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| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 6:14 am
Well I guess I jinxed myself by saying I wanted Marlon gone, LOL! It was a great way to end the shopping task, and not a bit of surprise that Marlon jumped on the chance to save himself! At least he gets some attention now. It was sweet that a few of them checked with Ashleigh to buzz in and save herself. Flagg- I think that, too - every time BB shows DR sessions - that no one will speak openly again, but then I think they forget it as quickly as it happens and go back to being comfortable in there. They're so used to the DR being their safe haven now - and it's all they get! Steven's mother called in to BBOTS last night and she said she met Kim's boyfriend who introduced himself by saying Kim is his girlfriend. I'm thinking he did not know they were on a "break"!!! Can anyone help me place the male panelist from BBOTS last night - the dark haied cute guy - a singer I think. My memory is gone this am - I think his last name is Adams. Did they say he was on BB once? I don't remember him and he's just too cute too forget!
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 5:34 pm
An interview with Steven that is unbelievable! Pathetic. I can't get over all those hypocrites going after Marlon. None of them hesitated to drain the battery. It's not like they're going to starve.
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 5:47 pm
Rumors are going around that Armageddon week is going to be tied in somehow to the movie Dawn of the Planet of the Apes- there's been ads promoting the movie with the BB eye digitally inserted, and the movie opens in the UK on the 17th...
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 6:16 pm There is a twitter move going on to save Ashleigh this week and boot Jale. It's called #KEEPASHLEIGHIN and I hope it works. Jale won't be expecting it. It's another effort to weaken Helen who just won't stop attacking people. Wilson, do you think they will be bringing any players back in the house during this Armageddon week?
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 7:19 pm
Imposing Armageddon on them seems a little pointless seeing as it's already one of the most confrontational BBs. I wonder how high tech it will be, whether they will be wearing stupid ape costumes or whether it will be a more realistic ape tie-in. I also think the attacks on Marlon are a bit much. The others took prizes, why shouldn't he? I think it does say something about the way he plays the game (as a game more than an experience, which is often frowned upon) but I don't think it's such a big deal. Emma kept saying that the others gave up something to get their prizes, did they air that? I missed it if they aired it. Sarasmile, the good looking guy is Ben Adams from boy band A1. Apparently he was in CBB 2009 (the one with Coolio and LaToya Jackson, Verne Troyer). He didn't stand out for me then either.
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 7:24 pm
I'd rather Ashleigh out that Jale out. I think Ashleigh overplayed her hand with the really extreme attacks, but I agree they were no worse than Helen, and in many ways better. Jale's an odd one. She's extremely reasonable in some ways but when something clicks her switch she sees things only entirely from one side, and you have to go along with it or be railroaded. I think she's an interesting housemate. If someone were to go instead or Ashleigh I might even go for Chris. As a friend I think he'd be my favourite, but he is rather a wet blanket in the house, he likes to appease. I think he has his own mind but finds it easier not to confront anyone, features that make for a peaceful life (and something I'm quite prone to myself) but not that entertaining on BB.
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 7:37 pm
Kitt, I like Chris better in the game than Jale. When Chris says something, it goes over some of their heads and I love that. He knows these people well and realizes some of them just aren't worth an argument. Jale is definitely playing the game hard. I want to see how she deals with leaving as well as see how Helen/Kim view it. I'll be curious if Kim distances herself from Helen and finally 'gets' those close to Helen can end up going. Hasn't Kim pretty much cut herself off from Ashleigh/Danielle or no?
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 8:18 pm
Whether or not Kimberly has a boyfriend on the outside is immaterial. There is supposed to be NO OUTSIDE CONTACT, so if she decides to lie about it and pulls it off, that should be it. Having an outside message telling Steven the alleged truth just ruins the entire Big Brother concept.
| Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 8:32 pm
Thanks Kitt! I just don't remember him!
| Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 2:28 pm
Theyre all a bit pathetic how they have turned on Marlon for such a minor thing. One stupid decision and they all turn on him and dump what they previously claimed was such a good friend. Chris is the only one thinking rationally. like he said, its a game show
| Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 2:47 pm
I guess I'm confused about this week's task in that did they know when the battery was drained, they'd lose the task? I ask this because Mark took 20% to have beauty treatment and Winston/Christopher took 20% to ask questions on social media. After all this, Jale must go. Let's see what the house says then, since they are so very sure Ashleigh is going. Ughh! It seemed like the task was to drain it. Wasn't there only 15% left when Marlon took immunity? If the others hadn't wasted the battery on minor things, would there still have been battery life left after the immunity task? All in all, this may have been a good lesson for Marlon to learn. ETA: Best and funniest thing Helen has done all season when she hit her head (actually lip I guess) on the bed snooping on Steven/Kim. Hysterical. Watching Ash trying not to laugh out loud was so comical as well.
| Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 3:33 pm
No question that was the funniest thing Helen has done and, to me, it was the funniest thing any of them have done - totally laughed my head off! 
| Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 4:10 pm
They seem to have all agreed that they could drain it as long as there was some left so they would not fail. Marlon drained the last of it, and he did so without any discussion with the others and as quickly as possible before somebody else could take the immunity. I guess that's what bothered them. It is a bit childish for them to still be dwelling on it and moaning about it long after the fact. Its done get over it. Its a game. is it worth shunning a friend over?
| Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 7:48 pm
Well, at least now Marlon can say he was the centre of attention for at least a day. I think he did what he had to do to stay another week because I believe the Brits would have jumped on the opportunity to get rid of a boring housemate like Marlon and keep Ashleigh, but if rumors are right and they do want to keep Ashleigh then I think either Jale or Cris are toast on Friday. By keeping Ashleigh I think those who were saying the UK BB likes to keep the controversial ones were right, I start to believe they want to get rid of the boring ones, and this is why Big Brother made sure Helen got that pass to final. Still no one has mentioned (not even Helen) that whoever goes to final with her will win and so they should be happy to keep her around. Too bad that she won't experience the fear of eviction and the happiness of being saved for another week as someone in the house mentioned. Kimberly needs to make up her mind, either stay with Steven or snap out of it... makes you wonder why her outside relationship was on a break.. she's a candle in the wind. That last scene was really funny with Helen sneaking up on Steven, what a way to freeze him up...
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 11:37 am
I have a horrible feeling Jale is going to get the boot tonight. Hope I'm wrong! I'm basing that on both Chris and Christopher appearing to be popular enough with the voters to hang on, while Ashleigh might avoid eviction votes because the public will want her to stay to be an ongoing fly in Helen's ointment. Jale's my favorite, so I'll hate to see her go. 
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 1:02 pm
Nice warning before tonights episode!
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 1:33 pm
The two housemates that are safe are Chris and Christopher.
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 1:34 pm
Chris and Christopher are safe. It's between Jale and Ashleigh. I hope Ashleigh stays. Jale actually got a lot of boos mixed in with less than the usula amount of cheers for her
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 1:40 pm
Interesting news- a HM will be evicted on Monday US-style. The HM's will nominate face-to-face, but and the one with the most nominations will immediately be evicted.
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 1:49 pm
Where did you find that out Wilsonatmd? Wonder if everyone will be up for nominations since people don't ever get to nominate Jale because of her killer nomination and will Helen's pass be null for this?
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 2:07 pm
Jale has been evicted.
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 2:07 pm
Jale evicted. Ashleigh looks very surprised
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 2:27 pm
three new housemates will be going in after mondays surprise eviction
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 2:27 pm
live show monday when 1 housemate will be evicted, and 3 new ones will be going in
| Friday, July 11, 2014 - 3:56 pm
Wow, will the housemate to be evicted be chosen? Did they say? Cannot wait until Monday. I'm going to doublecheck the schedule in case it starts earlier like today's show. Totally forgot it was Friday - eviction day and didn't start watching until right after Jale was evicted. So happy Asleigh is still in the house. What was even better is that I read the audience chanted "Get Steven Out" in the 2nd part of the eviction show. He just has to get nominated this week. One weird dude is he. Will we be told who the three new HG's are going to be? It was interesting how Jale's attitude toward Helen changed from her interview with Emma to her discussion on BOTS. Seems she may have learned just how much Helen is disliked by the audience between the shows. When will these HG's finally 'get' that everyone who hangs with Helen is being evicted (except Matthew) so hang with her at your own risk. I think Jale might still be surprised when she watches the show and sees all the bad things Helen said about her.