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| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 2:38 pm
If anyone is watching BOTS, who is the gal with the dark hair. She was a BB housemate at one time.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 2:42 pm
lol, I think it's just a black print line across his shirt, but it certainly looks like a strap! The brunette is Casey, the one who was kind of used by Lee, before he fell for the pretty one (Sam?).
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 2:47 pm
Ding dong the witch is out,the wicked witch, wicked witch... ding dong the wicked witch is OUT!!! Cricket, the audience didn't vote for the PHM this week, the housemates did. I also hope Toya is the one up rather than Matthew - although I think he'd be safe in a public vote. Christopher will be safe also. I hope they get rid of Steven next week.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 2:56 pm
I have a feeling that the public will be the ones choosing which of the power couple are going to be up for eviction, at least I hope that is how they will chosen.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:00 pm
Rylan's trying hard, but Pauline's not understanding any of the criticism. I think so too Amy, using that app thing. 
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:08 pm
Thanks, Kitt. I saw that, but I thought they were just letting the housemates choose for the heck of it. I did look @ it but didn't see Toya having the majority of votes. Relooked and I see her little group got her through. I can't believe Ashleigh didn't choose Kim, but the way it's worked out that might be a good thing. I thought Ashleigh and Kim were friends. If Ashleigh thinks she's all that hanging with the loud big dogs, she's going to be surprised it won't help her one bit.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:11 pm
Rylan's doing a decent job, Kitt, but this woman just won't take responsibility for her bad behavior.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:13 pm
Botts is so good today. The woman named Vanessa is going after Pauline. So good!
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:16 pm
Vanessa can be annoying, but she has her useful moments!
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:20 pm
Found out the dark-haired gal's name. It's Casey. She tells Pauline because she was the PHM the first week the others seemed intimidated by her, but Pauline says, "Oh no, we went around saying we were the happiest house ever" (what??) to which Casey replied something about that's not how it's seen with all the yelling and stuff and went on to say, "Basically, if you're friends with Helen, you're going to get evicted." Bingo!
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:23 pm
I just opened Morty's tv and the side show was on streaming and listened to Pauline justifying her behaviour in the house. So, she's gone, I guess even the English public is somewhat like in the US, they don't like to keep controversial housemates. I was led to believe it was not so in England. Oh well...
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 3:30 pm
They like to keep controversial housemates, but not mean ones. Pauline, like most bullies, only went after the weaker ones. Brits do not like that at all.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 6:36 pm
Upcoming shows, times are board time (PT) Sat 21 1-2pm BB Sat 21 3-4pm Bit On The Psych Sun 22 1-2pm BB Mon 23 2-3pm BB Mon 23 3-4pm BOTS Tue 24 2-3pm BB Tue 24 3-4pm BOTS Wed 25 2-3pm BB Wed 25 3-4pm BOTS Thu 26 2-3pm BB Thu 26 3-4pm BOTS Fri 27 1-2.30pm BB: Live Eviction Fri 27 2.30-3.30pm BOTS Sat 28 1-2pm BB Sat 28 3-4pm BOTP Sun 29 1-2pm BB Mon 30 2-3pm BB Mon 30 3-4pm BOTS
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 9:39 pm
Pauline not only bullied but made the others fear being on the other end if they didn't back her up. As Tamara said, she was scared of her. I'm so glad she's gone, I do hope it shakes the house up. Stormie, I think you are probably right about Pauline laying low while her clique complained about Christopher hoping the target would move to him. They picked on him so much, he went a little nuts even. I made sure to note the time change here on the forum but forgot myself. I have a BB alarm set up but it was for the later hour. BB 1 hour earlier apparently on Fri Sat & Sun.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 10:29 am
I think that Rylan did the best job anyone could, putting Pauline's feet to the fire. The woman is impossible to reason with. She just yaps and yaps and talks over people so that she doesn't have to hear anything that's said to her. I feel for her son.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 11:28 am
I also feel for her son, Puzzled. When asked if she was the same at home with her son as she was in the BB House with the HM's, she replied: "You'll have to ask him." Umm, I'm thinking he'd be scared to death to answer truthfully. Thanks so much for the schedule, Kitt. I like the new Friday schedule much better than the first eviction schedule.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 1:24 pm
ROFLMAO! I'm watching tonight's episode and Mark was feeling psychic. Talked to BB and said he saw Pauline's body in the tea leaves. BB then asked if Pauline didn't go, would Mark feel maybe his psychic powers were going, but nope, Mark says they would then have to change the brand of tea. Unbelievable! I can't stop laughing.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 2:07 pm
Kim is walking a fine line right now. She helped Helen steal a bottle of wine (she's playing Helen and trying to stay in her good graces) and then out comes Steven with 2 beers, a glace of wine and something else. Ash, Helen, Kim & Steven are sitting outside when Jale came out asking about the wine (I think.) They all said they didn't have any (all knew they did.) Helen then goes into a little bit of Jale bashing. Helen's idea is that if you have a 'personality' in this house, you get booted. Says now Jale will think she's queen bee. Helen's idea of personality is weird. What she needs is a personality transplant. Another laugh re Mark. After earlier talking to Helen he goes to talk to Matthew and kept saying, "I know, I know re Helen. " Mark: Tea leaves? (lol) Mark says, "No, I KNOW" when they were talking about Helen acting as she does because she's got a pass to the final. They said if she was ever able to be nommed, she'd be gone. Mark and his tea leaves are cracking me up. He follows the power, so I guess he could be called a floater?
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 8:33 pm
Edit to above post: After earlier talking to Helen he goes to talk to Matthew and kept saying, "I know, I know re Helen. " Mark: Tea leaves? (lol) Mark says, "No, I KNOW" when they were talking about Helen...." It should state: "Matthew: Tea leaves?" not Mark. It's funny how these HG's just accept Mark's tea leaves readings.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 11:44 pm
I can't help but like Mark. He comes up with some nasty things sometimes but he's good to watch. Yeah, not sure about Kimberly either. She seemed too smart to merge with the dark side, I guess Steven pulled her in.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 1:24 pm
Kitt, Kimberly seems so strong and Steven so weak, I just don't get the connection unless it's complete gameplay. I really enjoyed A Bit on the Psych last night. Great show. Only problem watching that & BOTS is you see part of the next day's show.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 1:39 pm
Were Toya & Matt able to be nommed this week, and if so, were the HG's informed about this? When they were assigned it was stated that one of them would go up for eviction? Who decides that?
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 1:43 pm
I came into tonight's episode late and Toya is kicking off yet again. This is hilarious. Everyone is fairly calm, just a bit surprised by the nominations announcement, and Toya stands up and blurts out "Everyone just needs to calm the f*** down!" and then she wonders why Ash and Winston take offense at her screaming at everyone.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 4:20 pm
I was on Toya's side in the argument, bc Winston and Ash jumped to conclusions, then Marlon pipes in and all three of them called her names--they were acting very childish to me. I didn't think what Toya said was so bad, 'calm the f down,' but the other's just went after her. But had they listened, they may have found out why she and Matt chose who they did, rather than fly off the handle and cause a big argument; the HMs chose Toya as the PHM, she didn't choose herself. This week's first nominee was of course Jale, then on Friday Toya and Matthew added Christopher. On today's show, after the HM's nominated (except Matt and Toya), the nom's added were: Danielle Ash Chris Marlon Kimberly Steven Winston But then it was revealed that the PHMs (Toya and Matthew), were tasked to choose three HMs whose nom's were discarded. And they were Ash, Marlon and Winston. Because of that, Kimberly was no longer up for nom. So, after that, this week the noms were: Jale Christopher Danielle Ash Chris Marlon Kimberly Steven Winston But then, as twist, which wasn't aired, but I found on a clip, so I'll put it in the spoiler thread.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 5:15 pm
Oops, Kimberly's name should be off the second list in my post above.