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| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 2:16 pm
They did save them yesterday afternoon real time, but today's show is giving us what happened yesterday before the final vote. Later in the show we should see the internet clip they had online yesterday. Interesting reaction by Marlon. Wonder what's going on there. Also Helen's reaction to Chris. Skeletons.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 2:29 pm
Oh, okay, Kitt, on today's show they are showing how they came to the decision and Chris is the first one saved. Jale seems to have found her voice. She was a vote against saving Chris. She is playing the game. Pauline did her a huge favor by picking on her. Put Jale just where she wanted to be. Ash before the girls when asked he thought he was a negative person: "When I'm around negative people I can become negative." Umm, why in the world does he hang with Helen non-stop then? I think he was talking about Ashleigh & Danielle, but Helen is always upset about something and turns everything negative. They've carried this task out way too long. This has been the most boring week of shows so far in BB UK Power Play.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 2:40 pm
They do seem to realise that with Marlon saved it's Matthew vs Ash, with the other three up (Christopher, Mark, Winston) most likely getting very few votes to evict. I feared for a while it hadn't quite dawned on them that if they saved all the at-risk ones, one of their not at-risk people had to go. Yeah, an interesting week in some ways but not an entertaining week.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 2:42 pm
They showed the gals making the decision on the screen in the DR. After this finding this out, Jalee goes into a crying fit. Hmmm. Helen says they showed the wrong part; they should have shown the discussion.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 2:45 pm
Big Brother: "Helen is feeling powerless." Wait until Friday, Helen. I actually like Ash better than Stephen or Marlon. Stephen's biting his nails now. Wait until he's on the block, which I hope is tres soon. Oh my gosh...Mark in DR angry they didn't save him because they felt he would be safe. Says he's an 'escape goat.' ROFL! Ash being very nice to Ashleigh & Danielle.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 3:01 pm
Kitt, I wish they'd done the right thing and saved Christopher over Stephen. Hasn't Christopher been up for eviction every week. I'd like to have seen how Kim would have told Stephen to act if he was up against Ash for eviction. I'm thinking Stephen would turn on Ash.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 3:22 pm
"Escape goat" was funny. I didn't understand what Mark wanted, he seemed to want everybody safe but not going to happen! It was a very interesting selection by the girls, if you think about it. I think many/most past BBs they would have gone for the easy option and saved the ones they thought were popular outside (Christopher, Winston, Mark) and put the controversial ones up. This time they tried to actually take control of who was up and limit the nominees to two (plus ones they think safe) they would actually be okay with going. But I also wish they'd saved Christopher over Steven, and Mark over Marlon. I hope the viewers save Matthew, I like him, although as I said, I like many things about Ash too.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 4:47 pm
In addition to attaching himself to the wrong person, Ash had been quite nasty to those who aren't in his inner circle. The only thing wrong with Matthew is that he is a bit odd. I do hope Ash goes. I would have been happy with either Steven or Marlon going, but if they were only putting one of the three up, I'm glad it's Ash.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 7:29 pm
Helen, Kimberly & Jale either didn't realize that saving Steven & Marlon makes it easier for one of 'their group' (Ash) to be evicted on Friday. If all three were still on the block there would have been a chance they would have split the 'anti-cool kid' vote and Matthew would be evicted. Now all the anti-cool kid voters can all vote for Ash making it more likely Matthew survives another week. .....or Kimberly & Jale didn't really care as long as their favorite guy (Kim - Steven, Jale - Marlon) was saved. Good job Ashleigh!
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 8:28 pm
I think they were resigned to one of the "cool" guys going home, as they couldn't save them all without looking bad to the viewers by putting up all the viewers' favourites.
| Tuesday, July 01, 2014 - 8:28 pm
Im seriously starting to dislike Ashleigh. Its unfortunate that when she finally starts to actually talk and get airtime, its all negative and b**chy.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 3:56 am
I'm the opposite, I'm really starting to like Ashleigh. I am glad she decided to try to get Ash out, she made a plan and stuck to it. But, like she said, there could be other twists, so, you never know what's going to happen. I'm still on the fence about Danielle, thanks for the smoking info, but even with that, I still am unsure about her. I'm now also unsure about Jale, what was the weeping over Marlon, she's just, I don't know, maybe acclimating in a sense. If the boys have the power next week, I hope Helen goes, like someone above mentioned, but if Ash stays, I don't think that will happen, or maybe the free pass might be in effect, so she'd stay anyway. It's a long way to Friday, I think BB will give the noms another chance to be saved, if that happens I bet Ash will be saved and Matt will go, yikes.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 9:19 am
Have they started to give out the numbers to call? Once they do that, they pretty much can't change the nominations. I kind of like the new Ashleigh. She is just as opinionated as Helen, but so far hasn't been nasty in the same way as Helen. She doesn't attack others' looks or weight or personality. She doesn't have a "crew" to join her moaning. My jury is out on whether I truly like her or am just happy that she managed to outwit Helen.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 12:01 pm
Yes, they did assign the phone numbers at the end of yesterday's show. I can't see how Ash survives the vote, especially because he persists in clinging to Helen as closely as he does. Gotta love Escape Goat Mark -- he must be a barrel of laughs wherever he goes. And that Ashleigh may be 18 but -- to me -- she certainly acts a lot older. I love that high pony-tail hairstyle of hers, too. Sharon Tate wore a similar style in "Valley of the Dolls" for any of you who remember that camp classic from 1967. 
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 12:21 pm
Ashleigh wants Ash gone to hurt Helen and this is seen by the Brits like a 'mean act' girl and so she shouldn't be that confident he'll go, it could backfire on her and her puppet Danielle. For once I would love for the Brits to vote out someone else just to see her reaction. But among the guys to vote out Ash is the only one the Brits will evict because they still like to keep the others in the house. Why couldn't they just vote different than expected. You can still get Ash out later, just vote differently to mess with Ashleigh. I would.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 1:05 pm
Yeah, I think out of those up, Ash is almost certain to go; if Marlon or Steven were up there it might have been different. I don't like Ashleigh. Unlike with Helen I don't see a better side to her waiting to come out. I'm sure with age she'll get a broader perspective but right now Ashleigh's the one I most dislike. If I were voting I would want to not have Ash out, to show Ashleigh she can't always get her own way, but I wouldn't want him saved at the expense of the others up, so Ash to go it is.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 3:03 pm
Lots of drama today, my stream kept stalling (the vlc one) so I missed quite a bit, then I reloaded it and it was fine... should have done that earlier. I might rewatch.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 4:35 pm
If you find a place to watch, please PM me. My sources have closed Thanks in advance.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 5:28 pm
I don't see that Ashleigh has ever had her way. And I don't see that she wants Ash gone just bc of Helen, it's not like Ash is a nice guy being harmed, he has already shown himself to be just as nasty as Helen, without the drunken rants. Like Ashleigh said in the dr, he may try to make himself look good this week, but it's just an act, and due to his past behavior, I think she has a point.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 6:23 pm
Message received Kitt. Thank you!!
| Thursday, July 03, 2014 - 11:20 am
It's all really nasty again. I don't know how Helen's going to last much longer without blowing, unless they don't let her have alcohol. For anyone who watches live, remember the show is early today, at 1pm not 2pm PT.
| Thursday, July 03, 2014 - 12:40 pm
Another twist coming up... Starting the 14th they're doing a week of shows nicknamed "BB:Armageddon"- no word on what the twist entails at this point (it's mainly to reinvigorate the show- the 14th is the day after the World Cup ends, which has been hurting the ratings..
| Thursday, July 03, 2014 - 12:49 pm
I love BBUK! First post... I am having a hard time getting into BBUS, I look forward to the daily show and BOTS all day. Sure wish US would take some pointers.
| Thursday, July 03, 2014 - 1:03 pm
It's a bit like Armageddon in there already. Hi Mamajenn! It's a completely different thing to BBUS, isn't it? I don't even consider that BB anymore, just a game show.
| Thursday, July 03, 2014 - 6:35 pm
Welcome Mamajenn! My best comparison of the two shows is this: switching from BBUSA to BBUK is like going from the outhouse to the PENTHOUSE! 