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Archive through June 11, 2014

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: Big Brother : UK 2014: BBUK summer series starts in June 2014: Archive through June 11, 2014 users admin

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Monday, June 09, 2014 - 2:09 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Live special is just BB announcing the nominees (Jale, Danielle and Tamara) and then showing Pauline's killer nomination (and her thought process) to the house.

Pauline nominates Jale to be up for eviction every week until she's evicted or wins (or, as Marlon just pointed out, "until Big Brother changes it").

Pauline's power trip is over and she is no longer the Power Player. The next Power Player will be chosen over the next few days but will remain secret to the housemates (cue viewer vote, I assume).



Monday, June 09, 2014 - 4:39 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Are viewers choosing the Power Player? I am so glad that it's secret. I hope it's Jale lol!

Danielle was the one who sold her story about being Dexter Koh's (last yr's HM) gf & about his 5" "designer" penis. So much for her no premarital sex rule, but maybe they didn't. I do hope she's the one that goes - she doesn't even make the drama interesting, she just makes it all about her & I find her annoying.

I was glad to see that everyone got at least one nomination.



Monday, June 09, 2014 - 5:04 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Danielle also constantly interrupts the others while talking... when she's talking... the rest of the time she seems to be craving attention.

If you look here it's the voting info page. Before they went in the hms posed for am "I'm up for eviction" photo, look at Danielle's! It's a "who me, why would you vote for me?" photo, compared to the others' "nooooooooo" photos!

I can't see anything about voting for the Power Player, the way they phrased it made me think it would be a viewer vote, but maybe it's a competition.



Monday, June 09, 2014 - 6:24 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spunky a private message Print Post    
I watched this show out of curiosity, the launch was pretty good but then I simply got bored with the houseguests and especially the 'lousy' voice of Big Brother, maybe I still remember the Aussie version and this British one doesn't come close to the exciting house down under. So far there were no competitions and nominations happened in such a chaotic way that I simply lost interest as to who got nominated. Maybe when the crowd will be smaller I may follow with more interest.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 6:27 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Kitt, I can't imagine the PP being a competition, then everyone would know who won & it wouldn't be much of a secret.

Only people with smartphones & a special app had 2 min to elect Pauline PP - I wouldn't be surprised if that will be SOP. Are smartphones that prevalent among BBUK fans? It seems that pinpoints a specific demographic.

Spunky, I agree, BBUK's first week is slow. People are being introduced and on their best behaviour. Cliques haven't officially formed but it's something you have to watch from the beginning to the end to appreciate.

The HM have picked out Jale to victimize & the Great British Public *hate* bullies & will support her. If she remains worthy, the GBP will keep her in. The other HM will worry that they are being portrayed as bullies or will try to get to know Jale & finally accept her. Just as her confidence rises, she will do something unacceptable & the public will vote her out.

It's necessary to watch the progression of the characters. BBUK is not comparable to BBUK or BBUS. BBUK has been more evil in the past, especially in the Ch4 years. The HM end up not knowing who to trust.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 6:28 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Puzzled a private message Print Post    
Well, Danielle really blew her "lady" act, calling someone a bleeping tw*t. I don't like the way Pauline is going around gossiping about the hamsters she doesn't like. After last night, I think that Helen really is a nasty bit of work.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 10:58 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
Yeah, I didn't think it through, it can't be a secret if it's a competition. After BB said "in a few days" or whatever it was I thought it would be a vote, but there's nothing on their website to suggest that. With no live show between now and Friday I don't know how or why they would do a short vote. Maybe they'll announce after tonight's show.

EVERYONE under 50 in the UK has a smartphone. But I don't know how many would bother to vote in a short window, I think that targets a smaller demographic of teenagers. Yet they voted Pauline for the first PP, I don't know if the "old" one would have been the natural choice for teenagers.

Yesterday it seemed like Pauline had stepped back from her criticism of Chris (to focus on Jale) but clearly it was a bit too late for some (see Steven's nomination). It will be interesting to see how Pauline is without the power, particularly now some of them are resentful of her picking people for her parties.

I think Danielle will be out this week. I think Jale's safe due to cultural reasons (people prefer the "rough" stereotype) and because she's being picked on a bit. I don't think Tamara will pick up many votes for her own sake, but I'm hoping they will vote for her as a vote against Danielle.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 11:51 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
While the pass to finals is a bad idea, I like the "killer nomination", especially since Pauline picked the most obvious target.

Im hoping Jale stays in for quite a while, perhaps she will get some sympathy votes.

But the good thing is, since the obvious target is already nominated, nobody can vote for her. The easy scapegoat target is nominated already so they will have to nominate somebody else.

Its a vote to EVICT this season so yea, it will probably be Danielle out. With the edit she's getting its pretty much a done deal.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 2:32 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Its funny how they are all so positive that Jale will go. They will be in for a nice surprise on Friday night when Danielle goes to massive booing.

She's not doing herself any favors with the nasty attitude she is showing after she is nominated.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 2:41 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Is anyone else watching tonight's episode?
I missed when Danielle was talking and am wondering what she actually said or if Steven was right and she made the comment about how she was nominated because she "doesn't act like a slag."

This is why I don't like watching live. No rewind.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 2:53 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Apparently from what I have read on other forums, she definitely said it. On the show Kimberly said she heard her say it but Danielle denied it.

I have to say, Kimberly is entirely too calm, composed and rational for this show.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 4:25 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I'll watch it later and see if I can hear. That conversation happened during yesterday's live show, but right in the middle of an advert break. They came back and they were shouting at Danielle for saying it, but they didn't show what she actually said live. Hopefully it's clearer in the show.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 4:28 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Mamapors a private message Print Post    
Sometimes I feel like they show the same thing on the live shows. I find myself saying, wait, I already saw this. With it only being an hour, and no feeds, at least make it new content.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 7:51 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
They had a edited piece at the beginning of BOTS that definitely showed Danielle saying exactly what Steven said she did.

If she wasn't already gone on Friday, that little outburst made sure of it.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 9:07 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
I didn't know it was a vote to evict, that'll be a nice change, see how it works.

Yep, Danielle's a goner.



Tuesday, June 10, 2014 - 9:53 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Stormie a private message Print Post    
I think that Danielle was just venting. It wasn't a nice thing to say, but I thought it may have been more about herself, rather than the others. Danielle's a glamor model, maybe her anger was more about an internal battle of who she is, wants to be and her religious beliefs, that is, maybe it was a reflection of a personal struggle and the dichotomy she lives in, rather than the other HMs or the nominations. Although it could be a game plan, but either way, I don't think she deserved Helen getting in her face the way she did.

I thought that Steven was an instigator, he took a part of what Danielle said, then used it against her by gossiping, but to me he made himself look ridiculous. And Helen took the gossip so personally and went after Danielle. They both said really terrible things to each other in the argument, but had Helen just ignored the gossip, she would not have made herself look bad at all, even in part; Helen went after Danielle, not the other way around. I, though, would keep Danielle in, just to see what happens between them, if anything at all.

I'm not sure I have a favorite yet, though, I had liked Pauline, until she tried to make new Chris look bad; it wasn't necessary for her to go around blowing out of proportion what Chris said in his VT, now I wonder if she is playing a game full stop. I do like Mark so far, he seems nice--hey, he could be psychic, lol. I also like Jale, I think she's really fun and genuine, and I thought she took her always nommed status very well. And I also like Toya, who also seems genuine and fun to be around. This is going to be a really interesting season.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 8:46 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
You're too kind, Stormie! I don't think Danielle's a nice person, too full of her own importance and too unaccommodating of anyone else. Maybe Steven shouldn't have spread what he heard, but he did say it accurately which is unusual in BB! I'm sure Danielle regrets it and I feel a bit sorry for her there, but the whole outburst seemed thoroughly in keeping with what we've seen of her character.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 8:53 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Stormie, I think you are right, I bet Danielle has inner demons - trying to be a good catholic while selling her body for lingerie shoots or Xrated web chats that she's done. I would think the Xrated web chats would turn her off & make the "banter" feel threatening.

I found her headless shots on her twitter profile disturbing. I think she's trying to distance herself from her body.

I really believe that her anger & disgust is real but it may be contrived also. I am betting Danielle was coached by last year's HM Dexter or followed his game plan. I just can't imagine that it's just a coincidence that they were together & she sold stories on him & now they've both been in the house. I'm sure he's told her she needed an "angle" to get in the house & the nun who sells her body is a different angle.

I'm afraid that she'll walk if she's not evicted. She doesn't seem to be capable of dealing with people & seems to be on the verge of imploding.

I think/hope Jale is safe. I love that she no longer has to filter herself to avoid nominations. I'm surprised that she's trying to mend relationships in the house but I wouldn't want to spend weeks/months battling with people over minor BS.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 9:20 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
IMPORTANT STUFF - needs our support

BBUK was sold to MTV & the ratings keep slipping. At it's height, it had 6-9mil viewers. Launch had 2mil but ratings have dropped below 1 mil. If the ratings keep dropping BBUK could be scrapped again.

MTV/Endemol are questioning the need for live feed but ch5 has been reluctant - there is a poll at Digital Spy asking about who wants live feed (that is being monitored by MTV/Endemol). If anyone could post a yes, it would be greatly appreciated.

This also will insure that the live streaming of the show continues. Almost all of our recorded sources have been closed down & I'm betting soon there may be no sources.

I would love to ask the BBUS fans to support BBUK by signing the poll but would be concerned with violating this sites TOS. Even if BBUS fans don't watch other BB, if BB starts getting shut down in other countries, that may sound the end of BB everywhere.

I wish all BBUS fans had the opportunity to check out BBUK & BBAU. I love the differences in the other houses, I wouldn't want them all to be the same. I kind of love the full on game aspect of BBUS, but love the mindtrip of BBUK and still love the light fun of BBAU but wouldn't want the other houses to emulate any other.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 10:12 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Stormie, I think you are right, I bet Danielle has inner demons - trying to be a good catholic while selling her body for lingerie shoots or Xrated web chats that she's done. I would think the Xrated web chats would turn her off & make the "banter" feel threatening

Will, I was very confused how she justified what she does for a living with her religious beliefs also. I can't get it.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 10:27 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Kitt a private message Print Post    
With Danielle it's not like she's suddenly found God and these trangressions, if you like, were in the past, they're what she currently does. Why does she do them if she thinks it's wrong, and more importantly, why does she judge others who do similar things so harshly? She can choose her own path but it's condemning others' that gets to me.

Yep, I'm also suspicious Dexter had something to do with shaping Danielle's story.

I'll seek out that poll, Willwillbe.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 11:24 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
Yep, Danielle's a goner.

Kitt, I'm hoping Tamara goes to weaken Helen. She is not coming across as a nice person and I'm not liking her group at all. The guys are so juvenile. I find I'm liking the loners and small groups much better. I especially like Toya. She seems very level-headed, except for the blue lipstick, lol.

Re Danielle, she has somehow convinced herself that these poses aren't sex. Yes, she does (or did) think highly of herself, but I don't think she was judging others because what they do, but rather the explicit sex talk that was going on. Maybe it shocked her and she was angry she got nommed because she didn't like it and she must be one who can't hold back and let's it out. If she stays, she may learn.

Now she knows to just remover herself. I've never seen a UK group talk like this right off the bat. It's looking more like a U.S. version, which is sad.

I'm not liking Pauline much anymore. She should have targeted someone who will never be nommed, but she made it personal.

How long will Helen be in the how many people do the Finals begin?

I see Pauline getting nommed next week.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 11:47 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Flagg a private message Print Post    
Its Viacom (owner of MTV, among others), and they bought Channel 5, not Big Brother.
Channel 5 doesnt own BB, they license it from Endemol like everybody else who runs a BB version.

CH5's current 2 year BB deal runs out this year so of course they may not renew it, but that has nothing to do with MTV.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 3:05 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Cricket a private message Print Post    
I'm really off on my timing of the live show this year. It just finished CT, so I guess it comes on @ 4:00 PM CT, but for some reason I keep thinking 3:00 PM from last year.

In reading DS posts during today's episode I keep seeing peeps post they want Tamara to go because Danielle brings the drama. What would happen if Jale actually went? Would the next Power person get to nominate someone to be constantly nommed every week?

They announced at the end of today's show that the public would vote for the next power person. I only caught the end, so what was the game they played about?

Also, something seems to be going on between Jale/Toya and Marlon. I completely missed that one.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 4:03 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Willwillbee a private message Print Post    
Cricket, you are confused about the time because they change it all the time. It was 3pm CST the first few days (unless it was 3:30pm) Friday & Sunday it will be on at 3pm again.

I'm assuming the game you asked about was the one with the shocks? It was just a part of this week's positivity task. I wish they "chose" the person by shocking them first before saying who they chose, so they weren't so prepared.

I'm glad the public is voting for the PP. I hope it's Jale!!

Of course, Flagg, you are absolutely correct. I called Viacom, MTV which is not correct but I assume everyone knew MTV & wouldn't be so familiar with Viacom. Also by calling Viacom, MTV, it reminds folks that these folks are heavily in the reality TV show business. They bought ch5 who currently own the BB license & I assume they have first crack at renewing the license.

Viacom/MTV may not renew the contract that is ending this year, especially if the ratings tank on this series. Ratings have dropped by 50% in the first week, not a good sign.

According to a BB poster who has been in contact with ch5 over the live feed the past few years, claims to now be in contact with folks from Viacom/MTV & Endemol/BB & believes a showing of support will sway opinions. If BB's viewership dies this series, I doubt much could save it.