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| Saturday, June 14, 2014 - 10:35 pm
Yes! Thank you so much for the spoiler, Stormie. Perfect nom. These silly housemates need to watch what they say because it seems there is a nom a day and they aren't done all at once, so threats may get you nommed. I need to ask if it's okay to put spoilers here, as I used to enjoy Kitt's spoilers so much. If anyone watches the feeds live there are articles at the bottom of the page which include spoilers, so..if we have some info, is it necessary to put it in a spoiler box? I only ask, because if some don't want spoilers, I'll have to learn how to use the spoiler box. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, so someone let me know, please. I agree with both of you about Pauline. I just about died when she apologized to Danielle before the eviction for possibly getting Danielle evicted over whom she thought would go, Jale, because of their fight that morning. The joke was on Pauline. I agree that she's so silly to keep going after Jale when Jale is nommed every week already. Her new target is Christopher and I don't believe she would have even tried to talk to him on today's show had she not been on the nomination block. The whole plategate was ridiculous. Pauline is scary.
| Saturday, June 14, 2014 - 11:13 pm
Spunky keep watching. Actually the UK comps/tasks are much harsher and longer lasting than the US versions. In the UK BB people actually get removed for bad behavior. Several times people in the US version have said and done things that would have had them removed from the UK house. Last year the US BB might have lost half the house if US BB was as strict as UK BB. Chris needs to join in the speculating about who could have the power. He just listens to everyone pointing fingers at who it might be. He needs to accuse Helen or even Mark to put the heat off of himself.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 6:14 am
The lack of cheesy competitions is one of the things I like the most about BBUK over BBUS. The main reason they have them on BBUS is because they copied most of the format from Survivor back in 2001 when Survivor S1 was HUGE and BBUS1 failed miserably. Plus the short comps allow them to follow the same set-in-stone formula that BBUS has basically followed for 12 years now. The UK/AU style tasks force them to work together, its more housemates VS BB while on BBUS there is no BB.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 10:03 am
Spunky, I have to agree with the others here, BBUK's competitions are called "tasks" and can last for days some are legendary. They don't always compete against each other but usually work together. Later in the series they usually break it down into competing teams. Someone said that the nominated HM couldn't be PHM - can anyone confirm or deny this statement? Has anyone seen the voting app? If that's true, then Jale will never be able to be PHM & that doesn't seem quite fair but I guess having someone PHM & being evicted would nullify the powers of course it could always be given to #2 vote getter.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 10:12 am
I don't have first hand knowledge but it was reported in various places that the nominees are not eligible for PHM. At least for last week. I'm sure that could change.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 1:24 pm
Mathew definitely called it when he said Mark was the least intelligent housemate. So far now practically every time he gets any air time he is going on about this or that "smiling assassin". He must be trying to start a catch-phrase or something because I have heard that term out of him on at least 4 or 5 occasions, and he doesn't get that much air time. Or else he just doesn't have anything else to talk about.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 1:44 pm
This is hilarious how they are planning revenge on the secret PHM. Whats there to get revenge for? Its a game and BB is forcing this person to do it. I really dont get why so many of them are acting like its some kind of terrible personal attack.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 8:25 pm
I know Flagg. I'm watching the show now and yesterday Pauline was just sure it was revenge. Today, it's tactical. She keeps saying that over and over. I guess it will never dawn on her that it's HER. It's hilarious how not knowing who the PH person is driving them all crazy. I think Christopher has a good attitude about it. They should treat the PH person like they do noms and if anyone talks about who it could be, they get a punishment. Is there a jail this year?
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 9:01 pm
Another issue BB1 had here was that we seemed to be just the exact opposite of audiences in other countries- instead of making it a point to keep the troublemakers in the house, we voted them out, so the last month of the show was extremely boring (to the point where they offered the HG's $50K for one of them quit so they could send in a new HG, and they all refused)- in the heyday of BBUK, I was afraid the audience at the live shows were going to storm the stage... The one thing though the US has really never done is bring in intruders; HG's may get a chance to come back in after being evicted, or might switch places with their twin sister, but we've never had a totally new person come in mid-game. Kitt- actually you had that sorta backwards on the Australian BB- The original network it was on was the lower-rated one, the new version is on one of the higher-rated networks.. You want to bet that the task this week will be for the other HM's to figure out who the PHM is? If they don't figure it out, are on basic rations next week, and then they find out after the fact, Chris is definitely going to be nominated next week...
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 9:35 pm
Wilson I didn't talk about the Aussie BB... I don't mind spoilers at all in this thread, but I know in the past a particular poster (who no longer posts) hounded me endlessly about it, so it might not be to everyone's tastes. Maybe the extra thread someone started is a good compromise. (Btw, the official board guidelines say it's not a spoiler once an official source has released the information, so usually the only real BB spoilers are if someone takes a photo of an evictee in the few minutes before it airs.) I wish BB would keep their promises in some situations, I'd feel very bad for the PP if BB revealed it, and I think it would stop future PPs making honest decisions instead of political ones. Plus I don't want them being any more mean to Chris.
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 10:31 pm
Sorry Kitt, I misread it- it was willwillbee who said that AusBB had moved to a low budget station- the station isn't low-budget, though the show is...
| Sunday, June 15, 2014 - 10:46 pm
Ooops, my bad assumption but my point was that BBAU was discarded with no one wanting it for 4 years, BBUK was discarded by ch4, I fear ch5 will ruin the ratings so badly no one will want it & discard it like ch4 did. The show is being tedious at the moment & I wouldn't blame casual viewers from turning off the show. They only have 9 days before they have to compete with BBUS. I personally believe that there is no such thing as a BB spoiler since it's suppose to play out in real time *but* it's not fair to those that don't want to be spoiled, so I created another thread for anyone wanting to discuss what hasn't been viewed on the air. I refuse to wait to discuss issues because someone hasn't had a chance to watch a recording of the show though lol.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 10:00 am
I dont mind BB spoilers in the least. Its not like it really matters anyway, its a corny reality show not a movie or TV drama where spoilers really can ruin the experience. Once its broadcast its not a spoiler, but I think info in some of the advance clips on the official site might be considered spoilers here.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 10:50 am
Maybe then we keep this thread for general and post show discussion, and things from clips or twitter go in the other one. Good observation by Chris about Steven (yesterday's show), he seems mature but he must be quite young because he's never met anyone like Pauline before! I would like Pauline to go, but if she doesn't then Steven.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 12:26 pm
Please don't split the thread in to multiples. If it were me I would take all the conversation about the sale of channel 5 to the thread that was created when it was announced and leave all the actual talk about the show happenings here. There has never been an issue with spoilers before so I don't think the way things are posted here needs to change. If anything, because of the way the show airs for people in other countries I appreciate what people are calling spoilers. Just my opinion.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 2:15 pm
Another funny Mark stupidity moment on tonight's episode... Matthew and Mark are outside.Matthew is saying how dumb it is that everyone thinks its Chris because he is nominating them on how they are with Jale. Says how Chris has a mind of his own and thats a stupid reason. Mark blurts out "Oh my gawwwwd! My mind just tweaked on sumthin! He's nominatin' them on how they treat Jale!" Matthew just gives him a strange look.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 2:23 pm
(Btw, the official board guidelines say it's not a spoiler once an official source has released the information, so usually the only real BB spoilers are if someone takes a photo of an evictee in the few minutes before it airs.) That's my take on it as well Kitt, especially due to the fact that in the U.S. we are 4, 6, 7 (I think?) and the nightly shows are usually highlight of the prev. day, so update spoilers are posted on BB official sites even to keep up to date. Having said that do not miss the beginning of tonight's word - Pauline. She's going to completely lose it soon. What has surprised me is that Mark is distancing himself from her when I though it would be Steven, but he professed his complete adoration ofr her while he cried in her arms last night. Aye yi yi. Steven keeps threatening what will happen when they find out who PHM is this week, but BB won't tell, will they? Jale gave me a laugh when she said she was scaling the fence if the HG's found out who the PHM is this week. I hope they don't keep nomming, because I don't want the vote diluted so much Pauline might actually stay. Actually there is another nom today, and the way they went about it was very interesting. Flagg, I died laughing when Mark stated that about Jale. I wonder if that's why Toya actually apologized to Jale for not responding to Jale's good morning. Sheesh.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 2:55 pm
Mark was on the reality show "Shipwrecked" back in 2009
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 3:01 pm
Helen has become so vile, she's hard to watch. Is there any way BB will warn her about her constant nasty comments about Jale? Will it be possible for BB to give her 3 strikes and boot her..or are we going to have to listen to her until the finals?
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 3:10 pm
Mark on Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands 2009

| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 3:17 pm
The final tally is SIX people up for nomination. Looks like they really want to save Pauline so they loaded it up to dilute the vote. So its Jale, Pauline, Christopher, Steven, Ash, Marlon Luckily its a vote to EVICT so it will surely still be Pauline. But dont be surprised if a couple of the others get a nasty edit this week. Rylan just announced on BOTS that BB is NOT going to reveal the identity of the secret power housemate "for the foreseeable future".
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 3:32 pm
Yay, must be that way for the PHM to be able to nom the right people. I forgot Marlon was nommed. I so wish it were only 4 total. On BOTS they are saying it would be good if Jale got the power, but that might never happen. Because she is nommed every week, is possible for her to get the power?
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 3:33 pm
OMG, I remember Shipwrecked--it was a shipwreck and was pulled early. Pauline says over and over how open and forthright she is. When someone does that it's almost always a sure sign that they aren't, although they wish to be.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 3:42 pm
Actually shipwrecked was on for 8 series between 2000 and 2011. wasn't pulled early enough apparently.
| Monday, June 16, 2014 - 4:07 pm
I am so happy it's a vote to evict because in a vote to save it certainly wouldn't be Pauline. I think Steven will get some votes, maybe Christopher, and of course lots to Pauline. I don't remember seeing Ash much, and Marlon hasn't bothered me (since his stupid VT) so I have my fingers crossed. Be interesting to see who has fewest votes, because I would guess Jale (with character) would have more than Ash or Marlon (without much character). I wonder if Chris actually is targeting people on how they treat Jale. It would be a good way to both make sure the not so nice people are up and push the suspicion towards Jale. I think Helen is allowed to say anything offensive she wants unless it involves key words (racist, homophobic etc.) or is actually addressed at Jale at which point it is considered bullying. I think she can more or less say anything she wants to others about Jale. I hardly did any of my stack of tidying last week because of BB and BOTS so I really must buckle down and be useful. Might get a little behind for a while!