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| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 3:00 pm
What would happen if 79% of the public called in Helen's number?
| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 3:25 pm
lol! I think it would be wrong of them to reverse their "in the house forever" award though, I think it sets a bad precedent (or perhaps the precedent has been set many times before) of them doing something convenient to fix something that didn't work out. I don't see her being able to control herself long term, so I think she might be kicked out eventually.
| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 6:01 pm
| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 6:08 pm
I'm liking Toya again, I'm glad she speaks her mind, especially when Ash, Marlon and Winston went after her at the same time earlier this week. But she shouldn't have to be on alert all the time, I hope she doesn't go this week, so we can see the lighter side she showed when she first went in. I think that this week we see more of Ash's true colors, it's as if he thinks he is entitled to not be nominated, and he doesn't even listen to the reason, he just spins it, but at the same time, no one is obligated to explain themselves to him. I hope Ash goes this week, he's just being so negative and really egging on Helen and her rants, I think with him going, maybe the other's will realize the viewers are tired of that behavior. From maybe yesterday's episode, more of Marlon's true colors have come out, he really speaks very nasty about women. People get told off for making comments about people's race, etc., but when women are targeted in a nasty way, nothing is said. And I'm tired of the excuses, that it's the way lads talk, well, no, it's who Marlon, a grown man, is. The big argument, to me, should have gotten Helen ousted, bc it's not the first time, had BB given her a formal warning the last time, she would be gone and we wouldn't have to listen to her negative rants. I am tired of her, I want her to go. And Winston and Marlon laughing made things much worse. But Ash was just as bad trying to defend her and threaten Matt--Ash needs to go. The bright spots were the karaoke and Mark about his hair. I'm really liking Mark and I thought it took a lot to get him that upset, so hopefully a change will happen this week, where there will be more fun in the house, rather than this negativeness. I was also glad Christopher spoke up to Helen the way Matt did, but the HMs should not have to deal with this on a daily basis.
| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 6:29 pm
Hi guys - would anyone be able to PM me a link for this? Mine got shut down. Thanks so much!
| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 7:26 pm
Well after today's episode and Ash's verbal attacks of Jale, he is now the favorite to be evicted. It funny that what prompted his behavior that may get him evicted was his own choce to see who nominated him
| Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 7:49 pm
Toya has been wise to stand back from the action and let the others shine/self-destruct. I think I still want her to go, as she'll go back to her old behaviour once she's off the block, but I'd be happy if Ash or Marlon went instead. Ash is beginning to remind me a lot of Jay or Conor, and that's not a good thing.
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 7:36 am
I understand Big Brother's formal warning to Helen but it seems to me a bit hypocrite in the sense that they do air all of it for the audience and they must know that they air it to make the show a bit tense and so attracts more viewers, at one point I even felt it was staged so (we're used to controversy with BB US and so here's another one). Compare what Helen is doing for the show to what Ashleigh is doing for the show, or Danielle for that matter, they're totally boring to me. Why evict Ash because of Helen? Seems to me unnecessary at this point, Toya can stay a bit longer but I would certainly evict Danielle, totally useless and too bad Ashleigh is not on the block, because these two are Toya's puppets and Cris is spending too much time with these three and ends up becoming catty just like the three of them, all they do when they're together is talking bad about Helen. Helen may be a nutcase but there is Danielle and Ashleigh who do nothing for the show. (I'm surprised Steven and Kimberly were almost non existent).
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 8:58 am
I PM'd you Sara Just a reminder to all, our sources for BBUK & BBAU are on their last leg. Please guard them carefully & don't publicly post sources user names, twitter accounts or links. If we lose all our sources then watching live will be the only option left.
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 12:25 pm
There are always other options, just not as convenient as youtube or other web streaming sources. All BB episodes, side shows, a lot of the live feeds, etc eventually show up on usenet as well as other free web download sources.
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 12:42 pm
There is also the Hola plugin.... It is a valid point to not post them publicly, but unfortunately a lot of them post on twitter anyway so they are bound to be shut down eventually.
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 1:58 pm
This is why they are coddling Helen to keep her in there, and probably why she got the pass to finals...
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 4:14 pm
Exactly, Flagg. I posted that in the Spoiler thread yesterday. I'm just going to start posting everything here because that way things run in order and everyone wants to know what's going on. It's all over the internet, so it's already out there. Cannot wait for the person to enter. Supposedly, one of the two new peeps will be the PHM, but they aren't coming in until tomorrow, right? Will the HG's wonder why no PHM was announced tonight..or was one? I have to watch the show later (just got home) but am reading @ DS & here to see what went down today and I guess there was more fighting. Shocker! Got a kick out of this posted by someone @ DS re tonight's show: Quote: Tonights BB is brought to you by the letters S T F and U. Hah! Hah! I guess Mark was on a bit of a tear, eh? I'm seeing people begging for others to call in to evict Ash because of his behavior and because they want to punish Helen. I think BB is taking care of that re your article, Flagg.

| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 4:17 pm
Can someone please send me a link to watch the highlights and bots. Thank you.
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 4:22 pm
Thanks Flagg, I read the article, so unless BB follows on his threat of eviction and kicks Helen out I'll continue to believe BB loves the drama she causes in the house.
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 5:15 pm
I just started yesterday's highlights show. LOL @ the edit to Mark's scream about the hairdryer. Ruh roh... he's going on a rampage. Later...
| Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 7:23 pm
I hope that spoiler's wrong, Flagg. Even though I detest Helen, I think that would really be dirty pool.
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 1:53 am
I've spent the past week and a half catching up on all the 21 episodes that have aired thus far, so if this question has already been raised, please pardon the rerun: Is it common knowledge among the HMs that Helen was the call girl involved in the Wayne Rooney scandal? Helen has spoken about it obliquely, but I've not seen any open conversations about it. Are most of them unaware of her infamous past? My favorite line thus far is Chris declaring (about Helen): "Even when she's nice, she's terrifying!" The tidbit I found most scandalous is Steven's admission that he's never read a book! Maybe it's because I'm a voracious bookworm, but nothing has stunned me more than that. Flabbergasting! Thanks, finally, to all of you for explaining the trials and tribulations of trying to keep up with the show. I can't watch the show live because of the time difference, so I'm a slave to YouTube. I will be bitterly disappointed if I'm not able to watch every single episode that's left in the season. It's been ages since I've seen BBUK and it's absolutely mindboggling how much better it is than BBUSA. Now that BB16 has launched, the massive disparity in the quality of the two shows is instantly evident as we slog through all of the same old boring structure of the USA show.
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 2:34 am
Uncle_ricky, Mark whispered that he recognized Helen but that no one else seemed to know who she was & although he didn't mention any specifics in the convo shown, he said it was a good thing she had a pass to the final because the public would vote her out first chance. It's my understanding that she only told Ash obliquely about her past. She asked him not to tell anyone else in the house but did admit to sleeping with a married man in a 3some & when he asked why, she said because it was her "job"
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 2:38 am
I PM'd chitchat
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 6:23 am
Helen was awarded a "pass to the finals", but they never said it was guaranteed or unrevokable. I guess I assumed (or hoped) that a future PHM would possibly have the power to remove it or transfer it to somebody else. I always thought it was very fishy how Pauline awarded it to Helen after being in there 1 night. Did Pauline know her history? They didn't seem all that close at that point from what little we were shown. It seemed like they only got close AFTER Pauline gave her the pass.
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 6:58 am
Thank you Will and Kitt.
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 7:14 am
I wondered about that too Flagg, how Pauline gave that pass to Helen not knowing her very well. Again, I'm for conspiracy and Pauline was tutored by Big Brother on how to go about this pass, maybe telling Pauline that it's only temporary and things may change later on and so Pauline had no problem with that at all.
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 10:46 am
Thank you, Will, for the info! I did catch that conversation with Ash about her "job". I agree with Spunky and Flagg about the conspiracy theories. And if Pauline wasn't tutored outright, BB may have laid it on thick about Helen being a single mother after giving birth at 15, having financial troubles, etc. to trigger Pauline's sympathies as a fellow mother. Loved Ashleigh saying -- about tonight's eviction -- "I hope Danielle doesn't wear those false eyelashes again - they make her look like a transvestite." Totally agree! 
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 10:47 am
I think Helen spoke almost immediately about having a daughter, and that's what Pauline latched on to, young mum, doing it for her child... I don't know how much they'd talked, but it was an easy thing to latch on to, particularly when you don't know anyone very well. Welcome Uncle Ricky! 