pm
Steven gives me the creeps. He's only known Kimberly four weeks but he's never going to leave her. Ever. Ever. Kimberly needs to run run away! Not sure if she mentioned it before but if so I missed it, but she told Helen she can't show emotion and she'll tell her outside the house why but not inside. Hmmm, what a couple. I think it's a shame Jale went. She's an interesting character with good sides and bad. I don't really see the point of keeping Ashleigh in just for the drama. Interesting Monday then!! I will do the schedule for next week...
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 6:00 pm
Live tv schedule for the coming week, times Pacific. Looks like the times are normal despite the Armageddon theme. Sat Jul12 1-2pm BB Sat Jul12 4-5pm Bit On The Psych <---late Sun Jul13 1-2pm BB Mon Jul14 2-3pm BB: Armgeddon - Day One Emma Willis presents a special live show marking the beginning of Armageddon Week, five days of disruption in the Big Brother house. It kicks off with the housemates nominating face to face - and the one with the most votes being kicked out immediately by his or her fellow residents. But that's just for starters as the remaining 10 will then be joined by three new housemates on a mission to stir things up. Mon Jul14 3-4pm BOTS Tue Jul15 2-3pm BB: Armageddon - Day Two Highlights of Monday's action in the house, as things are turned upside down by the introduction of the Armageddon theme - and as the housemates nominate face to face, one of them ends up leaving much earlier than expected. Tue Jul15 3-4pm BOTS Wed Jul16 2-3pm BB: Armageddon - Day Three The pick of the previous day's highlights as the housemates begin this week's shopping task, another two-day challenge that will determine whether they get a luxury food budget or basic rations for the next six or seven days. Wed Jul16 3-4pm BOTS Thu Jul17 2-3pm BB: Armageddon - Day Four A chance to catch up with the latest action as the housemates discover if they have passed the shopping task. Plus, the usual array of diary-room confessionals, domestic dramas and off-kilter challenges. Thu Jul17 3-4pm BOTS Fri Jul18 1-2.35pm BB: Live Eviction Fri Jul18 2.35-3.35pm BOTS Sat Jul19 1-2pm BB Sat Jul19 3-4pm Bit On The Psych Sun Jul20 1-2pm BB
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 6:07 pm
Who does everyone think will be kicked out Monday then? Ashleigh got the most noms by far this last week. I'm guessing they won't know their noms cause the eviction, so they will try to be tactical with what the public want, and maybe they might choose someone else, like Marlon. Also, what if it's a tie?!
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 10:10 pm
It'll be pure BS if the BBUK producers evict a HM using a strict HMs decide who goes. What happened to the "great British public" decides who goes home? The UK viewing public won't be happy if it's one of their favorites who gets booted..... ...unless Monday's eviction is a 'fake' eviction (like we saw with Ben on BBAU last season) and the 'evictee' goes to a separate room for a day where they can observe the HMs on video until he/she returns to the house. This could be the case as according to a UK BBUK forum Channel 5 is NOT offering any tickets to the public for an eviction. My choice for the three people entering the house (they were called the Intruders on BBAU) would be: 1.) The other call girl that teamed with Helen for the Wayne Rooney threesome 2.) Kimberly's BF "Sasha" 3.) Steven's GF "Michelle Liddiard" who he & his family keep denying he was recently involved with even though she's posted texts from him as recently as just before he entered the BB House. BTW, has there even been a creepier HM than Steven? He's the biggest game player in this year's cast. He's worse than the sleaziest used car salesman out there. You just know he's going to drop Kim like a hot potato as soon as he can sell some stories to the British scandal papers/magazines. No sane person interested in a REAL long-term relationship would pressure and embarrass their partner to have live sex on national TV. He's a fame you-know-what.
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 10:55 pm
I think it will be a real eviction, the lack of audience is probably so as to catch the hms completely unaware. With an audience they would either hear them or hear the piped in cover-up noise, but they would know someone's going in or out. Kimberly's bf would be a crazy addition. Not sure I like stunt casting though.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 12:43 am
I'm sad my prediction about Jale came true. 
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 1:25 am
I have seen a rumor that the three going in are all rivals of housemates. Helen's threesome partner Jenny Thompson, Brad the lad Long and Kimberly's "boyfriend" Sasha Freemind.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 8:23 am
I'm sad your prediction about Jale came true, too Uncle_ricky! LOL. I think Marlon will get the most votes in face to face norms because the reason will be an easy one to give out loud and they will have no idea that person will leave immediately. If Kim's boyfriend Sasha is coming into the house (per the rumors) - we are in for a nasty week!
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 11:56 am
Emma introduces Armageddon Week two minute video where Emma gives out some info on what's coming this week.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 12:34 pm
Ooo thanks Jbw. She says it's not going to be as simple as one out, three in, so I wonder if we will be voting or they will be competing for which of the three to stay or go. She also said a twist on Friday, which could be one of them going.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 1:35 pm
Boy is Steven a creepy control freak. Demanding to do her eyebrows? I hope if the Kimberly/Steven relationship is for real it doesn't turn into the next Dorothy Stratten/Paul Snider murder/suicide after they eventually break up.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 1:46 pm
Do you think the BB back up team are panicking wondering what they've done??! I can't wait until Bit on the Psych!
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 2:00 pm
no they're just as bad as Allison Grodner as they'll sink to the lowest depths possible if it means higher TV ratings.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 2:42 pm
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 3:01 pm
Loved the part in the end with Danielle in the DR telling Big Brother that she won't tell them anything of her plans as BB isn't to be trusted not to expose her plans to the other HMs. BB deserves this slap for revealing video of Ashleigh's DR conversations about the "Ash plan" to Helen, Kimberly & Jale. The DR is suppose to be the place for the HMs to vent and a way to reveal their true thoughts and plans to the voting public. Not a place for BB to get video ammo to use against them with the other HMs.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 3:11 pm
I'm sorry to see Jale go, I really liked everyone who had been up, so it was a tough decision. Jale did really well in her interviews, though, it's easier to understand why she started speaking to the screaming banshee. And I think the crowd was booing just to boo, although I think the 'get Steven out' seemed real. Jale's eviction wasn't even cold and Helen started trying to manipulate HMs against Ashleigh. Helen has never spoken to Ashleigh, knows nothing about her, yet speaks as if she is an authority on her. Helen reeks of jealousy and hypocrisy. During the girl power task, Jale, Kim and Helen spoke of swaying Danielle and Ashleigh to their way, which they thought would be easy, but in seeing the video they discovered they could not control them and became angry, particularly Helen and Kim. Helen is still riding that train, as if she found out something to use against Ashleigh, but the only people who speak of Ashleigh's age or that she was sweet--translation maleable-is Helen and Kim. I think Kim and Steven have a fake relationship. Five, six weeks and they are in love, Steven want to marry, it's not real at all to me. Early on Steven was chatting with the guys about how the viewers see the evolution of a relationship, it looks to me that is what they are both trying to do. Kim's not stupid, I think she wants the magazine deals the same as Steven. I love the changes in tasks, something dramatic, but I don't like the voting taken out of the public's hands, that's not BBUK. If someone left to a secret room, that would be great, but BB has not said that is what's happening. In that respect, I don't like this task. I can see either Ashleigh or Marlon leaving, which would be a shame, as I'd rather see Steven go. I think most of the HMs have been horrible to Marlon, I think he did the right thing, it's a game. I'm glad Ashleigh, Danielle, Chris, even Mark and Christopher I think, have been there for him, I wish they would all vote to evict Steven, there's enough of them to do that. I don't know how I feel about the three new people possibly being adversaries to the HMs, bc I don't want to see any more yelling. It's too much already, instead of adding to it, I'd rather they change things up to make it a less hostile and negative environment. We'll see. ETA: I agree with you Jbw, BB deserved that, I'm glad Danielle said something too.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 4:08 pm
I think we might see a HM really going home on Monday. Then the three enter and observe and maybe join the cast with immunity for the week. The three, and only the three, then on Tuesday/Wednesday nominate the other HMs for eviction this Friday. Someone goes home Friday and then the HMs or the voting British public get to chose ONE of the three "intruders" to stay in the house with a one week immunity from nomination.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 8:36 pm
We don't know if the three will just be there for the one show or not.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 10:23 pm
I don't think they all should have reacted like they did to Marlon pushing the safety button and draining the battery unless they were going to come down on everyone else in the task who took the offers and drained the battery. But they seem to be hypocrites. Mark said he would never make all the others be on basic rations but that's exactly what he did when he got his beauty treatment and spray tan.The same with everyone else in the task.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 10:28 pm
I heard an interesting theory on why the regular BB Show and BOTS seem to portray Ashleigh, Danielle and Kimberly almost always in a negative light. Those three are not from England. Ashleigh's from Northern Ireland, Danielle is from Scotland and Kimberly's American. Christopher also seems to get considerably more negative than positive clips and he's from Northern Ireland too. Is it true only HMs from England (not the UK but England) have won BBUK as the British public votes for 'one of their own' at the end rather than from another UK country or America?
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 11:00 pm
Nah, I think that theory's a bit off. There may be some resistance to American winners but most of the metropolitan areas of the UK are really mixed with nationalities, particularly Irish and Northern Irish, and a lot of them will be voting too. And remember Nadia won, I can't remember where she was from but it wasn't England, Greece maybe? And Cameron won and he's Scottish. Sam from last year was Welsh, as was the nice but some said boring Rachel Rice. Ok, have to look it up... BB1 winner Craig Phillips (English) BB2 Brian Dowling (Irish) BB3 Kate Lawler (English) BB4 Cameron Stout (Scottish) BB5 Nadia Almada (Portugese) BB6 Anthony Hutton (English) .... got bored, but the BOTS person was definitely mistaken
| Sunday, July 13, 2014 - 12:01 am
Thank you so much for the schedule, Kitt. I'm thinking Marlon may get a lot of noms and be evicted. Heh, heh, he only saved himself for a couple of days. At least, I hope that's how it goes so Ashleigh doesn't go on Monday. With Jale going, that's one less vote against 'the outsiders' most of whom I like. Too bad it's only half-way through the show. I was hoping it was close enough to the finals to let Helen be up for eviction. On the one hand it would be absolutely awesome for her to get nommed and evicted on the same day, but on the other hand if they are sending in her rival, that may be interesting to watch as well. Re winners, I thought Kimberly might be the first American winner, but she is just too vacant and lifeless to win. Who is a rival of Brad the lad Long?
| Sunday, July 13, 2014 - 2:20 am
Here is the article my husband found:
| Sunday, July 13, 2014 - 6:38 am
If those three are going in, Amy, I think it's dreadful.